@ -1,132 +1,128 @@
use crate::{error::Error, key, log::*};
use crate::{
error::{Error, InputError},
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use macros::escapes;
use std::{
use windows::Win32::Foundation::HANDLE;
cell::{RefCell, RefMut},
use windows::Win32::System::Console;
fn log_input_mode(mode: Console::CONSOLE_MODE) {
// Characters read by the ReadFile or ReadConsole function are written to the active screen
use windows::Win32::{Foundation::HANDLE, System::Console};
// buffer as they are typed into the console. This mode can be used only if the
// ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode is also enabled.
if (mode & Console::ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT).0 > 0 {
debug!("Echo Input: Enabled");
} else {
debug!("Echo Input: Disabled");
// When enabled, text entered in a console window will be inserted at the current cursor
/// retrieves a Windows Console handle using the Win32 apis
// location and all text following that location will not be overwritten. When disabled, all
fn stdin_handle() -> Result<HANDLE> {
// following text will be overwritten.
unsafe {
if (mode & Console::ENABLE_INSERT_MODE).0 > 0 {
let handle = Console::GetStdHandle(Console::STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
debug!("Insert Mode: Enabled");
.context("unable to get stdin handle")?;
} else {
debug!("Insert Mode: Disabled");
// The ReadFile or ReadConsole function returns only when a carriage return character is read.
// If this mode is disabled, the functions return when one or more characters are available.
if (mode & Console::ENABLE_LINE_INPUT).0 > 0 {
debug!("Line Input Mode: Enabled");
} else {
debug!("Line Input Mode: Disabled");
// If the mouse pointer is within the borders of the console window and the window has the
/// checks to see whether the raw underling console input record is the beginning of an escape
// keyboard focus, mouse events generated by mouse movement and button presses are placed in
/// sequence
// the input buffer. These events are discarded by ReadFile or ReadConsole, even when this mode
fn is_escape_start(record: &Console::INPUT_RECORD) -> bool {
// is enabled. The ReadConsoleInput function can be used to read MOUSE_EVENT input records from
if record.EventType as u32 == Console::KEY_EVENT {
// the input buffer.
unsafe {
if (mode & Console::ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT).0 > 0 {
let event = record.Event.KeyEvent;
debug!("Mouse Input: Enabled");
event.wVirtualKeyCode == 0 && event.uChar.UnicodeChar == 27 && event.bKeyDown.as_bool()
} else {
debug!("Mouse Input: Disabled");
// CTRL+C is processed by the system and is not placed in the input buffer. If the input buffer
// is being read by ReadFile or ReadConsole, other control keys are processed by the system and
// are not returned in the ReadFile or ReadConsole buffer. If the ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode is
// also enabled, backspace, carriage return, and line feed characters are handled by the
// system.
if (mode & Console::ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT).0 > 0 {
debug!("Processed Input: Enabled");
} else {
} else {
debug!("Processed Input: Disabled");
// This flag enables the user to use the mouse to select and edit text. To enable this mode,
// use ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE | ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS. To disable this mode, use
// ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS without this flag.
if (mode & Console::ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE).0 > 0 {
debug!("Quick Edit Mode: Enabled");
} else {
debug!("Quick Edit Mode: Disabled");
// User interactions that change the size of the console screen buffer are reported in the
/// checks to see if a record is indicating the end of an escape sequence
// console's input buffer. Information about these events can be read from the input buffer by
fn is_escape_done(record: &Console::INPUT_RECORD) -> bool {
// applications using the ReadConsoleInput function, but not by those using ReadFile or
if record.EventType as u32 == Console::KEY_EVENT {
// ReadConsole.
unsafe {
if (mode & Console::ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT).0 > 0 {
let event = record.Event.KeyEvent;
debug!("Window Input: Enabled");
event.wVirtualKeyCode == 0 && event.uChar.UnicodeChar == 27 && !event.bKeyDown.as_bool()
} else {
} else {
debug!("Window Input: Disabled");
// Setting this flag directs the Virtual Terminal processing engine to convert user input
/// attempts to convert a record into a character that would appear in an escape sequence
// received by the console window into Console Virtual Terminal Sequences that can be retrieved
fn as_escape_character(record: &Console::INPUT_RECORD) -> Option<char> {
// by a supporting application through ReadFile or ReadConsole functions.
if record.EventType as u32 != Console::KEY_EVENT {
// The typical usage of this flag is intended in conjunction with
// ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING on the output handle to connect to an application that
// communicates exclusively via virtual terminal sequences.
if (mode & Console::ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT).0 > 0 {
debug!("Virtual Terminal Input: Enabled");
} else {
} else {
debug!("Virtual Terminal Input: Disabled");
unsafe {
let n = record.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar as u32;
let c = char::from_u32(n);
fn stdin_handle() -> Result<HANDLE> {
/// checks to see if a console record is indicating that the control key has been pressed or
/// depressed. Note that this has no analogue in the vt100 specification, this is purely a Windows
/// thing.
fn as_ctrl_toggle(record: &Console::INPUT_RECORD) -> Option<bool> {
if record.EventType as u32 == Console::KEY_EVENT {
unsafe {
unsafe {
let handle = Console::GetStdHandle(Console::STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
let event = record.Event.KeyEvent;
.context("unable to get stdin handle")?;
if event.wVirtualKeyCode == 17 {
return Some(event.bKeyDown.as_bool());
/// a handle to a terminal's stream of input events. This is analagous to the input portion of a
/// vt100 tty terminal.
/// This implementation specifically is implementing the Windows API for Console input.
/// In the Windows Console API, console inputs are communicated using struct values having type
/// [INPUT_RECORD](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/input-record-str).
pub struct Reader {
pub struct Reader {
input: HANDLE,
input: HANDLE,
// this area in memory is where the Windows API will write events read off of the keyboard.
buf: [Console::INPUT_RECORD; 32],
// the number of valid input record items in the buf since last read
buf_len: u32,
// the position of our current indexer into the input record buffer
buf_idx: usize,
/// this scratch buffer is used as a shared memory location for communicating with the kernel.
/// When we request input records, the windows kernel writes them into this buffer.
scratch: [Console::INPUT_RECORD; 32],
/// A lookahead buffer of unprocessed events. If we request input events from Windows and there
/// are more than one event, we put the unprocessed events into this lookahead buffer to reduce
/// the number of syscalls we're making.
lookahead: VecDeque<Console::INPUT_RECORD>,
/// whether or not the control key is pressed, i think?
ctrl: bool,
ctrl: bool,
pub(crate) escapes: EscapeCursor,
impl Reader {
impl Reader {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
let escapes = build_prefix_tree();
let v = Self {
let v = Self {
buf: [Console::INPUT_RECORD::default(); 32],
scratch: [Console::INPUT_RECORD::default(); 32],
buf_len: 0,
lookahead: VecDeque::new(),
buf_idx: 0,
input: stdin_handle()?,
input: stdin_handle()?,
ctrl: false,
ctrl: false,
pub fn reset(&self) -> Result<()> {
pub fn reset(&self) -> Result<()> {
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/setconsolemode
let mut mode = Console::CONSOLE_MODE(0);
let mut mode = Console::CONSOLE_MODE(0);
unsafe {
unsafe {
// set the console's code page to 65001, which is the code page for utf-8
let handle = stdin_handle()?;
// retrieve the current console mode
Error::check(Console::GetConsoleMode(handle, &mut mode))?;
Error::check(Console::GetConsoleMode(self.input, &mut mode))?;
// allow terminal input characters
// allow terminal input characters
@ -143,202 +139,157 @@ impl Reader {
// enable mouse input
// enable mouse input
mode |= Console::ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT;
mode |= Console::ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT;
Error::check(Console::SetConsoleMode(handle, mode))?;
// enable reporting of window resize events
Error::check(Console::GetConsoleMode(handle, &mut mode))?;
mode |= Console::ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT;
// debug!("Stdin details:");
// log_input_mode(mode);
Error::check(Console::SetConsoleMode(self.input, mode))?;
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Event> {
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Event> {
let rec = self.next_rec()?;
let record = self.next_record()?;
if rec.EventType as u32 == Console::KEY_EVENT {
if let Some(ctrl_toggle) = as_ctrl_toggle(&record) {
self.ctrl = ctrl_toggle;
debug!("ctrl {on}", on = if self.ctrl { "ON" } else { "OFF" });
return self.next();
// This is a little weird but on a vt100 terminal, when you held down control you could
// send ascii values directly. So ctrl-a is actually the ascii value of 1, which is the
// "start of heading" character, and ctrl-d is actually the ascii value of 4, which is the
// "end of transmission" character.
// Now the way that the Windows Console api works is that it sends events for both key down
// and key up. Here's the rub: the vt100 did not send any key up events. The vt100 didn't
// send anything at all if you tapped and released control, but the Windows Console api
// would send a ctrl key down and ctrl key up event.
if self.ctrl && record.EventType as u32 == Console::KEY_EVENT {
unsafe {
unsafe {
let event = rec.Event.KeyEvent;
let key_event = record.Event.KeyEvent;
if event.wVirtualKeyCode == 0 && event.uChar.UnicodeChar == 27 {
if key_event.bKeyDown.as_bool() {
return Ok(self.next_escape_sequence()?);
match ControlCharacter::try_from(key_event) {
Ok(c) => return Ok(Event::Control(c)),
Err(e) => warn!("{:?}", e),
if event.wVirtualKeyCode == 17 {
self.ctrl = event.bKeyDown.as_bool();
debug!("ctrl {}", event.bKeyDown.as_bool());
if is_escape_start(&record) {
let escape = self.next_escape_sequence()?;
return Ok(Event::Escape(escape));
fn log_recs(&mut self) {
let event: Event = record.into();
debug!(" +---------------------+");
if matches!(event, Event::Key(key::Event { down: false, .. })) {
for i in 0..self.buf_len {
return self.next();
let rec = self.buf[i as usize];
let e: Event = rec.into();
match e {
Event::Key(k) => debug!(" | {} |", k),
_ => debug!(" | {:<14?} |", &e),
debug!(" +---------------------+");
/// reads the next INPUT_RECORD value from the underlying Windows Console file descriptor.
fn next_record(&mut self) -> Result<Console::INPUT_RECORD> {
if let Some(record) = self.lookahead.pop_front() {
return Ok(record);
fn next_rec(&mut self) -> Result<Console::INPUT_RECORD> {
let mut num_read: u32 = 0;
if self.buf_idx as u32 >= self.buf_len {
// request records from windows
unsafe {
unsafe {
&mut self.buf,
&mut self.scratch,
&mut self.buf_len,
&mut num_read,
debug!("• {}", self.buf_len);
let records = &self.scratch[0..num_read as usize];
self.buf_idx = 0;
debug!("{num_read} records:");
for record in records {
let rec = self.buf[self.buf_idx];
if record.EventType as u32 == Console::KEY_EVENT {
self.buf_idx += 1;
unsafe {
return Ok(rec);
let key: key::Event = record.Event.KeyEvent.clone().into();
debug!(" {key}");
fn next_escape_sequence(&mut self) -> Result<Event> {
match self.next_escape_char()? {
'[' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'A' => Ok(Event::Up),
'B' => Ok(Event::Down),
'C' => Ok(Event::Right),
'D' => Ok(Event::Left),
'H' => Ok(Event::Home),
'F' => Ok(Event::End),
'1' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'3' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
';' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'5' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'u' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("13;5u"))),
e => Err(Error::input_error(format!(
"[13;5 unexpected escape char: {}",
e => Err(Error::input_error(format!(
"[13; unexpected escape char: {}",
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[13 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
'5' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'~' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("[15~ - F5"))),
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[15 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
'7' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'~' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("[17~ - F6"))),
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[17 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
'8' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'~' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("[18~ - F7"))),
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[18 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
'9' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'~' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("[19~ - F8"))),
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[19 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
e => {
Err(Error::input_error(format!("[1 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into())
} else {
'2' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
debug!(" -");
'0' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'~' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("[20~ - F9"))),
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[20 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
'1' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'~' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("[21~ - F10"))),
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[20 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
'3' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'~' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("[23~ - F11"))),
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[23 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
'4' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'~' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("[24~ - F12"))),
e => Err(
Error::input_error(format!("[24 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into(),
e => {
Err(Error::input_error(format!("[2 unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into())
e => Err(Error::input_error(format!("[ unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into()),
'O' => match self.next_escape_char()? {
'P' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("OP - F1"))),
'Q' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("OQ - F2"))),
'R' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("OR - F3"))),
'S' => Ok(Event::Drop(String::from("OS - F4"))),
e => Err(Error::input_error(format!("O unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into()),
e => Err(Error::input_error(format!("unexpected escape char: {}", e)).into()),
fn next_escape_char(&mut self) -> Result<char> {
fn next_escape_sequence(&mut self) -> Result<Escape> {
let rec = self.next_rec()?;
if rec.EventType as u32 != Console::KEY_EVENT {
loop {
let record = self.next_record()?;
Error::input_error("failed to read char in escape sequence: not a key event")
if is_escape_start(&record) {
if is_escape_done(&record) {
if self.escapes.is_at_root() {
return Ok(Escape::Empty);
} else {
} else {
unsafe {
let n = rec.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar as u32;
let c = char::from_u32(n);
c.ok_or_else(|| {
let c = as_escape_character(&record).ok_or(InputError::BadEscapeSequence)?;
let msg = format!("escape key value is not a valid unicode character: {}", n);
if let Some(escape) = self.escapes.step(c) {
return Ok(escape);
/// Event represents all of the events that may be seen as input by the shell process. Note that
/// the set of events described here includes both in-band and out of band events, which is because
/// that's how it works in the vt100 spec. It's a little funky but that's because it's reflecting a
/// spec from the 70's.
pub enum Event {
pub enum Event {
/// The process has received focus
/// This is a windows Menu event. This might be skippable?
/// A Key press. Key events associate to keys on the keyboard that are typically in-band, that
/// is, they're associated with specific characters
/// an event from the user's mouse, such as a mouse movement or click
Mouse { x: i16, y: i16 },
Mouse { x: i16, y: i16 },
/// a resize event to inform us that the visual window of our process has changed
/// A decoded ANSI Escape Sequence. At the Terminal level, an Escape sequence is defined by a
/// string of characters instead of just one character. Escape Sequences are used to
/// communicate a variety of edit-related functionality such as navigation.
/// An ASCII Controll Character.
const ALT_KEYS: u32 = 0x0002 | 0x0001;
impl fmt::Display for Event {
const CTRL_KEYS: u32 = 0x0008 | 0x0004;
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
const SHIFT_PRESSED: u32 = 0x0010;
use Event::*;
match self {
Key(k) => write!(f, "Event<Key {k}>"),
Control(c) => write!(f, "Event<Control {c:?}>"),
Escape(e) => write!(f, "Event<Escape {e:?}>"),
Focus(true) => write!(f, "Event<focus>"),
Focus(false) => write!(f, "Event<unfocus>"),
Menu(n) => write!(f, "Event<Menu {n}>"),
Mouse { x, y } => write!(f, "Event<Mouse {x},{y}>"),
Size => write!(f, "Event<Size>"),
impl From<Console::INPUT_RECORD> for Event {
impl From<Console::INPUT_RECORD> for Event {
fn from(rec: Console::INPUT_RECORD) -> Self {
fn from(rec: Console::INPUT_RECORD) -> Self {
@ -353,24 +304,7 @@ impl From<Console::INPUT_RECORD> for Event {
let event = rec.Event.MenuEvent;
let event = rec.Event.MenuEvent;
Console::KEY_EVENT => {
Console::KEY_EVENT => unsafe { Event::Key(rec.Event.KeyEvent.clone().into()) },
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
unsafe {
let event = rec.Event.KeyEvent;
let mstate = event.dwControlKeyState;
let c = char::from_u32(event.uChar.UnicodeChar as u32).unwrap_or('💀');
Event::Key(key::Event {
down: event.bKeyDown.as_bool(),
repeats: event.wRepeatCount,
code: key::CODES[event.wVirtualKeyCode as usize],
alt: mstate & ALT_KEYS > 0,
ctrl: mstate & CTRL_KEYS > 0,
shift: mstate & SHIFT_PRESSED > 0,
char: c,
Console::MOUSE_EVENT => {
Console::MOUSE_EVENT => {
// OK I think it's safe to ignore these events since we're using the terminal
// OK I think it's safe to ignore these events since we're using the terminal
// escape sequences. I think we never see them because terminal.exe is going to
// escape sequences. I think we never see them because terminal.exe is going to
@ -395,6 +329,161 @@ impl From<Console::INPUT_RECORD> for Event {
pub struct EscapeCursor {
target: Rc<EscapeNode>,
root: Rc<EscapeNode>,
pub enum EscapeNode {
Root {
children: RefCell<Vec<Rc<EscapeNode>>>,
Nonterminal {
c: char,
children: RefCell<Vec<Rc<EscapeNode>>>,
Terminal {
c: char,
v: Escape,
impl EscapeNode {
pub fn new() -> EscapeCursor {
let root = Rc::new(EscapeNode::Root {
children: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
EscapeCursor {
target: Rc::clone(&root),
fn char(&self) -> char {
match self {
EscapeNode::Nonterminal { c, .. } | EscapeNode::Terminal { c, .. } => *c,
_ => panic!(),
fn children(&self) -> RefMut<Vec<Rc<EscapeNode>>> {
match self {
EscapeNode::Root { children } | EscapeNode::Nonterminal { children, .. } => {
_ => panic!(),
fn child(&self, c: char) -> Option<Rc<EscapeNode>> {
for child in self.children().iter_mut() {
if child.char() == c {
return Some(Rc::clone(child));
fn child_nonterminal(&self, c: char) -> Rc<EscapeNode> {
for child in self.children().iter_mut() {
if child.char() == c {
return Rc::clone(child);
let child = Rc::new(EscapeNode::Nonterminal {
children: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
fn add_child_terminal(&self, c: char, v: Escape) {
for child in self.children().iter_mut() {
if child.char() == c {
let child = Rc::new(EscapeNode::Terminal { c, v });
impl EscapeCursor {
fn step(&mut self, c: char) -> Option<Escape> {
debug!("step: {c}");
let child = self.target.child(c).unwrap();
match child.as_ref() {
EscapeNode::Terminal { v, .. } => {
_ => {
self.target = child;
fn add_step(&mut self, c: char) {
match self.target.child(c) {
Some(child) => self.target = child,
None => {
self.target = self.target.child_nonterminal(c);
fn add_terminal(&mut self, c: char, v: Escape) {
self.target.add_child_terminal(c, v);
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.target = Rc::clone(&self.root);
fn is_at_root(&self) -> bool {
Rc::ptr_eq(&self.target, &self.root)
fn insert(&mut self, sequence: &str, v: Escape) {
let mut chars = sequence.chars().peekable();
loop {
let c = chars.next().unwrap();
if chars.peek().is_none() {
self.add_terminal(c, v);
macro_rules! escapes {
($($sequence:literal $variant:tt)*) => {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Escape {
pub fn build_prefix_tree() -> EscapeCursor {
let mut tree = EscapeNode::new();
let v = Escape::$variant;
tree.insert($sequence, v);
escapes! {
escapes! {
"[A" Up
"[A" Up
"[B" Down
"[B" Down
@ -406,16 +495,16 @@ escapes! {
"[5~" PageUp
"[5~" PageUp
"[6~" PageDown
"[6~" PageDown
"[13;2u" Shift_Enter
"[13;2u" ShiftEnter
"[13;5u" Ctrl_Enter
"[13;5u" CtrlEnter
"[13;6u" Ctrl_Shift_Enter
"[13;6u" CtrlShiftEnter
"[1;2P" Shift_F1
"[1;2P" ShiftF1
"[1;2Q" Shift_F2
"[1;2Q" ShiftF2
"[1;5P" Ctrl_F1
"[1;5P" CtrlF1
"[1;6P" Ctrl_Shift_F1
"[1;6P" CtrlShiftF1
"[1;3P" Alt_F1
"[1;3P" AltF1
"[1;4P" Shift_Alt_F1
"[1;4P" ShiftAltF1
"OP" F1
"OP" F1
"OQ" F2
"OQ" F2
@ -423,10 +512,96 @@ escapes! {
"OS" F4
"OS" F4
"[15~" F5
"[15~" F5
"[15;2~" Shift_F5
"[15;2~" ShiftF5
"[17~" F6
"[17~" F6
"[18~" F7
"[18~" F7
"[19~" F8
"[19~" F8
"[20~" F9
"[24~" F12
"[24~" F12
"[53;5u" Ctrl_Shift_5
"[53;5u" CtrlShift5
/// a control character
pub enum ControlCharacter {
impl TryFrom<Console::KEY_EVENT_RECORD> for ControlCharacter {
type Error = InputError;
fn try_from(v: Console::KEY_EVENT_RECORD) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if !v.bKeyDown.as_bool() {
return Err(InputError::ControlCharactersOnlyGoDownNotUp);
use ControlCharacter::*;
unsafe {
match v.uChar.AsciiChar.0 {
0 => Ok(Null),
1 => Ok(StartOfHeading),
2 => Ok(StartOfText),
3 => Ok(EndOfText),
4 => Ok(EndOfTransmission),
5 => Ok(Enquiry),
6 => Ok(Acknowledge),
7 => Ok(Bell),
8 => Ok(Backspace),
9 => Ok(Tab),
10 => Ok(Linefeed),
11 => Ok(VTab),
12 => Ok(FormFeed),
13 => Ok(CarriageReturn),
14 => Ok(ShiftOut),
15 => Ok(ShiftIn),
16 => Ok(DataLinkEscape),
17 => Ok(DeviceControl1),
18 => Ok(DeviceControl2),
19 => Ok(DeviceControl3),
20 => Ok(DeviceControl4),
21 => Ok(NegativeAcknowledge),
22 => Ok(SynchronousIdle),
23 => Ok(EndOfTransmissionBlock),
24 => Ok(Cancel),
25 => Ok(EndOfMedium),
26 => Ok(Substitute),
27 => Ok(Esc),
28 => Ok(FileSeparator),
29 => Ok(GroupSeparator),
30 => Ok(RecordSeparator),
31 => Ok(UnitSeparator),
n => Err(InputError::UnrecognizedControlCharacter(n)),