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/* Copyright 2017 Jason Williams
* Copyright 2017 Jack Humbert
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "rgb_matrix.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "TWIlib.h"
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "progmem.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "lufa.h"
#include <math.h>
rgb_matrix_config g_config = {
.enabled = 1,
.brightness = 255,
.effect = 7,
.color_1 = { .h = 130, .s = 255, .v = 255 },
.color_2 = { .h = 70, .s = 255, .v = 255 },
.caps_lock_indicator = { .color = { .h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255 }, .index = 255 },
.layer_1_indicator = { .color = { .h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255 }, .index = 255 },
.layer_2_indicator = { .color = { .h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255 }, .index = 255 },
.layer_3_indicator = { .color = { .h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255 }, .index = 255 },
bool g_suspend_state = false;
uint8_t g_indicator_state = 0;
// Global tick at 20 Hz
uint32_t g_tick = 0;
// Ticks since this key was last hit.
uint8_t g_key_hit[DRIVER_LED_TOTAL];
// Ticks since any key was last hit.
uint32_t g_any_key_hit = 0;
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265
// Last led hit
uint8_t g_last_led_hit[LED_HITS_TO_REMEMBER] = {255};
uint8_t g_last_led_count = 0;
void map_row_column_to_led( uint8_t row, uint8_t column, uint8_t *led_i, uint8_t *led_count)
rgb_led led;
*led_count = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++) {
// map_index_to_led(i, &led);
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
if (row == led.matrix_co.row && column == led.matrix_co.col) {
led_i[*led_count] = i;
void backlight_update_pwm_buffers(void)
IS31FL3731_update_pwm_buffers( DRIVER_ADDR_1, DRIVER_ADDR_2 );
IS31FL3731_update_led_control_registers( DRIVER_ADDR_1, DRIVER_ADDR_2 );
void backlight_set_color( int index, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue )
IS31FL3731_set_color( index, red, green, blue );
void backlight_set_color_all( uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue )
IS31FL3731_set_color_all( red, green, blue );
void backlight_set_key_hit(uint8_t row, uint8_t column)
uint8_t led[8], led_count;
if (led_count > 0) {
for (uint8_t i = LED_HITS_TO_REMEMBER; i > 1; i--) {
g_last_led_hit[i - 1] = g_last_led_hit[i - 2];
g_last_led_hit[0] = led[0];
g_last_led_count = MIN(LED_HITS_TO_REMEMBER, g_last_led_count + 1);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < led_count; i++)
g_key_hit[led[i]] = 0;
g_any_key_hit = 0;
void backlight_unset_key_hit(uint8_t row, uint8_t column)
uint8_t led[8], led_count;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < led_count; i++)
g_key_hit[led[i]] = 255;
g_any_key_hit = 255;
// This is (F_CPU/1024) / 20 Hz
// = 15625 Hz / 20 Hz
// = 781
// #define TIMER3_TOP 781
void backlight_timer_init(void)
static uint8_t backlight_timer_is_init = 0;
if ( backlight_timer_is_init )
backlight_timer_is_init = 1;
// Timer 3 setup
//TCCR3B = _BV(WGM32) | // CTC mode OCR3A as TOP
// _BV(CS32) | _BV(CS30); // prescale by /1024
// Set TOP value
//uint8_t sreg = SREG;
//OCR3AH = (TIMER3_TOP >> 8) & 0xff;
//OCR3AL = TIMER3_TOP & 0xff;
//SREG = sreg;
void backlight_timer_enable(void)
//TIMSK3 |= _BV(OCIE3A);
void backlight_timer_disable(void)
//TIMSK3 &= ~_BV(OCIE3A);
void backlight_set_suspend_state(bool state)
g_suspend_state = state;
void backlight_set_indicator_state(uint8_t state)
g_indicator_state = state;
void backlight_effect_rgb_test(void)
// Mask out bits 4 and 5
// This 2-bit value will stay the same for 16 ticks.
switch ( (g_tick & 0x30) >> 4 )
case 0:
backlight_set_color_all( 20, 0, 0 );
case 1:
backlight_set_color_all( 0, 20, 0 );
case 2:
backlight_set_color_all( 0, 0, 20 );
case 3:
backlight_set_color_all( 20, 20, 20 );
// This tests the LEDs
// Note that it will change the LED control registers
// in the LED drivers, and leave them in an invalid
// state for other backlight effects.
void backlight_effect_single_LED_test(void)
static uint8_t color = 0; // 0,1,2 for R,G,B
static uint8_t row = 0;
static uint8_t column = 0;
static uint8_t tick = 0;
if ( tick > 2 )
tick = 0;
if ( column > MATRIX_COLS )
column = 0;
if ( row > MATRIX_ROWS )
row = 0;
if ( color > 2 )
color = 0;
uint8_t led[8], led_count;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < led_count; i++) {
backlight_set_color_all( 40, 40, 40 );
backlight_test_led( led[i], color==0, color==1, color==2 );
// All LEDs off
void backlight_effect_all_off(void)
backlight_set_color_all( 0, 0, 0 );
// Solid color
void backlight_effect_solid_color(void)
HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color_all( rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_solid_reactive(void)
// Relies on hue being 8-bit and wrapping
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
uint16_t offset2 = g_key_hit[i]<<2;
offset2 = (offset2<=130) ? (130-offset2) : 0;
HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h+offset2, .s = 255, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
// alphas = color1, mods = color2
void backlight_effect_alphas_mods(void)
RGB rgb1 = hsv_to_rgb( (HSV){ .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness } );
RGB rgb2 = hsv_to_rgb( (HSV){ .h = g_config.color_2.h, .s = g_config.color_2.s, .v = g_config.brightness } );
rgb_led led;
for (int i = 0; i < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++) {
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
if ( led.matrix_co.raw < 0xFF ) {
if ( led.modifier )
backlight_set_color( i, rgb2.r, rgb2.g, rgb2.b );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb1.r, rgb1.g, rgb1.b );
void backlight_effect_gradient_up_down(void)
int16_t h1 = g_config.color_1.h;
int16_t h2 = g_config.color_2.h;
int16_t deltaH = h2 - h1;
// Take the shortest path between hues
if ( deltaH > 127 )
deltaH -= 256;
else if ( deltaH < -127 )
deltaH += 256;
// Divide delta by 4, this gives the delta per row
deltaH /= 4;
int16_t s1 = g_config.color_1.s;
int16_t s2 = g_config.color_2.s;
int16_t deltaS = ( s2 - s1 ) / 4;
HSV hsv = { .h = 0, .s = 255, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
Point point;
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
// map_led_to_point( i, &point );
point = g_rgb_leds[i].point;
// The y range will be 0..64, map this to 0..4
uint8_t y = (point.y>>4);
// Relies on hue being 8-bit and wrapping
hsv.h = g_config.color_1.h + ( deltaH * y );
hsv.s = g_config.color_1.s + ( deltaS * y );
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_raindrops(bool initialize)
int16_t h1 = g_config.color_1.h;
int16_t h2 = g_config.color_2.h;
int16_t deltaH = h2 - h1;
deltaH /= 4;
// Take the shortest path between hues
if ( deltaH > 127 )
deltaH -= 256;
else if ( deltaH < -127 )
deltaH += 256;
int16_t s1 = g_config.color_1.s;
int16_t s2 = g_config.color_2.s;
int16_t deltaS = ( s2 - s1 ) / 4;
HSV hsv;
RGB rgb;
// Change one LED every tick
uint8_t led_to_change = ( g_tick & 0x000 ) == 0 ? rand() % DRIVER_LED_TOTAL : 255;
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
// If initialize, all get set to random colors
// If not, all but one will stay the same as before.
if ( initialize || i == led_to_change )
hsv.h = h1 + ( deltaH * ( rand() & 0x03 ) );
hsv.s = s1 + ( deltaS * ( rand() & 0x03 ) );
// Override brightness with global brightness control
hsv.v = g_config.brightness;;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_cycle_all(void)
uint8_t offset = g_tick & 0xFF;
rgb_led led;
// Relies on hue being 8-bit and wrapping
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
// map_index_to_led(i, &led);
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
if (led.matrix_co.raw < 0xFF) {
uint16_t offset2 = g_key_hit[i]<<2;
offset2 = (offset2<=63) ? (63-offset2) : 0;
HSV hsv = { .h = offset+offset2, .s = 255, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_cycle_left_right(void)
uint8_t offset = g_tick & 0xFF;
HSV hsv = { .h = 0, .s = 255, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
Point point;
rgb_led led;
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
// map_index_to_led(i, &led);
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
if (led.matrix_co.raw < 0xFF) {
uint16_t offset2 = g_key_hit[i]<<2;
offset2 = (offset2<=63) ? (63-offset2) : 0;
// map_led_to_point( i, &point );
point = g_rgb_leds[i].point;
// Relies on hue being 8-bit and wrapping
hsv.h = point.x + offset + offset2;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_cycle_up_down(void)
uint8_t offset = g_tick & 0xFF;
HSV hsv = { .h = 0, .s = 255, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
Point point;
rgb_led led;
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
// map_index_to_led(i, &led);
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
if (led.matrix_co.raw < 0xFF) {
uint16_t offset2 = g_key_hit[i]<<2;
offset2 = (offset2<=63) ? (63-offset2) : 0;
// map_led_to_point( i, &point );
point = g_rgb_leds[i].point;
// Relies on hue being 8-bit and wrapping
hsv.h = point.y + offset + offset2;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_dual_beacon(void) {
HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
rgb_led led;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++) {
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
hsv.h = ((led.point.y - 32.0)* cos(g_tick * PI / 128) / 32 + (led.point.x - 112.0) * sin(g_tick * PI / 128) / (112)) * (g_config.color_2.h - g_config.color_1.h) + g_config.color_1.h;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_rainbow_beacon(void) {
HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
rgb_led led;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++) {
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
hsv.h = 1.5 * (led.point.y - 32.0)* cos(g_tick * PI / 128) + 1.5 * (led.point.x - 112.0) * sin(g_tick * PI / 128) + g_config.color_1.h;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_rainbow_pinwheels(void) {
HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
rgb_led led;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++) {
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
hsv.h = 2 * (led.point.y - 32.0)* cos(g_tick * PI / 128) + 2 * (66 - abs(led.point.x - 112.0)) * sin(g_tick * PI / 128) + g_config.color_1.h;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_rainbow_moving_chevron(void) {
HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
rgb_led led;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++) {
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
// uint8_t r = g_tick;
uint8_t r = 32;
hsv.h = 1.5 * abs(led.point.y - 32.0)* sin(r * PI / 128) + 1.5 * (led.point.x - (g_tick / 256.0 * 224)) * cos(r * PI / 128) + g_config.color_1.h;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_jellybean_raindrops( bool initialize )
HSV hsv;
RGB rgb;
// Change one LED every tick
uint8_t led_to_change = ( g_tick & 0x000 ) == 0 ? rand() % DRIVER_LED_TOTAL : 255;
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
// If initialize, all get set to random colors
// If not, all but one will stay the same as before.
if ( initialize || i == led_to_change )
hsv.h = rand() & 0xFF;
hsv.s = rand() & 0xFF;
// Override brightness with global brightness control
hsv.v = g_config.brightness;;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_multisplash(void) {
// if (g_any_key_hit < 0xFF) {
HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
rgb_led led;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++) {
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
uint16_t c = 0, d = 0;
rgb_led last_led;
// if (g_last_led_count) {
for (uint8_t last_i = 0; last_i < g_last_led_count; last_i++) {
last_led = g_rgb_leds[g_last_led_hit[last_i]];
uint16_t dist = (uint16_t)sqrt(pow(led.point.x - last_led.point.x, 2) + pow(led.point.y - last_led.point.y, 2));
uint16_t effect = (g_key_hit[g_last_led_hit[last_i]] << 2) - dist;
c += MIN(MAX(effect, 0), 255);
d += 255 - MIN(MAX(effect, 0), 255);
// } else {
// d = 255;
// }
hsv.h = (g_config.color_1.h + c) % 256;
hsv.v = MAX(MIN(d, 255), 0);
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
// } else {
// backlight_set_color_all( 0, 0, 0 );
// }
void backlight_effect_splash(void) {
g_last_led_count = MIN(g_last_led_count, 1);
void backlight_effect_solid_multisplash(void) {
// if (g_any_key_hit < 0xFF) {
HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness };
RGB rgb;
rgb_led led;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++) {
led = g_rgb_leds[i];
uint16_t d = 0;
rgb_led last_led;
// if (g_last_led_count) {
for (uint8_t last_i = 0; last_i < g_last_led_count; last_i++) {
last_led = g_rgb_leds[g_last_led_hit[last_i]];
uint16_t dist = (uint16_t)sqrt(pow(led.point.x - last_led.point.x, 2) + pow(led.point.y - last_led.point.y, 2));
uint16_t effect = (g_key_hit[g_last_led_hit[last_i]] << 2) - dist;
d += 255 - MIN(MAX(effect, 0), 255);
// } else {
// d = 255;
// }
hsv.v = MAX(MIN(d, 255), 0);
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
// } else {
// backlight_set_color_all( 0, 0, 0 );
// }
void backlight_effect_solid_splash(void) {
g_last_led_count = MIN(g_last_led_count, 1);
void backlight_effect_custom(void)
HSV hsv;
RGB rgb;
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
backlight_get_key_color(i, &hsv);
// Override brightness with global brightness control
hsv.v = g_config.brightness;
rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
backlight_set_color( i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
void backlight_effect_indicators_set_colors( uint8_t index, HSV hsv )
RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv );
if ( index == 254 )
backlight_set_color_all( rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
backlight_set_color( index, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
// If the spacebar LED is the indicator,
// do the same for the spacebar stabilizers
if ( index == 36+0 ) // LC0
#ifdef CONFIG_ZEAL65
backlight_set_color( 36+7, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b ); // LC7
backlight_set_color( 54+14, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b ); // LD14
backlight_set_color( 36+6, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b ); // LC6
backlight_set_color( 54+13, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b ); // LD13
if ( g_config.use_7u_spacebar )
backlight_set_color( 54+14, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b ); // LD14
// This runs after another backlight effect and replaces
// colors already set
void backlight_effect_indicators(void)
if ( g_config.caps_lock_indicator.index != 255 &&
( g_indicator_state & (1<<USB_LED_CAPS_LOCK) ) )
backlight_effect_indicators_set_colors( g_config.caps_lock_indicator.index, g_config.caps_lock_indicator.color );
// This if/else if structure allows higher layers to
// override lower ones. If we set layer 3's indicator
// to none, then it will NOT show layer 2 or layer 1
// indicators, even if those layers are on via the
// MO13/MO23 Fn combo magic.
// Basically we want to handle the case where layer 3 is
// still the backlight configuration layer and we don't
// want "all LEDs" indicators hiding the backlight effect,
// but still allow end users to do whatever they want.
if ( IS_LAYER_ON(3) )
if ( g_config.layer_3_indicator.index != 255 )
backlight_effect_indicators_set_colors( g_config.layer_3_indicator.index, g_config.layer_3_indicator.color );
else if ( IS_LAYER_ON(2) )
if ( g_config.layer_2_indicator.index != 255 )
backlight_effect_indicators_set_colors( g_config.layer_2_indicator.index, g_config.layer_2_indicator.color );
else if ( IS_LAYER_ON(1) )
if ( g_config.layer_1_indicator.index != 255 )
backlight_effect_indicators_set_colors( g_config.layer_1_indicator.index, g_config.layer_1_indicator.color );
void backlight_rgb_task(void) {
if (!g_config.enabled) {
// delay 1 second before driving LEDs or doing anything else
static uint8_t startup_tick = 0;
if ( startup_tick < 20 )
if ( g_any_key_hit < 0xFFFFFFFF )
for ( int led = 0; led < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; led++ )
if ( g_key_hit[led] < 255 )
if (g_key_hit[led] == 254)
g_last_led_count = MAX(g_last_led_count - 1, 0);
// Factory default magic value
if ( g_config.effect == 255 )
// Ideally we would also stop sending zeros to the LED driver PWM buffers
// while suspended and just do a software shutdown. This is a cheap hack for now.
bool suspend_backlight = ((g_suspend_state && g_config.disable_when_usb_suspended) ||
(g_config.disable_after_timeout > 0 && g_any_key_hit > g_config.disable_after_timeout * 60 * 20));
uint8_t effect = suspend_backlight ? 0 : g_config.effect;
// Keep track of the effect used last time,
// detect change in effect, so each effect can
// have an optional initialization.
static uint8_t effect_last = 255;
bool initialize = effect != effect_last;
effect_last = effect;
// this gets ticked at 20 Hz.
// each effect can opt to do calculations
// and/or request PWM buffer updates.
switch ( effect )
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
backlight_effect_raindrops( initialize );
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
backlight_effect_jellybean_raindrops( initialize );
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
case 17:
if ( ! suspend_backlight )
// void backlight_set_indicator_index( uint8_t *index, uint8_t row, uint8_t column )
// {
// if ( row >= MATRIX_ROWS )
// {
// // Special value, 255=none, 254=all
// *index = row;
// }
// else
// {
// // This needs updated to something like
// // uint8_t led[8], led_count;
// // map_row_column_to_led(row,column,led,&led_count);
// // for(uint8_t i = 0; i < led_count; i++)
// map_row_column_to_led( row, column, index );
// }
// }
void backlight_config_load(void)
eeprom_read_block( &g_config, EEPROM_BACKLIGHT_CONFIG_ADDR, sizeof(rgb_matrix_config) );
void backlight_config_save(void)
eeprom_update_block( &g_config, EEPROM_BACKLIGHT_CONFIG_ADDR, sizeof(rgb_matrix_config) );
void backlight_init_drivers(void)
// Initialize TWI
IS31FL3731_init( DRIVER_ADDR_1 );
IS31FL3731_init( DRIVER_ADDR_2 );
for ( int index = 0; index < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; index++ )
bool enabled = true;
// This only caches it for later
IS31FL3731_set_led_control_register( index, enabled, enabled, enabled );
// This actually updates the LED drivers
IS31FL3731_update_led_control_registers( DRIVER_ADDR_1, DRIVER_ADDR_2 );
// TODO: put the 1 second startup delay here?
// clear the key hits
for ( int led=0; led<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; led++ )
g_key_hit[led] = 255;
// Deals with the messy details of incrementing an integer
uint8_t increment( uint8_t value, uint8_t step, uint8_t min, uint8_t max )
int16_t new_value = value;
new_value += step;
return MIN( MAX( new_value, min ), max );
uint8_t decrement( uint8_t value, uint8_t step, uint8_t min, uint8_t max )
int16_t new_value = value;
new_value -= step;
return MIN( MAX( new_value, min ), max );
void backlight_effect_increase(void)
g_config.effect = increment( g_config.effect, 1, 0, BACKLIGHT_EFFECT_MAX );
void backlight_effect_decrease(void)
g_config.effect = decrement( g_config.effect, 1, 0, BACKLIGHT_EFFECT_MAX );
void backlight_brightness_increase(void)
g_config.brightness = increment( g_config.brightness, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_brightness_decrease(void)
g_config.brightness = decrement( g_config.brightness, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_color_1_hue_increase(void)
g_config.color_1.h = increment( g_config.color_1.h, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_color_1_hue_decrease(void)
g_config.color_1.h = decrement( g_config.color_1.h, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_color_1_sat_increase(void)
g_config.color_1.s = increment( g_config.color_1.s, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_color_1_sat_decrease(void)
g_config.color_1.s = decrement( g_config.color_1.s, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_color_2_hue_increase(void)
g_config.color_2.h = increment( g_config.color_2.h, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_color_2_hue_decrease(void)
g_config.color_2.h = decrement( g_config.color_2.h, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_color_2_sat_increase(void)
g_config.color_2.s = increment( g_config.color_2.s, 8, 0, 255 );
void backlight_color_2_sat_decrease(void)
g_config.color_2.s = decrement( g_config.color_2.s, 8, 0, 255 );
void *backlight_get_custom_key_color_eeprom_address( uint8_t led )
// 3 bytes per color
void backlight_get_key_color( uint8_t led, HSV *hsv )
void *address = backlight_get_custom_key_color_eeprom_address( led );
hsv->h = eeprom_read_byte(address);
hsv->s = eeprom_read_byte(address+1);
hsv->v = eeprom_read_byte(address+2);
void backlight_set_key_color( uint8_t row, uint8_t column, HSV hsv )
uint8_t led[8], led_count;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < led_count; i++) {
if ( led[i] < DRIVER_LED_TOTAL )
void *address = backlight_get_custom_key_color_eeprom_address(led[i]);
eeprom_update_byte(address, hsv.h);
eeprom_update_byte(address+1, hsv.s);
eeprom_update_byte(address+2, hsv.v);
void backlight_test_led( uint8_t index, bool red, bool green, bool blue )
for ( int i=0; i<DRIVER_LED_TOTAL; i++ )
if ( i == index )
IS31FL3731_set_led_control_register( i, red, green, blue );
IS31FL3731_set_led_control_register( i, false, false, false );
uint32_t backlight_get_tick(void)
return g_tick;
void backlight_debug_led( bool state )
// if (state)
// {
// // Output high.
// DDRD |= (1<<6);
// PORTD |= (1<<6);
// }
// else
// {
// // Output low.
// DDRD &= ~(1<<6);
// PORTD &= ~(1<<6);
// }
void rgblight_toggle(void) {
g_config.enabled ^= 1;
void rgblight_step(void) {
g_config.effect = (g_config.effect + 1) % (BACKLIGHT_EFFECT_MAX + 1);
void rgblight_increase_hue(void) {
void rgblight_decrease_hue(void) {
void rgblight_increase_sat(void) {
void rgblight_decrease_sat(void) {
void rgblight_increase_val(void) {
g_config.color_1.v = increment( g_config.color_1.s, 8, 0, 255 );
g_config.color_2.v = increment( g_config.color_1.s, 8, 0, 255 );
void rgblight_decrease_val(void) {
g_config.color_1.v = decrement( g_config.color_1.s, 8, 0, 255 );
g_config.color_2.v = decrement( g_config.color_1.s, 8, 0, 255 );
void rgblight_mode(uint8_t mode) {
g_config.effect = mode;
uint32_t rgblight_get_mode(void) {
return g_config.effect;