class Game { constructor (w, h) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.players = {}; this.numPlayers = 0; = 0; this.spawner = new ZombieSpawner({ game: this, minX: 0, maxX: w, minY: 0, maxY: 0, }); this.zombies = []; this.burgers = []; this.moneys = []; = new Store({ x: width * 0.25, y: height - 128, width: 128, height: 128, }); = new Bank({ x: width * 0.75, y: height - 128, width: 128, height: 128, }); } add (id, x, y, w, h) { let player = new Player({ game: this, id: id, x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, }) this.players[id] = player; print( + " added.");; this.numPlayers++; } update() { this.burgers.forEach(b => b.update()); this.zombies.forEach(z => z.update()); for (let id in this.players) { let player = this.players[id]; player.update(); for (let zombie of this.zombies) { if (player.overlaps(zombie)) { zombie.kill(); player.kill(); } } for (let money of this.moneys) { if (player.moneys < player.maxMoneys && player.overlaps(money)) { money.kill(); player.moneys++; console.log(["player picked up money", player]); } } } for (let burger of this.burgers) { for (let zombie of this.zombies) { if (burger.overlaps(zombie)) { burger.kill(); let money = new Money(zombie.position.x, zombie.position.y); this.moneys.push(money); console.log(["adding money", money]); zombie.kill(); break; } } } this.zombies = this.zombies.filter(z => !z.isDead()); this.burgers = this.burgers.filter(b => !b.isDead()); this.moneys = this.moneys.filter(m => m.alive); } draw() { this.update();*0.25 - 64, height - 128 - 32, 128, 128);*0.75 - 64, height - 128 - 32, 128, 128); for (let id in this.players) { let player = this.players[id]; player.draw(); } this.zombies.forEach(z => z.draw()); this.burgers.forEach(b => b.draw()); this.moneys.forEach(m => m.draw()); this.drawScores(); if (debug) { this.drawEntityCounts(); } } drawScores() { if (this.numPlayers == 0) { return; } let x = 16; let y = 48; let rowHeight = 32; let rowWidth = 128; let scores = []; for (let id in this.players) { let player = this.players[id]; scores.push(player); } scores.sort((p1, p2) => { return p2.score - p1.score; }); let row = 0; for (let player of scores) { tint(Colors.Purple); image(player.image, x, y + row * rowHeight, 32, 32); textSize(24); fill(Colors.Purple); noStroke(); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); text(player.score, x + 42, y + row * rowHeight + 4); row++; } noFill(); stroke(Colors.Purple); strokeWeight(2); rect(x, y, rowWidth, rowHeight * row, 4, 4, 4, 4); } drawEntityCounts() { let x = width - 128; let y = 32; let w = 96; let rows = [ ["players", Object.keys(this.players).length], ["zombies", this.zombies.length], ["burgers", this.burgers.length], ["moneys", this.moneys.length], ]; textSize(18); noStroke(); fill("#FF0000"); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { let row = rows[i]; textAlign(RIGHT, BOTTOM); text(row[0], x + w*0.5 - 8, y + i*20); textAlign(LEFT, BOTTOM); text(row[1], x + w*0.5 + 8, y + i*20); } } remove (id) { delete this.players[id]; this.numPlayers--; } checkId (id) { if (id in this.players) { return true; } else { return false; } } buttonInput(id, val) { console.log(["game sees button input", [id, val]]); let player = this.players[id]; if (player && val) { if (player.overlaps( { player.buyBurger(); } else if (player.overlaps( { player.makeDeposit(); } else { player.throwBurger(); } } } joystickInput(id, x, y) { let player = this.players[id]; if (player) { player.joystickInput(x, y); } } addZombie(zombie) { this.zombies.push(zombie); } addBurger(id) { let player = this.players[id]; if (player) { let burger = new Burger(player.position.x, player.position.y); console.log(["adding burger", burger]); this.burgers.push(burger); } } }