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+---------------+ WT12
5V | ATmega168 | 5V/3.3V~~~~
+-----+---|Vcc,AVCC PC4|---/--->iWRAP(RxD)
USB | C3 | PC5|<--/----iWRAP(TxD)
~~~ | + | |
5V <--BATT + GND | | HHKB
R1 | | ~~~~
D- <----+-----+--R2-----|INT1 PB2-4|------->ROW(6-8)
D+ <----|---+----R3-----|INT0 PC0-2|------->COL(9-11)
Z1 Z2 | PC3|------->ENABLE(12)
GND<----+---+-----------|GND PB0|<-------KEY(4)
| PB1|------->PREV(5)
| |
GND+-C2--+--|XTAL1 RXD|------->Debug Console
X1 | TXD|<-------Debug Console
GND+-C3--+--|XTAL2 RST|---SW--+GND
R1: 1.5K Ohm
R2,R3: 68 Ohm
Z1,Z2: Zener 3.6V
C1,C2: 22pF
C3: 0.1uF
X1: Crystal 12MHz
SW: Push Switch(Optional)
BATT: Li-Po Battery, Battery Charger and Voltage Regulator(5V and 3.3V).