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# clyde
A command-line shell for Windows.
## examples
In all examples, the Clyde prompt is written as follows:
### Run a built-in command
Built-in commands are invoked by executing them with a bare string
c:\dev\clyde ▷ cd src
c:\dev\clyde\src ▷
### Run an external command
External commands are invoked in the same way:
c:\dev\clyde ▷ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
### Run commands back to back
To run two commands back to back, separate them with a semicolon. Note that
this interaction is entirely unconditional: the second command executes
regardless of whether the first command succeeded or not.
c:\dev\clyde ▷ echo one; echo two