
Jordan Orelli 10 years ago
parent 151096793b
commit 39554c85a7

@ -16,13 +16,79 @@ compatibility at this time.
# Design
A Moon file is a human-readable description of an unordered collection of
key-value pairs. Parsing a Moon document always yields either a Moon Document
key-value pairs. Parsing a Moon file always yields either a Moon Document
or an error.
The top level of a Moon document contains a series of key-value pairs separated with a colon:
![Assignment Diagram](grammar/diagram/Assign.png)
name: Jordan
age: 29
# Terminal characters
![Terminal Characters Diagram](grammar/diagram/Terminal.png)
The following characters are defined as being terminal characters: `[`, `]`,
`{`, `}`, `:`, `;`, `#` and `\n`. Unless escaped or quoted, terminal characters
terminate any value that precedes them.
# Printable characters
![Printable Characters Diagram](grammar/diagram/PrintChar.png)
A printable character is defined as being any Unicode character in the
categories L (letters), N (numbers), M (marks), S (symbols), and P
(punctuation), with the exception of previously mentioned terminal characters.
# Graphic characters
![Graphic Characters Diagram](grammar/diagram/GraphicChar.png)
A Graphic character is defined as being a Printable character or whitespace
character. This includes all of the characters in the unicode category Z, with
the exception of the newline character, which is considered a terminal
# Identifiers
![Identifier Diagram](grammar/diagram/Identifier.png)
Any run of printable characters may describe an identifier. That is, any
sequence of letters and numbers may describe an identifier. Identifiers may not contain spaces. Identifiers may
contain characters outside of the ASCII range without needing any special
escaping. This includes accented letters, marks, and emoji. The following are
valid identifiers:
# Values
![Value Diagram](grammar/diagram/Value.png)
A Value may represent a variety of types. Moon defines the following value
types: strings, numbers, durations, variables, objects, and lists.
# Strings
Strings come in two flavors: bare strings and quoted strings.
A bare string is defined as being any run of graphic characters.
![Bare String Diagram](grammar/diagram/Bare_String.png)
Since the newline character is excluded from the graphic characters, a bare string is terminated at the first unescaped newline.
# Types
Moon defines the following types:

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Variable ::= "@" Identifier
Bare_String ::= (GraphicChar | ("\" Char)) +
Quoted_String ::= '"' ([^"\] | "\" Char) * '"'
| "'" ([^'\] | "\" Char) * "'"
Comment ::= '#' PrintChar +
Comment ::= '#' GraphicChar +
Integer ::= [+-] ? Digit +
Integer ::= [+-] ? ([1-9] Digit + | [0])
Hex ::= [+-] ? "0" [xX] (Digit | [a-fA-F]) +
Octal ::= [+-] ? "0" [0-7] +
Float ::= [+-]? Digit+ ("." Digit +)? ([eE] [+-] ? Digit +)?

Binary file not shown.


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