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p5.multiplayer - HOST
This 'host' sketch is intended to be run in desktop browsers.
It connects to a node server via, from which it receives
rerouted input data from all connected 'clients'.
Navigate to the project's 'public' directory.
Run http-server -c-1 to start server. This will default to port 8080.
Run http-server -c-1 -p80 to start server on open port 80.
// Network Settings
// const serverIp = '';
// const serverIp = '';
const serverIp = '';
const serverPort = '3000';
const local = true; // true if running locally, false
// if running on remote server
// Global variables here. ---->
// <----
function preload() {
function setup () {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// Host/Game setup here. ---->
// <----
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function draw () {
if(isHostConnected(display=true)) {
// Host/Game draw here. --->
// <----
// Display server address
function onClientConnect (data) {
// Client connect logic here. --->
console.log( + ' has connected.');
// <----
function onClientDisconnect (data) {
// Client disconnect logic here. --->
console.log( + ' has disconnected.');
// <----
function onReceiveData (data) {
// Input data processing here. --->
// <---
/* Example:
if (data.type === 'myDataType') {
Use `data.type` to get the message type sent by client.