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# [dragonchasers]( GH60 layout
Layout derived from the default GH60 keymap.
![Photo of the keyboard](
## Layers
### Base Layer
|Esc~| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 0| -| =|Backsp |
|Tab | Q| W| E| R| T| Y| U| I| O| P| [| ]| \ |
|FN | A| S| D| F| G| H| J| K| L| ;| '|Return |
|Shift | Z| X| C| V| B| N| M| ,| .| /| Up |FN |
|Ctrl|Gui |Alt | Space |Alt |Left |Down|Right|
Note: right FN triggers function layer,
left FN(CAPS) is a one-shot button for the macro layer
### Function Layer
|GRV|F1 |F2 |F3 |F4 |F5 |F6 |F7 |F8 |F9 |F10|F11|F12| DEL |
| MB3|MB2|MUP|MB1|MWU| | | |INS| |RST| | |Print|
| | ML|MDN|MR |MWD| | | | | | | |
|CAPS | | | | | | | | | | |PGUP| |
| | | | |Ctrl|HOME|PGD |END |
### Macro Layer
|DEF| |DUE| | | | | | | | | |GAM| ARR|
| |MAG|CLO|DUT|RBS|TIG| | | |COU|PSH| | | |
| |ADD|STS|DFF|FTC|PLL| | |LOG| | | |
| | | |COM| |BRN| | | | |MUT|VOL+|PLPA|
| | | | |APP |PREV|VOL-|NEXT|
DEF - return to default layer
DUE - enable git duet mode
GAM - backlight WASD
ARR - backlight arrows
MAG - git submodule sync --recursive \
&& git submodule update --init --recursive \
&& git submodule foreach --recursive "git co . \
&& git reset --hard && git clean -dffx"
CLO - git clone
DUT - git duet (when in duet mode)
RBS - git rebase
TIG - tig
COU - git checkout
PSH - git push
ADD - git add
STS - git status
DFF - git diff
FTC - git fetch
PLL - git pull
LOG - git log
COM - git commit (or git duet commit if in duet mode)
BRN - git branch
MUT - audio mute
VOL+ - increase volume
PLPA - play/pause
APP - application (windows menu key)
PREV - previous song
VOL- - decrease volume
NEXT - next song
Note: git commands are SEND_STRING macros sent to the
currently focused window Make sure it is your terminal :)
**NOTE:** an outdated version of this keymap is also present for the Satan keyboard, which is no longer maintained since I could not get my hands on a properly working PCB.