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p5.multiplayer - CLIENT
This 'client' sketch is intended to be run in either mobile or
desktop browsers. It sends a basic joystick and button input data
to a node server via This data is then rerouted to a
'host' sketch, which displays all connected 'clients'.
Navigate to the project's 'public' directory.
Run http-server -c-1 to start server. This will default to port 8080.
Run http-server -c-1 -p80 to start server on open port 80.
// Network Settings
// const serverIp = '';
// const serverIp = '';
const serverIp = '';
const serverPort = '3000';
const local = false; // true if running locally, false
// if running on remote server
// Global variables here. ---->
// Initialize GUI related variables
let gui = null;
let button = null;
let joystick = null;
let joystickRes = 4;
let thisJ = {x: 0, y: 0};
let prevJ = {x: 0, y: 0};
// Initialize Game related variables
let playerColor;
let playerColorDim;
// <----
function preload() {
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// Client setup here. ---->
gui = createGui();
// <----
// Send any initial setup data to your host here.
sendData('myDataType', {
val1: 0,
val2: 128,
val3: true
Use `type` to classify message types for host.
sendData('playerColor', {
r: red(playerColor)/255,
g: green(playerColor)/255,
b: blue(playerColor)/255
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function draw() {
if(isClientConnected(display=true)) {
// Client draw here. ---->
// <---
// Messages can be sent from a host to all connected clients
function onReceiveData (data) {
// Input data processing here. --->
if (data.type === 'timestamp') {
// <----
/* Example:
if (data.type === 'myDataType') {
Use `data.type` to get the message type sent by host.
// GUI setup
function setPlayerColors() {
let hue = random(0, 360);
playerColor = color(hue, 100, 100);
playerColorDim = color(hue, 100, 75);
function setupUI() {
// Temp variables for calculating GUI object positions
let jX, jY, jW, jH, bX, bY, bW, bH;
// Rudimentary calculation based on portrait or landscape
if (width < height) {
jX = 0.05*width;
jY = 0.05*height;
jW = 0.9*width;
jH = 0.9*width;
bX = 0.05*windowWidth;
bY = 0.75*windowHeight;
bW = 0.9*windowWidth;
bH = 0.2*windowHeight;
else {
jX = 0.05*width;
jY = 0.05*height;
jW = 0.9*height;
jH = 0.9*height;
bX = 0.75*windowWidth;
bY = 0.05*windowHeight;
bW = 0.2*windowWidth;
bH = 0.9*windowHeight;
// Create joystick and button, stylize with player colors
joystick = createJoystick("Joystick", jX, jY, jW, jH);
handleRadius: joystick.w*0.2,
fillBg: color(0),
fillBgHover: color(0),
fillBgActive: color(0),
strokeBg: playerColor,
strokeBgHover: playerColor,
strokeBgActive: playerColor,
fillHandle: playerColorDim,
fillHandleHover: playerColorDim,
fillHandleActive: playerColor,
strokeHandleHover: color(255),
strokeHandleActive: color(255)
joystick.onChange = onJoystickChange;
button = createButton("Interact", bX, bY, bW, bH);
textSize: 40,
fillBg: playerColorDim,
fillBgHover: playerColorDim,
fillBgActive: playerColor
button.onPress = onButtonPress;
// Input processing
function onJoystickChange() {
thisJ.x = floor(joystick.val.x*joystickRes)/joystickRes;
thisJ.y = floor(joystick.val.y*joystickRes)/joystickRes;
if (thisJ.x != prevJ.x || thisJ.y != prevJ.y) {
let data = {
joystickX: thisJ.x,
joystickY: thisJ.y
sendData('joystick', data);
prevJ.x = thisJ.x;
prevJ.y = thisJ.y;
function onButtonPress() {
let data = {
button: button.val
sendData('button', data);
/// Add these lines below sketch to prevent scrolling on mobile
function touchMoved() {
// do some stuff
return false;