Jordan Orelli jordan

thing for querying elasticsearch

Updated 1 year ago

an http server that generates images

Updated 1 year ago

sandbox for pentesting bbcode parsers

Updated 1 year ago

toy app for sending and receiving encrypted messages

Updated 1 year ago

dota2 replay parser (WIP)

Updated 1 year ago

observe OSX application launch events in Go via a cgo->Objective-C bridge

Updated 1 year ago

example gRPC client-server pair with a Qt UI, entirely in Go

Updated 1 year ago

desktop web server: an http file server with a Cocoa UI

Updated 1 year ago

keyboard controller firmware for Atmel AVR and ARM USB families

Updated 1 year ago

example proxy for turning OSC messages over UDP into a TCP stream

Updated 1 year ago

simple http server

Updated 1 year ago

a configuration language for Go projects

Updated 1 year ago

multiplayer text-based real time strategy

Updated 1 year ago

unfinished pizza delivery driver game for school

Updated 1 year ago

unfinished 2.5d unity sidescroller for school

Updated 1 year ago