Jordan Orelli 10 years ago
parent 6cf5cb63a0
commit 0e84073d4a

@ -46,6 +46,30 @@ var helpCommand = &Command{
name: "help",
help: "helpful things to help you",
handler: func(conn *Connection, args ...string) {
msg := `
Star Dragons is a stupid name, but it's the name that Brian suggested. It has
nothing to do with Dragons.
Anyway, Star Dragons is a game of cunning text-based, real-time strategy. You
play as some kind of space-faring entity, faring space in your inspecific
space-faring vessel. If you want a big one, it's big; if you want a small one,
it's small. If you want a pink one, it's pink, if you want a black one, it's
black. And so on, and so forth. It is the space craft of your dreams. Or
perhaps you are one of those insect-like alien races and you play as the queen.
Yeah, that's the ticket! You're the biggest baddest queen bug in space.
In Star Dragons, you issue your spacecraft (which is *not* called a Dragon)
textual commands to control it. The objective of the game is to be the first
person or alien or bug or magical space ponycorn to eradicate three enemy
species. Right now that is the only win condition.
All of the systems present in Star Dragons are named and positioned after known
exoplanet systems. When attempting to communicate from one star system to
another, it takes time for the light of your message to reach the other star
systems. Star systems that are farther away take longer to communicate with.
msg = strings.TrimSpace(msg)
if len(args) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(conn, `use the "commands" command for a list of commands.`)
fmt.Fprintln(conn, `use "help [command-name]" to get info for a specific command.`)

@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ func (c *Connection) Login() {
if err := player.Create(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(c, "godspeed, %s.\n", player.name)
fmt.Fprintf(c, "you look new around these parts, %s.\n", player.name)
fmt.Fprintf(c, `if you'd like a description of how to play, type the "help" command`)
} else {
c.player = player
fmt.Fprintf(c, "welcome back, %s.\n", player.name)
