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10 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jack Humbert ea7b1b389d refine rgb interface 6 years ago
Jack Humbert 142661db53 update planck 6 years ago
Jack Humbert 824c80ffa8 update planck implementation 6 years ago
Jack Humbert cd07b64263 betterize register handling 6 years ago
Jack Humbert 8c5ae8d6c7 idk 6 years ago
Jack Humbert ced0c52eac split led config into 2 arrays 7 years ago
Jack Humbert b3e36c734a adds planck light implementation 7 years ago
Jack Humbert 33c6f74528 allow bootloader size to be overwritten 7 years ago
Jack Humbert 06a3b5784c fix build script for force pushes 7 years ago
Jack Humbert 16de11fbc5 adds is31fl3731 rgb matrix implementation 7 years ago

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
# We recommend you to keep these unchanged
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
indent_size = 4
# Make these match what we have in .gitattributes
end_of_line = lf
end_of_line = lf
end_of_line = lf
# The gitattributes file will handle the line endings conversion properly according to the operating system settings for other files
# We don't have gitattributes properly for these
# So if the user have for example core.autocrlf set to true
# the line endings would be wrong.
end_of_line = unset

.gitignore vendored

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
@ -22,39 +21,27 @@ build/
# Eclipse/PyCharm/Other IDE Settings
# Let these ones be user specific, since we have so many different configurations
# ignore image files

.gitmodules vendored

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
[submodule "lib/chibios-contrib"]
path = lib/chibios-contrib
url =
branch = k-type-fix
[submodule "lib/ugfx"]
path = lib/ugfx
url =

@ -11,17 +11,15 @@ env:
- secure: 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
- wget || wget
- wget || wget
- tar -zxf avr8-gnu-toolchain-
- export PATH="$PATH:$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64/bin"
- npm install -g moxygen
- avr-gcc --version
- make test:all AUTOGEN=false
- bash util/
- bash util/
@ -32,7 +30,6 @@ addons:
- libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
- diffutils
- dos2unix
- doxygen
bash util/
@ -41,4 +38,4 @@ notifications:
on_success: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_failure: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_start: never # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_start: never # options: [always|never|change] default: always

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
// Suggested extensions
"recommendations": [

@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# Doxyfile 1.8.14
# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
# doxygen ( for qmk_firmware (
# All text after a double hash (##) is considered a comment and is placed in
# front of the TAG it is preceding.
# All text after a single hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored.
# The format is:
# TAG = value [value, ...]
# For lists, items can also be appended using:
# TAG += value [value, ...]
# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \").
# Project related configuration options
PROJECT_BRIEF = "Keyboard controller firmware for Atmel AVR and ARM USB families"
ABBREVIATE_BRIEF = "The $name class" \
"The $name widget" \
"The $name file" \
is \
provides \
specifies \
contains \
represents \
a \
an \
# Build related configuration options
# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
# Configuration options related to the input files
INPUT = tmk_core quantum drivers
*.cc \
*.cxx \
*.cpp \
*.c++ \
*.h \
*.hh \
*.hxx \
*.hpp \
# Configuration options related to source browsing
# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
# Configuration options related to disabled outputs
# Configuration options related to the XML output
# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
# Configuration options related to external references
PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
# Configuration options related to the dot tool
DOT_FONTNAME = Helvetica

@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

@ -19,12 +19,10 @@ endif
# Otherwise the [OK], [ERROR] and [WARN] messages won't be displayed correctly
override SILENT := false
QMK_VERSION := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags 2>/dev/null)
ifneq ($(QMK_VERSION),)
$(info QMK Firmware $(QMK_VERSION))
ON_ERROR := error_occurred=1
@ -116,20 +114,6 @@ list-keyboards:
exit 0
exit 0
echo -n 'Deleting .build ... '
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
echo 'done'
exit 0
#Compatibility with the old make variables, anything you specify directly on the command line
# always overrides the detected folders
ifdef keyboard

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2017 Jack Humbert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# If it's possible that multiple bootloaders can be used for one project,
# you can leave this unset, and the correct size will be selected
# automatically.
# Sets the bootloader defined in the keyboard's/keymap's
# Current options:
# atmel-dfu
# lufa-dfu
# qmk-dfu
# halfkay
# caterina
# bootloadHID
# BOOTLOADER_SIZE can still be defined manually, but it's recommended
# you add any possible configuration to this list
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), atmel-dfu)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), lufa-dfu)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), qmk-dfu)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), halfkay)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), caterina)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), bootloadHID)

@ -94,33 +94,15 @@ endif
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_1).h)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_2).h)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_3).h)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_4).h)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_5).h)","")
# We can assume a ChibiOS target When MCU_FAMILY is defined , since it's not used for LUFA
include $(TMK_PATH)/protocol/
include $(TMK_PATH)/
OPT_OS = chibios
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
@ -143,8 +125,6 @@ ifeq ($(PLATFORM),CHIBIOS)
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(TOP_DIR)/drivers/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(TOP_DIR)/drivers/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h
@ -198,23 +178,11 @@ else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_1)/keymap.c)","")
else ifneq ($(LAYOUTS),)
$(error Could not find keymap)
# this state should never be reached
# User space stuff
ifeq ("$(USER_NAME)","")
-include $(USER_PATH)/
ifneq ("$(wildcard users/$(KEYMAP)/config.h)","")
CONFIG_H += users/$(KEYMAP)/config.h
# Object files directory
# To put object files in current directory, use a dot (.), do NOT make
# this an empty or blank macro!
@ -236,12 +204,10 @@ SRC += $(KEYBOARD_SRC) \
include $(TMK_PATH)/
include $(TMK_PATH)/
@ -256,22 +222,16 @@ endif
include $(TMK_PATH)/
include $(TMK_PATH)/protocol/
ifeq ($(strip $(VISUALIZER_ENABLE)), yes)
@ -282,10 +242,10 @@ $(KEYBOARD_OUTPUT)_INC := $(PROJECT_INC) $(GFXINC)
# Default target.
all: build check-size
all: build sizeafter
# Change the build target to build a HEX file or a library.
build: elf cpfirmware
build: elf hex
#build: elf hex eep lss sym
#build: lib

@ -34,12 +34,7 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(AUDIO_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_audio.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_clicky.c
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),AVR)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/audio.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/audio_arm.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/audio.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/voices.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/luts.c
@ -75,8 +70,6 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(FAUXCLICKY_ENABLE)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(POINTING_DEVICE_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/pointing_device.c
@ -114,6 +107,15 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(RGBLIGHT_ENABLE)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += is31fl3731.c
SRC += TWIlib.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/color.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/rgb_matrix.c
CIE1931_CURVE = yes
ifeq ($(strip $(TAP_DANCE_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_tap_dance.c
@ -133,9 +135,6 @@ endif
ifeq ($(strip $(AUTO_SHIFT_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_auto_shift.c
ifeq ($(strip $(AUTO_SHIFT_MODIFIERS)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(SERIAL_LINK_ENABLE)), yes)
@ -159,9 +158,6 @@ endif
ifeq ($(strip $(BACKLIGHT_ENABLE)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(VISUALIZER_ENABLE)), yes)
CIE1931_CURVE = yes
ifeq ($(strip $(BACKLIGHT_CUSTOM_DRIVER)), yes)

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
QMK (*Quantum Mechanical Keyboard*) is an open source community that maintains QMK Firmware, QMK Flasher,, and these docs. QMK Firmware is a keyboard firmware based on the [tmk\_keyboard]( with some useful features for Atmel AVR controllers, and more specifically, the [OLKB product line](, the [ErgoDox EZ]( keyboard, and the [Clueboard product line]( It has also been ported to ARM chips using ChibiOS. You can use it to power your own hand-wired or custom keyboard PCB.
## How to Get It {#how-to-get-it}
## How to get it {#how-to-get-it}
If you plan on contributing a keymap, keyboard, or features to QMK, the easiest thing to do is [fork the repo through Github](, and clone your repo locally to make your changes, push them, then open a [Pull Request]( from your fork.
Otherwise, you can either download it directly ([zip](, [tar](, or clone it via git (``), or https (``).
## How to Compile {#how-to-compile}
## How to compile {#how-to-compile}
Before you are able to compile, you'll need to [install an environment]( for AVR or/and ARM development. Once that is complete, you'll use the `make` command to build a keyboard and keymap with the following notation:
@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ This would build the `rev4` revision of the `planck` with the `default` keymap.
make preonic:default
## How to Customize {#how-to-customize}
## How to customize {#how-to-customize}
QMK has lots of [features]( to explore, and a good deal of [reference documentation]( to dig through. Most features are taken advantage of by modifying your [keymap](, and changing the [keycodes](

@ -1,18 +1,10 @@
* [Getting Started](
* [Getting started](
* [QMK Introduction](
* [Install Build Tools](
* Alternative: [Vagrant Guide](
* [Build/Compile Instructions](
* [Flashing Firmware](
* Alternative: [Vagrant Guide](
* [Build/Compile instructions](
* [Contributing to QMK](
* [How to Use Github](
* [Getting Help](
* [Complete Newbs Guide](
* [Getting Started](
* [Building Your First Firmware](
* [Flashing Firmware](
* [Testing and Debugging](
* [FAQ](
* [General FAQ](
@ -20,66 +12,56 @@
* [Debugging/Troubleshooting QMK](
* [Keymap](
* [Hardware](
* [Keyboard Guidelines](
* [AVR Processors](
* ARM Processors (TBD)
* [Drivers](
* [Features](
* [Advanced Keycodes](
* [Audio](
* [Auto Shift](
* [Layouts](
* [Common Shortcuts](
* [Backlight](
* [Bootmagic](
* [Command](
* [Dynamic Macros](
* [Grave Escape](
* [Key Lock](
* [Layouts](
* [Dynamic Macros](
* [Key Lock](
* [Leader Key](
* [Macros](
* [Mouse Keys](
* [Macros](
* [Mouse keys](
* [Pointing Device](
* [PS/2 Mouse](
* [RGB Lighting](
* [Space Cadet](
* [Stenography](
* [Swap Hands](
* [Tap Dance](
* [Terminal](
* [PS2 Mouse](
* [Space Cadet](
* [Tap Dance](
* [Audio](
* [Thermal Printer](
* [Unicode](
* [Userspace](
* [Keycodes](
* [Backlight](
* [Basic](
* [Bluetooth](
* [Bootmagic](
* [Layer Switching](
* [Mod+Key](
* [Mod Tap](
* [One Shot Keys](
* [Quantum](
* [RGB Light](
* [Shifted Keys](
* [Stenography](
* [Thermal Printer](
* [US ANSI Shifted Keys](
* [Stenography](
* [Unicode](
* [Terminal](
* Reference
* [Config Options](
* [Glossary](
* [Keymap overview](
* [Keycodes](
* [Basic](
* [Quantum](
* [Backlight](
* [Bluetooth](
* [Bootmagic](
* [Layer Switching](
* [Mod+Key](
* [Mod Tap](
* [One Shot Keys](
* [Shifted Keys](
* [Stenography](
* [RGB Light](
* [Thermal Printer](
* [US ANSI Shifted Keys](
* [The `config.h` File](
* [Customizing Functionality](
* [Documentation Best Practices](
* [Documentation Templates](
* [Glossary](
* [Keymap Overview](
* [Unit Testing](
* For Makers and Modders
* [Hand Wiring Guide](
* [ISP Flashing Guide](
* [Adding a keyboard to QMK](
* [Hand Wiring Guide](
* [ISP flashing guide](
* [Modding your keyboard](
* [Porting your keyboard to QMK](
* For a Deeper Understanding
* [How Keyboards Work](
@ -87,12 +69,3 @@
* Other Topics
* [Using Eclipse with QMK](
* QMK Internals (In Progress)
* [Defines](
* [Input Callback Reg](
* [Midi Device](
* [Midi Device Setup Process](
* [Midi Util](
* [Send Functions](
* [Sysex Tools](

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Adding your keyboard to QMK
We welcome all keyboard projects into QMK, but ask that you try to stick to a couple guidelines that help us keep things organised and consistent.
## Naming your directory/project
All names should be lowercase alphanumeric, and separated by an underscore (`_`), but not begin with one. Your directory and your `.h` and `.c` files should have exactly the same name. All folders should follow the same format.
## ``
All projects need to have a `` file that explains what the keyboard is, who made it, where it is available, and links to move information (template coming).
## Image/Hardware files
In an effort to keep the repo size down, we're no longer accepting images of any format in the repo, with few exceptions. Hosting them elsewhere (imgur) and linking them in the is the preferred method.
Any sort of hardware file (plate, case, pcb) can't be stored in qmk_firmware, but we have the [ repo]( where such files (as well as in-depth info) can be store, and viewed on []( Downloadable files are stored in `/<keyboard>/` (name follows the same format as above) which are served at `<keyboard>/`, and pages are generated from `/_pages/<keyboard>/` which are served at the same location (.md files are generated into .html files through Jekyll). Check out the `lets_split` directory for an example.
## Non-production/handwired projects
We're happy to accept any project that uses QMK, including prototypes and handwired ones, but we have a separate `/keyboards/handwired/` folder for them, so the main `/keyboards/` folder doesn't get overcrowded. If a prototype project becomes a production project at some point in the future, we'd be happy to move it to the main `/keyboards/` folder!
## Warnings as errors
When developing your keyboard, keep in mind that all warnings will be treated as errors - these small warnings can build-up and cause larger errors down the road (and keeping them is generally a bad practice).
## Licenses
If you're adapting your keyboard's setup from another project, but not using the same code, but sure to update the copyright header at the top of the files to show your name, in this format:
Copyright 2017 Your Name <>
## Technical details
If you're looking for more information on making your keyboard work with QMK, [check out this guide](!

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ A QMK collaborator is a keyboard maker/designer that is interested in helping QM
* **Maintain the your keyboard's directory** - this may just require an initial setup to get your keyboard working, but it could also include accommodating changes made to QMK's core.
* **Approve and merge your keyboard's keymap pull requests** - we like to encourage users to contribute their keymaps for others to see and work from when creating their own.
If you feel you meet these requirements, shoot us an email at with an introduction and some links to your keyboard!
If you feel you meet these requirements, shoot us an email at with an introduction and some links to your keyboard!

@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ You can also use any ARM processor that [ChibiOS]( suppor
* [Kinetis MKL26Z64](
* [Kinetis MK20DX128](
* [Kinetis MK20DX128](
* [Kinetis MK20DX256](
* [Kinetis MK20DX256](

@ -1,226 +1,129 @@
# Configuring QMK
# The `config.h` file
QMK is nearly infinitely configurable. Wherever possible we err on the side of allowing users to customize their keyboard, even at the expense of code size. That level of flexibility makes for a daunting configuration experience, however.
This is a c header file that is one of the first things included, and will persist over the whole project (if included). Lots of variables can be set here and accessed elsewhere (namely keymaps). This file can exist at a couple different levels:
There are two main types of configuration files in QMK- `config.h` and ``. These files exist at various levels in QMK and all files of the same type are combined to build the final configuration. The levels, from lowest priority to highest priority, are:
## Keyboard
* QMK Default
* Keyboard
* Folders (Up to 5 levels deep)
* Keymap
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
## QMK Default
#include "config_common.h"
Every available setting in QMK has a default. If that setting is not set at the Keyboard, Folder, or Keymap level this is the setting that will be used.
// config options
## Keyboard
This file contains config options that should apply to the whole keyboard, and won't change in revisions, or most keymaps. The revision block here only applies to keyboards with revisions.
## Revisions
This level contains config options that should apply to the whole keyboard. Some settings won't change in revisions, or most keymaps. Other settings are merely defaults for this keyboard and can be overridden by folders and/or keymaps.
#ifndef <revision>_CONFIG_H
#define <revision>_CONFIG_H
## Folders
#include "config_common.h"
Some keyboards have folders and sub-folders to allow for different hardware configurations. Most keyboards only go 1 folder deep, but QMK supports structures up to 5 folders deep. Each folder can have its own `config.h` and `` files that are incorporated into the final configuration.
// config options
For keyboards that have revisions, this file contains config options that should apply to only that revisions, and won't change in most keymaps.
## Keymap
This level contains all of the options for that particular keymap. If you wish to override a previous declaration, you can use `#undef <variable>` to undefine it, where you can then redefine it without an error.
# The `config.h` File
This is a C header file that is one of the first things included, and will persist over the whole project (if included). Lots of variables can be set here and accessed elsewhere. The `config.h` file shouldn't be including other `config.h` files, or anything besides this:
#include "config_common.h"
## Hardware Options
* `#define VENDOR_ID 0x1234`
* defines your VID, and for most DIY projects, can be whatever you want
* `#define PRODUCT_ID 0x5678`
* defines your PID, and for most DIY projects, can be whatever you want
* `#define DEVICE_VER 0`
* defines the device version (often used for revisions)
* `#define MANUFACTURER Me`
* generally who/whatever brand produced the board
* `#define PRODUCT Board`
* the name of the keyboard
* `#define DESCRIPTION a keyboard`
* a short description of what the keyboard is
* `#define MATRIX_ROWS 5`
* the number of rows in your keyboard's matrix
* `#define MATRIX_COLS 15`
* the number of columns in your keyboard's matrix
* `#define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { D0, D5, B5, B6 }`
* pins of the rows, from top to bottom
* `#define MATRIX_COL_PINS { F1, F0, B0, C7, F4, F5, F6, F7, D4, D6, B4, D7 }`
* pins of the columns, from left to right
* `#define UNUSED_PINS { D1, D2, D3, B1, B2, B3 }`
* pins unused by the keyboard for reference
* `#define MATRIX_HAS_GHOST`
* define is matrix has ghost (unlikely)
* COL2ROW or ROW2COL - how your matrix is configured. COL2ROW means the black mark on your diode is facing to the rows, and between the switch and the rows.
* `#define AUDIO_VOICES`
* turns on the alternate audio voices (to cycle through)
* `#define C4_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin C4
* `#define C5_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin C5
* `#define C6_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin C6
* `#define B5_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin B5 (duophony is enables if one of B[5-7]_AUDIO is enabled along with one of C[4-6]_AUDIO)
* `#define B6_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin B6 (duophony is enables if one of B[5-7]_AUDIO is enabled along with one of C[4-6]_AUDIO)
* `#define B7_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin B7 (duophony is enables if one of B[5-7]_AUDIO is enabled along with one of C[4-6]_AUDIO)
* `#define BACKLIGHT_PIN B7`
* pin of the backlight - B5, B6, B7 use PWM, others use softPWM
* `#define BACKLIGHT_LEVELS 3`
* number of levels your backlight will have (maximum 15 excluding off)
* enables backlight breathing (only works with backlight pins B5, B6 and B7)
* `#define BREATHING_PERIOD 6`
* the length of one backlight "breath" in seconds
* `#define DEBOUNCING_DELAY 5`
* the delay when reading the value of the pin (5 is default)
* mechanical locking support. Use KC_LCAP, KC_LNUM or KC_LSCR instead in keymap
* tries to keep switch state consistent with keyboard LED state
* `#define IS_COMMAND() ( keyboard_report->mods == (MOD_BIT(KC_LSHIFT) | MOD_BIT(KC_RSHIFT)) )`
* key combination that allows the use of magic commands (useful for debugging)
## Features That Can Be Disabled
If you define these options you will disable the associated feature, which can save on code size.
* `#define NO_DEBUG`
* disable debugging
* `#define NO_PRINT`
* disable printing/debugging using hid_listen
* `#define NO_ACTION_LAYER`
* disable layers
* disable tap dance and other tapping features
* disable one-shot modifiers
* `#define NO_ACTION_MACRO`
* disable all macro handling
* disable the action function (deprecated)
## Features That Can Be Enabled
If you define these options you will enable the associated feature, which may increase your code size.
* `#define FORCE_NKRO`
* NKRO by default requires to be turned on, this forces it on during keyboard startup regardless of EEPROM setting. NKRO can still be turned off but will be turned on again if the keyboard reboots.
* stores the layer a key press came from so the same layer is used when the key is released, regardless of which layers are enabled
## Behaviors That Can Be Configured
* `#define TAPPING_TERM 200`
* how long before a tap becomes a hold
* `#define RETRO_TAPPING`
* tap anyway, even after TAPPING_TERM, if there was no other key interruption between press and release
* `#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 2`
* how many taps before triggering the toggle
* makes tap and hold keys work better for fast typers who don't want tapping term set above 500
* `#define LEADER_TIMEOUT 300`
* how long before the leader key times out
* `#define ONESHOT_TIMEOUT 300`
* how long before oneshot times out
* `#define ONESHOT_TAP_TOGGLE 2`
* how many taps before oneshot toggle is triggered
* makes it possible to do rolling combos (zx) with keys that convert to other keys on hold
* `#define QMK_KEYS_PER_SCAN 4`
* Allows sending more than one key per scan. By default, only one key event gets
sent via `process_record()` per scan. This has little impact on most typing, but
if you're doing a lot of chords, or your scan rate is slow to begin with, you can
have some delay in processing key events. Each press and release is a separate
event. For a keyboard with 1ms or so scan times, even a very fast typist isn't
going to produce the 500 keystrokes a second needed to actually get more than a
few ms of delay from this. But if you're doing chording on something with 3-4ms
scan times? You probably want this.
## RGB Light Configuration
* `#define RGB_DI_PIN D7`
* pin the DI on the ws2812 is hooked-up to
* run RGB animations
* `#define RGBLED_NUM 15`
* number of LEDs
* `#define RGBLIGHT_HUE_STEP 12`
* units to step when in/decreasing hue
* `#define RGBLIGHT_SAT_STEP 25`
* units to step when in/decreasing saturation
* `#define RGBLIGHT_VAL_STEP 12`
* units to step when in/decreasing value (brightness)
* `#define RGBW_BB_TWI`
* bit-bangs TWI to EZ RGBW LEDs (only required for Ergodox EZ)
## Mouse Key Options
* `#define MOUSEKEY_INTERVAL 20`
* `#define MOUSEKEY_DELAY 0`
* `#define MOUSEKEY_TIME_TO_MAX 60`
* `#define MOUSEKEY_MAX_SPEED 7`
# The `` File
This is a [make]( file that is included by the top-level `Makefile`. It is used to set some information about the MCU that we will be compiling for as well as enabling and disabling certain features.
## Build Options
* Used to specify a default folder when a keyboard has more than one sub-folder.
* `SRC`
* Used to add files to the compilation/linking list.
* A list of [layouts]( this keyboard supports.
## AVR MCU Options
* `MCU = atmega32u4`
* `F_CPU = 16000000`
* `ARCH = AVR8`
* `F_USB = $(F_CPU)`
* `BOOTLOADER = atmel-dfu` with the following options:
* `atmel-dfu`
* `lufa-dfu`
* `qmk-dfu`
* `halfkay`
* `caterina`
* `bootloadHID`
## Feature Options
Use these to enable or disable building certain features. The more you have enabled the bigger your firmware will be, and you run the risk of building a firmware too large for your MCU.
* Virtual DIP switch configuration(+1000)
* Mouse keys(+4700)
* Audio control and System control(+450)
* Console for debug(+400)
* Commands for debug and configuration
* USB N-Key Rollover - if this doesn't work, see here:
* Enable the audio subsystem.
* Enable keyboard underlight functionality
* MIDI controls
* Unicode
* Enable Bluetooth with the Adafruit EZ-Key HID
#include "config_common.h"
// config options
This file contains all of the options for that particular keymap. If you wish to override a previous declaration, you can use `#undef <variable>` to undefine it, where you can then redefine it without an error.
# Config Options
#define VENDOR_ID 0x1234 // defines your VID, and for most DIY projects, can be whatever you want
#define PRODUCT_ID 0x5678 // defines your PID, and for most DIY projects, can be whatever you want
#define DEVICE_VER 0 // defines the device version (often used for revisions)
#define MANUFACTURER Me // generally who/whatever brand produced the board
#define PRODUCT Board // the name of the keyboard
#define DESCRIPTION a keyboard // a short description of what the keyboard is
#define MATRIX_ROWS 5 // the number of rows in your keyboard's matrix
#define MATRIX_COLS 15 // the number of columns in your keyboard's matrix
#define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { D0, D5, B5, B6 } // pins of the rows, from top to bottom
#define MATRIX_COL_PINS { F1, F0, B0, C7, F4, F5, F6, F7, D4, D6, B4, D7 } // pins of the columns, from left to right
#define UNUSED_PINS { D1, D2, D3, B1, B2, B3 } // pins unused by the keyboard for reference
#define MATRIX_HAS_GHOST // define is matrix has ghost (unlikely)
#define DIODE_DIRECTION COL2ROW // COL2ROW or ROW2COL - how your matrix is configured
// COL2ROW means the black mark on your diode is facing to the rows, and between the switch and the rows
#define AUDIO_VOICES // turns on the alternate audio voices (to cycle through)
#define C6_AUDIO // enables audio on pin C6
#define B5_AUDIO // enables audio on pin B5 (duophony is enable if both are enabled)
#define BACKLIGHT_PIN B7 // pin of the backlight - B5, B6, B7 use PWM, others use softPWM
#define BACKLIGHT_LEVELS 3 // number of levels your backlight will have (not including off)
#define DEBOUNCING_DELAY 5 // the delay when reading the value of the pin (5 is default)
#define LOCKING_SUPPORT_ENABLE // mechanical locking support. Use KC_LCAP, KC_LNUM or KC_LSCR instead in keymap
#define LOCKING_RESYNC_ENABLE // tries to keep switch state consistent with keyboard LED state
#define IS_COMMAND() ( \ // key combination that allows the use of magic commands (useful for debugging)
keyboard_report->mods == (MOD_BIT(KC_LSHIFT) | MOD_BIT(KC_RSHIFT)) \
// the following options can save on file size at the expense of that feature
#define NO_DEBUG // disable debuging (saves on file size)
#define NO_PRINT // disable printing (saves of file size)
#define NO_ACTION_LAYER // no layers
#define NO_ACTION_TAPPING // no tapping for layers/mods
#define NO_ACTION_ONESHOT // no oneshot for layers/mods
#define NO_ACTION_MACRO // no macros
#define NO_ACTION_FUNCTION // no functions
#define FORCE_NKRO // NKRO by default requires to be turned on, this forces it to be on always
#define PREVENT_STUCK_MODIFIERS // when switching layers, this will release all mods
#define TAPPING_TERM 200 // how long before a tap becomes a hold
#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 2 // how many taps before triggering the toggle
#define PERMISSIVE_HOLD // makes tap and hold keys work better for fast typers who don't want tapping term set above 500
#define LEADER_TIMEOUT 300 // how long before the leader key times out
#define ONESHOT_TIMEOUT 300 // how long before oneshot times out
#define ONESHOT_TAP_TOGGLE 2 // how many taps before oneshot toggle is triggered
#define IGNORE_MOD_TAP_INTERRUPT // makes it possible to do rolling combos (zx) with keys that convert to other keys on hold
// ws2812 options
#define RGB_DI_PIN D7 // pin the DI on the ws2812 is hooked-up to
#define RGBLIGHT_ANIMATIONS // run RGB animations
#define RGBLED_NUM 15 // number of LEDs
#define RGBLIGHT_HUE_STEP 12 // units to step when in/decreasing hue
#define RGBLIGHT_SAT_STEP 25 // units to step when in/decresing saturation
#define RGBLIGHT_VAL_STEP 12 // units to step when in/decreasing value (brightness)
#define RGBW_BB_TWI // bit-bangs twi to EZ RGBW LEDs (only required for Ergodox EZ)
// mousekey options (self-describing)

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# How to Contribute
# How To Contribute
👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to read this and contribute! 🎉👍
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Third-party contributions help us grow and improve QMK. We want to make the pull
* [General Guidelines](#general-guidelines)
* [What does the Code of Conduct mean for me?](#what-does-the-code-of-conduct-mean-for-me)
## I Don't Want to Read This Whole Thing! I Just Have a Question!
## I Don't Want To Read This Whole Thing I Just Have a Question!
If you'd like to ask questions about QMK you can do so on the [OLKB Subreddit]( or on [Gitter](
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ QMK is largely written in C, with specific features and parts written in C++. It
<!-- FIXME: We should include a list of resources for learning C here. -->
# Where Can I Go for Help?
# Where can I go for help?
If you need help you can [open an issue]( or [chat on gitter](
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Never made an open source contribution before? Wondering how contributions work
14. Make changes to the pull request if the reviewing maintainer recommends them.
15. Celebrate your success after your pull request is merged!
# Coding Conventions
# Coding conventions
Most of our style is pretty easy to pick up on, but right now it's not entirely consistent. You should match the style of the code surrounding your change, but if that code is inconsistent or unclear use the following guidelines:
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Most of our style is pretty easy to pick up on, but right now it's not entirely
* Optional Braces: Always include optional braces.
* Good: if (condition) { return false; }
* Bad: if (condition) return false;
* We use C style comments: `/* */`
* We use C style comments: /* */
* Think of them as a story describing the feature
* Use them liberally to explain why particular decisions were made.
* Do not write obvious comments
@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ Most of our style is pretty easy to pick up on, but right now it's not entirely
We have a few different types of changes in QMK, each requiring a different level of rigor. We'd like you to keep the following guidelines in mind no matter what type of change you're making.
* Separate PR's into logical units. For example, do not submit one PR covering two separate features, instead submit a separate PR for each feature.
* Separate PR's into logical units. For example, do not submit one PR covering two separate features, instead submit a separate PR for each feature.
* Check for unnecessary whitespace with `git diff --check` before committing.
* Make sure your code change actually compiles.
* Keymaps: Make sure that `make keyboard:your_new_keymap` does not return an error
* Keyboards: Make sure that `make keyboard:all` does not return any errors
* Core: Make sure that `make all` does not return any errors.
* Core: Make sure that `make allkb` does not return any errors.
* Make sure commit messages are understandable on their own. You should put a short description (no more than 70 characters) on the first line, the second line should be empty, and on the 3rd and later lines you should describe your commit in detail, if required. Example:
@ -104,25 +104,20 @@ Most first-time QMK contributors start with their personal keymaps. We try to ke
* Write a `` using [the template](
* All Keymap PR's are squashed, so if you care about how your commits are squashed you should do it yourself
* Do not lump features in with keymap PR's. Submit the feature first and then a second PR for the keymap.
* Do not include `Makefile`s in your keymap folder (they're no longer used)
* Update copyrights in file headers (look for `REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_NAME `)
## Keyboards
Keyboards are the raison d'être for QMK. Some keyboards are community maintained, while others are maintained by the people responsible for making a particular keyboard. The `` should tell you who maintains a particular keyboard. If you have questions relating to a particular keyboard you can [Open An Issue]( and tag the maintainer in your question.
We also ask that you follow these guidelines:
We also ask that you follow these guidelines:
* Write a `` using [the template](
* Keep the number of commits reasonable or we will squash your PR
* Do not lump core features in with new keyboards. Submit the feature first and then submit a separate PR for the keyboard.
* Name `.c`/`.h` file after the immediate parent folder, eg `/keyboards/<kb1>/<kb2>/<kb2>.[ch]`
* Do not include `Makefile`s in your keyboard folder (they're no longer used)
* Update copyrights in file headers (look for `REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_NAME `)
## Quantum/TMK Core
Before you put a lot of work into building your new feature you should make sure you are implementing it in the best way. You can get a basic understanding of QMK by reading [Understanding QMK](, which will take you on a tour of the QMK program flow. From here you should talk to us to get a sense of the best way to implement your idea. There are two main ways to do this:
Before you put a lot of work into building your new feature you should make sure you are implementing it in the best way. You can get a basic understanding of QMK by reading [Understaning QMK](understanding_qmk.html), which will take you on a tour of the QMK program flow. From here you should talk to us to get a sense of the best way to implement your idea. There are two main ways to do this:
* [Chat on Gitter](
* [Open an Issue](
@ -136,7 +131,7 @@ Here are some things to keep in mind when working on your feature or bug fix.
* **Consider revisions and different chip-bases** - there are several keyboards that have revisions that allow for slightly different configurations, and even different chip-bases. Try to make a feature supported in ARM and AVR, or automatically disabled on platforms it doesn't work on.
* **Explain your feature** - Document it in `docs/`, either as a new file or as part of an existing file. If you don't document it other people won't be able to benefit from your hard work.
We also ask that you follow these guidelines:
We also ask that you follow these guidelines:
* Keep the number of commits reasonable or we will squash your PR
* Do not lump keyboards or keymaps in with core changes. Submit your core changes first.
@ -147,6 +142,6 @@ We also ask that you follow these guidelines:
To maintain a clear vision of how things are laid out in QMK we try to plan out refactors in-depth and have a collaborator make the changes. If you have an idea for refactoring, or suggestions, [open an issue](, we'd love to talk about how QMK can be improved.
# What Does the Code of Conduct Mean for Me?
# What does the Code of Conduct mean for me?
Our [Code of Conduct]( means that you are responsible for treating everyone on the project with respect and courtesy regardless of their identity. If you are the victim of any inappropriate behavior or comments as described in our Code of Conduct, we are here for you and will do the best to ensure that the abuser is reprimanded appropriately, per our code.
Our Code of Conduct means that you are responsible for treating everyone on the project with respect and courtesy regardless of their identity. If you are the victim of any inappropriate behavior or comments as described in our Code of Conduct, we are here for you and will do the best to ensure that the abuser is reprimanded appropriately, per our code.

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# How to Customize Your Keyboard's Behavior
# How To Customize Your Keyboard's Behavior
For a lot of people a custom keyboard is about more than sending button presses to your computer. You want to be able to do things that are more complex than simple button presses and macros. QMK has hooks that allow you to inject code, override functionality, and otherwise customize how your keyboard behaves in different situations.
For a lot of people a custom keyboard is about more than sending button presses to your computer. You want to be able to do things that are more complex than simple button presses and macros. QMK has hooks that allow you to inject code, override functionality, and otherwise customize how your keyboard behaves in different situations.
This page does not assume any special knowledge about QMK, but reading [Understanding QMK]( will help you understand what is going on at a more fundamental level.
This page does not assume any special knowledge about QMK, but reading [Understanding QMK](understanding_qmk.html) will help you understand what is going on at a more fundamental level.
## A Word on Core vs Keyboards vs Keymap
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ enum my_keycodes {
## Programming the Behavior of Any Keycode
## Programming The Behavior Of Any Keycode
When you want to override the behavior of an existing key, or define the behavior for a new key, you should use the `process_record_kb()` and `process_record_user()` functions. These are called by QMK during key processing before the actual key event is handled. If these functions return `true` QMK will process the keycodes as usual. That can be handy for extending the functionality of a key rather than replacing it. If these functions return `false` QMK will skip the normal key handling, and it will be up to you to send any key up or down events that are required.
When you want to override the behavior of an existing key, or define the behavior for a new key, you should use the `process_record_kb()` and `process_record_user()` functions. These are called by QMK during key processing before the actual key event is handled. If these functions return `true` QMK will process the keycodes as usual. That can be handy for extending the functionality of a key rather than replacing it. If these functions return `false` QMK will skip the normal key handling, and it will be up you to send any key up or down events that are required.
These function are called every time a key is pressed or released.
### Example `process_record_user()` Implementation
### Example `process_record_user()` implementation
This example does two things. It defines the behavior for a custom keycode called `FOO`, and it supplements our Enter key by playing a tone whenever it is pressed.
@ -60,20 +60,18 @@ bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
return true; // Let QMK send the enter press/release events
return true; // Process all other keycodes normally
### `process_record_*` Function Documentation
### `process_record_*` Function documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `bool process_record_kb(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record)`
* Keyboard/Revision: `bool process_record_kb(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record)`
* Keymap: `bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record)`
The `keycode` argument is whatever is defined in your keymap, eg `MO(1)`, `KC_L`, etc. You should use a `` block to handle these events.
The `record` argument contains information about the actual press:
The `record` argument contains infomation about the actual press:
keyrecord_t record {
@ -98,10 +96,10 @@ This allows you to control the 5 LED's defined as part of the USB Keyboard spec.
### Example `led_set_user()` Implementation
### Example `led_set_kb()` implementation
void led_set_user(uint8_t usb_led) {
void led_set_kb(uint8_t usb_led) {
if (usb_led & (1<<USB_LED_NUM_LOCK)) {
PORTB |= (1<<0);
} else {
@ -130,22 +128,23 @@ void led_set_user(uint8_t usb_led) {
### `led_set_*` Function Documentation
### `led_set_*` Function documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void led_set_kb(uint8_t usb_led)`
* Keyboard/Revision: `void led_set_kb(uint8_t usb_led)`
* Keymap: `void led_set_user(uint8_t usb_led)`
# Matrix Initialization Code
Before a keyboard can be used the hardware must be initialized. QMK handles initialization of the keyboard matrix itself, but if you have other hardware like LED's or i&#xb2;c controllers you will need to set up that hardware before it can be used.
### Example `matrix_init_user()` Implementation
### Example `matrix_init_kb()` implementation
This example, at the keyboard level, sets up B1, B2, and B3 as LED pins.
void matrix_init_user(void) {
void matrix_init_kb(void) {
// Call the keymap level matrix init.
// Set our LED pins as output
DDRB |= (1<<1);
@ -154,20 +153,20 @@ void matrix_init_user(void) {
### `matrix_init_*` Function Documentation
### `matrix_init_*` Function documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void matrix_init_kb(void)`
* Keyboard/Revision: `void matrix_init_kb(void)`
* Keymap: `void matrix_init_user(void)`
# Matrix Scanning Code
Whenever possible you should customize your keyboard by using `process_record_*()` and hooking into events that way, to ensure that your code does not have a negative performance impact on your keyboard. However, in rare cases it is necessary to hook into the matrix scanning. Be extremely careful with the performance of code in these functions, as it will be called at least 10 times per second.
### Example `matrix_scan_*` Implementation
### Example `matrix_scan_*` implementation
This example has been deliberately omitted. You should understand enough about QMK internals to write this without an example before hooking into such a performance sensitive area. If you need help please [open an issue]( or [chat with us on gitter](
### `matrix_scan_*` Function Documentation
### `matrix_scan_*` Function documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void matrix_scan_kb(void)`
* Keymap: `void matrix_scan_user(void)`
@ -175,41 +174,3 @@ This example has been deliberately omitted. You should understand enough about Q
This function gets called at every matrix scan, which is basically as often as the MCU can handle. Be careful what you put here, as it will get run a lot.
You should use this function if you need custom matrix scanning code. It can also be used for custom status output (such as LED's or a display) or other functionality that you want to trigger regularly even when the user isn't typing.
# Layer Change Code
Thir runs code every time that the layers get changed. This can be useful for layer indication, or custom layer handling.
### Example `layer_state_set_*` Implementation
This example shows how to set the [RGB Underglow]( lights based on the layer, using the Planck as an example
uint32_t layer_state_set_user(uint32_t state) {
switch (biton32(state)) {
case _RAISE:
rgblight_setrgb (0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
case _LOWER:
rgblight_setrgb (0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
case _PLOVER:
rgblight_setrgb (0x00, 0xFF, 0x00);
case _ADJUST:
rgblight_setrgb (0x7A, 0x00, 0xFF);
default: // for any other layers, or the default layer
rgblight_setrgb (0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF);
return state;
### `layer_state_set_*` Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void uint32_t layer_state_set_kb(uint32_t state)`
* Keymap: `uint32_t layer_state_set_user(uint32_t state)`
The `state` is the bitmask of the active layers, as explained in the [Keymap Overview](

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This page exists to document best practices when writing documentation for QMK.
# Page Opening
Your documentation page should generally start with an H1 heading, followed by a 1 paragraph description of what the user will find on this page. Keep in mind that this heading and paragraph will sit next to the Table of Contents, so keep the heading short and avoid long strings with no whitespace.
Your documentation page should generally start with an H1 heading, followed by a 1 paragrah description of what the user will find on this page. Keep in mind that this heading and paragraph will sit next to the Table of Contents, so keep the heading short and avoid long strings with no whitespace.
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ What about an error message?
# Documenting Features
If you create a new feature for QMK, create a documentation page for it. It doesn't have to be very long, a few sentences describing your feature and a table listing any relevant keycodes is enough. Here is a basic template:
If you create a new feature for QMK, create a documentation page for it. It doesn't have to be very long, a few sentances describing your feature and a table listing any relevant keycodes is enough. Here is a basic template:
# My Cool Feature

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Dynamic macros: record and replay macros in runtime
QMK supports temporarily macros created on the fly. We call these Dynamic Macros. They are defined by the user from the keyboard and are lost when the keyboard is unplugged or otherwise rebooted.
You can store one or two macros and they may have a combined total of 128 keypresses. You can increase this size at the cost of RAM.
To enable them, first add a new element to the `planck_keycodes` enum — `DYNAMIC_MACRO_RANGE`:
enum planck_keycodes {
It must be the last element because `dynamic_macros.h` will add some more keycodes after it.
Below it include the `dynamic_macro.h` header:
#include "dynamic_macro.h"`
Add the following keys to your keymap:
* `DYN_REC_START1` — start recording the macro 1,
* `DYN_REC_START2` — start recording the macro 2,
* `DYN_MACRO_PLAY1` — replay the macro 1,
* `DYN_MACRO_PLAY2` — replay the macro 2,
* `DYN_REC_STOP` — finish the macro that is currently being recorded.
Add the following code to the very beginning of your `process_record_user()` function:
if (!process_record_dynamic_macro(keycode, record)) {
return false;
That should be everything necessary. To start recording the macro, press either `DYN_REC_START1` or `DYN_REC_START2`. To finish the recording, press the `DYN_REC_STOP` layer button. To replay the macro, press either `DYN_MACRO_PLAY1` or `DYN_MACRO_PLAY2`.
Note that it's possible to replay a macro as part of a macro. It's ok to replay macro 2 while recording macro 1 and vice versa but never create recursive macros i.e. macro 1 that replays macro 1. If you do so and the keyboard will get unresponsive, unplug the keyboard and plug it again.
For users of the earlier versions of dynamic macros: It is still possible to finish the macro recording using just the layer modifier used to access the dynamic macro keys, without a dedicated `DYN_REC_STOP` key. If you want this behavior back, use the following snippet instead of the one above:
uint16_t macro_kc = (keycode == MO(_DYN) ? DYN_REC_STOP : keycode);
if (!process_record_dynamic_macro(macro_kc, record)) {
return false;
If the LED's start blinking during the recording with each keypress, it means there is no more space for the macro in the macro buffer. To fit the macro in, either make the other macro shorter (they share the same buffer) or increase the buffer size by setting the `DYNAMIC_MACRO_SIZE` preprocessor macro (default value: 128; please read the comments for it in the header).
For the details about the internals of the dynamic macros, please read the comments in the `dynamic_macro.h` header.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Setting up Eclipse for QMK Development
# Setting Up Eclipse for QMK Development
[Eclipse][1] is an open-source [Integrated Development Environment]( (IDE) widely used for Java development, but with an extensible plugin system that allows to customize it for other languages and usages.
[Eclipse]( is an open-source [Integrated Development Environment]( (IDE) widely used for Java development, but with an extensible plugin system that allows to customize it for other languages and usages.
Using an IDE such as Eclipse provides many advantages over a plain text editor, such as:
* intelligent code completion
@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ The purpose of the is page is to document how to set-up Eclipse for developing A
Note that this set-up has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 only for the moment.
# Prerequisites
## Build Environment
Before starting, you must have followed the [Getting Started]( section corresponding to your system. In particular, you must have been able to build the firmware with [the `make` command](../#the-make-command).
## Build environment
Before starting, you must have followed the [Getting Started]( section corresponding to your system. In particular, you must have been able to build the firmware with [the `make` command](../#the-make-command).
## Java
Eclipse is a Java application, so you will need to install Java 8 or more recent to be able to run it. You may choose between the JRE or the JDK, the latter being useful if you intend to do Java development.
# Install Eclipse and Its Plugins
# Install Eclipse and its plugins
Eclipse comes in [several flavours]( depending on the target usage that you will have. There is no package comprising the AVR stack, so we will need to start from Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling) and install the necessary plugins.
## Download and Install Eclipse CDT
## Download and install Eclipse CDT
If you already have Eclipse CDT on your system, you can skip this step. However it is advised to keep it up-to-date for better support.
If you have another Eclipse package installed, it is normally possible to [install the CDT plugin over it]( However it is probably better to reinstall it from scratch to keep it light and avoid the clutter of tools that you don't need for the projects you will be working on.
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ When you are prompted with the Workspace Selector, select a directory that will
Once started, click the <kbd>Workbench</kbd> button at the top right to switch to the workbench view (there is a also checkbox at the bottom to skip the welcome screen at startup).
## Install the Necessary Plugins
## Install the necessary plugins
Note: you do not need to restart Eclipse after installing each plugin. Simply restart once all plugins are installed.
### [The AVR Plugin](
### [The AVR plugin](
This is the most important plugin as it will allow Eclipse to _understand_ AVR C code. Follow [the instructions for using the update site](, and agree with the security warning for unsigned content.
### [ANSI Escape in Console](
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ This plugin is necessary to properly display the colored build output generated
Once both plugins are installed, restart Eclipse as prompted.
# Configure Eclipse for QMK
## Importing the Project
## Importing the project
1. Click <kbd><kbd>File</kbd> > <kbd>New</kbd> > <kbd>Makefile Project with Existing Code</kbd></kbd>
2. On the next screen:
* Select the directory where you cloned the repository as _Existing Code Location_;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Once both plugins are installed, restart Eclipse as prompted.
¹ There might be issues for importing the project with a custom name. If it does not work properly, try leaving the default project name (i.e. the name of the directory, probably `qmk_firmware`).
## Build Your Keyboard
## Build your keyboard
We will now configure a make target that cleans the project and builds the keymap of your choice.
1. On the right side of the screen, select the <kbd>Make Target</kbd> tab
@ -84,5 +84,3 @@ We will now configure a make target that cleans the project and builds the keyma
7. (Optional) Toggle the <kbd>Hide Empty Folders</kbd> icon button above the targets tree to only show your build target.
8. Double-click the build target you created to trigger a build.
9. Select the <kbd>Console</kbd> view at the bottom to view the running build.

@ -1,25 +1,40 @@
# Frequently Asked Build Questions
This page covers questions about building QMK. If you haven't yet done so, you should read the [Build Environment Setup]( and [Make Instructions]( guides.
This page covers questions about building QMK. If you have not yet you should read the [Build Environment Setup]( and [Make Instructions]( guides.
## Can't Program on Linux
You will need proper permissions to operate a device. For Linux users, see the instructions regarding `udev` rules, below. If you have issues with `udev`, a work-around is to use the `sudo` command. If you are not familiar with this command, check its manual with `man sudo` or [see this webpage](
An example of using `sudo`, when your controller is ATMega32u4:
## Can't program on Linux
You will need proper permission to operate a device. For Linux users see udev rules below. Easy way is to use `sudo` command, if you are not familiar with this command check its manual with `man sudo` or this page on line.
In short when your controller is ATMega32u4,
$ sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force
$ sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash your.hex
$ sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
or just:
or just
$ sudo make <keyboard>:<keymap>:dfu
Note that running `make` with `sudo` is generally *not* a good idea, and you should use one of the former methods, if possible.
But to run `make` with root privilege is not good idea. Use former method if possible.
## WINAVR is obsolete
It is no longer recommended and may cause some problem.
See [TMK Issue #99](
## USB VID and PID
You can use any ID you want with editing `config.h`. Using any presumably unused ID will be no problem in fact except for very low chance of collision with other product.
Most boards in QMK use `0xFEED` as the vendor ID. You should look through other keyboards to make sure you pick a unique Product ID.
Also see this.
## Linux `udev` Rules
On Linux, you'll need proper privileges to access the MCU. You can either use
`sudo` when flashing firmware, or place these files in `/etc/udev/rules.d/`.
You can buy a really unique VID:PID here. I don't think you need this for personal use.
## Linux udev rules
On Linux you need proper privilege to access device file of MCU, you'll have to use `sudo` when flashing firmware. You can circumvent this with placing these files in `/etc/udev/rules.d/`.
@ -37,23 +52,8 @@ SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2ff0", MODE:="066
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="feed", MODE:="0666"
## WINAVR is Obsolete
It is no longer recommended and may cause some problem.
See [TMK Issue #99](
## USB VID and PID
You can use any ID you want with editing `config.h`. Using any presumably unused ID will be no problem in fact except for very low chance of collision with other product.
Most boards in QMK use `0xFEED` as the vendor ID. You should look through other keyboards to make sure you pick a unique Product ID.
Also see this.
You can buy a really unique VID:PID here. I don't think you need this for personal use.
## Cortex: `cstddef: No such file or directory`
## Cortex: cstddef: No such file or directory
GCC 4.8 of Ubuntu 14.04 had this problem and had to update to 4.9 with this PPA.
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@
## `clock_prescale_set` and `clock_div_1` Not Available
## 'clock_prescale_set' and 'clock_div_1' not available
Your toolchain is too old to support the MCU. For example WinAVR 20100110 doesn't support ATMega32u2.
@ -80,27 +81,11 @@ make: *** [obj_alps64/protocol/lufa/lufa.o] Error 1
Note that Teensy2.0++ bootloader size is 2048byte. Some Makefiles may have wrong comment.
# Boot Section Size in *bytes*
# Teensy halfKay 512
# Teensy++ halfKay 2048
# Boot Section Size in *bytes*
# Teensy halfKay 512
# Teensy++ halfKay 2048
# Atmel DFU loader 4096 (TMK Alt Controller)
# LUFA bootloader 4096
# USBaspLoader 2048
# LUFA bootloader 4096
# USBaspLoader 2048
## `avr-gcc: internal compiler error: Abort trap: 6 (program cc1)` on MacOS
This is an issue with updating on brew, causing symlinks that avr-gcc depend on getting mangled.
The solution is to remove and reinstall all affected modules.
brew rm avr-gcc
brew rm dfu-programmer
brew rm gcc-arm-none-eabi
brew rm avrdude
brew install avr-gcc
brew install dfu-programmer
brew install gcc-arm-none-eabi
brew install avrdude

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ This page details various common questions people have about troubleshooting the
# Debug Console
## `hid_listen` Can't Recognize Device
## hid_listen can't recognize device
When debug console of your device is not ready you will see like this:
Waiting for device:.........
once the device is plugged in then *hid_listen* finds it you will get this message:
once the device is pluged in then *hid_listen* finds it you will get this message:
Waiting for new device:.........................
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If you can't get this 'Listening:' message try building with `CONSOLE_ENABLE=yes
You may need privilege to access the device on OS like Linux.
- try `sudo hid_listen`
## Can't Get Message on Console
## Can't get message on console
- *hid_listen* finds your device. See above.
- Enable debug with pressing **Magic**+d. See [Magic Commands](
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Check:
- try using 'print' function instead of debug print. See **common/print.h**.
- disconnect other devices with console function. See [Issue #97](
## Linux or UNIX Like System Requires Super User Privilege
## Linux or UNIX like system requires Super User privilege
Just use 'sudo' to execute *hid_listen* with privilege.
$ sudo hid_listen
@ -82,46 +82,46 @@ Size after:
consume extra memory; watch out for BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE,
- DFU tools do /not/ allow you to write into the bootloader (unless
you throw in extra fruit salad of options), so there is little risk
you throw in extra fruitsalad of options), so there is little risk
- EEPROM has around a 100000 write cycle. You shouldn't rewrite the
firmware repeatedly and continually; that'll burn the EEPROM
## NKRO Doesn't work
First you have to compile firmware with this build option `NKRO_ENABLE` in **Makefile**.
First you have to compile frimware with this build option `NKRO_ENABLE` in **Makefile**.
Try `Magic` **N** command(`LShift+RShift+N` by default) when **NKRO** still doesn't work. You can use this command to toggle between **NKRO** and **6KRO** mode temporarily. In some situations **NKRO** doesn't work you need to switch to **6KRO** mode, in particular when you are in BIOS.
If your firmware built with `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE` you need to turn its switch on by `BootMagic` **N** command(`Space+N` by default). This setting is stored in EEPROM and kept over power cycles.
If your firmware built with `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE` you need to turn its switch on by `BootMagic` **N** command(`Space+N` by default). This setting is stored in EEPROM and keeped over power cycles.
## TrackPoint Needs Reset Circuit (PS/2 Mouse Support)
Without reset circuit you will have inconsistent result due to improper initialize of the hardware. See circuit schematic of TPM754.
## TrackPoint needs reset circuit(PS/2 mouse support)
Without reset circuit you will have inconsistent reuslt due to improper initialize of the hardware. See circuit schematic of TPM754.
## Can't Read Column of Matrix Beyond 16
## Can't read column of matrix beyond 16
Use `1UL<<16` instead of `1<<16` in `read_cols()` in [matrix.h] when your columns goes beyond 16.
In C `1` means one of [int] type which is [16 bit] in case of AVR so you can't shift left more than 15. You will get unexpected zero when you say `1<<16`. You have to use [unsigned long] type with `1UL`.
In C `1` means one of [int] type which is [16bit] in case of AVR so you can't shift left more than 15. You will get unexpected zero when you say `1<<16`. You have to use [unsigned long] type with `1UL`.
## Bootloader Jump Doesn't Work
## Bootloader jump doesn't work
Properly configure bootloader size in **Makefile**. With wrong section size bootloader won't probably start with **Magic command** and **Boot Magic**.
# Size of Bootloaders in bytes:
# Atmel DFU loader(ATmega32U4) 4096
# Atmel DFU loader(AT90USB128) 8192
# LUFA bootloader(ATmega32U4) 4096
# Arduino Caterina(ATmega32U4) 4096
# USBaspLoader(ATmega***) 2048
# Teensy halfKay(ATmega32U4) 512
# Atmel DFU loader(ATmega32U4) 4096
# Atmel DFU loader(AT90USB128) 8192
# LUFA bootloader(ATmega32U4) 4096
# Arduino Caterina(ATmega32U4) 4096
# USBaspLoader(ATmega***) 2048
# Teensy halfKay(ATmega32U4) 512
# Teensy++ halfKay(AT90USB128) 2048
@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ byte Atmel/LUFA(ATMega32u4) byte Atmel(AT90SUB1286)
| | | |
| | | |
| Application | | Application |
| | | |
| | | |
= = = =
| | 32KB-4KB | | 128KB-8KB
0x6000 +---------------+ 0x1E000 +---------------+
| Bootloader | 4KB | Bootloader | 8KB
0x7FFF +---------------+ 0x1FFFF +---------------+
byte Teensy(ATMega32u4) byte Teensy++(AT90SUB1286)
0x0000 +---------------+ 0x00000 +---------------+
| | | |
@ -159,16 +159,15 @@ byte Teensy(ATMega32u4) byte Teensy++(AT90SUB1286)
And see this discussion for further reference.
If you are using a TeensyUSB, there is a [known bug]( in which the hardware reset button prevents the RESET key from working. Unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in should resolve the problem.
## Special Extra Key Doesn't Work (System, Audio Control Keys)
## Special Extra key doesn't work(System, Audio control keys)
You need to define `EXTRAKEY_ENABLE` in `` to use them in QMK.
EXTRAKEY_ENABLE = yes # Audio control and System control
## Wakeup from Sleep Doesn't Work
## Wakeup from sleep doesn't work
In Windows check `Allow this device to wake the computer` setting in Power **Management property** tab of **Device Manager**. Also check BIOS setting.
@ -181,11 +180,11 @@ Pressing any key during sleep should wake host.
Arduino Leonardo and micro have **ATMega32U4** and can be used for TMK, though Arduino bootloader may be a problem.
Arduino leonardo and micro have **ATMega32U4** and can be used for TMK, though Arduino bootloader may be a problem.
## Using PF4-7 Pins of USB AVR?
You need to set JTD bit of MCUCR yourself to use PF4-7 as GPIO. Those pins are configured to serve JTAG function by default. MCUs like ATMega*U* or AT90USB* are affected with this.
## Using PF4-7 pins of USB AVR?
You need to set JTD bit of MCUCR yourself to use PF4-7 as GPIO. Those pins are configured to serve JTAG function by default. MCUs like ATMega*U* or AT90USB* are affeteced with this.
If you are using Teensy this isn't needed. Teensy is shipped with JTAGEN fuse bit unprogrammed to disable the function.
@ -200,7 +199,7 @@
And read **26.5.1 MCU Control Register MCUCR** of ATMega32U4 datasheet.
## Adding LED Indicators of Lock Keys
## Adding LED indicators of Lock keys
You need your own LED indicators for CapsLock, ScrollLock and NumLock? See this post.
@ -218,26 +217,26 @@
## USB 3 Compatibility
## USB 3 compatibility
I heard some people have a problem with USB 3 port, try USB 2 port.
## Mac Compatibility
## Mac compatibility
### OS X 10.11 and Hub
## Problem on BIOS (UEFI)/Resume (Sleep & Wake)/Power Cycles
## Problem on BIOS(UEFI)/Resume(Sleep&Wake)/Power cycles
Some people reported their keyboard stops working on BIOS and/or after resume(power cycles).
As of now root of its cause is not clear but some build options seem to be related. In Makefile try to disable those options like `CONSOLE_ENABLE`, `NKRO_ENABLE`, `SLEEP_LED_ENABLE` and/or others.
As of now root of its cause is not clear but some build options seem to be related. In Makefile try to disable those options like `CONSOLE_ENABLE`, `NKRO_ENABLE`, `SLEEP_LED_ENABLE` and/or others.
## FLIP Doesn't Work
### `AtLibUsbDfu.dll` Not Found
## FLIP doesn't work
### AtLibUsbDfu.dll not found
Remove current driver and reinstall one FLIP provides from DeviceManager.

@ -4,16 +4,17 @@
[QMK](, short for Quantum Mechanical Keyboard, is a group of people building tools for custom keyboards. We started with the [QMK firmware](, a heavily modified fork of [TMK](
### Why the Name Quantum?
### Why the name Quantum?
<!-- FIXME -->
## What Differences Are There Between QMK and TMK?
TMK was originally designed and implemented by [Jun Wako]( QMK started as [Jack Humbert]('s fork of TMK for the Planck. After a while Jack's fork had diverged quite a bit from TMK, and in 2015 Jack decided to rename his fork to QMK.
TMK was originally designed and implemented by [Jun Wako]( QMK started as [Jack Humbert's]( fork of TMK for the Planck. After a while Jack's fork had diverged quite a bit from TMK, and in 2015 Jack decided to rename his fork to QMK.
From a technical standpoint QMK builds upon TMK by adding several new features. Most notably QMK has expanded the number of available keycodes and uses these to implement advanced features like `S()`, `LCTL()`, and `MO()`. You can see a complete list of these keycodes in [Keycodes](
From a project and community management standpoint TMK maintains all the officially supported keyboards by himself, with a bit of community support. Separate community maintained forks exist or can be created for other keyboards. Only a few keymaps are provided by default, so users typically don't share keymaps with each other. QMK encourages sharing of both keyboards and keymaps through a centrally managed repository, accepting all pull requests that follow the quality standards. These are mostly community maintained, but the QMK team also helps when necessary.
Both approaches have their merits and their drawbacks, and code flows freely between TMK and QMK when it makes sense.

@ -7,57 +7,37 @@ See [Keycodes]( for an index of keycodes available to you. These lin
Keycodes are actually defined in [common/keycode.h](
## What Are the Default Keycodes?
There are 3 standard keyboard layouts in use around the world- ANSI, ISO, and JIS. North America primarily uses ANSI, Europe and Africa primarily use ISO, and Japan uses JIS. Regions not mentioned typically use either ANSI or ISO. The keycodes corresponding to these layouts are shown here:
<!-- Source for this image: -->
![Keyboard Layout Image](
## Some Of My Keys Are Swapped Or Not Working
QMK has two features, Bootmagic and Command, which allow you to change the behavior of your keyboard on the fly. This includes, but is not limited to, swapping Ctrl/Caps, disabling Gui, swapping Alt/Gui, swapping Backspace/Backslash, disabling all keys, and other behavioral modifications.
As a quick fix try holding down `Space`+`Backspace` while you plug in your keyboard. This will reset the stored settings on your keyboard, returning those keys to normal operation. If that doesn't work look here:
* [Bootmagic](
* [Command](
## The Menu Key Isn't Working
The key found on most modern keyboards that is located between `KC_RGUI` and `KC_RCTL` is actually called `KC_APP`. This is because when that key was invented there was already a key named `MENU` in the relevant standards, so MS chose to call that the `APP` key.
## `KC_SYSREQ` Isn't Working
## `KC_SYSREQ` isn't working
Use keycode for Print Screen(`KC_PSCREEN` or `KC_PSCR`) instead of `KC_SYSREQ`. Key combination of 'Alt + Print Screen' is recognized as 'System request'.
See [issue #168]( and
## Power Key Doesn't Work
## Power key doesn't work
Use `KC_PWR` instead of `KC_POWER` or vice versa.
* `KC_PWR` works with Windows and Linux, not with OSX.
* `KC_POWER` works with OSX and Linux, not with Windows.
- `KC_PWR` works with Windows and Linux, not with OSX.
- `KC_POWER` works with OSX and Linux, not with Windows.
More info:
## One Shot Modifier
Solves my personal 'the' problem. I often got 'the' or 'THe' wrongly instead of 'The'. One Shot Shift mitigates this for me.
## Oneshot modifier
Solves my personal 'the' problem. I often got 'the' or 'THe' wrongly instead of 'The'. Oneshot Shift mitgates this for me.
## Modifier/Layer Stuck
## Modifier/Layer stuck
Modifier keys or layers can be stuck unless layer switching is configured properly.
For Modifier keys and layer actions you have to place `KC_TRANS` on same position of destination layer to unregister the modifier key or return to previous layer on release event.
## Mechanical Lock Switch Support
This feature is for *mechanical lock switch* like [this Alps one]( You can enable it by adding this to your `config.h`:
@ -67,7 +47,7 @@ After enabling this feature use keycodes `KC_LCAP`, `KC_LNUM` and `KC_LSCR` in y
Old vintage mechanical keyboards occasionally have lock switches but modern ones don't have. ***You don't need this feature in most case and just use keycodes `KC_CAPS`, `KC_NLCK` and `KC_SLCK`.***
## Input Special Characters Other Than ASCII like Cédille 'Ç'
## Input special charactors other than ASCII like Cédille 'Ç'
NO UNIVERSAL METHOD TO INPUT THOSE WORKS OVER ALL SYSTEMS. You have to define **MACRO** in way specific to your OS or layout.
See this post for example **MACRO** code.
@ -75,20 +55,20 @@ See this post for example **MACRO** code.
On **Windows** you can use `AltGr` key or **Alt code**.
On **Mac** OS defines `Option` key combinations.
On **Xorg** you can use `compose` key, instead.
And see this for **Unicode** input.
## Apple/Mac Keyboard `Fn`
## Apple/Mac keyboard Fn
Not supported.
Apple/Mac keyboard sends keycode for Fn unlike most of other keyboards.
@ -97,13 +77,13 @@ I think you can send Apple Fn key using Apple venter specific Page 0xff01 and us
## Media Control Keys in Mac OSX
#### KC_MNXT and KC_MPRV Does Not Work on Mac
## Media control keys in Mac OSX
#### KC_MNXT and KC_MPRV does not work on Mac
## Keys Supported in Mac OSX?
## Keys supported in Mac OSX?
You can know which keycodes are supported in OSX from this source code.
`usb_2_adb_keymap` array maps Keyboard/Keypad Page usages to ADB scancodes(OSX internal keycodes).
@ -115,7 +95,7 @@ And `IOHIDConsumer::dispatchConsumerEvent` handles Consumer page usages.
## JIS Keys in Mac OSX
## JIS keys in Mac OSX
Japanese JIS keyboard specific keys like `無変換(Muhenkan)`, `変換(Henkan)`, `ひらがな(hiragana)` are not recognized on OSX. You can use **Seil** to enable those keys, try following options.
* Enable NFER Key on PC keyboard
@ -125,21 +105,23 @@ Japanese JIS keyboard specific keys like `無変換(Muhenkan)`, `変換(Henkan)`
## RN-42 Bluetooth Doesn't Work with Karabiner
## RN-42 Bluetooth doesn't work with Karabiner
Karabiner - Keymapping tool on Mac OSX - ignores inputs from RN-42 module by default. You have to enable this option to make Karabiner working with your keyboard.
See these for the detail of this problem.
See these for the deail of this problem.
## Esc and <code>&#96;</code> on a Single Key
## Esc and `~ on a key
Use `GRAVE_ESC` or `KC_GESC` in your keymap. `GUI`+`GRAVE_ESC` results in `` ` `` and `SHIFT`+`GRAVE_ESC` results in `~`.
See the [Grave Escape]( feature.
Note that this will break the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC shortcut to the Windows task manager. Use `#define GRAVE_ESC_CTRL_OVERRIDE` in your `config.h` to get the shortcut back. With this option, `ESC_GRAVE` results in `ESC` if `CTRL` is held, even if `SHIFT` or `GUI` are also held.
## Arrow on Right Modifier Keys with Dual-Role
This turns right modifier keys into arrow keys when the keys are tapped while still modifiers when the keys are hold. In TMK the dual-role function is dubbed **TAP**.
## Arrow on Right Modifier keys with Dual-Role
This turns right modifer keys into arrow keys when the keys are tapped while still modifiers when the keys are hold. In TMK the dual-role function is dubbed **TAP**.
#include "keymap_common.h"
@ -190,18 +172,18 @@ It seems Windows 10 ignores the code and Linux/Xorg recognizes but has no mappin
Not sure what keycode Eject is on genuine Apple keyboard actually. HHKB uses `F20` for Eject key(`Fn+f`) on Mac mode but this is not same as Apple Eject keycode probably.
## What's `weak_mods` and `real_mods` in `action_util.c`
## What's weak_mods and real_mods in action_util.c
real_mods is intended to retains state of real/physical modifier key state, while
weak_mods retains state of virtual or temporary modifiers which should not affect state real modifier key.
weak_mods retains state of virtual or temprary modifiers which should not affect state real modifier key.
Let's say you hold down physical left shift key and type ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A),
Let's say you hold down physical left shift key and type ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A),
with weak_mods,
* (1) hold down left shift: real_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (2) press ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): weak_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (3) release ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): weak_mods &= ~MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (3) release ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): waek_mods &= ~MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
real_mods still keeps modifier state.
without weak mods,
@ -213,7 +195,7 @@ here real_mods lost state for 'physical left shift'.
weak_mods is ORed with real_mods when keyboard report is sent.
## Timer Functionality
## Timer functionality
It's possible to start timers and read values for time-specific events - here's an example:

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# Advanced Keycodes
Your keymap can include keycodes that are more advanced than normal, for example shifted keys. This page documents the functions that are available to you.
### Assigning Custom Names
People often define custom names using `#define`. For example:
This will allow you to use `FN_CAPS` and `ALT_TAB` in your `KEYMAP()`, keeping it more readable.
### Limits of These Aliases
Currently, the keycodes able to used with these functions are limited to the [Basic Keycodes](, meaning you can't use keycodes like `KC_TILD`, or anything greater than 0xFF. For a full list of the keycodes able to be used see [Basic Keycodes](
# Switching and Toggling Layers
These functions allow you to activate layers in various ways. Note that layers are not generally independent layouts -- multiple layers can be activated at once, and it's typical for layers to use `KC_TRNS` to allow keypresses to pass through to lower layers. For a detailed explanation of layers, see [Keymap Overview](
* `DF(layer)` - switches the default layer. The default layer is the always-active base layer that other layers stack on top of. See below for more about the default layer. This might be used to switch from QWERTY to Dvorak layout. (Note that this is a temporary switch that only persists until the keyboard loses power. To modify the default layer in a persistent way requires deeper customization, such as calling the `set_single_persistent_default_layer` function inside of [process_record_user](
* `MO(layer)` - momentarily activates *layer*. As soon as you let go of the key, the layer is deactivated.
* `LM(layer, mod)` - Momentarily activates *layer* (like `MO`), but with modifier(s) *mod* active. Only supports layers 0-15 and the left modifiers.
* `LT(layer, kc)` - momentarily activates *layer* when held, and sends *kc* when tapped.
* `TG(layer)` - toggles *layer*, activating it if it's inactive and vice versa
* `TO(layer)` - activates *layer* and de-activates all other layers (except your default layer). This function is special, because instead of just adding/removing one layer to your active layer stack, it will completely replace your current active layers, uniquely allowing you to replace higher layers with a lower one. This is activated on keydown (as soon as the key is pressed).
* `TT(layer)` - Layer Tap-Toggle. If you hold the key down, *layer* is activated, and then is de-activated when you let go (like `MO`). If you repeatedly tap it, the layer will be toggled on or off (like `TG`). It needs 5 taps by default, but you can change this by defining `TAPPING_TOGGLE` -- for example, `#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 2` to toggle on just two taps.
# Working with Layers
Care must be taken when switching layers, it's possible to lock yourself into a layer with no way to deactivate that layer (without unplugging your keyboard.) We've created some guidelines to help users avoid the most common problems.
### Beginners
If you are just getting started with QMK you will want to keep everything simple. Follow these guidelines when setting up your layers:
* Setup layer 0 as your default, "base" layer. This is your normal typing layer, and could be whatever layout you want (qwerty, dvorak, colemak, etc.). It's important to set this as the lowest layer since it will typically have most or all of the keyboard's keys defined, so would block other layers from having any effect if it were above them (i.e., had a higher layer number).
* Arrange your layers in a "tree" layout, with layer 0 as the root. Do not try to enter the same layer from more than one other layer.
* In a layer's keymap, only reference higher-numbered layers. Because layers are processed from the highest-numbered (topmost) active layer down, modifying the state of lower layers can be tricky and error-prone.
### Intermediate Users
Sometimes you need more than one base layer. For example, if you want to switch between QWERTY and Dvorak, switch between layouts for different countries, or switch your layout for different videogames. Your base layers should always be the lowest numbered layers. When you have multiple base layers you should always treat them as mutually exclusive. When one base layer is on the others are off.
### Advanced Users
Once you have a good feel for how layers work and what you can do, you can get more creative. The rules listed in the beginner section will help you be successful by avoiding some of the tricker details but they can be constraining, especially for ultra-compact keyboard users. Understanding how layers work will allow you to use them in more advanced ways.
Layers stack on top of each other in numerical order. When determining what a keypress does, QMK scans the layers from the top down, stopping when it reaches the first active layer that is not set to `KC_TRNS`. As a result if you activate a layer that is numerically lower than your current layer, and your current layer (or another layer that is active and higher than your target layer) has something other than `KC_TRNS`, that is the key that will be sent, not the key on the layer you just activated. This is the cause of most people's "why doesn't my layer get switched" problem.
Sometimes, you might want to switch between layers in a macro or as part of a tap dance routine. `layer_on` activates a layer, and `layer_off` deactivates it. More layer-related functions can be found in [action_layer.h](
# Modifier Keys
These functions allow you to combine a mod with a keycode. When pressed the keydown for the mod will be sent first, and then *kc* will be sent. When released the keyup for *kc* will be sent and then the mod will be sent.
* `LSFT(kc)` or `S(kc)` - applies left Shift to *kc* (keycode)
* `RSFT(kc)` - applies right Shift to *kc*
* `LCTL(kc)` - applies left Control to *kc*
* `RCTL(kc)` - applies right Control to *kc*
* `LALT(kc)` - applies left Alt to *kc*
* `RALT(kc)` - applies right Alt to *kc*
* `LGUI(kc)` - applies left GUI (command/win) to *kc*
* `RGUI(kc)` - applies right GUI (command/win) to *kc*
* `HYPR(kc)` - applies Hyper (all modifiers) to *kc*
* `MEH(kc)` - applies Meh (all modifiers except Win/Cmd) to *kc*
* `LCAG(kc)` - applies CtrlAltGui to *kc*
You can also chain these, like this:
LALT(LCTL(KC_DEL)) -- this makes a key that sends Alt, Control, and Delete in a single keypress.
# Shifted Keycodes
The following shortcuts automatically add `LSFT()` to keycodes to get commonly used symbols.
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_TILDE` |`KC_TILD` |`~` |
|`KC_EXCLAIM` |`KC_EXLM` |`!` |
|`KC_AT` | |`@` |
|`KC_HASH` | |`#` |
|`KC_DOLLAR` |`KC_DLR` |`$` |
|`KC_PERCENT` |`KC_PERC` |`%` |
|`KC_ASTERISK` |`KC_ASTR` |`*` |
|`KC_LEFT_PAREN` |`KC_LPRN` |`(` |
|`KC_PLUS` | |`+` |
|`KC_PIPE` | |<code>&#124;</code>|
|`KC_COLON` |`KC_COLN` |`:` |
|`KC_QUESTION` |`KC_QUES` |`?` |
# Mod Tap
`MT(mod, kc)` - is *mod* (modifier key - MOD_LCTL, MOD_LSFT) when held, and *kc* when tapped. In other words, you can have a key that sends Esc (or the letter O or whatever) when you tap it, but works as a Control key or a Shift key when you hold it down.
These are the values you can use for the `mod` in `MT()` and `OSM()`:
These can also be combined like `MOD_LCTL | MOD_LSFT` e.g. `MT(MOD_LCTL | MOD_LSFT, KC_ESC)` which would activate Control and Shift when held, and send Escape when tapped.
We've added shortcuts to make common modifier/tap (mod-tap) mappings more compact:
* `CTL_T(kc)` - is LCTL when held and *kc* when tapped
* `SFT_T(kc)` - is LSFT when held and *kc* when tapped
* `ALT_T(kc)` - is LALT when held and *kc* when tapped
* `ALGR_T(kc)` - is AltGr when held and *kc* when tapped
* `GUI_T(kc)` - is LGUI when held and *kc* when tapped
* `ALL_T(kc)` - is Hyper (all mods) when held and *kc* when tapped. To read more about what you can do with a Hyper key, see [this blog post by Brett Terpstra](
* `LCAG_T(kc)` - is CtrlAltGui when held and *kc* when tapped
* `MEH_T(kc)` - is like Hyper, but not as cool -- does not include the Cmd/Win key, so just sends Alt+Ctrl+Shift.
{% hint style='info' %}
Due to the way that keycodes are structured, any modifiers specified as part of `kc`, such as `LCTL()` or `KC_LPRN`, will only activate when held instead of tapped.
Additionally, if there is at least one right modifier, any other modifiers will turn into their right equivalents, so it is not possible to "mix and match" the two.
{% endhint %}
# One Shot Keys
One shot keys are keys that remain active until the next key is pressed, and then are released. This allows you to type keyboard combinations without pressing more than one key at a time. These keys are usually called "Sticky keys" or "Dead keys".
For example, if you define a key as `OSM(MOD_LSFT)`, you can type a capital A character by first pressing and releasing shift, and then pressing and releasing A. Your computer will see the shift key being held the moment shift is pressed, and it will see the shift key being released immediately after A is released.
One shot keys also work as normal modifiers. If you hold down a one shot key and type other keys, your one shot will be released immediately after you let go of the key.
You can control the behavior of one shot keys by defining these in `config.h`:
#define ONESHOT_TAP_TOGGLE 5 /* Tapping this number of times holds the key until tapped this number of times again. */
#define ONESHOT_TIMEOUT 5000 /* Time (in ms) before the one shot key is released */
* `OSM(mod)` - Momentarily hold down *mod*. You must use the `MOD_*` keycodes as shown in [Mod Tap](#mod-tap), not the `KC_*` codes.
* `OSL(layer)` - momentary switch to *layer*.
Sometimes, you want to activate a one-shot layer as part of a macro or tap dance routine. To do this, you need to call `set_oneshot_layer(LAYER, ONESHOT_START)` on key down, and `set_oneshot_layer(ONESHOT_PRESSED)` on key up. If you want to cancel the oneshot, call `reset_oneshot_layer()`. For more complicated actions, take a look at the oneshot implementation in [`process_record`](
If you're having issues with OSM translating over Remote Desktop Connection, this can be fixed by opening the settings, going to the "Local Resources" tap, and in the keyboard section, change the drop down to "On this Computer". This will fix the issue and allow OSM to function properly over Remote Desktop.
# Permissive Hold
As of [PR#1359](, there is a new `config.h` option:
This makes it easier for fast typists to use dual-function keys. Without this, if you let go of a held key inside the tapping term, it won't register.
Example: (Tapping Term = 200ms)
- SHFT_T(KC_A) Down
- KC_X Down
- KC_X Up
With defaults, if above is typed within tapping term, this will emit `ax`. With permissive hold, if above is typed within tapping term, this will emit `X` (so, Shift+X).

@ -1,17 +1,6 @@
# Audio
Your keyboard can make sounds! If you've got a Planck, Preonic, or basically any AVR keyboard that allows access to certain PWM-capable pins, you can hook up a simple speaker and make it beep. You can use those beeps to indicate layer transitions, modifiers, special keys, or just to play some funky 8bit tunes.
Up to two simultaneous audio voices are supported, one driven by timer 1 and another driven by timer 3. The following pins can be defined as audio outputs in config.h:
Timer 1:
`#define B5_AUDIO`
`#define B6_AUDIO`
`#define B7_AUDIO`
Timer 3:
`#define C4_AUDIO`
`#define C5_AUDIO`
`#define C6_AUDIO`
Your keyboard can make sounds! If you've got a Planck, Preonic, or basically any AVR keyboard that allows access to the C6 or B5 port (`#define C6_AUDIO` and/or `#define B5_AUDIO`), you can hook up a simple speaker and make it beep. You can use those beeps to indicate layer transitions, modifiers, special keys, or just to play some funky 8bit tunes.
If you add `AUDIO_ENABLE = yes` to your ``, there's a couple different sounds that will automatically be enabled without any other configuration:
@ -58,9 +47,9 @@ PLAY_LOOP(my_song);
It's advised that you wrap all audio features in `#ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE` / `#endif` to avoid causing problems when audio isn't built into the keyboard.
## Music Mode
## Music mode
The music mode maps your columns to a chromatic scale, and your rows to octaves. This works best with ortholinear keyboards, but can be made to work with others. All keycodes less than `0xFF` get blocked, so you won't type while playing notes - if you have special keys/mods, those will still work. A work-around for this is to jump to a different layer with KC_NOs before (or after) enabling music mode.
The music mode maps your columns to a chromatic scale, and your rows to octaves. This works best with ortholinear keyboards, but can be made to work with others. All keycodes less than `0xFF` get blocked, so you won't type while playing notes - if you have special keys/mods, those will still work. A work-around for this is to jump to a different layer with KC_NOs before (or after) enabling music mode.
Recording is experimental due to some memory issues - if you experience some weird behavior, unplugging/replugging your keyboard will fix things.
@ -93,41 +82,7 @@ The pitch standard (`PITCH_STANDARD_A`) is 440.0f by default - to change this, a
#define PITCH_STANDARD_A 432.0f
You can completely disable Music Mode as well. This is useful, if you're pressed for space on your controller. To disable it, add this to your `config.h`:
## Faux Click
This adds a click sound each time you hit a button, to simulate click sounds from the keyboard. And the sounds are slightly different for each keypress, so it doesn't sound like a single long note, if you type rapidly.
* `CK_TOGG` - Toggles the status (will play sound if enabled)
* `CK_RST` - Resets the frequency to the default state
* `CK_UP` - Increases the frequency of the clicks
* `CK_DOWN` - Decreases the frequency of the clicks
The feature is disabled by default, to save space. To enable it, add this to your `config.h`:
Additionally, even when enabled, the feature is not enabled by default, so you would need to turn it on first. And since we don't use EEPROM to store the setting (yet), you can default this to on by adding this to your `config.h`:
You can configure the default, min and max frequencies, the stepping and built in randomness by defining these values:
| Option | Default Value | Description |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_DEFAULT` | 440.0f | Sets the default/starting audio frequency for the clicky sounds. |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_MIN` | 65.0f | Sets the lowest frequency (under 60f are a bit buggy). |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_MAX` | 1500.0f | Sets the the highest frequency. Too high may result in coworkers attacking you. |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_FACTOR` | 1.18921f| Sets the stepping of UP/DOWN key codes. |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_RANDOMNESS` | 0.05f | Sets a factor of randomness for the clicks, Setting this to `0f` will make each click identical. |
## MIDI Functionality
## MIDI functionalty
This is still a WIP, but check out `quantum/keymap_midi.c` to see what's happening. Enable from the Makefile.

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Auto Shift: Why Do We Need a Shift Key?
# Auto Shift: Why do we need a shift key?
Tap a key and you get its character. Tap a key, but hold it *slightly* longer
and you get its shifted state. Voilà! No shift key needed!
and you get its shifted state. Viola! No shift key needed!
## Why Auto Shift?
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ fingers repetitively long distances. For us on the keyboard, the pinky does that
all too often when reaching for the shift key. Auto Shift looks to alleviate that
## How Does It Work?
## How does it work?
When you tap a key, it stays depressed for a short period of time before it is
then released. This depressed time is a different length for everyone. Auto Shift
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ when you release the key. If the time depressed is greater than or equal to the
`AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`, then a shifted version of the key is emitted. If the time
is less than the `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` time, then the normal state is emitted.
## Are There Limitations to Auto Shift?
## Are there limitations to Auto Shift?
Yes, unfortunately.
@ -28,35 +28,26 @@ Yes, unfortunately.
characters, you could press and hold the 'a' key for a second or two. This no
longer works with Auto Shift because it is timing your depressed time instead
of emitting a depressed key state to your operating system.
2. You will have characters that are shifted when you did not intend on shifting, and
2. Auto Shift is disabled for any key press that is accompanied by one or more
modifiers. Thus, Ctrl+A that you hold for a really long time is not the same
as Ctrl+Shift+A.
3. You will have characters that are shifted when you did not intend on shifting, and
other characters you wanted shifted, but were not. This simply comes down to
practice. As we get in a hurry, we think we have hit the key long enough
for a shifted version, but we did not. On the other hand, we may think we are
tapping the keys, but really we have held it for a little longer than
## How Do I Enable Auto Shift?
## How do I enable Auto Shift?
Add to your `` in the keymap folder:
If no `` exists, you can create one.
Then compile and install your new firmware with Auto Key enabled! That's it!
## Modifiers
By default, Auto Shift is disabled for any key press that is accompanied by one or more
modifiers. Thus, Ctrl+A that you hold for a really long time is not the same
as Ctrl+Shift+A.
You can re-enable Auto Shift for modifiers by adding another rule to your ``
In which case, Ctrl+A held past the `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` will be sent as Ctrl+Shift+A
## Configuring Auto Shift
If desired, there is some configuration that can be done to change the
@ -75,7 +66,7 @@ A sample is
### AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT (Value in ms)
### AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT (value in ms)
This controls how long you have to hold a key before you get the shifted state.
Obviously, this is different for everyone. For the common person, a setting of
@ -84,7 +75,7 @@ is the default value. Then work down from there. The idea is to have the shortes
Play with this value until things are perfect. Many find that all will work well
at a given value, but one or two keys will still emit the shifted state on
occasion. This is simply due to habit and holding some keys a little longer
occassion. This is simply due to habit and holding some keys a little longer
than others. Once you find this value, work on tapping your problem keys a little
quicker than normal and you will be set.
@ -95,7 +86,7 @@ quick. See "Auto Shift Setup" for more details!
### NO_AUTO_SHIFT_SPECIAL (simple define)
Do not Auto Shift special keys, which include -\_, =+, [{, ]}, ;:, '", ,<, .>,
Do not Auto Shift special keys, which include -_, =+, [{, ]}, ;:, '", ,<, .>,
and /?
### NO_AUTO_SHIFT_NUMERIC (simple define)
@ -108,7 +99,7 @@ Do not Auto Shift alpha characters, which include A through Z.
## Using Auto Shift Setup
This will enable you to define three keys temporarily to increase, decrease and report your `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`.
This will enable you to define three keys temporailiy to increase, decrease and report your `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`.
### Setup
@ -119,9 +110,6 @@ Map three keys temporarily in your keymap:
| KC_ASDN | Lower the Auto Shift timeout variable (down) |
| KC_ASUP | Raise the Auto Shift timeout variable (up) |
| KC_ASRP | Report your current Auto Shift timeout value |
| KC_ASON | Turns on the Auto Shift Function |
| KC_ASOFF | Turns off the Auto Shift Function |
| KC_ASTG | Toggles the state of the Auto Shift feature |
Compile and upload your new firmware.
@ -146,25 +134,27 @@ completely normal and with no intention of shifted keys.
9. Remove the key bindings `KC_ASDN`, `KC_ASUP` and `KC_ASRP`.
10. Compile and upload your new firmware.
#### An Example Run
#### An example run
hello world. my name is john doe. i am a computer programmer playing with
keyboards right now.
hello world. my name is john doe. i am a computer programmer playing with
keyboards right now.
[PRESS KC_ASDN quite a few times]
[PRESS KC_ASDN quite a few times]
heLLo woRLd. mY nAMe is JOHn dOE. i AM A compUTeR proGRaMMER PlAYiNG witH
heLLo woRLd. mY nAMe is JOHn dOE. i AM A compUTeR proGRaMMER PlAYiNG witH
[PRESS KC_ASUP a few times]
[PRESS KC_ASUP a few times]
hello world. my name is john Doe. i am a computer programmer playing with
keyboarDs right now.
hello world. my name is john Doe. i am a computer programmer playing with
keyboarDs right now.
The keyboard typed `115` which represents your current `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`
value. You are now set! Practice on the *D* key a little bit that showed up
in the testing and you'll be golden.
in the testing and you'll be golden.

@ -6,34 +6,12 @@
These keycodes control the backlight. Most keyboards use this for single color in-switch lighting.
|Key |Description |
|`BL_TOGG`|Turn the backlight on or off |
|`BL_STEP`|Cycle through backlight levels |
|`BL_ON` |Set the backlight to max brightness |
|`BL_OFF` |Turn the backlight off |
|`BL_INC` |Increase the backlight level |
|`BL_DEC` |Decrease the backlight level |
|`BL_BRTG`|Toggle backlight breathing |
Note that for backlight breathing, you need to have `#define BACKLIGHT_BREATHING` in your config.h.
## Configuration Options in `config.h`
* `BACKLIGHT_PIN B7` defines the pin that controlls the LEDs. Unless you design your own keyboard, you don't need to set this.
* `BACKLIGHT_LEVELS 3` defines the number of brightness levels (maximum 15 excluding off).
* `BACKLIGHT_BREATHING` if defined, enables backlight breathing. Note that this is only available if `BACKLIGHT_PIN` is B5, B6 or B7.
* `BREATHING_PERIOD 6` defines the length of one backlight "breath" in seconds.
## Notes on Implementation
To change the brightness when using pins B5, B6 or B7, the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) functionality of the on-chip timer is used.
The timer is a counter that counts up to a certain TOP value (`0xFFFF` set in ICR1) before resetting to 0.
We also set an OCR1x register.
When the counter reaches the value stored in that register, the PWM pin drops to low.
The PWM pin is pulled high again when the counter resets to 0.
Therefore, OCR1x basically sets the duty cycle of the LEDs and as such the brightness where `0` is the darkest and `0xFFFF` the brightest setting.
To enable the breathing effect, we register an interrupt handler to be called whenever the counter resets (with `ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect)`).
In this handler, which gets called roughly 244 times per second, we compute the desired brightness using a precomputed brightness curve.
To disable breathing, we can just disable the respective interrupt vector and reset the brightness to the desired level.
|`BL_x`|Set a specific backlight level between 0-9|
|`BL_ON`|An alias for `BL_9`|
|`BL_OFF`|An alias for `BL_0`|
|`BL_DEC`|Turn the backlight level down by 1|
|`BL_INC`|Turn the backlight level up by 1|
|`BL_TOGG`|Toggle the backlight on or off|
|`BL_STEP`|Step through backlight levels, wrapping around to 0 when you reach the top.|

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Bluetooth
## Bluetooth Functionality
## Bluetooth functionality
This requires [some hardware changes](, but can be enabled via the Makefile. The firmware will still output characters via USB, so be aware of this when charging via a computer. It would make sense to have a switch on the Bluefruit to turn it off at will.
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ This requires [some hardware changes](
This is used when multiple keyboard outputs can be selected. Currently this only allows for switching between USB and Bluetooth on keyboards that support both.
|Name |Description |
|`OUT_AUTO`|Automatically switch between USB and Bluetooth|
|`OUT_USB` |USB only |
|`OUT_BT` |Bluetooth only |
|`OUT_AUTO`|auto mode|
|`OUT_USB`|usb only|

@ -1,89 +1,29 @@
# Bootmagic and Magic Keycodes
There are 3 separate but related features that allow you to change the behavior of your keyboard without reflashing. While each of them have similar functionality you access that functionality in different ways depending on how your keyboard is configured.
Bootmagic is a system for configuring your keyboard while it initializes. To trigger a Bootmagic command you hold down the bootmagic key (`KC_SPACE` on most keyboards) and one or more command keys.
Bootmagic Keycodes allow you to access the Bootmagic functionality after your keyboard has initialized. To use Bootmagic Keycodes you assign keycodes starting with `MAGIC_`, much in the same way you define any other key.
Command is a feature that allows you to control different aspects of your keyboard. Command used to be called Magic. Command is typically accessed by holding Left and Right Shift at the same time, although that can be customized. While it shares some functionality with Bootmagic it also allows you to access functionality that Bootmagic does not. For more information see the [Command]( documentation page.
## Enabling Bootmagic
Bootmagic is disabled by default. To use Bootmagic you need to enable it in your `` file:
## Bootmagic Hotkeys and Keycodes
This table describes the default Hotkeys for Bootmagic and the Keycodes for Magic. These may be overriden at the Keyboard or Keymap level. Some functionality is not available in both methods.
To use the Hotkey hold down `BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SALT` (`KC_SPACE` by default) and the Hotkey while plugging in your keyboard. To use the Keycode assign that keycode to a layer. For example, if you hold down Space+B while plugging in most keyboards, you will enter bootloader mode.
|Hotkey |Keycode |Description |
|`ESC` | |Skip bootmagic and saved eeprom configuration |
|`B` |`RESET` |Enter bootloader instead of firmware |
|`D` |`DEBUG` |Enable debugging (writes messages to serial) |
|`X` | |Enable matrix debugging |
|`K` | |Enable keyboard debugging |
|`M` | |Enable mouse debugging |
|`BACKSPACE`| |Clear the saved settings from flash |
|`CAPSLOCK` |`MAGIC_CAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` |Treat `Capslock` as `Control` |
| |`MAGIC_UNCAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` |Stop treating CapsLock as Control |
|`LCTRL` |`MAGIC_SWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK` |Swap `Control` and `Capslock` |
| |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK` |Unswap Left Control and Caps Lock |
| |`MAGIC_SWAP_ALT_GUI` |Swap Alt and GUI on both sides |
| |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_ALT_GUI` |Unswap Left Alt and GUI |
|`LALT` |`MAGIC_SWAP_LALT_LGUI` |Swap Left `Alt` and `GUI`, e.g. for OSX Opt and Cmd |
| |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_LALT_LGUI` |Unswap Left Alt and GUI |
|`RALT` |`MAGIC_SWAP_RALT_RGUI` |Swap Right `Alt` and `GUI` |
| |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_RALT_RGUI` |Unswap Right Alt and GUI |
|`LGUI` |`MAGIC_NO_GUI` |Disable GUI key - e.g. disable Windows key during gaming|
| |`MAGIC_UNNO_GUI` |Enable the GUI key |
|`GRAVE` |`MAGIC_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC` |Swap `\`~` and `ESC` |
| |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_GRAVE_ESC` |Unswap `\`~` and Escape |
|`BACKSLASH`|`MAGIC_SWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE` |Swap Blackslash and Backspace |
| |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE`|Unswap Backslash and Backspace |
|`N` |`MAGIC_HOST_NKRO` |Force N-Key Rollover (NKRO) on |
| |`MAGIC_UNHOST_NKRO` |Force NKRO off |
| |`MAGIC_TOGGLE_NKRO` |Toggle NKRO on or off |
|`0` |`DF(0)` |Make Layer 0 the default layer at bootup |
|`1` |`DF(1)` |Make Layer 1 the default layer at bootup |
|`2` |`DF(2)` |Make Layer 2 the default layer at bootup |
|`3` |`DF(3)` |Make Layer 3 the default layer at bootup |
|`4` |`DF(4)` |Make Layer 4 the default layer at bootup |
|`5` |`DF(5)` |Make Layer 5 the default layer at bootup |
|`6` |`DF(6)` |Make Layer 6 the default layer at bootup |
|`7` |`DF(7)` |Make Layer 7 the default layer at bootup |
## Bootmagic Configuration
When setting up your keyboard and/or keymap there are a number of `#define`s that control the behavior of Bootmagic. To use these put them in your `config.h`, either at the keyboard or keymap level.
|Define |Default|Description |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SALT`|`KC_SPACE`|The key to hold down to trigger Bootmagic during initialization.|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SKIP`|`KC_ESC`|The Hotkey to ignore saved eeprom configuration.|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_EEPROM_CLEAR`|`KC_BSPACE`|The hotkey to clear the saved eeprom configuration.|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_BOOTLOADER`|`KC_B`|The hotkey to enter the bootloader.|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_ENABLE`|`KC_D`|The hotkey to enable debug mode.|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_MATRIX`|`KC_X`|The hotkey to enable matrix debugging mode.|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_KEYBOARD`|`KC_K`|The hotkey to enable keyboard debugging mode.|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_MOUSE`|`KC_M`|The hotkey to enable mouse debugging mode.|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_0`|`KC_0`|Hotkey to set Layer 0 as the default layer|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_1`|`KC_1`|Hotkey to set Layer 1 as the default layer|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_2`|`KC_2`|Hotkey to set Layer 2 as the default layer|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_3`|`KC_3`|Hotkey to set Layer 3 as the default layer|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_4`|`KC_4`|Hotkey to set Layer 4 as the default layer|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_5`|`KC_5`|Hotkey to set Layer 5 as the default layer|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_6`|`KC_6`|Hotkey to set Layer 6 as the default layer|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_7`|`KC_7`|Hotkey to set Layer 7 as the default layer|
# Bootmagic
<!-- FIXME: Describe the bootmagic feature here. -->
## Bootmagic Keycodes
Shortcuts for bootmagic options. You can use these even when bootmagic is off.
|`MAGIC_SWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK`|Swap Capslock and Left Control|
|`MAGIC_CAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL`|Treat Capslock like a Control Key|
|`MAGIC_SWAP_LALT_LGUI`|Swap the left Alt and GUI keys|
|`MAGIC_SWAP_RALT_RGUI`|Swap the right Alt and GUI keys|
|`MAGIC_NO_GUI`|Disable the GUI key|
|`MAGIC_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC`|Swap the Grave and Esc key.|
|`MAGIC_SWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE`|Swap backslash and backspace|
|`MAGIC_SWAP_ALT_GUI`/`AG_SWAP`|Swap Alt and Gui on both sides|
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK`|Disable the Control/Capslock swap|
|`MAGIC_UNCAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL`|Disable treating Capslock like Control |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_LALT_LGUI`|Disable Left Alt and GUI switching|
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_RALT_RGUI`|Disable Right Alt and GUI switching|
|`MAGIC_UNNO_GUI`|Enable the GUI key |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_GRAVE_ESC`|Disable the Grave/Esc swap |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE`|Disable the backslash/backspace swap|
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_ALT_GUI`/`AG_NORM`|Disable the Alt/GUI switching|
|`MAGIC_TOGGLE_NKRO`|Turn NKRO on or off|

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Command (Formerly known as Magic)
Command is a way to change your keyboard's behavior without having to flash or unplug it to use [Bootmagic]( There is a lot of overlap between this functionality and the [Bootmagic Keycodes]( Whenever possible we encourage you to use that functionality instead of Command.
## Enabling Command
By default Command is disabled. You can enable it in your `` file:
## Usage
To use Command you hold down the key combination defined by `IS_COMMAND`. By default that combination is both shift keys. While holding the key combination press the key corresponding to the command you want.
For example, to write the current QMK version to the QMK Toolbox console, you can press `Left Shift`+`Right Shift`+`V`.
## Configuration
The following values can be defined in `config.h` to control the behavior of Command.
|Define |Default | Description |
|`IS_COMMAND()` |`(keyboard_report->mods == (MOD_BIT(KC_LSHIFT) | MOD_BIT(KC_RSHIFT)))`|Key combination to activate Command|
|`MAGIC_KEY_SWITCH_LAYER_WITH_FKEYS` |`true` |Do layer switching with Function row|
|`MAGIC_KEY_SWITCH_LAYER_WITH_NKEYS` |`true` |Do layer switching with number keys.|
|`MAGIC_KEY_SWITCH_LAYER_WITH_CUSTOM`|`false` |Do layer switching with custom keys (`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER0..9` below.)|
|`MAGIC_KEY_HELP1` |`H` |Show help.|
|`MAGIC_KEY_HELP2` |`SLASH` |Show help.|
|`MAGIC_KEY_DEBUG` |`D` |Turn on debug mode.|
|`MAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_MATRIX` |`X` |Turn on matrix debugging.|
|`MAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_KBD` |`K` |Turn on keyboard debugging.|
|`MAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_MOUSE` |`M` |Turn on mouse debugging.|
|`MAGIC_KEY_VERSION` |`V` |Write the QMK version to the console|
|`MAGIC_KEY_STATUS` |`S` |Show the current keyboard status|
|`MAGIC_KEY_CONSOLE` |`C` |Enable the Command Console|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER0_ALT1` |`ESC` |Alternate access to layer 0|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER0_ALT2` |`GRAVE` |Alternate access to layer 0|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER0` |`0` |Change default layer to 0|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER1` |`1` |Change default layer to 1|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER2` |`2` |Change default layer to 2|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER3` |`3` |Change default layer to 3|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER4` |`4` |Change default layer to 4|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER5` |`5` |Change default layer to 5|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER6` |`6` |Change default layer to 6|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER7` |`7` |Change default layer to 7|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER8` |`8` |Change default layer to 8|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LAYER9` |`9` |Change default layer to 9|
|`MAGIC_KEY_BOOTLOADER` |`PAUSE` |Exit keyboard and enter bootloader|
|`MAGIC_KEY_LOCK` |`CAPS` |Lock the keyboard so nothing can be typed|
|`MAGIC_KEY_EEPROM` |`E` |Erase EEPROM settings|
|`MAGIC_KEY_NKRO` |`N` |Toggle NKRO on/off|
|`MAGIC_KEY_SLEEP_LED` |`Z` |Toggle LED when computer is sleeping on/off|

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
# Common Keymap Shortcuts
Your keymap can include shortcuts to common operations, for example shifted keys. This page documents the functions that are available to you.
People often define custom names using `#define`. For example:
This will allow you to use `FN_CAPS` and `ALT_TAB` in your `KEYMAP()`, keeping it more readable.
### Limits of these aliases
Currently, the keycodes able to used with these functions are limited to the [Basic Keycodes](keycodes_basic.html), meaning you can't use keycodes like `KC_TILD`, or anything greater than 0xFF. For a full list of the keycodes able to be used see [Basic Keycodes](keycodes_basic.html).
## Switching and toggling layers
These functions allow you to activate layers in various ways.
* `MO(layer)` - momentary switch to *layer*. As soon as you let go of the key, the layer is deactivated and you pop back out to the previous layer.
* `LT(layer, kc)` - momentary switch to *layer* when held, and *kc* when tapped.
* `TG(layer)` - toggles a layer on or off.
* `TO(layer)` - Goes to a layer. This code is special, because it lets you go either up or down the stack -- just goes directly to the layer you want. So while other codes only let you go _up_ the stack (from layer 0 to layer 3, for example), `TO(2)` is going to get you to layer 2, no matter where you activate it from -- even if you're currently on layer 5. This gets activated on keydown (as soon as the key is pressed).
* `TT(layer)` - Layer Tap-Toggle. If you hold the key down, the layer becomes active, and then deactivates when you let go. And if you tap it, the layer simply becomes active (toggles on). It needs 5 taps by default, but you can set it by defining `TAPPING_TOGGLE`, for example, `#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 2` for just two taps.
## Working With Layers
Care must be taken when switching layers, it's possible to lock yourself into a layer with no way to deactivate that layer (without unplugging your keyboard.) We've created some guidelines to help users avoid the most common problems.
### Beginners
If you are just getting started with QMK you will want to keep everything simple. Follow these guidelines when setting up your layers:
* Setup layer 0 as your "base" layer. This is your normal typing layer, and could be whatever layout you want (qwerty, dvorak, colemak, etc.)
* Arrange your layers in a "tree" layout, with layer 0 as the root. Do not try to enter the same layer from more than one other layer.
* Never try to stack a higher numbered layer on top of a lower numbered layer. Doing so is tricky and error prone.
### Intermediate Users
Sometimes you need more than one base layer. For example, if you want to switch between QWERTY and Dvorak, switch between layouts for different countries, or switch your layout for different videogames. Your base layers should always be the lowest numbered layers. When you have multiple base layers you should always treat them as mutually exclusive. When one base layer is on the others are off.
### Advanced Users
Once you have a good feel for how layers work and what you can do, you can get more creative. The rules listed in the beginner section will help you be successful by avoiding some of the tricker details but they can be constraining, especially for ultra-compact keyboard users. Understanding how layers work will allow you to use them in more advanced ways.
Layers stack on top of each other in numerical order. When determining what a keypress does, QMK scans the layers from the top down, stopping when it reaches the first active layer that is not set to `KC_TRNS`. As a result if you activate a layer that is numerically lower than your current layer, and your current layer (or another layer that is active and higher than your target layer) has something other than `KC_TRNS`, that is the key that will be sent, not the key on the layer you just activated. This is the cause of most people's "why doesn't my layer get switched" problem.
## Modifier keys
These functions allow you to combine a mod with a keycode. When pressed the keydown for the mod will be sent first, and then *kc* will be sent. When released the keyup for *kc* will be sent and then the mod will be sent.
* `LSFT(kc)` or `S(kc)` - applies left Shift to *kc* (keycode)
* `RSFT(kc)` - applies right Shift to *kc*
* `LCTL(kc)` - applies left Control to *kc*
* `RCTL(kc)` - applies right Control to *kc*
* `LALT(kc)` - applies left Alt to *kc*
* `RALT(kc)` - applies right Alt to *kc*
* `LGUI(kc)` - applies left GUI (command/win) to *kc*
* `RGUI(kc)` - applies right GUI (command/win) to *kc*
* `HYPR(kc)` - applies Hyper (all modifiers) to *kc*
* `MEH(kc)` - applies Meh (all modifiers except Win/Cmd) to *kc*
* `LCAG(kc)` - applies CtrlAltGui to *kc*
You can also chain these, like this:
LALT(LCTL(KC_DEL)) -- this makes a key that sends Alt, Control, and Delete in a single keypress.
## Shifted Keycodes
The following shortcuts automatically add `LSFT()` to keycodes to get commonly used symbols.
| KC_TILD | ~ |
| KC_EXLM | ! |
| KC_QUES | ? |
| KC_AT | @ |
| KC_HASH | # |
| KC_DLR | $ |
| KC_PERC | % |
| KC_CIRC | ^ |
| KC_AMPR | & |
| KC_ASTR | * |
| KC_LPRN | ( |
| KC_RPRN | ) |
| KC_UNDS | _ |
| KC_PLUS | + |
| KC_DQUO | " |
| KC_LCBR | { |
| KC_RCBR | } |
| KC_LABK | < |
| KC_RABK | > |
| KC_PIPE | &#x7C; |
| KC_COLN | : |
## Mod Tap
`MT(mod, kc)` - is *mod* (modifier key - MOD_LCTL, MOD_LSFT) when held, and *kc* when tapped. In other words, you can have a key that sends Esc (or the letter O or whatever) when you tap it, but works as a Control key or a Shift key when you hold it down.
These are the values you can use for the `mod` in `MT()` and `OSM()`:
These can also be combined like `MOD_LCTL | MOD_LSFT` e.g. `MT(MOD_LCTL | MOD_LSFT, KC_ESC)` which would activate Control and Shift when held, and send Escape when tapped. Note however, that you cannot mix right and left side modifiers.
We've added shortcuts to make common modifier/tap (mod-tap) mappings more compact:
* `CTL_T(kc)` - is LCTL when held and *kc* when tapped
* `SFT_T(kc)` - is LSFT when held and *kc* when tapped
* `ALT_T(kc)` - is LALT when held and *kc* when tapped
* `ALGR_T(kc)` - is AltGr when held and *kc* when tapped
* `GUI_T(kc)` - is LGUI when held and *kc* when tapped
* `ALL_T(kc)` - is Hyper (all mods) when held and *kc* when tapped. To read more about what you can do with a Hyper key, see [this blog post by Brett Terpstra](
* `LCAG_T(kc)` - is CtrlAltGui when held and *kc* when tapped
* `MEH_T(kc)` - is like Hyper, but not as cool -- does not include the Cmd/Win key, so just sends Alt+Ctrl+Shift.
## One Shot Keys
One shot keys are keys that remain active until the next key is pressed, and then are releasd. This allows you to type keyboard combinations without pressing more than one key at a time.
For example, if you define a key as `OSM(MOD_LSFT)`, you can type a capital A character by first pressing and releasing shift, and then pressing and releasing A. Your computer will see the shift key being held the moment shift is pressed, and it will see the shift key being released immediately after A is released.
One shot keys also work as normal modifiers. If you hold down a one shot key and type other keys, your one shot will be released immediately after you let go of the key.
You can control the behavior of one shot keys by defining these in `config.h`:
#define ONESHOT_TAP_TOGGLE 5 /* Tapping this number of times holds the key until tapped this number of times again. */
#define ONESHOT_TIMEOUT 5000 /* Time (in ms) before the one shot key is released */
* `OSM(mod)` - Momentarily hold down *mod*. You must use the `MOD_*` keycodes as shown in [Mod Tap](#mod-tap), not the `KC_*` codes.
* `OSL(layer)` - momentary switch to *layer*.
## Permissive Hold
As of [PR#1359](, there is a new `config.h` option:
This makes it easier for fast typists to use dual-function keys. Without this, if you let go of a held key inside the tapping term, it won't register.
Example: (Tapping Term = 200ms)
- SHFT_T(KC_A) Down
- KC_X Down
- KC_X Up
With defaults, if above is typed within tapping term, this will emit `ax`. With permissive hold, if above is typed within tapping term, this will emit `X` (so, Shift+X).

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# Dynamic Macros: Record and Replay Macros in Runtime
QMK supports temporary macros created on the fly. We call these Dynamic Macros. They are defined by the user from the keyboard and are lost when the keyboard is unplugged or otherwise rebooted.
You can store one or two macros and they may have a combined total of 128 keypresses. You can increase this size at the cost of RAM.
To enable them, first add a new element to the `planck_keycodes` enum — `DYNAMIC_MACRO_RANGE`:
enum planck_keycodes {
It must be the last element because `dynamic_macros.h` will add some more keycodes after it.
Below it, include the `dynamic_macro.h` header:
#include "dynamic_macro.h"`
Add the following keys to your keymap:
* `DYN_REC_START1` — start recording the macro 1,
* `DYN_REC_START2` — start recording the macro 2,
* `DYN_MACRO_PLAY1` — replay the macro 1,
* `DYN_MACRO_PLAY2` — replay the macro 2,
* `DYN_REC_STOP` — finish the macro that is currently being recorded.
Add the following code to the very beginning of your `process_record_user()` function:
if (!process_record_dynamic_macro(keycode, record)) {
return false;
That should be everything necessary. To start recording the macro, press either `DYN_REC_START1` or `DYN_REC_START2`. To finish the recording, press the `DYN_REC_STOP` layer button. To replay the macro, press either `DYN_MACRO_PLAY1` or `DYN_MACRO_PLAY2`.
Note that it's possible to replay a macro as part of a macro. It's ok to replay macro 2 while recording macro 1 and vice versa but never create recursive macros i.e. macro 1 that replays macro 1. If you do so and the keyboard will get unresponsive, unplug the keyboard and plug it again.
For users of the earlier versions of dynamic macros: It is still possible to finish the macro recording using just the layer modifier used to access the dynamic macro keys, without a dedicated `DYN_REC_STOP` key. If you want this behavior back, use the following snippet instead of the one above:
uint16_t macro_kc = (keycode == MO(_DYN) ? DYN_REC_STOP : keycode);
if (!process_record_dynamic_macro(macro_kc, record)) {
return false;
If the LEDs start blinking during the recording with each keypress, it means there is no more space for the macro in the macro buffer. To fit the macro in, either make the other macro shorter (they share the same buffer) or increase the buffer size by setting the `DYNAMIC_MACRO_SIZE` preprocessor macro (default value: 128; please read the comments for it in the header).
For the details about the internals of the dynamic macros, please read the comments in the `dynamic_macro.h` header.

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# Grave Escape
Grave Escape is a feature that allows you to share the grave key (<code>&#96;</code> and `~`) on the same key as Escape. When `KC_GESC` is used it will act as `KC_ESC`, unless Shift or GUI is pressed, in which case it will act as `KC_GRAVE`.
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_GESC`|`GRAVE_ESC`|Escape when pressed, <code>&#96;</code> when Shift or GUI are held|
There are several possible key combinations this will break, among them Ctrl+Shift+Esc on Windows and Cmd+Opt+Esc on macOS. You can use these options in your `config.h` to work around this:
| Option | Description |
| `GRAVE_ESC_ALT_OVERRIDE` | Always send Escape if Alt is pressed. |
| `GRAVE_ESC_CTRL_OVERRIDE` | Always send Escape if Ctrl is pressed. |
| `GRAVE_ESC_GUI_OVERRIDE` | Always send Escape if GUI is pressed. |
| `GRAVE_ESC_SHIFT_OVERRIDE` | Always send Escape if SHIFT is pressed. |

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
## Key Lock: Holding Down Keys for You
Sometimes, you need to hold down a specific key for a long period of time. Whether this is while typing in ALL CAPS, or playing a video game that hasn't implemented auto-run, Key Lock is here to help. Key Lock adds a new keycode, `KC_LOCK`, that will hold down the next key you hit for you. The key is released when you hit it again. Here's an example: let's say you need to type in all caps for a few sentences. You hit KC_LOCK, and then shift. Now, shift will be considered held until you hit it again. You can think of key lock as caps lock, but supercharged.
Here's how to use it:
1. Pick a key on your keyboard. This will be the key lock key. Assign it the keycode `KC_LOCK`. This will be a single-action key: you won't be able to use it for anything else.
2. Enable key lock by including `KEY_LOCK_ENABLE = yes` in your Makefile.
3. That's it!
Important: switching layers does not cancel the key lock. Additionally, key lock is only able to hold standard action keys and One Shot modifier keys (for example, if you have your shift defined as `OSM(KC_LSFT)`; see [One Shot Keys]( This does not include any of the QMK special functions (except One Shot modifiers), or shifted versions of keys such as KC_LPRN. If it's in the [Basic Keycodes]( list, it can be held. If it's not, then it can't be.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Layouts: Using a Keymap with Multiple Keyboards
# Layouts: Using a keymap with multiple keyboards
The `layouts/` folder contains different physical key layouts that can apply to different keyboards.
The `layouts/` folder contains different physical key layouts that can apply to different keyboards.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ layouts/
| + ...
The `layouts/default/` and `layouts/community/` are two examples of layout "repositories" - currently `default` will contain all of the information concerning the layout, and one default keymap named `default_<layout>`, for users to use as a reference. `community` contains all of the community keymaps, with the eventual goal of being split-off into a separate repo for users to clone into `layouts/`. QMK searches through all folders in `layouts/`, so it's possible to have multiple repositories here.
The `layouts/default/` and `layouts/community/` are two examples of layout "repositories" - currently `default` will contain all of the information concerning the layout, and one default keymap named `default_<layout>`, for users to use as a reference. `community` contains all of the community keymaps, with the eventual goal of being split-off into a separate repo for users to clone into `layouts/`. QMK searches through all folders in `layouts/`, so it's possible to have multiple reposistories here.
Each layout folder is named (`[a-z0-9_]`) after the physical aspects of the layout, in the most generic way possible, and contains a `` with the layout to be defined by the keyboard:
@ -33,14 +33,12 @@ Each layout folder is named (`[a-z0-9_]`) after the physical aspects of the layo
New names should try to stick to the standards set by existing layouts, and can be discussed in the PR/Issue.
## Supporting a Layout
## Supporting a layout
For a keyboard to support a layout, the variable must be defined in it's `<keyboard>.h`, and match the number of arguments/keys (and preferably the physical layout):
For a keyboard to support a layout, the variable (`[a-z0-9_]`) must be defined in it's `<keyboard>.h`, and match the number of arguments/keys (and preferrably the physical layout):
#define LAYOUT_60_ansi KEYMAP_ANSI
The name of the layout must match this regex: `[a-z0-9_]+`
The folder name must be added to the keyboard's ``:
LAYOUTS = 60_ansi
@ -51,12 +49,16 @@ The folder name must be added to the keyboard's ``:
but the `LAYOUT_<layout>` variable must be defined in `<folder>.h` as well.
## Tips for Making Layouts Keyboard-Agnostic
## Tips for making layouts keyboard-agnostic
Instead of using `#include "planck.h"`, you can use this line to include whatever `<keyboard>.h` (`<folder>.h` should not be included here) file that is being compiled:
In your config.h, you can also use this variable to include the keyboard's `config.h`:
If you want to keep some keyboard-specific code, you can use these variables to escape it with an `#ifdef` statement:
* `KEYBOARD_<folder1>_<folder2>`
@ -71,4 +73,4 @@ For example:
Note that the names are lowercase and match the folder/file names for the keyboard/revision exactly.
Note that the names are lowercase and match the folder/file names for the keyboard/revision exactly.

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# The Leader Key: A New Kind of Modifier
# The Leader key: A new kind of modifier
If you've ever used Vim, you know what a Leader key is. If not, you're about to discover a wonderful concept. :) Instead of hitting Alt+Shift+W for example (holding down three keys at the same time), what if you could hit a _sequence_ of keys instead? So you'd hit our special modifier (the Leader key), followed by W and then C (just a rapid succession of keys), and something would happen.
@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ void matrix_scan_user(void) {
As you can see, you have three function. you can use - `SEQ_ONE_KEY` for single-key sequences (Leader followed by just one key), and `SEQ_TWO_KEYS` and `SEQ_THREE_KEYS` for longer sequences. Each of these accepts one or more keycodes as arguments. This is an important point: You can use keycodes from **any layer on your keyboard**. That layer would need to be active for the leader macro to fire, obviously.
As you can see, you have three function. you can use - `SEQ_ONE_KEY` for single-key sequences (Leader followed by just one key), and `SEQ_TWO_KEYS` and `SEQ_THREE_KEYS` for longer sequences. Each of these accepts one or more keycodes as arguments. This is an important point: You can use keycodes from **any layer on your keyboard**. That layer would need to be active for the leader macro to fire, obviously.

@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
# Macros
Macros allow you to send multiple keystrokes when pressing just one key. QMK has a number of ways to define and use macros. These can do anything you want: type common phrases for you, copypasta, repetitive game movements, or even help you code.
{% hint style='danger' %}
**Security Note**: While it is possible to use macros to send passwords, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information it is a supremely bad idea to do so. Anyone who gets a hold of your keyboard will be able to access that information by opening a text editor.
{% endhint %}
## The New Way: `SEND_STRING()` & `process_record_user`
Sometimes you just want a key to type out words or phrases. For the most common situations we've provided `SEND_STRING()`, which will type out your string (i.e. a sequence of characters) for you. All ASCII characters that are easily translated to a keycode are supported (e.g. `\n\t`).
Here is an example `keymap.c` for a two-key keyboard:
enum custom_keycodes {
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
if (record->event.pressed) {
switch(keycode) {
SEND_STRING("QMK is the best thing ever!"); // this is our macro!
return false;
return true;
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = {
What happens here is this:
We first define a new custom keycode in the range not occupied by any other keycodes.
Then we use the `process_record_user` function, which is called whenever a key is pressed or released, to check if our custom keycode has been activated.
If yes, we send the string `"QMK is the best thing ever!"` to the computer via the `SEND_STRING` macro (this is a C preprocessor macro, not to be confused with QMK macros).
We return `false` to indicate to the caller that the key press we just processed need not be processed any further.
Finally, we define the keymap so that the first button activates our macro and the second button is just an escape button.
You might want to add more than one macro.
You can do that by adding another keycode and adding another case to the switch statement, like so:
enum custom_keycodes {
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
if (record->event.pressed) {
switch(keycode) {
SEND_STRING("QMK is the best thing ever!");
return false;
SEND_STRING(SS_LCTRL("ac")); // selects all and copies
return false;
return true;
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = {
### TAP, DOWN and UP
You may want to use keys in your macros that you can't write down, such as `Ctrl` or `Home`.
You can send arbitrary keycodes by wrapping them in:
* `SS_TAP()` presses and releases a key.
* `SS_DOWN()` presses (but does not release) a key.
* `SS_UP()` releases a key.
For example:
Would tap `KC_HOME` - note how the prefix is now `X_`, and not `KC_`. You can also combine this with other strings, like this:
Which would send "VE" followed by a `KC_HOME` tap, and "LO" (spelling "LOVE" if on a newline).
There's also a couple of mod shortcuts you can use:
* `SS_LCTRL(string)`
* `SS_LGUI(string)`
* `SS_LALT(string)`
* `SS_LSFT(string)`
* `SS_RALT(string)`
These press the respective modifier, send the supplied string and then release the modifier.
They can be used like this:
Which would send LCTRL+a (LCTRL down, a, LCTRL up) - notice that they take strings (eg `"k"`), and not the `X_K` keycodes.
### Alternative Keymaps
By default, it assumes a US keymap with a QWERTY layout; if you want to change that (e.g. if your OS uses software Colemak), include this somewhere in your keymap:
#include <sendstring_colemak.h>
### Strings in Memory
If for some reason you're manipulating strings and need to print out something you just generated (instead of being a literal, constant string), you can use `send_string()`, like this:
char my_str[4] = "ok.";
The shortcuts defined above won't work with `send_string()`, but you can separate things out to different lines if needed:
char my_str[4] = "ok.";
SEND_STRING("I said: ");
## The Old Way: `MACRO()` & `action_get_macro`
{% hint style='info' %}
This is inherited from TMK, and hasn't been updated - it's recommend that you use `SEND_STRING` and `process_record_user` instead.
{% endhint %}
By default QMK assumes you don't have any macros. To define your macros you create an `action_get_macro()` function. For example:
const macro_t *action_get_macro(keyrecord_t *record, uint8_t id, uint8_t opt) {
if (record->event.pressed) {
switch(id) {
case 0:
return MACRO(D(LSFT), T(H), U(LSFT), T(I), D(LSFT), T(1), U(LSFT), END);
case 1:
return MACRO(D(LSFT), T(B), U(LSFT), T(Y), T(E), D(LSFT), T(1), U(LSFT), END);
return MACRO_NONE;
This defines two macros which will be run when the key they are assigned to is pressed. If instead you'd like them to run when the key is released you can change the if statement:
if (!record->event.pressed) {
### Macro Commands
A macro can include the following commands:
* I() change interval of stroke in milliseconds.
* D() press key.
* U() release key.
* T() type key(press and release).
* W() wait (milliseconds).
* END end mark.
### Mapping a Macro to a Key
Use the `M()` function within your `KEYMAP()` to call a macro. For example, here is the keymap for a 2-key keyboard:
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = KEYMAP(
M(0), M(1)
const macro_t *action_get_macro(keyrecord_t *record, uint8_t id, uint8_t opt) {
if (record->event.pressed) {
switch(id) {
case 0:
return MACRO(D(LSFT), T(H), U(LSFT), T(I), D(LSFT), T(1), U(LSFT), END);
case 1:
return MACRO(D(LSFT), T(B), U(LSFT), T(Y), T(E), D(LSFT), T(1), U(LSFT), END);
return MACRO_NONE;
When you press the key on the left it will type "Hi!" and when you press the key on the right it will type "Bye!".
### Naming Your Macros
If you have a bunch of macros you want to refer to from your keymap while keeping the keymap easily readable you can name them using `#define` at the top of your file.
#define M_HI M(0)
#define M_BYE M(1)
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = KEYMAP(
## Advanced Macro Functions
There are some functions you may find useful in macro-writing. Keep in mind that while you can write some fairly advanced code within a macro if your functionality gets too complex you may want to define a custom keycode instead. Macros are meant to be simple.
### `record->event.pressed`
This is a boolean value that can be tested to see if the switch is being pressed or released. An example of this is
if (record->event.pressed) {
// on keydown
} else {
// on keyup
### `register_code(<kc>);`
This sends the `<kc>` keydown event to the computer. Some examples would be `KC_ESC`, `KC_C`, `KC_4`, and even modifiers such as `KC_LSFT` and `KC_LGUI`.
### `unregister_code(<kc>);`
Parallel to `register_code` function, this sends the `<kc>` keyup event to the computer. If you don't use this, the key will be held down until it's sent.
### `clear_keyboard();`
This will clear all mods and keys currently pressed.
### `clear_mods();`
This will clear all mods currently pressed.
### `clear_keyboard_but_mods();`
This will clear all keys besides the mods currently pressed.
## Advanced Example: Single-Key Copy/Paste
This example defines a macro which sends `Ctrl-C` when pressed down, and `Ctrl-V` when released.
const macro_t *action_get_macro(keyrecord_t *record, uint8_t id, uint8_t opt) {
switch(id) {
case 0: {
if (record->event.pressed) {
return MACRO( D(LCTL), T(C), U(LCTL), END );
} else {
return MACRO( D(LCTL), T(V), U(LCTL), END );
return MACRO_NONE;

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
# Mousekeys
Mousekeys is a feature that allows you to emulate a mouse using your keyboard. You can move the pointer around, click up to 5 buttons, and even scroll in all 4 directions. QMK uses the same algorithm as the X Window System MouseKeysAccel feature. You can read more about it [on Wikipedia](
## Adding Mousekeys to a Keymap
There are two steps to adding Mousekeys support to your keyboard. You must enable support in the `` file and you must map mouse actions to keys on your keyboard.
### Adding Mousekeys Support in the ``
To add support for Mousekeys you simply need to add a single line to your keymap's ``:
You can see an example here:
### Mapping Mouse Actions to Keyboard Keys
You can use these keycodes within your keymap to map button presses to mouse actions:
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_MS_UP` |`KC_MS_U`|Mouse Cursor Up |
|`KC_MS_DOWN` |`KC_MS_D`|Mouse Cursor Down |
|`KC_MS_LEFT` |`KC_MS_L`|Mouse Cursor Left |
|`KC_MS_RIGHT` |`KC_MS_R`|Mouse Cursor Right |
|`KC_MS_BTN1` |`KC_BTN1`|Mouse Button 1 |
|`KC_MS_BTN2` |`KC_BTN2`|Mouse Button 2 |
|`KC_MS_BTN3` |`KC_BTN3`|Mouse Button 3 |
|`KC_MS_BTN4` |`KC_BTN4`|Mouse Button 4 |
|`KC_MS_BTN5` |`KC_BTN5`|Mouse Button 5 |
|`KC_MS_WH_UP` |`KC_WH_U`|Mouse Wheel Up |
|`KC_MS_WH_DOWN` |`KC_WH_D`|Mouse Wheel Down |
|`KC_MS_WH_LEFT` |`KC_WH_L`|Mouse Wheel Left |
|`KC_MS_WH_RIGHT`|`KC_WH_R`|Mouse Wheel Right |
|`KC_MS_ACCEL0` |`KC_ACL0`|Set mouse acceleration to 0|
|`KC_MS_ACCEL1` |`KC_ACL1`|Set mouse acceleration to 1|
|`KC_MS_ACCEL2` |`KC_ACL2`|Set mouse acceleration to 2|
You can see an example in the `_ML` here:
## Configuring the Behavior of Mousekeys
The default speed for controlling the mouse with the keyboard is intentionally slow. You can adjust these parameters by adding these settings to your keymap's `config.h` file. All times are specified in milliseconds (ms).
#define MOUSEKEY_DELAY 300
When one of the mouse movement buttons is pressed this setting is used to define the delay between that button press and the mouse cursor moving. Some people find that small movements are impossible if this setting is too low, while settings that are too high feel sluggish.
When a movement key is held down this specifies how long to wait between each movement report. Lower settings will translate into an effectively higher mouse speed.
As a movement key is held down the speed of the mouse cursor will increase until it reaches `MOUSEKEY_MAX_SPEED`.
How long you want to hold down a movement key for until `MOUSEKEY_MAX_SPEED` is reached. This controls how quickly your cursor will accelerate.
The top speed for scrolling movements.
How long you want to hold down a scroll key for until `MOUSEKEY_WHEEL_MAX_SPEED` is reached. This controls how quickly your scrolling will accelerate.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Pointing Device
Pointing Device is a generic name for a feature intended to be generic: moving the system pointer around. There are certainly other options for it - like mousekeys - but this aims to be easily modifiable and lightweight. You can implement custom keys to control functionality, or you can gather information from other peripherals and insert it directly here - let QMK handle the processing for you.
Pointing Device is a generic name for a feature intended to be generic: moving the system pointer arround. There are certainly other options for it - like mousekeys - but this aims to be easily modifiable and lightweight. You can implement custom keys to control functionality, or you can gather information from other peripherals and insert it directly here - let QMK handle the processing for you.
To enable Pointing Device, uncomment the following line in your
@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ case MS_SPECIAL:
Recall that the mouse report is set to zero (except the buttons) whenever it is sent, so the scrolling would only occur once in each case.
Recall that the mouse report is set to zero (except the buttons) whenever it is sent, so the scrolling would only occur once in each case.

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ To hook up a Trackpoint, you need to obtain a Trackpoint module (i.e. harvest fr
There are three available modes for hooking up PS/2 devices: USART (best), interrupts (better) or busywait (not recommended).
### Busywait Version
### Busywait version
Note: This is not recommended, you may encounter jerky movement or unsent inputs. Please use interrupt or USART version if possible.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ In your keyboard config.h:
### Interrupt Version
### Interrupt version
The following example uses D2 for clock and D5 for data. You can use any INT or PCINT pin for clock, and any pin for data.
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ In your keyboard config.h:
### USART Version
### USART version
To use USART on the ATMega32u4, you have to use PD5 for clock and PD2 for data. If one of those are unavailable, you need to use interrupt version.
@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ In your keyboard config.h:
### Additional Settings
#### PS/2 Mouse Features
#### PS/2 mouse features
These enable settings supported by the PS/2 mouse protocol:
/* Use remote mode instead of the default stream mode (see link) */
/* Enable the scrollwheel or scroll gesture on your mouse or touchpad */
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ void ps2_mouse_set_resolution(ps2_mouse_resolution_t resolution);
void ps2_mouse_set_sample_rate(ps2_mouse_sample_rate_t sample_rate);
#### Fine Control
#### Fine control
Use the following defines to change the sensitivity and speed of the mouse.
Note: you can also use `ps2_mouse_set_resolution` for the same effect (not supported on most touchpads).
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Note: you can also use `ps2_mouse_set_resolution` for the same effect (not suppo
#### Scroll Button
#### Scroll button
If you're using a trackpoint, you will likely want to be able to use it for scrolling.
Its possible to enable a "scroll button/s" that when pressed will cause the mouse to scroll instead of moving.
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Fine control over the scrolling is supported with the following defines:
#### Invert Mouse and Scroll Axes
#### Invert mouse and scroll axes
To invert the X and Y axes you can put:
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ To reverse the scroll axes you can put:
into config.h.
#### Debug Settings
#### Debug settings
To debug the mouse, add `debug_mouse = true` or enable via bootmagic.

@ -41,9 +41,6 @@ You can change the behavior of the RGB Lighting by setting these configuration v
| `RGBLIGHT_HUE_STEP` | 10 | How many hues you want to have available. |
| `RGBLIGHT_SAT_STEP` | 17 | How many steps of saturation you'd like. |
| `RGBLIGHT_VAL_STEP` | 17 | The number of levels of brightness you want. |
| `RGBLIGHT_LIMIT_VAL` | 255 | Limit the val of HSV to limit the maximum brightness simply. |
| `RGBLIGHT_SLEEP` | | `#define` this will shut off the lights when the host goes to sleep |
### Animations
@ -52,10 +49,8 @@ If you have `#define RGBLIGHT_ANIMATIONS` in your `config.h` you will have a num
| Option | Default Value | Description |
| `RGBLIGHT_ANIMATIONS` | | `#define` this to enable animation modes. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHE_CENTER` | 1.85 | Used to calculate the curve for the breathing animation. Valid values 1.0-2.7. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHE_MAX` | 255 | The maximum brightness for the breathing mode. Valid values 1-255. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_SNAKE_LENGTH` | 4 | The number of LEDs to light up for the "snake" animation. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_KNIGHT_LENGTH` | 3 | The number of LEDs to light up for the "knight" animation. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_SNAKE_LENGTH` | 4 | The number of LEDs to light up for the "snake" mode. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_KNIGHT_LENGTH` | 3 | The number of LEDs to light up for the "knight" mode. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_KNIGHT_OFFSET` | 0 | Start the knight animation this many LEDs from the start of the strip. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_KNIGHT_LED_NUM` | RGBLED_NUM | The number of LEDs to have the "knight" animation travel. |
| `RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_CHRISTMAS_INTERVAL` | 1000 | How long to wait between light changes for the "christmas" animation. Specified in ms. |
@ -83,46 +78,28 @@ const uint8_t RGBLED_KNIGHT_INTERVALS[] PROGMEM = {127, 63, 31};
const uint16_t RGBLED_GRADIENT_RANGES[] PROGMEM = {360, 240, 180, 120, 90};
### LED Control
Look in `rgblights.h` for all available functions, but if you want to control all or some LEDs your goto functions are:
rgblight_disable(); // turn all lights off
rgblight_enable(); // turn lights on, based on their previous state (stored in EEPROM)
rgblight_setrgb(r, g, b); // where r/g/b is a number from 0..255. Turns all the LEDs to this color
rgblight_sethsv(h, s, v); // HSV color control - h is a value from 0..360 and s/v is a value from 0..255
rgblight_setrgb_at(r,g,b, LED); // control a single LED. 0 <= LED < RGBLED_NUM
rgblight_sethsv_at(h,s,v, LED); // control a single LED. 0 <= LED < RGBLED_NUM
You can find a list of predefined colors at [`quantum/rgblight_list.h`]( Free to add to this list!
## RGB Lighting Keycodes
These control the RGB Lighting functionality.
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`RGB_TOG` | |Toggle RGB lighting on or off |
|`RGB_MODE_FORWARD` |`RGB_MOD` |Cycle through modes, reverse direction when Shift is held |
|`RGB_MODE_REVERSE` |`RGB_RMOD`|Cycle through modes in reverse, forward direction when Shift is held|
|`RGB_HUI` | |Increase hue |
|`RGB_HUD` | |Decrease hue |
|`RGB_SAI` | |Increase saturation |
|`RGB_SAD` | |Decrease saturation |
|`RGB_VAI` | |Increase value (brightness) |
|`RGB_VAD` | |Decrease value (brightness) |
|`RGB_MODE_PLAIN` |`RGB_M_P `|Static (no animation) mode |
|`RGB_MODE_BREATHE` |`RGB_M_B` |Breathing animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_RAINBOW` |`RGB_M_R` |Rainbow animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_SWIRL` |`RGB_M_SW`|Swirl animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_SNAKE` |`RGB_M_SN`|Snake animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_KNIGHT` |`RGB_M_K` |"Knight Rider" animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_XMAS` |`RGB_M_X` |Christmas animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_GRADIENT`|`RGB_M_G` |Static gradient animation mode |
note: for backwards compatibility, `RGB_SMOD` is an alias for `RGB_MOD`.
| Long Name | Short Name | Description |
||`RGB_TOG`|toggle on/off|
||`RGB_MOD`|cycle through modes|
||`RGB_HUI`|hue increase|
||`RGB_HUD`|hue decrease|
||`RGB_SAI`|saturation increase|
||`RGB_SAD`|saturation decrease|
||`RGB_VAI`|value (brightness) increase|
||`RGB_VAD`|value (brightness) decrease|
|`RGB_MODE_PLAIN`|`RGB_M_P `| Switch to the static no animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_BREATHE`|`RGB_M_B`| Switch to the breathing mode |
|`RGB_MODE_RAINBOW`|`RGB_M_R`| Switch to the rainbow mode ||
|`RGB_MODE_SWIRL`|`RGB_M_SW`| Switch to the swirl mode |
|`RGB_MODE_SNAKE`|`RGB_M_SN`| Switch to the snake mode |
|`RGB_MODE_KNIGHT`|`RGB_M_K`| Switch to the knight animation |
|`RGB_MODE_XMAS`|`RGB_M_X`| Switch to the Christmas animation |
|`RGB_MODE_GRADIENT`|`RGB_M_G`| Switch to the static gradient mode |
## Hardware Modification

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
## Space Cadet Shift: The Future, Built In
Steve Losh [described]( the Space Cadet Shift quite well. Essentially, you hit the left Shift on its own, and you get an opening parenthesis; hit the right Shift on its own, and you get the closing one. When hit with other keys, the Shift key keeps working as it always does. Yes, it's as cool as it sounds.
To use it, use `KC_LSPO` (Left Shift, Parenthesis Open) for your left Shift on your keymap, and `KC_RSPC` (Right Shift, Parenthesis Close) for your right Shift.
It's defaulted to work on US keyboards, but if your layout uses different keys for parenthesis, you can define those in your `config.h` like this:
#define LSPO_KEY KC_9
#define RSPC_KEY KC_0
You can also choose between different rollover behaviors of the shift keys by defining:
in your `config.h`. Disabling rollover allows you to use the opposite shift key to cancel the space cadet state in the event of an erroneous press instead of emitting a pair of parentheses when the keys are released.
The only other thing you're going to want to do is create a `Makefile` in your keymap directory and set the following:
COMMAND_ENABLE = no # Commands for debug and configuration
This is just to keep the keyboard from going into command mode when you hold both Shift keys at the same time.

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
## Space Cadet Shift Enter: The future, built in
Based on the Space Cadet Shift by Steve Losh [described](
Essentially, you hit the Shift on its own, and it acts as the enter key. When hit with other keys, the Shift key keeps working as it always does. Yes, it's as cool as it sounds. This solution works better than using a macro since the timers defined in quantum allow us to tell when another key is pressed, rather than just having a janky timer than results in accidental endlines.
To use it, use `KC_SFTENT` (Shift, Enter) for any Shift on your keymap.
It's defaulted to work on US keyboards, but if you'd like to use a different key for Enter, you can define those in your `config.h` like this:
The only other thing you're going to want to do is create a `` in your keymap directory and set the following:
COMMAND_ENABLE = no # Commands for debug and configuration
This is just to keep the keyboard from going into command mode when you hold both Shift keys at the same time.
PLEASE NOTE: this feature uses the same timers as the Space Cadet Shift feature, so using them in tandem may produce unwanted results.

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
# Stenography in QMK
[Stenography]( is a method of writing most often used by court reports, closed-captioning, and real-time transcription for the deaf. In stenography words are chorded syllable by syllable with a mixture of spelling, phonetic, and shortcut (briefs) strokes. Professional stenographers can reach 200-300 WPM without any of the strain usually found in standard typing and with far fewer errors (>99.9% accuracy).
The [Open Steno Project]( has built an open-source program called Plover that provides real-time translation of steno strokes into words and commands. It has an established dictionary and supports
## Plover with QWERTY Keyboard
Plover can work with any standard QWERTY keyboard, although it is more efficient if the keyboard supports NKRO (n-key rollover) to allow Plover to see all the pressed keys at once. An example keymap for Plover can be found in `planck/keymaps/default`. Switching to the `PLOVER` layer adjusts the position of the keyboard to support the number bar.
To use Plover with QMK just enable NKRO and optionally adjust your layout if you have anything other than a standard layout. You may also want to purchase some steno-friendly keycaps to make it easier to hit multiple keys.
## Plover with Steno Protocol
Plover also understands the language of several steno machines. QMK can speak a couple of these languages, TX Bolt and GeminiPR. An example layout can be found in `planck/keymaps/steno`.
When QMK speaks to Plover over a steno protocol Plover will not use the keyboard as input. This means that you can switch back and forth between a standard keyboard and your steno keyboard, or even switch layers from Plover to standard and back without needing to activate/deactivate Plover.
In this mode Plover expects to speak with a steno machine over a serial port so QMK will present itself to the operating system as a virtual serial port in addition to a keyboard. By default QMK will speak the TX Bolt protocol but can be switched to GeminiPR; the last protocol used is stored in non-volatile memory so QMK will use the same protocol on restart.
> Note: Due to hardware limitations you may not be able to run both a virtual serial port and mouse emulation at the same time.
### TX Bolt
TX Bolt communicates the status of 24 keys over a very simple protocol in variable-sized (1-5 byte) packets.
### GeminiPR
GeminiPR encodes 42 keys into a 6-byte packet. While TX Bolt contains everything that is necessary for standard stenography, GeminiPR opens up many more options, including supporting non-English theories.
## Configuring QMK for Steno
Firstly, enable steno in your keymap's Makefile. You may also need disable mousekeys, extra keys, or another USB endpoint to prevent conflicts. The builtin USB stack for some processors only supports a certain number of USB endpoints and the virtual serial port needed for steno fills 3 of them.
In your keymap create a new layer for Plover. You will need to include `keymap_steno.h`. See `planck/keymaps/steno/keymap.c` for an example. Remember to create a key to switch to the layer as well as a key for exiting the layer. If you would like to switch modes on the fly you can use the keycodes `QK_STENO_BOLT` and `QK_STENO_GEMINI`. If you only want to use one of the protocols you may set it up in your initialization function:
void matrix_init_user() {
steno_set_mode(STENO_MODE_GEMINI); // or STENO_MODE_BOLT
Once you have your keyboard flashed launch Plover. Click the 'Configure...' button. In the 'Machine' tab select the Stenotype Machine that corresponds to your desired protocol. Click the 'Configure...' button on this tab and enter the serial port or click 'Scan'. Baud rate is fine at 9600 (although you should be able to set as high as 115200 with no issues). Use the default settings for everything else (Data Bits: 8, Stop Bits: 1, Parity: N, no flow control).
On the display tab click 'Open stroke display'. With Plover disabled you should be able to hit keys on your keyboard and see them show up in the stroke display window. Use this to make sure you have set up your keymap correctly. You are now ready to steno!
## Learning Stenography
* [Learn Plover!](
* [QWERTY Steno](
* [Steno Jig](
* More resources at the Plover [Learning Stenography]( wiki
## Interfacing with the code
The steno code has three interceptible hooks. If you define these functions, they will be called at certain points in processing; if they return true, processing continues, otherwise it's assumed you handled things.
bool send_steno_chord_user(steno_mode_t mode, uint8_t chord[6]);
This function is called when a chord is about to be sent. Mode will be one of `STENO_MODE_BOLT` or `STENO_MODE_GEMINI`. This represents the actual chord that would be sent via whichever protocol. You can modify the chord provided to alter what gets sent. Remember to return true if you want the regular sending process to happen.
bool process_steno_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { return true; }
This function is called when a keypress has come in, before it is processed. The keycode should be one of `QK_STENO_BOLT`, `QK_STENO_GEMINI`, or one of the `STN_*` key values.
bool postprocess_steno_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record, steno_mode_t mode, uint8_t chord[6], int8_t pressed);
This function is called after a key has been processed, but before any decision about whether or not to send a chord. If `IS_PRESSED(record->event)` is false, and `pressed` is 0 or 1, the chord will be sent shortly, but has not yet been sent. This is where to put hooks for things like, say, live displays of steno chords or keys.
## Keycode Reference
As defined in `keymap_steno.h`.
> Note: TX Bolt does not support the full set of keys. The TX Bolt implementation in QMK will map the GeminiPR keys to the nearest TX Bolt key so that one key map will work for both.
|GeminiPR|TX Bolt|Steno Key|
|`STN_N1`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #1|
|`STN_N2`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #2|
|`STN_N3`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #3|
|`STN_N4`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #4|
|`STN_N5`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #5|
|`STN_N6`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #6|
|`STN_N7`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #7|
|`STN_N8`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #8|
|`STN_N9`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #9|
|`STN_NA`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #A|
|`STN_NB`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #B|
|`STN_NC`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #C|
|`STN_S1`|`STN_SL`| `S-` upper|
|`STN_S2`|`STN_SL`| `S-` lower|
|`STN_TL`|`STN_TL`| `T-`|
|`STN_KL`|`STN_KL`| `K-`|
|`STN_PL`|`STN_PL`| `P-`|
|`STN_WL`|`STN_WL`| `W-`|
|`STN_HL`|`STN_HL`| `H-`|
|`STN_RL`|`STN_RL`| `R-`|
|`STN_A`|`STN_A`| `A` vowel|
|`STN_O`|`STN_O`| `O` vowel|
|`STN_ST1`|`STN_STR`| `*` upper-left |
|`STN_ST2`|`STN_STR`| `*` lower-left|
|`STN_ST3`|`STN_STR`| `*` upper-right|
|`STN_ST4`|`STN_STR`| `*` lower-right|
|`STN_E`|`STN_E`| `E` vowel|
|`STN_U`|`STN_U`| `U` vowel|
|`STN_FR`|`STN_FR`| `-F`|
|`STN_PR`|`STN_PR`| `-P`|
|`STN_RR`|`STN_RR`| `-R`|
|`STN_BR`|`STN_BR`| `-B`|
|`STN_LR`|`STN_LR`| `-L`|
|`STN_GR`|`STN_GR`| `-G`|
|`STN_TR`|`STN_TR`| `-T`|
|`STN_SR`|`STN_SR`| `-S`|
|`STN_DR`|`STN_DR`| `-D`|
|`STN_ZR`|`STN_ZR`| `-Z`|
|`STN_FN`|| (GeminiPR only)|
|`STN_RES1`||(GeminiPR only)|
|`STN_RES2`||(GeminiPR only)|
|`STN_PWR`||(GeminiPR only)|

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# Swap-Hands Action
The swap-hands action allows support for one-handed typing without requiring a separate layer. Set `SWAP_HANDS_ENABLE` in the Makefile and define a `hand_swap_config` entry in your keymap. Now whenever the `ACTION_SWAP_HANDS` command key is pressed the keyboard is mirrored. For instance, to type "Hello, World" on QWERTY you would type `^Ge^s^s^w^c W^wr^sd`
## Configuration
The configuration table is a simple 2-dimensional array to map from column/row to new column/row. Example `hand_swap_config` for Planck:
const keypos_t hand_swap_config[MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
{{11, 0}, {10, 0}, {9, 0}, {8, 0}, {7, 0}, {6, 0}, {5, 0}, {4, 0}, {3, 0}, {2, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 0}},
{{11, 1}, {10, 1}, {9, 1}, {8, 1}, {7, 1}, {6, 1}, {5, 1}, {4, 1}, {3, 1}, {2, 1}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}},
{{11, 2}, {10, 2}, {9, 2}, {8, 2}, {7, 2}, {6, 2}, {5, 2}, {4, 2}, {3, 2}, {2, 2}, {1, 2}, {0, 2}},
{{11, 3}, {10, 3}, {9, 3}, {8, 3}, {7, 3}, {6, 3}, {5, 3}, {4, 3}, {3, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {0, 3}},
Note that the array indices are reversed same as the matrix and the values are of type `keypos_t` which is `{col, row}` and all values are zero-based. In the example above, `hand_swap_config[2][4]` (third row, fifth column) would return `{7, 2}` (third row, eighth column). Yes, this is confusing.
## Swap Keycodes
|Key |Description |
|`SH_T(key)`|Sends `key` with a tap; momentary swap when held. |
|`SW_ON` |Turns on swapping and leaves it on. |
|`SW_OFF` |Turn off swapping and leaves it off. Good for returning to a known state.|
|`SW_MON` |Swaps hands when pressed, returns to normal when released (momentary). |
|`SW_MOFF` |Momentarily turns off swap. |
|`SH_TG` |Toggles swap on and off with every key press. |
|`SH_TT` |Toggles with a tap; momentary when held. |

@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
# Tap Dance: A Single Key Can Do 3, 5, or 100 Different Things
<!-- FIXME: Break this up into multiple sections -->
Hit the semicolon key once, send a semicolon. Hit it twice, rapidly -- send a colon. Hit it three times, and your keyboard's LEDs do a wild dance. That's just one example of what Tap Dance can do. It's one of the nicest community-contributed features in the firmware, conceived and created by [algernon]( in [#451]( Here's how algernon describes the feature:
With this feature one can specify keys that behave differently, based on the amount of times they have been tapped, and when interrupted, they get handled before the interrupter.
To make it clear how this is different from `ACTION_FUNCTION_TAP`, lets explore a certain setup! We want one key to send `Space` on single tap, but `Enter` on double-tap.
With `ACTION_FUNCTION_TAP`, it is quite a rain-dance to set this up, and has the problem that when the sequence is interrupted, the interrupting key will be send first. Thus, `SPC a` will result in `a SPC` being sent, if they are typed within `TAPPING_TERM`. With the tap dance feature, that'll come out as `SPC a`, correctly.
The implementation hooks into two parts of the system, to achieve this: into `process_record_quantum()`, and the matrix scan. We need the latter to be able to time out a tap sequence even when a key is not being pressed, so `SPC` alone will time out and register after `TAPPING_TERM` time.
But lets start with how to use it, first!
First, you will need `TAP_DANCE_ENABLE=yes` in your ``, because the feature is disabled by default. This adds a little less than 1k to the firmware size. Next, you will want to define some tap-dance keys, which is easiest to do with the `TD()` macro, that - similar to `F()`, takes a number, which will later be used as an index into the `tap_dance_actions` array.
This array specifies what actions shall be taken when a tap-dance key is in action. Currently, there are three possible options:
* `ACTION_TAP_DANCE_DOUBLE(kc1, kc2)`: Sends the `kc1` keycode when tapped once, `kc2` otherwise. When the key is held, the appropriate keycode is registered: `kc1` when pressed and held, `kc2` when tapped once, then pressed and held.
* `ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN(fn)`: Calls the specified function - defined in the user keymap - with the final tap count of the tap dance action.
* `ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN_ADVANCED(on_each_tap_fn, on_dance_finished_fn, on_dance_reset_fn)`: Calls the first specified function - defined in the user keymap - on every tap, the second function on when the dance action finishes (like the previous option), and the last function when the tap dance action resets.
The first option is enough for a lot of cases, that just want dual roles. For example, `ACTION_TAP_DANCE_DOUBLE(KC_SPC, KC_ENT)` will result in `Space` being sent on single-tap, `Enter` otherwise.
And that's the bulk of it!
And now, on to the explanation of how it works!
The main entry point is `process_tap_dance()`, called from `process_record_quantum()`, which is run for every keypress, and our handler gets to run early. This function checks whether the key pressed is a tap-dance key. If it is not, and a tap-dance was in action, we handle that first, and enqueue the newly pressed key. If it is a tap-dance key, then we check if it is the same as the already active one (if there's one active, that is). If it is not, we fire off the old one first, then register the new one. If it was the same, we increment the counter and the timer.
This means that you have `TAPPING_TERM` time to tap the key again, you do not have to input all the taps within that timeframe. This allows for longer tap counts, with minimal impact on responsiveness.
Our next stop is `matrix_scan_tap_dance()`. This handles the timeout of tap-dance keys.
For the sake of flexibility, tap-dance actions can be either a pair of keycodes, or a user function. The latter allows one to handle higher tap counts, or do extra things, like blink the LEDs, fiddle with the backlighting, and so on. This is accomplished by using an union, and some clever macros.
# Examples
## Simple Example
Here's a simple example for a single definition:
1. In your ``, add `TAP_DANCE_ENABLE = yes`
2. In your `config.h` (which you can copy from `qmk_firmware/keyboards/planck/config.h` to your keymap directory), add `#define TAPPING_TERM 200`
3. In your `keymap.c` file, define the variables and definitions, then add to your keymap:
//Tap Dance Declarations
enum {
//Tap Dance Definitions
qk_tap_dance_action_t tap_dance_actions[] = {
//Tap once for Esc, twice for Caps Lock
// Other declarations would go here, separated by commas, if you have them
//In Layer declaration, add tap dance item in place of a key code
## Complex Examples
This section details several complex tap dance examples.
All the enums used in the examples are declared like this:
// Enums defined for all examples:
enum {
CT_SE = 0,
### Example 1: Send `:` on Single Tap, `;` on Double Tap
void dance_cln_finished (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
if (state->count == 1) {
register_code (KC_RSFT);
register_code (KC_SCLN);
} else {
register_code (KC_SCLN);
void dance_cln_reset (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
if (state->count == 1) {
unregister_code (KC_RSFT);
unregister_code (KC_SCLN);
} else {
unregister_code (KC_SCLN);
//All tap dance functions would go here. Only showing this one.
qk_tap_dance_action_t tap_dance_actions[] = {
[CT_CLN] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN_ADVANCED (NULL, dance_cln_finished, dance_cln_reset)
### Example 2: Send "Safety Dance!" After 100 Taps
void dance_egg (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
if (state->count >= 100) {
SEND_STRING ("Safety dance!");
reset_tap_dance (state);
qk_tap_dance_action_t tap_dance_actions[] = {
[CT_EGG] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN (dance_egg)
### Example 3: Turn LED Lights On Then Off, One at a Time
// on each tap, light up one led, from right to left
// on the forth tap, turn them off from right to left
void dance_flsh_each(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
switch (state->count) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
// on the fourth tap, set the keyboard on flash state
void dance_flsh_finished(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
if (state->count >= 4) {
// if the flash state didn't happen, then turn off LEDs, left to right
void dance_flsh_reset(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
//All tap dances now put together. Example 3 is "CT_FLASH"
qk_tap_dance_action_t tap_dance_actions[] = {
,[CT_CLN] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN_ADVANCED (NULL, dance_cln_finished, dance_cln_reset)
,[CT_EGG] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN (dance_egg)
,[CT_FLSH] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN_ADVANCED (dance_flsh_each, dance_flsh_finished, dance_flsh_reset)
### Example 4: 'Quad Function Tap-Dance'
By [DanielGGordon](
Allow one key to have 4 (or more) functions, depending on number of presses, and if the key is held or tapped.
Below is a specific example:
* Tap = Send `x`
* Hold = Send `Control`
* Double Tap = Send `Escape`
* Double Tap and Hold = Send `Alt`
The following example can be easily expanded to more than 4 quite easily:
//**************** Definitions needed for quad function to work *********************//
//Enums used to clearly convey the state of the tap dance
enum {
// Add more enums here if you want for triple, quadruple, etc.
typedef struct {
bool is_press_action;
int state;
} tap;
int cur_dance (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state) {
if (state->count == 1) {
//If count = 1, and it has been interrupted - it doesn't matter if it is pressed or not: Send SINGLE_TAP
if (state->interrupted || state->pressed==0) return SINGLE_TAP;
else return SINGLE_HOLD;
//If count = 2, and it has been interrupted - assume that user is trying to type the letter associated
//with single tap. In example below, that means to send `xx` instead of `Escape`.
else if (state->count == 2) {
if (state->interrupted) return DOUBLE_SINGLE_TAP;
else if (state->pressed) return DOUBLE_HOLD;
else return DOUBLE_TAP;
else return 6; //magic number. At some point this method will expand to work for more presses
//**************** Definitions needed for quad function to work *********************//
//instanalize an instance of 'tap' for the 'x' tap dance.
static tap xtap_state = {
.is_press_action = true,
.state = 0
void x_finished (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
xtap_state.state = cur_dance(state);
switch (xtap_state.state) {
case SINGLE_TAP: register_code(KC_X); break;
case SINGLE_HOLD: register_code(KC_LCTRL); break;
case DOUBLE_TAP: register_code(KC_ESC); break;
case DOUBLE_HOLD: register_code(KC_LALT); break;
case DOUBLE_SINGLE_TAP: register_code(KC_X); unregister_code(KC_X); register_code(KC_X);
//Last case is for fast typing. Assuming your key is `f`:
//For example, when typing the word `buffer`, and you want to make sure that you send `ff` and not `Esc`.
//In order to type `ff` when typing fast, the next character will have to be hit within the `TAPPING_TERM`, which by default is 200ms.
void x_reset (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
switch (xtap_state.state) {
case SINGLE_TAP: unregister_code(KC_X); break;
case SINGLE_HOLD: unregister_code(KC_LCTRL); break;
case DOUBLE_TAP: unregister_code(KC_ESC); break;
case DOUBLE_HOLD: unregister_code(KC_LALT);
case DOUBLE_SINGLE_TAP: unregister_code(KC_X);
xtap_state.state = 0;
And then simply add this to your list of tap dance functions:

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ When enabled, a `> ` prompt will appear, where you'll be able to type, backspace
`#define TERMINAL_HELP` enables some other output helpers that aren't really needed with this page.
## Future Ideas
## Future ideas
* Keyboard/user-extensible commands
* Keyboard/user-extendable commands
* Smaller footprint
* Arrow key support
* Command history
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ When enabled, a `> ` prompt will appear, where you'll be able to type, backspace
* EEPROM read/write
* Audio control
## Current Commands
## Current commands
### `about`
@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ Prints out the entire keymap for a certain layer
> keymap 0
0x002b, 0x0014, 0x001a, 0x0008, 0x0015, 0x0017, 0x001c, 0x0018, 0x000c, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x002a,
0x0029, 0x0004, 0x0016, 0x0007, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x000f, 0x0033, 0x0034,
0x00e1, 0x001d, 0x001b, 0x0006, 0x0019, 0x0005, 0x0011, 0x0010, 0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0028,
0x002b, 0x0014, 0x001a, 0x0008, 0x0015, 0x0017, 0x001c, 0x0018, 0x000c, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x002a,
0x0029, 0x0004, 0x0016, 0x0007, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x000f, 0x0033, 0x0034,
0x00e1, 0x001d, 0x001b, 0x0006, 0x0019, 0x0005, 0x0011, 0x0010, 0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0028,
0x5cd6, 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x5cd4, 0x002c, 0x002c, 0x5cd5, 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x004f,
### `exit`
Exits the terminal - same as `TERM_OFF`.
Exits the terminal - same as `TERM_OFF`.

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## Thermal Printer Keycodes
|Key |Description |
|`PRINT_ON` |Start printing everything the user types|
|`PRINT_OFF`|Stop printing everything the user types |
|`PRINT_ON`|Start printing everything the user types|
|`PRINT_OFF`|Stop printing everything the user types|

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# Unicode Support
There are three Unicode keymap definition method available in QMK:
Supports Unicode input up to 0xFFFF. The keycode function is `UC(n)` in
keymap file, where *n* is a 4 digit hexadecimal.
Supports Unicode up to 0xFFFFFFFF. You need to maintain a separate mapping
table `const uint32_t PROGMEM unicode_map[] = {...}` in your keymap file.
The keycode function is `X(n)` where *n* is the array index of the mapping
Unicode input in QMK works by inputing a sequence of characters to the OS,
sort of like macro. Unfortunately, each OS has different ideas on how Unicode is inputted.
This is the current list of Unicode input method in QMK:
* UC_OSX: MacOS Unicode Hex Input support. Works only up to 0xFFFF. Disabled by default. To enable: go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Input Sources, and enable Unicode Hex.
* UC_OSX_RALT: Same as UC_OSX, but sends the Right Alt key for unicode input
* UC_LNX: Unicode input method under Linux. Works up to 0xFFFFF. Should work almost anywhere on ibus enabled distros. Without ibus, this works under GTK apps, but rarely anywhere else.
* UC_WIN: (not recommended) Windows built-in Unicode input. To enable: create registry key under `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Input Method\EnableHexNumpad` of type `REG_SZ` called `EnableHexNumpad`, set its value to 1, and reboot. This method is not recommended because of reliability and compatibility issue, use WinCompose method below instead.
* UC_WINC: Windows Unicode input using WinCompose. Requires [WinCompose]( Works reliably under many (all?) variations of Windows.
# Additional Language Support
In `quantum/keymap_extras/`, you'll see various language files - these work the same way as the alternative layout ones do. Most are defined by their two letter country/language code followed by an underscore and a 4-letter abbreviation of its name. `FR_UGRV` which will result in a `ù` when using a software-implemented AZERTY layout. It's currently difficult to send such characters in just the firmware.
# International Characters on Windows
[AutoHotkey]( allows Windows users to create custom hotkeys among others.
The method does not require Unicode support in the keyboard itself but depends instead of AutoHotkey running in the background.
First you need to select a modifier combination that is not in use by any of your programs.
CtrlAltWin is not used very widely and should therefore be perfect for this.
There is a macro defined for a mod-tab combo `LCAG_T`.
Add this mod-tab combo to a key on your keyboard, e.g.: `LCAG_T(KC_TAB)`.
This makes the key behave like a tab key if pressed and released immediately but changes it to the modifier if used with another key.
In the default script of AutoHotkey you can define custom hotkeys.
<^<!<#a::Send, ä
<^<!<#<+a::Send, Ä
The hotkeys above are for the combination CtrlAltGui and CtrlAltGuiShift plus the letter a.
AutoHotkey inserts the Text right of `Send, ` when this combination is pressed.

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
# Userspace: Sharing Code Between Keymaps
If you use more than one keyboard with a similar keymap, you might see the benefit in being able to share code between them. Create your own folder in `users/` named the same as your keymap (ideally your github username, `<name>`) with the following structure:
* `/users/<name>/` (added to the path automatically)
* `` (optional, recommended)
* `` (included automatically)
* `<name>.h` (optional)
* `<name>.c` (optional)
* `config.h` (optional)
`<name>.c` will need to be added to the SRC in `` like this:
SRC += <name>.c
Additional files may be added in the same way - it's recommended you have one named `<name>`.c/.h though.
All this only happens when you build a keymap named `<name>`, like this:
make planck:<name>
For example,
make planck:jack
Will include the `/users/jack/` folder in the path, along with `/users/jack/`.
Additionally, `config.h` here will be processed like the same file in your keymap folder. This is handled separately from the `<name>.h` file.
The reason for this, is that `<name>.h` won't be added in time to add settings (such as `#define TAPPING_TERM 100`), and including the `<name.h>` file in any `config.h` files will result in compile issues.
So you should use the `config.h` for QMK settings, and the `<name>.h` file for user or keymap specific settings.
## Readme
Please include authorship (your name, github username, email), and optionally [a license that's GPL compatible](
## `Config.h`
If you do add a `config,h` file, you want to make sure that it only gets processed once. So you may want to start off with something like this:
// Put normal config.h settings here:
You can use any option hre that you could use in your keymap's `config.h` file. You can find a list of vales [here](
## Example
For a brief example, checkout `/users/_example/` , or for a more detailed examples check out [`template.h`]( and [`template.c`]( in `/users/drashna/` .
### Consolidated Macros
If you wanted to consolidate macros and other functions into your userspace for all of your keymaps, you can do that. The issue is that you then cannot call any function defined in your userspace, or it gets complicated. To better handle this, you can call the functions here and create new functions to use in individual keymaps.
First, you'd want to go through all of your `keymap.c` files and replace `process_record_user` with `process_record_keymap` instead. This way, you can still use keyboard specific codes on those boards, and use your custom "global" keycodes as well. You'll also want to replace `SAFE_RANGE` with `NEW_SAFE_RANGE` so that you wont have any overlapping keycodes
Then add `#include <name.h>` to all of your keymap.c files. This allows you to use these new keycodes without having to redefine them in each keymap.
Once you've done that, you'll want to set the keycode definitions that you need to the `<name>.h` file. For instance:
#include "quantum.h"
// Define all of
enum custom_keycodes {
NEW_SAFE_RANGE //use "NEW_SAFE_RANGE" for keymap specific codes
Now you want to create the `<name>.c` file, and add this content to it:
#include "<name>.h"
#include "quantum.h"
#include "action.h"
#include "version.h"
__attribute__ ((weak))
bool process_record_keymap(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
return true;
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
switch (keycode) {
case KC_MAKE:
if (!record->event.pressed) {
#if (defined(BOOTLOADER_DFU) || defined(BOOTLOADER_LUFA_DFU) || defined(BOOTLOADER_QMK_DFU))
":dfu "
":teensy "
":avrdude "
return false;
return process_record_keymap(keycode, record);
This will add a new `KC_MAKE` keycode that can be used in any of your keymaps. And this keycode will output `make <keyboard>:<keymap">`, making frequent compiling easier. And this will work with any keyboard and any keymap as it will output the current boards info, so that you don't have to type this out every time.
Additionally, this should flash the newly compiled firmware automatically, using the correct utility, based on the bootloader settings (or default to just generating the HEX file). However, it should be noted that this may not work on all systems. AVRDUDE doesn't work on WSL, namely (and will dump the HEX in the ".build" folder instead).
## Override default userspace
By default the userspace used will be the same as the keymap name. In some situations this isn't desirable. For instance, if you use the [layout]( feature you can't use the same name for different keymaps (e.g. ANSI and ISO). You can name your layouts `mylayout-ansi` and `mylayout-iso` and add the following line to your layout's ``:
USER_NAME := mylayout

@ -1,26 +1,105 @@
# QMK Features
QMK has a staggering number of features for building your keyboard. It can take some time to understand all of them and determine which one will achieve your goal.
* [Advanced Keycodes]( - Change layers, type shifted keys, and more. Go beyond typing simple characters.
* [Audio]( - Connect a speaker to your keyboard for audio feedback, midi support, and music mode.
* [Auto Shift]( - Tap for the normal key, hold slightly longer for its shifted state.
* [Backlight]( - LED lighting support for your keyboard.
* [Bootmagic]( - Adjust the behavior of your keyboard using hotkeys.
* [Dynamic Macros]( - Record and playback macros from the keyboard itself.
* [Key Lock]( - Lock a key in the "down" state.
* [Layouts]( - Use one keymap with any keyboard that supports your layout.
* [Leader Key]( - Tap the leader key followed by a sequence to trigger custom behavior.
* [Macros]( - Send multiple key presses when pressing only one physical key.
* [Mouse keys]( - Control your mouse pointer from your keyboard.
* [Pointing Device]( - Framework for connecting your custom pointing device to your keyboard.
* [PS2 Mouse]( - Driver for connecting a PS/2 mouse directly to your keyboard.
* [RGB Light]( - RGB lighting for your keyboard.
* [Space Cadet]( - Use your left/right shift keys to type parenthesis and brackets.
* [Stenography]( - Put your keyboard into Plover mode for stenography use.
* [Tap Dance]( - Make a single key do as many things as you want.
* [Terminal]( - CLI interface to the internals of your keyboard.
* [Thermal Printer]( - Connect a thermal printer to your keyboard to be able to toggle on a printed log of everything you type.
* [Unicode]( - Unicode input support.
* [Userspace]( - Share code between different keymaps and keyboards.
## Space Cadet Shift: The future, built in
Steve Losh [described]( the Space Cadet Shift quite well. Essentially, you hit the left Shift on its own, and you get an opening parenthesis; hit the right Shift on its own, and you get the closing one. When hit with other keys, the Shift key keeps working as it always does. Yes, it's as cool as it sounds. Head on over to the [Space Cadet Shift]( page to read about it.
## The Leader key: A new kind of modifier
Most modifiers have to be held or toggled. But what if you had a key that indicated the start of a sequence? You could press that key and then rapidly press 1-3 more keys to trigger a macro, or enter a special layer, or anything else you might want to do. To learn more about it check out the [Leader Key]( page.
## Tap Dance: A single key can do 3, 5, or 100 different things
Hit the semicolon key once, send a semicolon. Hit it twice, rapidly -- send a colon. Hit it three times, and your keyboard's LEDs do a wild dance. That's just one example of what Tap Dance can do. Read more about it on the [Tap Dance]( page.
## Temporarily setting the default layer
`DF(layer)` - sets default layer to _layer_. The default layer is the one at the "bottom" of the layer stack - the ultimate fallback layer. This currently does not persist over power loss. When you plug the keyboard back in, layer 0 will always be the default. It is theoretically possible to work around that, but that's not what `DF` does.
## Macro shortcuts: Send a whole string when pressing just one key
How would you like a single keypress to send a whole word, sentence, paragraph, or even document? Head on over to the [Macros]( page to read up on all aspects of Simple and Dynamic Macros.
## Additional keycode aliases for software-implemented layouts \(Colemak, Dvorak, etc\)
Everything is assuming you're in Qwerty \(in software\) by default, but there is built-in support for using a Colemak or Dvorak layout by including this at the top of your keymap:
#include <keymap_colemak.h>
If you use Dvorak, use `keymap_dvorak.h` instead of `keymap_colemak.h` for this line. After including this line, you will get access to:
* `CM_*` for all of the Colemak-equivalent characters
* `DV_*` for all of the Dvorak-equivalent characters
These implementations assume you're using Colemak or Dvorak on your OS, not on your keyboard - this is referred to as a software-implemented layout. If your computer is in Qwerty and your keymap is in Colemak or Dvorak, this is referred to as a firmware-implemented layout, and you won't need these features.
To give an example, if you're using software-implemented Colemak, and want to get an `F`, you would use `CM_F`. Using `KC_F` under these same circumstances would result in `T`.
## Backlight Breathing
In order to enable backlight breathing, the following line must be added to your config.h file.
The following function calls are used to control the breathing effect.
* `breathing_enable()` - Enable the free-running breathing effect.
* `breathing_disable()` - Disable the free-running breathing effect immediately.
* `breathing_self_disable()` - Disable the free-running breathing effect after the current effect ends.
* `breathing_toggle()` - Toggle the free-running breathing effect.
* `breathing_defaults()` - Reset the speed and brightness settings of the breathing effect.
The following function calls are used to control the maximum brightness of the breathing effect.
* `breathing_intensity_set(value)` - Set the brightness of the breathing effect when it is at its max value.
* `breathing_intensity_default()` - Reset the brightness of the breathing effect to the default value based on the current backlight intensity.
The following function calls are used to control the cycling speed of the breathing effect.
* `breathing_speed_set(value)` - Set the speed of the breathing effect - how fast it cycles.
* `breathing_speed_inc(value)` - Increase the speed of the breathing effect by a fixed value.
* `breathing_speed_dec(value)` - Decrease the speed of the breathing effect by a fixed value.
* `breathing_speed_default()` - Reset the speed of the breathing effect to the default value.
The following example shows how to enable the backlight breathing effect when the FUNCTION layer macro button is pressed:
if (record->event.pressed)
The following example shows how to pulse the backlight on-off-on when the RAISED layer macro button is pressed:
if (record->event.pressed)

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
# Flashing Instructions and Bootloader Information
There are quite a few different types of bootloaders that keyboards use, and just about all of the use a different flashing method. Luckily, projects like the [QMK Toolbox]( aim to be compatible with all the different types without having to think about it much, but this article will describe the different types of bootloaders, and available methods for flashing them.
If you have a bootloader selected with the `BOOTLOADER` variable in your ``, QMK will automatically calculate if your .hex file is the right size to be flashed to the device, and output the total size it bytes (along with the max). To run this process manually, compile with the target `check-size`, eg `make planck/rev4:default:check-size`.
## DFU
Atmel's DFU bootloader comes on all atmega32u4 chips by default, and is used by many keyboards that have their own ICs on their PCBs (Older OLKB boards, Clueboards). Some keyboards may also use LUFA's DFU bootloader (or QMK's fork) (Newer OLKB boards) that adds in additional features specific to that hardware.
To ensure compatibility with the DFU bootloader, make sure this block is present your `` (optionally with `lufa-dfu` or `qmk-dfu` instead):
# Bootloader
# This definition is optional, and if your keyboard supports multiple bootloaders of
# different sizes, comment this out, and the correct address will be loaded
# automatically (+60). See for all options.
BOOTLOADER = atmel-dfu
Compatible flashers:
* [QMK Toolbox]( (recommended GUI)
* [dfu-programmer]( / `:dfu` in QMK (recommended command line)
* [Atmel's Flip]( (not recommended)
Flashing sequence:
1. Press the `RESET` keycode, or tap the RESET button (or short RST to GND).
2. Wait for the OS to detect the device
3. Erase the memory (may be done automatically)
4. Flash a .hex file
5. Reset the device into application mode (may be done automatically)
make <keyboard>:<keymap>:dfu
QMK has a fork of the LUFA DFU bootloader that allows for a simple matrix scan for exiting the bootloader and returning to the application, as well as flashing an LED/making a ticking noise with a speaker when things are happening. To enable these features, use this block in your `config.h` (The key that exits the bootloader needs to be hooked-up to the INPUT and OUTPUT defined here):
#define QMK_ESC_OUTPUT F1 // usually COL
#define QMK_ESC_INPUT D5 // usually ROW
#define QMK_LED E6
#define QMK_SPEAKER C6
The Manufacturer and Product names are automatically pulled from your `config.h`, and "Bootloader" is added to the product.
To generate this bootloader, use the `bootloader` target, eg `make planck/rev4:default:bootloader`.
To generate a production-ready .hex file (containing the application and the bootloader), use the `production` target, eg `make planck/rev4:default:production`.
## Caterina
Arduino boards and their clones use the [Caterina bootloader]( (any keyboard built with a Pro Micro, or clone), and uses the avr109 protocol to communicate through virtual serial. Bootloaders like [A-Star]( are based on Caterina.
To ensure compatibility with the Caterina bootloader, make sure this block is present your ``:
# Bootloader
# This definition is optional, and if your keyboard supports multiple bootloaders of
# different sizes, comment this out, and the correct address will be loaded
# automatically (+60). See for all options.
BOOTLOADER = caterina
Compatible flashers:
* [QMK Toolbox]( (recommended GUI)
* [avrdude]( with avr109 / `:avrdude` (recommended command line)
Flashing sequence:
1. Press the `RESET` keycode, or short RST to GND quickly (you only have 7 seconds to flash once it enters)
2. Wait for the OS to detect the device
4. Flash a .hex file
5. Wait for the device to reset automatically
make <keyboard>:<keymap>:avrdude
## Halfkay
Halfkay is a super-slim protocol developed by PJRC that uses HID, and come on all Teensys (namely the 2.0).
To ensure compatibility with the Halfkay bootloader, make sure this block is present your ``:
# Bootloader
# This definition is optional, and if your keyboard supports multiple bootloaders of
# different sizes, comment this out, and the correct address will be loaded
# automatically (+60). See for all options.
BOOTLOADER = halfkay
Compatible flashers:
* [QMK Toolbox]( (recommended GUI)
* [Teensy Loader](
* [Teensy Loader Command Line]( (recommended command line)
Flashing sequence:
1. Press the `RESET` keycode, or short RST to GND quickly (you only have 7 seconds to flash once it enters)
2. Wait for the OS to detect the device
4. Flash a .hex file
5. Reset the device into application mode (may be done automatically)

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Installing Build Tools
This page describes setting up the build environment for QMK. These instructions cover AVR processors (such as the atmega32u4).
This page describes setting up the build environment for QMK. These instructions cover AVR processors (such as the atmega32u4.)
<!-- FIXME: We should have ARM instructions somewhere. -->
@ -31,15 +31,11 @@ git
Install the dependencies with your favorite package manager.
Debian / Ubuntu example:
Debian/Ubuntu example:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc unzip wget zip gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc dfu-programmer dfu-util gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
Fedora / Red Hat example:
sudo dnf install gcc unzip wget zip dfu-util dfu-programmer avr-gcc avr-libc binutils-avr32-linux-gnu arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs arm-none-eabi-binutils-cs arm-none-eabi-newlib
## Nix
If you're on [NixOS](, or have Nix installed on Linux or macOS, run `nix-shell` from the repository root to get a build environment.
@ -48,7 +44,7 @@ By default, this will download compilers for both AVR and ARM. If you don't need
nix-shell --arg arm false
## macOS
## Mac
If you're using [homebrew,]( you can use the following commands:
brew tap osx-cross/avr
@ -57,16 +53,15 @@ If you're using [homebrew,]( you can use the following commands:
brew install avr-gcc
brew install dfu-programmer
brew install gcc-arm-none-eabi
brew install avrdude
This is the recommended method. If you don't have homebrew, [install it!]( It's very much worth it for anyone who works in the command line. Note that the `make` and `make install` portion during the homebrew installation of avr-libc can take over 20 minutes and exhibit high CPU usage.
## Windows with msys2 (recommended)
The best environment to use, for Windows Vista through any later version (tested on 7 and 10), is [msys2](
The best environment to use, for Windows Vista through any later version (tested on 7 and 10,) is [msys2](
* Install msys2 by downloading it and following the instructions here:
* Open the ``MSYS2 MingGW 64-bit`` shortcut
* Install msys2 by downloading and following the instructions here:
* Open the "MSYS2 MingGW 64-bit" shortcut
* Navigate to your qmk checkout. For example, if it's in the root of your c drive:
* `$ cd /c/qmk_firmware`
* Run `util/` and follow the prompts
@ -83,26 +78,26 @@ In addition to the Creators Update, you need Windows 10 Subystem for Linux, so i
### Git
If you already have cloned the repository on your Windows file system you can ignore this section.
You will need to clone the repository to your Windows file system using the normal Git for Windows and **not** the WSL Git. So if you haven't installed Git before, [download]( and install it. Then [set it up](, it's important that you setup the e-mail and user name, especially if you are planning to contribute.
You will need to clone the repository to your Windows file system using the normal Git for Windows and **not** the WSL Git. So if you haven't installed Git before, [download]( and install it. Then [set it up](, it's important that you setup the e-mail and user name, especially if you are planning to contribute.
Once Git is installed, open the Git Bash command and change the directory to where you want to clone QMK; note that you have to use forward slashes, and that your c drive is accessed like this `/c/path/to/where/you/want/to/go`. Then run `git clone --recurse-submodules`, this will create a new folder `qmk_firmware` as a subfolder of the current one.
Once Git is installed, open the Git bash command and change the directory to where you want to clone QMK, note that you have to use forward slashes, and that your c drive is accessed like this `/c/path/to/where/you/want/to/go`. Then run `git clone --recurse-submodules`, this will create a new folder `qmk_firmware` as a subfolder of the current one.
### Toolchain Setup
### Toolchain setup
The Toolchain setup is done through the Windows Subsystem for Linux, and the process is fully automated. If you want to do everything manually, there are no other instructions than the scripts themselves, but you can always open issues and ask for more information.
1. Open "Bash On Ubuntu On Windows" from the start menu.
2. Go to the directory where you cloned `qmk_firmware`. Note that the paths start with `/mnt/` in the WSL, so you have to write for example `cd /mnt/c/path/to/qmk_firmware`.
1. Open "Bash On Ubuntu On Windows" from the start menu.
2. Go to the directory where you cloned `qmk_firmware`. Note that the paths start with `/mnt/` in the WSL, so you have to write for example `cd /mnt/c/path/to/qmk_firmware`.
3. Run `util/` and follow the on-screen instructions.
4. Close the Bash command window, and re-open it.
5. You are ready to compile and flash the firmware!
### Some Important Things to Keep in Mind
### Some important things to keep in mind
* You can run `util/` again to get all the newest updates.
* Your QMK repository need to be on a Windows file system path, since WSL can't run executables outside it.
* The WSL Git is **not** compatible with the Windows Git, so use the Windows Git Bash or a windows Git GUI for all Git operations
* You can edit files either inside WSL or normally using Windows, but note that if you edit makefiles or shell scripts, make sure you are using an editor that saves the files with Unix line endings. Otherwise the compilation might not work.
## Windows (Vista and Later) (Deprecated)
## Windows (Vista and later) (Deprecated)
These are the old instructions for Windows Vista and later. We recommend you use [MSYS2 as outlined above](#windows-with-msys2-recommended).
@ -123,20 +118,17 @@ If this is a bit complex for you, Docker might be the turn-key solution you need
# You'll run this every time you want to build a keymap
# modify the keymap and keyboard assignment to compile what you want
# modify the keymap and keyboard assigment to compile what you want
# defaults are ergodox/default
docker run -e keymap=gwen -e keyboard=ergodox_ez --rm -v $('pwd'):/qmk:rw edasque/qmk_firmware
On Windows Docker seems to have issues with the VOLUME tag in Dockerfile, and `$('pwd')` won't print a Windows compliant path; use full path instead, like this:
docker run -e keymap=default -e keyboard=ergodox_ez --rm -v D:/Users/Sacapuces/Documents/Repositories/qmk:/qmk:rw edasque/qmk_firmware
# On windows docker seems to have issue with VOLUME tag in Dockerfile, and $('pwd') won't print a windows compliant path, use full path instead like this
docker run -e keymap=default -e keyboard=ergobox_ez --rm -v D:/Users/Sacapuces/Documents/Repositories/qmk:/qmk:rw edasque/qmk_firmware
This will compile the targeted keyboard/keymap and leave it in your QMK directory for you to flash.
## Vagrant
If you have any problems building the firmware, you can try using a tool called Vagrant. It will set up a virtual computer with a known configuration that's ready-to-go for firmware building. OLKB does NOT host the files for this virtual computer. Details on how to set up Vagrant are in the [vagrant guide](
If you have any problems building the firmware, you can try using a tool called Vagrant. It will set up a virtual computer with a known configuration that's ready-to-go for firmware building. OLKB does NOT host the files for this virtual computer. Details on how to set up Vagrant are in the [vagrant guide](

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# Getting Help
There are a lot of resources for getting help with QMK.
## Realtime Chat
You can find QMK developers and users on our main [gitter chat room]( We also have other rooms for more specific discussion:
* [Main Firmware Chat](
* [QMK Toolbox](
* [Hardware Design Discussion](
* [Web Configurator](
* [Compiler API](
## OLKB Subreddit
The official QMK forum is [/r/olkb]( on [](
## Github Issues
You can open an [issue on GitHub]( This is especially handy when your issue will require long-term discussion or debugging.

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# How to Use Github with QMK
# How to use Github with QMK
Github can be a little tricky to those that aren't familiar with it - this guide will walk through each step of forking, cloning, and submitting a pull request with QMK.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ To
+ 20043e64...7da94ac5 master -> master
Your changes now exist on your fork on Github - if you go back there (`<whoeveryouare>/qmk_firmware`), you can create a "New Pull Request" by clicking this button:
Your changes now exist on your fork on Github - if you go back there (<whoeveryouare>/qmk_firmware), you can create a "New Pull Request" by clicking this button:
![New Pull Request](
@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ Here you'll be able to see exactly what you've committed - if it all looks good,
![Create Pull Request](
After submitting, we may talk to you about your changes, ask that you make changes, and eventually accept it! Thanks for contributing to QMK :)
After submitting, we may talk to you about your changes, ask that you make changes, and eventually accept it! Thanks for contributing to QMK :)

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Introduction
This page attempts to explain the basic information you need to know to work with the QMK project. It assumes that you are familiar with navigating a UNIX shell, but does not assume you are familiar with C or with compiling using make.
## Basic QMK structure
QMK is a fork of @tmk's [tmk_keyboard]( project. The original TMK code, with modifications, can be found in the `tmk` folder. The QMK additions to the project may be found in the `quantum` folder. Keyboard projects may be found in the `handwired` and `keyboard` folders.
### Keyboard project structure
Within the `handwired` and `keyboard` folders is a directory for each keyboard project, for example `qmk_firmware/keyboards/clueboard`. Within you'll find the following structure:
* `keymaps/`: Different keymaps that can be built
* ``: The file that sets the default "make" options. Do not edit this file directly, instead use a keymap specific `Makefile`.
* `config.h`: The file that sets the default compile time options. Do not edit this file directly, instead use a keymap specific `config.h`.
### Keymap structure
In every keymap folder, the following files may be found. Only `keymap.c` is required, if the rest of the files are not found the default options will be chosen.
* `config.h`: the options to configure your keymap
* `keymap.c`: all of your keymap code, required
* ``: the features of QMK that are enabled
* ``: a description of your keymap, how others might use it, and explanations of features. Please upload images to a service like imgur.
# The `config.h` file
There are 2 `config.h` locations:
* keyboard (`/keyboards/<keyboard>/config.h`)
* keymap (`/keyboards/<keyboard>/keymaps/<keymap>/config.h`)
If the keymap `config.h` exists that file is included by the build system and the keyboard `config.h` is not included. If you wish to override settings in your keymap's `config.h` you will need to include some glue code:
#include "../../config.h"
If you want to override a setting from the parent `config.h` file, you need to `#undef` and then `#define` the setting again, like this:
#define MY_SETTING 4

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Introduction
This page attempts to explain the basic information you need to know to work with the QMK project. It assumes that you are familiar with navigating a Unix shell, but does not assume you are familiar with C or with compiling using make.
## Basic QMK Structure
QMK is a fork of [Jun Wako]('s [tmk_keyboard]( project. The original TMK code, with modifications, can be found in the `tmk` folder. The QMK additions to the project may be found in the `quantum` folder. Keyboard projects may be found in the `handwired` and `keyboard` folders.
### Keyboard Project Structure
Within the folder `keyboards` and its subfolder `handwired` is a directory for each keyboard project, for example `qmk_firmware/keyboards/clueboard`. Within it you'll find the following structure:
* `keymaps/`: Different keymaps that can be built
* ``: The file that sets the default "make" options. Do not edit this file directly, instead use a keymap specific `Makefile`
* `config.h`: The file that sets the default compile time options. Do not edit this file directly, instead use a keymap specific `config.h`.
### Keymap Structure
In every keymap folder, the following files may be found. Only `keymap.c` is required, and if the rest of the files are not found the default options will be chosen.
* `config.h`: the options to configure your keymap
* `keymap.c`: all of your keymap code, required
* ``: the features of QMK that are enabled
* ``: a description of your keymap, how others might use it, and explanations of features. Please upload images to a service like imgur.
# The `config.h` File
There are 2 `config.h` locations:
* keyboard (`/keyboards/<keyboard>/config.h`)
* keymap (`/keyboards/<keyboard>/keymaps/<keymap>/config.h`)
If the keymap `config.h` exists, that file is included by the build system and the keyboard `config.h` is not included. If you wish to override settings in your keymap's `config.h` you will need to include some glue code:
#include "config_common.h"
If you want to override a setting from the parent `config.h` file, you need to `#undef` and then `#define` the setting again, like this:
#define MY_SETTING 4

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# More Detailed `make` Instructions
# More detailed make instruction
The full syntax of the `make` command is `<keyboard_folder>:<keymap>:<target>`, where:
* `<keyboard_folder>` is the path of the keyboard, for example `planck`
* Use `all` to compile all keyboards
* Specify the path to compile a revision, for example `planck/rev4` or `planck/rev3`
* Specify the path to compile a revision, for example `planck/rev4` or `planck/rev3`
* If the keyboard doesn't have any folders, it can be left out
* To compile the default folder, you can leave it out
* `<keymap>` is the name of the keymap, for example `algernon`
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The full syntax of the `make` command is `<keyboard_folder>:<keymap>:<target>`,
The `<target>` means the following
* If no target is given, then it's the same as `all` below
* `all` compiles as many keyboard/revision/keymap combinations as specified. For example, `make planck/rev4:default` will generate a single .hex, while `make planck/rev4:all` will generate a hex for every keymap available to the planck.
* `dfu`, `teensy` or `dfu-util`, compile and upload the firmware to the keyboard. If the compilation fails, then nothing will be uploaded. The programmer to use depends on the keyboard. For most keyboards it's `dfu`, but for ChibiOS keyboards you should use `dfu-util`, and `teensy` for standard Teensys. To find out which command you should use for your keyboard, check the keyboard specific readme.
* `all` compiles as many keyboard/revision/keymap combinations as specified. For example, `make planck/rev4:default:all` will generate a single .hex, while `make planck/rev4:all` will generate a hex for every keymap available to the planck.
* `dfu`, `teensy` or `dfu-util`, compile and upload the firmware to the keyboard. If the compilation fails, then nothing will be uploaded. The programmer to use depends on the keyboard. For most keyboards it's `dfu`, but for ChibiOS keyboards you should use `dfu-util`, and `teensy` for standard Teensys. To find out which command you should use for your keyboard, check the keyboard specific readme.
* **Note**: some operating systems need root access for these commands to work, so in that case you need to run for example `sudo make planck/rev4:default:dfu`.
* `clean`, cleans the build output folders to make sure that everything is built from scratch. Run this before normal compilation if you have some unexplainable problems.
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ The make command itself also has some additional options, type `make --help` for
Here are some examples commands
* `make all:all` builds everything (all keyboard folders, all keymaps). Running just `make` from the `root` will also run this.
* `make ergodox_infinity:algernon:clean` will clean the build output of the Ergodox Infinity keyboard.
* `make ergodox_infinity:algernon:clean` will clean the build output of the Ergodox Infinity keyboard.
* `make planck/rev4:default:dfu COLOR=false` builds and uploads the keymap without color output.
## `` Options
## `` options
Set these variables to `no` to disable them, and `yes` to enable them.
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ This allows you to use the system and audio control key codes.
This allows you to print messages that can be read using [`hid_listen`](
This allows you to print messages that can be read using [`hid_listen`](
By default, all debug (*dprint*) print (*print*, *xprintf*), and user print (*uprint*) messages will be enabled. This will eat up a significant portion of the flash and may make the keyboard .hex file too big to program.
By default, all debug (*dprint*) print (*print*, *xprintf*), and user print (*uprint*) messages will be enabled. This will eat up a significant portion of the flash and may make the keyboard .hex file too big to program.
To disable debug messages (*dprint*) and reduce the .hex file size, include `#define NO_DEBUG` in your `config.h` file.
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ To disable print messages (*print*, *xprintf*) and **KEEP** user print messages
To see the text, open `hid_listen` and enjoy looking at your printed messages.
**NOTE:** Do not include *uprint* messages in anything other than your keymap code. It must not be used within the QMK system framework. Otherwise, you will bloat other people's .hex files.
**NOTE:** Do not include *uprint* messages in anything other than your keymap code. It must not be used within the QMK system framework. Otherwise, you will bloat other people's .hex files.
Consumes about 400 bytes.
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ This consumes about 5390 bytes.
This enables [key lock]( This consumes an additional 260 bytes.
This enables [key lock]( This consumes an additional 260 bytes.
## Customizing Makefile Options on a Per-Keymap Basis
## Customizing Makefile options on a per-keymap basis
If your keymap directory has a file called `` any options you set in that file will take precedence over other `` options for your particular keyboard.

@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ Using the `/Vagrantfile` in this repository requires you have [Vagrant](http://w
Other than having Vagrant and Virtualbox installed and possibly a restart of your computer afterwards, you can simple run a 'vagrant up' anywhere inside the folder where you checked out this project and it will start a Linux virtual machine that contains all the tools required to build this project. There is a post Vagrant startup hint that will get you off on the right foot, otherwise you can also reference the build documentation below.
# Flashing the Firmware
# Flashing the firmware
The "easy" way to flash the firmware is using a tool from your host OS:
* [QMK Toolbox]( (recommended)
* [QMK Flasher](
* [Teensy Loader](
* [Atmel FLIP](

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
# Glossary of QMK terms
## ARM
A line of 32-bit MCU's produced by a number of companies, such as Atmel, Cypress, Kinetis, NXP, ST, and TI.
## AVR
A line of 8-bit MCU's produced by [Atmel]( AVR was the original platform that TMK supported.
The standard Français (French) keyboard layout. Named for the first 6 keys on the keyboard.
## Backlight
A generic term for lighting on a keyboard. The backlight is typically, but not always, an array of LED's that shine through keycaps and/or switches.
## Bluetooth
A short range peer to peer wireless protocol. Most common wireless protocol for a keyboard.
## Bootloader
A special program that is written to a protected area of your MCU that allows the MCU to upgrade its own firmware, typically over USB.
## Bootmagic
A feature that allows for various keyboard behavior changes to happen on the fly, such as swapping or disabling common keys.
## C
A low-level programming language suitable for system code. Most QMK code is written in C.
## Colemak
An alternative keyboard layout that is gaining in popularity.
## Compile
The process of turning human readable code into machine code your MCU can run.
## Dvorak
An alternative keyboard layout developed by Dr. August Dvorak in the 1930's. A shortened form of the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard.
## Dynamic Macro
A macro which has been recorded on the keyboard and which will be lost when the keyboard is unplugged or the computer rebooted.
* [Dynamic Macro Documentation](dynamic_macros.html)
## Eclipse
An IDE that is popular with many C developers.
* [Eclipse Setup Instructions](eclipse.html)
## Firmware
The software that controls your MCU.
Software provided by Atmel for flashing AVR devices. We generally recommend [QMK Flasher]( instead, but for some advanced use cases FLIP is required.
## git
Versioning software used at the commandline
## GitHub
The website that hosts most of the QMK project. It provides integration with git, issue tracking, and other features that help us run QMK.
## ISP
In-system programming, a method of programming an AVR chip using external hardware and the JTAG pins.
## hid_listen
An interface for receiving debugging messages from your keyboard. You can view these messages using [QMK Flasher]( or [PJRC's hid_listen](
## Keycode
A 2-byte number that represents a particular key. `0x00`-`0xFF` are used for [Basic Keycodes](keycodes_basic.html) while `0x100`-`0xFFFF` are used for [Quantum Keycodes](quantum_keycodes.html).
## Key Down
An event that happens when a key is pressed down, but is completed before a key is released.
## Key Up
An event that happens when a key is released.
## Keymap
An array of keycodes mapped to a physical keyboard layout, which are processed on key presses and releases
## Layer
An abstraction used to allow a key to serve multiple purposes. The highest active layer takes precedence.
## Leader Key
A feature that allows you to tap the leader key followed by a sequence of 1, 2, or 3 keys to activate key presses or other quantum features.
* [Leader Key Documentation](feature_leader_key.html)
## LED
Light Emitting Diode, the most common device used for indicators on a keyboard.
## Make
Software package that is used to compile all the source files. You run `make` with various options to compile your keyboard firmware.
## Matrix
A wiring pattern of columns and rows that enables the MCU to detect keypresses with a fewer number of pins. The matrix often incorporates diodes to allow for NKRO.
## Macro
A feature that lets you send muiltple keypress events (hid reports) after having pressed only a single key.
* [Macro Documentation](macros.html)
## MCU
Microcontrol Unit, the processor that powers your keyboard.
## Modifier
A key that is held down while typing another key to modify the action of that key. Examples include Ctrl, Alt, and Shift.
## Mousekeys
A feature that lets you control your mouse cursor and click from your keyboard.
* [Mousekeys Documentation](mouse_keys.html)
## N-Key Rollover (NKRO)
A term that applies to keyboards that are capable of reporting any number of key-presses at once.
## Oneshot Modifier
A modifier that acts as if it is held down until another key is released, so you can press the mod and then press the key, rather than holding the mod while pressing the key.
## ProMicro
A low cost AVR development board. Clones of this device are often found on ebay very inexpensively (under $5) but people often struggle with flashing their pro micros.
## Pull Request
A request to submit code to QMK. We encourage all users to submit Pull Requests for their personal keymaps.
The standard English keyboard layout, and often a shortcut for other language's standard layouts. Named for the first 6 letters on the keyboard.
The standard Deutsche (German) keyboard layout. Named for the first 6 letters on the keyboard.
## Rollover
The term for pressing a key while a key is already held down. Variants include 2KRO, 6KRO, and NKRO.
## Scancode
A 1 byte number that is sent as part of a HID report over USB that represents a single key. These numbers are documented in the [HID Usage Tables]( published by the [USB-IF](
## Space Cadet Shift
A special set of shift keys which allow you to type various types of braces by tapping the left or right shift one or more times.
* [Space Cadet Shift Documentation](space_cadet_shift.html)
## Tap
Pressing and releasing a key. In some situations you will need to distinguish between a key down and a key up event, and Tap always refers to both at once.
## Tap Dance
A feature that lets you assign muiltple keycodes to the same key based on how many times you press it.
* [Tap Dance Documentation](
## Teensy
A low-cost AVR development board that is commonly used for hand-wired builds. A teensy is often chosen despite costing a few dollors more due to its halfkay bootloader, which makes flashing very simple.
## Underlight
A generic term for LEDs that light the underside of the board. These LED's typically shine away from the bottom of the PCB and towards the surface the keyboard rests on.
## Unicode
In the larger computer world Unicode is a set of encoding schemes for representing characters in any language. As it relates to QMK it means using various OS schemes to send unicode codepoints instead of scancodes.
* [Unicode Documentation](
## Unit Testing
A framework for running automated tests against QMK. Unit testing helps us be confident that our changes do not break anything.
* [Unit Testing Documentation](
## USB
Universal Serial Bus, the most common wired interface for a keyboard.
## USB Host (or simply Host)
The USB Host is your computer, or whatever device your keyboard is plugged into.
# Couldn't find the term you're looking for?
[Open an issue]( with your question and the term in question could be added here. Better still, open a pull request with the definition. :)

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Quantum Hand-Wiring Guide
# Quantum Hand-wiring Guide
Parts list:
* *x* keyswitches (MX, Matias, Gateron, etc)
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ Parts list:
* Keyboard plate (metal, plastic, cardboard, etc)
* Wire (strained for wiring to the Teensy, anything for the rows/columns)
* Soldering iron set at 600ºF or 315ºC (if temperature-controlled)
* Rosin-cored solder (leaded or lead-free)
* Resin-cored solder (leaded or lead-free)
* Adequate ventilation/a fan
* Tweezers (optional)
* Wire cutters/snippers
## How the Matrix Works (Why We Need Diodes)
## How the matrix works (why we need diodes)
The microcontroller (in this case, the Teensy 2.0) will be setup up via the firmware to send a logical 1 to the columns, one at a time, and read from the rows, all at once - this process is called matrix scanning. The matrix is a bunch of open switches that, by default, don't allow any current to pass through - the firmware will read this as no keys being pressed. As soon as you press one key down, the logical 1 that was coming from the column the keyswitch is attached to gets passed through the switch and to the corresponding row - check out the following 2x2 example:
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ Things act as they should! Which will get us the following data:
The firmware can then use this correct data to detect what it should do, and eventually, what signals it needs to send to the OS.
# The Actual Hand-Wiring
# The actual hand-wiring
## Getting Things in Place
## Getting things in place
When starting this, you should have all of your stabilisers and keyswitches already installed (and optionally keycaps). If you're using a Cherry-type stabiliser (plate-mounted only, obviously), you'll need to install that before your keyswitches. If you're using Costar ones, you can installed them afterwards.
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Get your soldering iron heated-up and collect the rest of the materials from the
Before continuing, plan out where you're going to place your Teensy. If you're working with a board that has a large (6.25u) spacebar, it may be a good idea to place it in-between switches against the plate. Otherwise, you may want to trim some of the leads on the keyswitches where you plan on putting it - this will make it a little harder to solder the wire/diodes, but give you more room to place the Teensy.
## Preparing the Diodes
## Preparing the diodes
It's a little easier to solder the diodes in place if you bend them at a 90º angle immediately after the black line - this will help to make sure you put them on the right way (direction matters), and in the correct position. The diodes will look like this when bent (with longer leads):
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ It's a little easier to solder the diodes in place if you bend them at a 90º an
We'll be using the long lead at the bent end to connect it to the elbow (bent part) of the next diode, creating the row.
## Soldering the Diodes
## Soldering the diodes
Starting at the top-left switch, place the diode (with tweezers if you have them) on the switch so that the diode itself is vertically aligned, and the black line is facing toward you. The straight end of the diode should be touching the left contact on the switch, and the bent end should be facing to the right and resting on the switch there, like this:
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Starting at the top-left switch, place the diode (with tweezers if you have them
┌┴┐ o
│ │ O
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Letting the diode rest, grab your solder, and touch both it and the soldering ir
The smoke that the rosin releases is harmful, so be careful not to breath it or get it in your eyes/face.
After soldering things in place, it may be helpful to blow on the joint to push the smoke away from your face, and cool the solder quicker. You should see the solder develop a matte (not shiny) surface as it solidifies. Keep in mind that it will still be very hot afterwards, and will take a couple minutes to be cool to touch. Blow on it will accelerate this process.
After soldering things in place, it may be helpful to blow on the joint to push the smoke away from your face, and cool the solder quicker. You should see the solder develop a matte (not shiney) surface as it solidifies. Keep in mind that it will still be very hot afterwards, and will take a couple minutes to be cool to touch. Blow on it will accelerate this process.
When the first diode is complete, the next one will need to be soldered to both the keyswitch, and the previous diode at the new elbow. That will look something like this:
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ When the first diode is complete, the next one will need to be soldered to both
│o │o
┌┴┐ o ┌┴┐ o
│ │ O │ │ O
├─┤ ├─┤
├─┤ ├─┤
└┬┘ └┬┘
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ After completing a row, use the wire cutters to trim the excess wire from the to
When all of the diodes are completely soldered, it's a good idea to quickly inspect each one to ensure that your solder joints are solid and sturdy - repairing things after this is possible, but more difficult.
## Soldering the Columns
## Soldering the columns
You'll have some options in the next process - it's a good idea to insulate the column wires (since the diodes aren't), but if you're careful enough, you can use exposed wires for the columns - it's not recommended, though. If you're using single-cored wire, stripping the plastic off of the whole wire and feeding it back on is probably the best option, but can be difficult depending on the size and materials. You'll want to leave parts of the wire exposed where you're going to be solder it onto the keyswitch.
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Before beginning to solder, it helps to have your wire pre-bent (if using single
If you're not using any insulation, you can try to keep the column wires elevated, and solder them near the tips of the keyswitch contacts - if the wires are sturdy enough, they won't short out to the row wiring an diodes.
## Wiring Things to the Teensy
## Wiring things to the Teensy
Now that the matrix itself is complete, it's time to connect what you've done to the Teensy. You'll be needing the number of pins equal to your number of columns + your number of rows. There are some pins on the Teensy that are special, like D6 (the LED on the chip), or some of the UART, SPI, I2C, or PWM channels, but only avoid those if you're planning something in addition to a keyboard. If you're unsure about wanting to add something later, you should have enough pins in total to avoid a couple.
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ When you're done with the columns, start with the rows in the same process, from
As you move along, be sure that the Teensy is staying in place - recutting and soldering the wires is a pain!
# Getting Some Basic Firmware Set Up
# Getting some basic firmware set-up
From here, you should have a working keyboard once you program a firmware. Before we attach the Teensy permanently to the keyboard, let's quickly get some firmware loaded onto the Teensy so we can test each keyswitch.
@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ You'll want to navigate to the `keyboards/<project_name>/` folder by typing, lik
cd keyboards/<project_name>
### `config.h`
### config.h
The first thing you're going to want to modify is the `config.h` file. Find `MATRIX_ROWS` and `MATRIX_COLS` and change their definitions to match the dimensions of your keyboard's matrix.
Farther down are `MATRIX_ROW_PINS` and `MATRIX_COL_PINS`. Change their definitions to match how you wired up your matrix (looking from the top of the keyboard, the rows run top-to-bottom and the columns run left-to-right). Likewise, change the definition of `UNUSED_PINS` to match the pins you did not use (this will save power).
### `<project_name>.h`
### \<project_name\>.h
The next file you'll want to look at is `<project_name>.h`. You're going to want to rewrite the `KEYMAP` definition - the format and syntax here is extremely important, so pay attention to how things are setup. The first half of the definition are considered the arguments - this is the format that you'll be following in your keymap later on, so you'll want to have as many k*xy* variables here as you do keys. The second half is the part that the firmware actually looks at, and will contain gaps depending on how you wired your matrix.
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ This would require our `KEYMAP` definition to look like this:
Notice how the `k11` and `KC_NO` switched places to represent the wiring, and the unused final column on the bottom row. Sometimes it'll make more sense to put a keyswitch on a particular column, but in the end, it won't matter, as long as all of them are accounted for. You can use this process to write out the `KEYMAP` for your entire keyboard - be sure to remember that your keyboard is actually backwards when looking at the underside of it.
### `keymaps/<variant>/default.c`
### keymaps/<variant>/default.c
This is the actual keymap for your keyboard, and the main place you'll make changes as you perfect your layout. `default.c` is the file that gets pull by default when typing `make`, but you can make other files as well, and specify them by typing `make handwired/<keyboard>:<variant>`, which will pull `keymaps/<variant>/keymap.c`.
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ Note that the layout of the keycodes is similar to the physical layout of our ke
It's also important to use the `KEYMAP` function we defined earlier - this is what allows the firmware to associate our intended readable keymap with the actual wiring.
## Compiling Your Firmware
## Compiling your firmware
After you've written out your entire keymap, you're ready to get the firmware compiled and onto your Teensy. Before compiling, you'll need to get your [development environment set-up]( - you can skip the dfu-programmer instructions, but you'll need to download and install the [Teensy Loader]( to get the firmware on your Teensy.
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Once everything is installed, running `make` in the terminal should get you some
Once you have your `<project_name>.hex` file, open up the Teensy loader application, and click the file icon. From here, navigate to your `QMK/keyboards/<project_name>/` folder, and select the `<project_name>.hex` file. Plug in your keyboard and press the button on the Teensy - you should see the LED on the device turn off once you do. The Teensy Loader app will change a little, and the buttons should be clickable - click the download button (down arrow), and then the reset button (right arrow), and your keyboard should be ready to go!
## Testing Your Firmware
## Testing your firmware
Carefully flip your keyboard over, open up a new text document, and try typing - you should get the characters that you put into your keymap. Test each key, and note the ones that aren't working. Here's a quick trouble-shooting guide for non-working keys:
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Carefully flip your keyboard over, open up a new text document, and try typing -
If you've done all of these things, keep in mind that sometimes you might have had multiple things affecting the keyswitch, so it doesn't hurt to test the keyswitch by shorting it out at the end.
# Securing the Teensy, Finishing Your Hardware, Getting Fancier Firmware
# Securing the Teensy, finishing your hardware, getting fancier firmware
Now that you have a working board, it's time to get things in their permanent positions. I've often used liberal amounts of hot glue to secure and insulate things, so if that's your style, start spreading that stuff like butter. Otherwise, double-sided tape is always an elegant solution, and electrical tape is a distant second. Due to the nature of these builds, a lot of this part is up to you and how you planned (or didn't plan) things out.

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# Hardware
QMK runs on a variety of hardware. If your processor can be targeted by [LUFA]( or [ChibiOS]( you can probably get QMK running on it. This section explores getting QMK running on, and communicating with, hardware of all kinds.
* [Keyboard Guidelines](
* [AVR Processors](
* ARM Processors (TBD)
* [Drivers](

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
# Keyboards with AVR Processors
This page describes the support for for AVR processors in QMK. AVR processors include the atmega32u4, atmega32u2, at90usb1286, and other processors from Atmel Corporation. AVR processors are 8-bit MCU's that are designed to be easy to work with. The most common AVR processors in keyboards have on-board USB and plenty of GPIO for supporting large keyboard matrices. They are the most popular MCU for use in keyboards today.
If you have not yet you should read the [Keyboard Guidelines]( to get a sense of how keyboards fit into QMK.
## Adding Your AVR Keyboard to QMK
QMK has a number of features to simplify working with AVR keyboards. For most keyboards you don't have to write a single line of code. To get started run the `util/` script:
$ util/ my_awesome_keyboard
# /keyboards/my_awesome_keyboard project created. To start
# working on things, cd into keyboards/my_awesome_keyboard
This will create all the files needed to support your new keyboard, and populate the settings with default values. Now you just need to customize it for your keyboard.
## ``
This is where you'll describe your keyboard. Please follow the [Keyboard Readme Template]( when writing your ``. You're encouraged to place an image at the top of your ``, please use an external service such as [Imgur]( to host the images.
## `<keyboard>.c`
This is where all the custom logic for your keyboard goes. Many keyboards do not need to put anything at all in here. You can learn more about writing custom logic in [Custom Quantum Functions](
## `<keyboard>.h`
This is the file you define your [Layout Macro(s)]( in. At minimum you should have a `#define LAYOUT` for your keyboard that looks something like this:
#define LAYOUT( \
k00, k01, k02, \
k10, k11 \
) { \
{ k00, k01, k02 }, \
{ k10, KC_NO, k11 }, \
The first half of the `LAYOUT` pre-processor macro defines the physical arrangement of keys. The second half of the macro defines the matrix the switches are connected to. This allows you to have a physical arrangement of keys that differs from the wiring matrix.
Each of the `k__` variables needs to be unique, and typically they follow the format `k<row><col>`.
The physical matrix (the second half) must have a number of rows equaling `MATRIX_ROWS`, and each row must have exactly `MATRIX_COLS` elements in it. If you do not have this many physical keys you can use `KC_NO` to fill in the blank spots.
## `config.h`
The `config.h` file is where you configure the hardware and feature set for your keyboard. There are a lot of options that can be placed in that file, too many to list there. For a complete overview of available options see the [Config Options]( page.
### Hardware Configuration
At the top of the `config.h` you'll find USB related settings. These control how your keyboard appears to the Operating System. If you don't have a good reason to change you should leave the `VENDOR_ID` as `0xFEED`. For the `PRODUCT_ID` you should pick a number that is not yet in use.
Do change the `MANUFACTURER`, `PRODUCT`, and `DESCRIPTION` lines to accurately reflect your keyboard.
#define VENDOR_ID 0xFEED
#define PRODUCT_ID 0x6060
#define DEVICE_VER 0x0001
#define PRODUCT my_awesome_keyboard
#define DESCRIPTION A custom keyboard
{% hint style='info' %}
Note: On Windows and macOS the `MANUFACTURER`, `PRODUCT`, and `DESCRIPTION` fields will be displayed in the list of USB devices. On Linux these values will not be visible in `lsusb`, since Linux takes that information from the list published by the USB-IF.
{% endhint %}
### Keyboard Matrix Configuration
The next section of the `config.h` file deals with your keyboard's matrix. The first thing you should set is the matrix's size. This is usually, but not always, the same number of rows and columns as the physical key arrangement.
#define MATRIX_ROWS 2
#define MATRIX_COLS 3
Once you've defined the size of your matrix you need to define which pins on your MCU are connected to rows and columns. To do so simply specify the names of those pins:
#define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { D0, D5 }
#define MATRIX_COL_PINS { F1, F0, B0 }
The number of `MATRIX_ROW_PINS` entries must be the same as the number you assigned to `MATRIX_ROWS`, and likewise for `MATRIX_COL_PINS` and `MATRIX_COLS`. You do not have to specify `UNUSED_PINS`, but you can if you want to document what pins are open.
Finally, you can specify the direction your diodes point. This can be `COL2ROW`, `ROW2COL`, or `CUSTOM_MATRIX`.
### Backlight Configuration
By default QMK supports backlighting on pins `B5`, `B6`, and `B7`. If you are using one of those you can simply enable it here. For more details see the [Backlight Documentation](
{% hint style='info' %}
You can use backlighting on any pin you like, but you will have to do more work to support that. See the [Backlight Documentation]( for more details.
{% endhint %}
### Other Configuration Options
There are a lot of features that can be configured or tuned in `config.h`. You should see the [Config Options]( page for more details.
## ``
You use the `` file to tell QMK what files to build and what features to enable. If you are building around an atmega32u4 you can largely leave these defaults alone. If you are using another MCU you may have to tweak some parameters.
### MCU Options
These options tell the build system what CPU to build for. Be very careful if you change any of these settings, you can render your keyboard inoperable.
MCU = atmega32u4
F_CPU = 16000000
F_USB = $(F_CPU)
### Bootloader Size
The bootloader is a special section of your MCU that allows you to upgrade the code stored on the MCU. Think of it like a Rescue Partition for your keyboard. If you are using a teensy 2.0, or a device like the Ergodox EZ that uses the teensy bootloader you should set this to `512`. Most other bootloaders should be set to `4096`, but `1024` and `2048` are other possible values you may encounter.
#### Teensy 2.0 Bootloader Example
#### Teensy 2.0++ Bootloader Example
#### Atmel DFU Loader Example
### Build Options
There are a number of features that can be turned on or off in ``. See the [Config Options]( page for a detailed list and description.

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# QMK Hardware Drivers
QMK is used on a lot of different hardware. While support for the most common MCU's and matrix configurations is built-in there are a number of drivers that can be added to a keyboard to support additional hardware. Examples include mice and other pointing devices, i/o expanders for split keyboards, bluetooth modules, and LCD, OLED, and TFT screens.
<!-- FIXME: This should talk about how drivers are integrated into QMK and how you can add your own driver.
# Driver System Overview
# Available Drivers
## ProMicro (AVR Only)
Support for addressing pins on the ProMicro by their Arduino name rather than their AVR name. This needs to be better documented, if you are trying to do this and reading the code doesn't help please [open an issue]( and we can help you through the process.
## SSD1306 (AVR Only)
Support for SSD1306 based OLED displays. This needs to be better documented, if you are trying to do this and reading the code doesn't help please [open an issue]( and we can help you through the process.
## uGFX
You can make use of uGFX within QMK to drive character and graphic LCD's, LED arrays, OLED, TFT, and other display technologies. This needs to be better documented, if you are trying to do this and reading the code doesn't help please [open an issue]( and we can help you through the process.
## WS2812 (AVR Only)
Support for WS2811/WS2812{a,b,c} LED's. For more information see the [RGB Light]( page.

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
# QMK Keyboard Guidelines
We welcome all keyboard projects into QMK, but ask that you try to stick to a couple guidelines that help us keep things organised and consistent.
## Naming Your Keyboard/Project
All names should be lowercase alphanumeric, and separated by an underscore (`_`), but not begin with one. Your directory and your `.h` and `.c` files should have exactly the same name. All folders should follow the same format. `test`, `keyboard`, and `all` are reserved by make and are not a valid name for a keyboard.
## ``
All projects need to have a `` file that explains what the keyboard is, who made it, where it is available, and links to more information. Please follow the [published template](
## Image/Hardware Files
In an effort to keep the repo size down, we're no longer accepting images of any format in the repo, with few exceptions. Hosting them elsewhere (imgur) and linking them in the `` is the preferred method.
Any sort of hardware file (plate, case, pcb) can't be stored in qmk_firmware, but we have the [ repo]( where such files (as well as in-depth info) can be stored and viewed on []( Downloadable files are stored in `/<keyboard>/` (name follows the same format as above) which are served at `<keyboard>/`, and pages are generated from `/_pages/<keyboard>/` which are served at the same location (.md files are generated into .html files through Jekyll). Check out the `lets_split` directory for an example.
## Keyboard Defaults
Given the amount of functionality that QMK exposes it's very easy to confuse new users. When putting together the default firmware for your keyboard we recommend limiting your enabled features and options to the minimal set needed to support your hardware. Recommendations for specific features follow.
### Bootmagic and Command
[Bootmagic]( and [Command]( are two related features that allow a user to control their keyboard in non-obvious ways. We recommend you think long and hard about if you're going to enable either feature, and how you will expose this functionality. Keep in mind that users who want this functionality can enable it in their personal keymaps without affecting all the novice users who may be using your keyboard as their first programmable board.
By far the most common problem new users encounter is accidentally triggering Bootmagic while they're plugging in their keyboard. They're holding the keyboard by the bottom, unknowingly pressing in alt and spacebar, and then they find that these keys have been swapped on them. We recommend leaving this feature disabled by default, but if you do turn it on consider setting `BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SALT` to a key that is hard to press while plugging your keyboard in.
If your keyboard does not have 2 shift keys you should provide a working default for `IS_COMMAND`, even when you have set `COMMAND_ENABLE = no`. This will give your users a default to conform to if they do enable Command.
## Custom Keyboard Programming
As documented on [Customizing Functionality]( you can define custom functions for your keyboard. Please keep in mind that your users may want to customize that behavior as well, and make it possible for them to do that. If you are providing a custom function, for example `process_record_kb()`, make sure that your function calls the `_user()` version of the call too. You should also take into account the return value of the `_user()` version, and only run your custom code if the user returns `true`.
## Keyboard Metadata
As QMK grows so does the ecosystem surrounding QMK. To make it easier for projects in that ecosystem to tie into QMK as we make changes we are developing a metadata system to expose information about keyboards in QMK.
You can create `info.json` files at every level under `qmk_firmware/keyboards/<name>` to specify this metadata. These files are combined, with more specific files overriding keys in less specific files. This means you do not need to duplicate your metadata information. For example, `qmk_firmware/keyboards/clueboard/info.json` specifies `manufacturer` and `maintainer`, while `qmk_firmware/keyboards/clueboard/66/info.json` specifies more specific information about Clueboard 66%.
### `info.json` Format
The `info.json` file is a JSON formatted dictionary with the following keys available to be set. You do not have to set all of them, merely the keys that apply to your keyboard.
* `keyboard_name`
* A free-form text string describing the keyboard.
* Example: `Clueboard 66%`
* `url`
* A URL to the keyboard's product page, []( page, or other page describing information about the keyboard.
* `bootloader`
* What bootloader this keyboard uses. Available options:
* `atmel-dfu`
* `kiibohd-dfu-util`
* `lufa-dfu`
* `qmk-dfu`
* `stm32-dfu-util`
* `caterina`
* `halfkay`
* `bootloadHID`
* `maintainer`
* GitHub username of the maintainer, or `qmk` for community maintained boards
* `width`
* Width of the board in Key Units
* `height`
* Height of the board in Key Units
* `layouts`
* Physical Layout representations. See the next section for more detail.
#### Layout Format
Within our `info.json` file the `layouts` portion of the dictionary contains several nested dictionaries. The outer layer consists of QMK layout macros, for example `LAYOUT_ansi` or `LAYOUT_iso`. Within each layout macro are keys for `width`, `height`, and `key_count`, each of which should be self-explanatory.
* `width`
* Optional: The width of the layout in Key Units
* `height`
* Optional: The height of the layout in Key Units
* `key_count`
* **Required**: The number of keys in this layout
* `layout`
* A list of Key Dictionaries describing the physical layout. See the next section for more details.
#### Key Dictionary Format
Each Key Dictionary in a layout describes the physical properties of a key. If you are familiar with the Raw Code for <> you will find many of the concepts the same. We re-use the same key names and layout choices wherever possible, but unlike keyboard-layout-editor each key is stateless, inheriting no properties from the keys that came before it.
All key positions and rotations are specified in relation to the top-left corner of the keyboard, and the top-left corner of each key.
* `X`
* **Required**: The absolute position of the key in the horizontal axis, in Key Units.
* `Y`
* **Required**: The absolute position of the key in the vertical axis, in Key Units.
* `W`
* The width of the key, in Key Units. Ignored if `ks` is provided. Default: `1`
* `H`
* The height of the key, in Key Units. Ignored if `ks` is provided. Default: `1`
* `R`
* How many degrees clockwise to rotate the key.
* `RX`
* The absolute position of the point to rotate the key around in the horizontal axis. Default: `x`
* `RY`
* The absolute position of the point to rotate the key around in the vertical axis. Default: `y`
* `KS`
* Key Shape: define a polygon by providing a list of points, in Key Units.
* **Important**: These are relative to the top-left of the key, not absolute.
* Example ISO Enter: `[ [0,0], [1.5,0], [1.5,2], [0.25,2], [0.25,1], [0,1], [0,0] ]`
### How is the Metadata Exposed?
This metadata is primarily used in two ways:
* To allow web-based configurators to dynamically generate UI
* To support the new `make keyboard:keymap:qmk` target, which bundles this metadata up with the firmware to allow QMK Toolbox to be smarter.
Configurator authors can see the [QMK Compiler]( docs for more information on using the JSON API.
## Non-Production/Handwired Projects
We're happy to accept any project that uses QMK, including prototypes and handwired ones, but we have a separate `/keyboards/handwired/` folder for them, so the main `/keyboards/` folder doesn't get overcrowded. If a prototype project becomes a production project at some point in the future, we'd be happy to move it to the main `/keyboards/` folder!
## Warnings as Errors
When developing your keyboard, keep in mind that all warnings will be treated as errors - these small warnings can build-up and cause larger errors down the road (and keeping them is generally a bad practice).
## Copyright Blurb
If you're adapting your keyboard's setup from another project, but not using the same code, but sure to update the copyright header at the top of the files to show your name, in this format:
Copyright 2017 Your Name <>
If you are modifying someone else's code and have made only trivial changes you should leave their name in the copyright statement. If you have done significant work on the file you should add your name to theirs, like so:
Copyright 2017 Their Name <> Your Name <>
The year should be the first year the file is created. If work was done to that file in later years you can reflect that by appending the second year to the first, like so:
Copyright 2015-2017 Your Name <>
## License
The core of QMK is licensed under the [GNU General Public License]( If you are shipping binaries for AVR processors you may choose either [GPLv2]( or [GPLv3]( If you are shipping binaries for ARM processors you must choose [GPL Version 3]( to comply with the [ChibiOS]( GPLv3 license.
If your keyboard makes use of the [uGFX]( features within QMK you must comply with the [uGFX License](, which requires a separate commercial license before selling a device containing uGFX.
## Technical Details
If you're looking for more information on making your keyboard work with QMK, [check out the hardware section](!

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# How Keys Are Registered, and Interpreted by Computers
# How keys are registered, and interpreted by computers
In this file, you can will learn the concepts of how keyboards work over USB,
and you'll be able to better understand what you can expect from changing your
firmware directly.
## Schematic View
## Schematic view
Whenever you type on 1 particular key, here is the chain of actions taking
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ layout is set to QWERTY, a sample of the matching table is as follow:
| 0x1D | z/Z |
| ... | ... |
## Back to the Firmware
## Back to the firmware
As the layout is generally fixed (unless you create your own), the firmware can actually call a keycode by its layout name directly to ease things for you. This is exactly what is done here with `KC_A` actually representing `0x04` in QWERTY. The full list can be found in [keycodes](

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
# group `defines` {#group__defines}
## Summary
Members | Descriptions
`define `[`SYSEX_BEGIN`](#group__defines_1ga1a3c39bb790dda8a368c4247caabcf79) |
`define `[`SYSEX_END`](#group__defines_1ga753706d1d28e6f96d7caf1973e80feed) |
`define `[`MIDI_STATUSMASK`](#group__defines_1gab78a1c818a5f5dab7a8946543f126c69) |
`define `[`MIDI_CHANMASK`](#group__defines_1ga239edc0a6f8405d3a8f2804f1590b909) |
`define `[`MIDI_CC`](#group__defines_1ga45f116a1daab76b3c930c2cecfaef215) |
`define `[`MIDI_NOTEON`](#group__defines_1gafd416f27bf3590868c0c1f55c30be4c7) |
`define `[`MIDI_NOTEOFF`](#group__defines_1gabed24bea2d989fd655e2ef2ad0765adc) |
`define `[`MIDI_AFTERTOUCH`](#group__defines_1ga3a322d8cfd53576a2e167c1840551b0f) |
`define `[`MIDI_PITCHBEND`](#group__defines_1gabcc799504e8064679bca03f232223af4) |
`define `[`MIDI_PROGCHANGE`](#group__defines_1gaefb3f1595ffbb9db66b46c2c919a3d42) |
`define `[`MIDI_CHANPRESSURE`](#group__defines_1gaeb3281cc7fcd0daade8ed3d2dfc33dbe) |
`define `[`MIDI_CLOCK`](#group__defines_1gafa5e4e295aafd15ab7893344599b3b89) |
`define `[`MIDI_TICK`](#group__defines_1ga3b99408ff864613765d4c3c2ceb52aa7) |
`define `[`MIDI_START`](#group__defines_1ga8233631c85823aa546f932ad8975caa4) |
`define `[`MIDI_CONTINUE`](#group__defines_1gab24430f0081e27215b0da84dd0ee745c) |
`define `[`MIDI_STOP`](#group__defines_1ga3af9271d4b1f0d22904a0b055f48cf62) |
`define `[`MIDI_ACTIVESENSE`](#group__defines_1gacd88ed42dba52bb4b2052c5656362677) |
`define `[`MIDI_RESET`](#group__defines_1ga02947f30ca62dc332fdeb10c5868323b) |
`define `[`MIDI_TC_QUARTERFRAME`](#group__defines_1gaaa072f33590e236d1bfd8f28e833ae31) |
`define `[`MIDI_SONGPOSITION`](#group__defines_1ga412f6ed33a2150051374bee334ee1705) |
`define `[`MIDI_SONGSELECT`](#group__defines_1gafcab254838b028365ae0259729e72c4e) |
`define `[`MIDI_TUNEREQUEST`](#group__defines_1ga8100b907b8c0a84e58b1c53dcd9bd795) |
`define `[`SYSEX_EDUMANUFID`](#group__defines_1ga5ef855ed955b00a2239ca16afbeb164f) |
## Members
#### `define `[`SYSEX_BEGIN`](#group__defines_1ga1a3c39bb790dda8a368c4247caabcf79) {#group__defines_1ga1a3c39bb790dda8a368c4247caabcf79}
#### `define `[`SYSEX_END`](#group__defines_1ga753706d1d28e6f96d7caf1973e80feed) {#group__defines_1ga753706d1d28e6f96d7caf1973e80feed}
#### `define `[`MIDI_STATUSMASK`](#group__defines_1gab78a1c818a5f5dab7a8946543f126c69) {#group__defines_1gab78a1c818a5f5dab7a8946543f126c69}
#### `define `[`MIDI_CHANMASK`](#group__defines_1ga239edc0a6f8405d3a8f2804f1590b909) {#group__defines_1ga239edc0a6f8405d3a8f2804f1590b909}
#### `define `[`MIDI_CC`](#group__defines_1ga45f116a1daab76b3c930c2cecfaef215) {#group__defines_1ga45f116a1daab76b3c930c2cecfaef215}
#### `define `[`MIDI_NOTEON`](#group__defines_1gafd416f27bf3590868c0c1f55c30be4c7) {#group__defines_1gafd416f27bf3590868c0c1f55c30be4c7}
#### `define `[`MIDI_NOTEOFF`](#group__defines_1gabed24bea2d989fd655e2ef2ad0765adc) {#group__defines_1gabed24bea2d989fd655e2ef2ad0765adc}
#### `define `[`MIDI_AFTERTOUCH`](#group__defines_1ga3a322d8cfd53576a2e167c1840551b0f) {#group__defines_1ga3a322d8cfd53576a2e167c1840551b0f}
#### `define `[`MIDI_PITCHBEND`](#group__defines_1gabcc799504e8064679bca03f232223af4) {#group__defines_1gabcc799504e8064679bca03f232223af4}
#### `define `[`MIDI_PROGCHANGE`](#group__defines_1gaefb3f1595ffbb9db66b46c2c919a3d42) {#group__defines_1gaefb3f1595ffbb9db66b46c2c919a3d42}
#### `define `[`MIDI_CHANPRESSURE`](#group__defines_1gaeb3281cc7fcd0daade8ed3d2dfc33dbe) {#group__defines_1gaeb3281cc7fcd0daade8ed3d2dfc33dbe}
#### `define `[`MIDI_CLOCK`](#group__defines_1gafa5e4e295aafd15ab7893344599b3b89) {#group__defines_1gafa5e4e295aafd15ab7893344599b3b89}
#### `define `[`MIDI_TICK`](#group__defines_1ga3b99408ff864613765d4c3c2ceb52aa7) {#group__defines_1ga3b99408ff864613765d4c3c2ceb52aa7}
#### `define `[`MIDI_START`](#group__defines_1ga8233631c85823aa546f932ad8975caa4) {#group__defines_1ga8233631c85823aa546f932ad8975caa4}
#### `define `[`MIDI_CONTINUE`](#group__defines_1gab24430f0081e27215b0da84dd0ee745c) {#group__defines_1gab24430f0081e27215b0da84dd0ee745c}
#### `define `[`MIDI_STOP`](#group__defines_1ga3af9271d4b1f0d22904a0b055f48cf62) {#group__defines_1ga3af9271d4b1f0d22904a0b055f48cf62}
#### `define `[`MIDI_ACTIVESENSE`](#group__defines_1gacd88ed42dba52bb4b2052c5656362677) {#group__defines_1gacd88ed42dba52bb4b2052c5656362677}
#### `define `[`MIDI_RESET`](#group__defines_1ga02947f30ca62dc332fdeb10c5868323b) {#group__defines_1ga02947f30ca62dc332fdeb10c5868323b}
#### `define `[`MIDI_TC_QUARTERFRAME`](#group__defines_1gaaa072f33590e236d1bfd8f28e833ae31) {#group__defines_1gaaa072f33590e236d1bfd8f28e833ae31}
#### `define `[`MIDI_SONGPOSITION`](#group__defines_1ga412f6ed33a2150051374bee334ee1705) {#group__defines_1ga412f6ed33a2150051374bee334ee1705}
#### `define `[`MIDI_SONGSELECT`](#group__defines_1gafcab254838b028365ae0259729e72c4e) {#group__defines_1gafcab254838b028365ae0259729e72c4e}
#### `define `[`MIDI_TUNEREQUEST`](#group__defines_1ga8100b907b8c0a84e58b1c53dcd9bd795) {#group__defines_1ga8100b907b8c0a84e58b1c53dcd9bd795}
#### `define `[`SYSEX_EDUMANUFID`](#group__defines_1ga5ef855ed955b00a2239ca16afbeb164f) {#group__defines_1ga5ef855ed955b00a2239ca16afbeb164f}

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
# group `input_callback_reg` {#group__input__callback__reg}
These are the functions you use to register your input callbacks.
The functions are called when the appropriate midi message is matched on the associated device's input.
## Summary
Members | Descriptions
`public void `[`midi_register_cc_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga64ab672abbbe393c9c4a83110c8df718)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` | Register a control change message (cc) callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_noteon_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga3962f276c17618923f1152779552103e)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` | Register a note on callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_noteoff_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gac847b66051bd6d53b762958be0ec4c6d)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` | Register a note off callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_aftertouch_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gaa95bc901bd9edff956a667c9a69dd01f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` | Register an after touch callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_pitchbend_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga071a28f02ba14f53de219be70ebd9a48)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` | Register a pitch bend callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_songposition_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gaf2adfd79637f3553d8f26deb1ca22ed6)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` | Register a song position callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_progchange_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gae6ba1a35a4cde9bd15dd42f87401d127)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_two_byte_func_t func)` | Register a program change callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_chanpressure_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga39b31f1f4fb93917ce039b958f21b4f5)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_two_byte_func_t func)` | Register a channel pressure callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_songselect_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gaf9aafc76a2dc4b9fdbb4106cbda6ce72)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_two_byte_func_t func)` | Register a song select callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_tc_quarterframe_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga0a119fada2becc628cb15d753b257e6e)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_two_byte_func_t func)` | Register a tc quarter frame callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_realtime_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga764f440e857b89084b1a07f9da2ff93a)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_one_byte_func_t func)` | Register a realtime callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_tunerequest_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gae40ff3ce20bda79fef87da24b8321cb1)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_one_byte_func_t func)` | Register a tune request callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_sysex_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga63ce9631b025785c1848d0122d4c4c48)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_sysex_func_t func)` | Register a sysex callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_fallthrough_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga7ed189164aa9682862b3181153afbd94)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_var_byte_func_t func)` | Register fall through callback.
`public void `[`midi_register_catchall_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga9dbfed568d047a6cd05708f11fe39e99)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_var_byte_func_t func)` | Register a catch all callback.
## Members
#### `public void `[`midi_register_cc_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga64ab672abbbe393c9c4a83110c8df718)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga64ab672abbbe393c9c4a83110c8df718}
Register a control change message (cc) callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_noteon_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga3962f276c17618923f1152779552103e)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga3962f276c17618923f1152779552103e}
Register a note on callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_noteoff_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gac847b66051bd6d53b762958be0ec4c6d)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1gac847b66051bd6d53b762958be0ec4c6d}
Register a note off callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_aftertouch_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gaa95bc901bd9edff956a667c9a69dd01f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1gaa95bc901bd9edff956a667c9a69dd01f}
Register an after touch callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_pitchbend_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga071a28f02ba14f53de219be70ebd9a48)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga071a28f02ba14f53de219be70ebd9a48}
Register a pitch bend callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_songposition_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gaf2adfd79637f3553d8f26deb1ca22ed6)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_three_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1gaf2adfd79637f3553d8f26deb1ca22ed6}
Register a song position callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_progchange_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gae6ba1a35a4cde9bd15dd42f87401d127)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_two_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1gae6ba1a35a4cde9bd15dd42f87401d127}
Register a program change callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_chanpressure_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga39b31f1f4fb93917ce039b958f21b4f5)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_two_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga39b31f1f4fb93917ce039b958f21b4f5}
Register a channel pressure callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_songselect_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gaf9aafc76a2dc4b9fdbb4106cbda6ce72)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_two_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1gaf9aafc76a2dc4b9fdbb4106cbda6ce72}
Register a song select callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_tc_quarterframe_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga0a119fada2becc628cb15d753b257e6e)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_two_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga0a119fada2becc628cb15d753b257e6e}
Register a tc quarter frame callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_realtime_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga764f440e857b89084b1a07f9da2ff93a)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_one_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga764f440e857b89084b1a07f9da2ff93a}
Register a realtime callback.
The callback will be called for all of the real time message types.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_tunerequest_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1gae40ff3ce20bda79fef87da24b8321cb1)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_one_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1gae40ff3ce20bda79fef87da24b8321cb1}
Register a tune request callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_sysex_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga63ce9631b025785c1848d0122d4c4c48)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_sysex_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga63ce9631b025785c1848d0122d4c4c48}
Register a sysex callback.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_fallthrough_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga7ed189164aa9682862b3181153afbd94)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_var_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga7ed189164aa9682862b3181153afbd94}
Register fall through callback.
This is only called if a more specific callback is not matched and called. For instance, if you don't register a note on callback but you get a note on message the fall through callback will be called, if it is registered.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register
#### `public void `[`midi_register_catchall_callback`](#group__input__callback__reg_1ga9dbfed568d047a6cd05708f11fe39e99)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_var_byte_func_t func)` {#group__input__callback__reg_1ga9dbfed568d047a6cd05708f11fe39e99}
Register a catch all callback.
If registered, the catch all callback is called for every message that is matched, even if a more specific or the fallthrough callback is registered.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device associate with
* `func` the callback function to register

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
# group `midi_device` {#group__midi__device}
You use the functions when you are implementing your own midi device.
You set a send function to actually send bytes via your device, this method is called when you call a send function with this device, for instance midi_send_cc
You use the midi_device_input to process input data from the device and pass it through the device's associated callbacks.
You use the midi_device_set_pre_input_process_func if you want to have a function called at the beginning of the device's process function, generally to poll for input and pass that into midi_device_input
## Summary
Members | Descriptions
`define `[`MIDI_INPUT_QUEUE_LENGTH`](#group__midi__device_1ga4aaa419caebdca2bbdfc1331e79781a8) |
`enum `[`input_state_t`](#group__midi__device_1gac203e877d3df4275ceb8e7180a61f621) |
`public void `[`midi_device_input`](#group__midi__device_1gad8d3db8eb35d9cfa51ef036a0a9d70db)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t cnt,uint8_t * input)` | Process input bytes. This function parses bytes and calls the appropriate callbacks associated with the given device. You use this function if you are creating a custom device and you want to have midi input.
`public void `[`midi_device_set_send_func`](#group__midi__device_1ga59f5a46bdd4452f186cc73d9e96d4673)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_var_byte_func_t send_func)` | Set the callback function that will be used for sending output data bytes. This is only used if you're creating a custom device. You'll most likely want the callback function to disable interrupts so that you can call the various midi send functions without worrying about locking.
`public void `[`midi_device_set_pre_input_process_func`](#group__midi__device_1ga4de0841b87c04fc23cb56b6451f33b69)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_no_byte_func_t pre_process_func)` | Set a callback which is called at the beginning of the midi_device_process call. This can be used to poll for input data and send the data through the midi_device_input function. You'll probably only use this if you're creating a custom device.
`struct `[`_midi_device`](docs/ | This structure represents the input and output functions and processing data for a midi device.
## Members
#### `define `[`MIDI_INPUT_QUEUE_LENGTH`](#group__midi__device_1ga4aaa419caebdca2bbdfc1331e79781a8) {#group__midi__device_1ga4aaa419caebdca2bbdfc1331e79781a8}
#### `enum `[`input_state_t`](#group__midi__device_1gac203e877d3df4275ceb8e7180a61f621) {#group__midi__device_1gac203e877d3df4275ceb8e7180a61f621}
Values | Descriptions
#### `public void `[`midi_device_input`](#group__midi__device_1gad8d3db8eb35d9cfa51ef036a0a9d70db)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t cnt,uint8_t * input)` {#group__midi__device_1gad8d3db8eb35d9cfa51ef036a0a9d70db}
Process input bytes. This function parses bytes and calls the appropriate callbacks associated with the given device. You use this function if you are creating a custom device and you want to have midi input.
#### Parameters
* `device` the midi device to associate the input with
* `cnt` the number of bytes you are processing
* `input` the bytes to process
#### `public void `[`midi_device_set_send_func`](#group__midi__device_1ga59f5a46bdd4452f186cc73d9e96d4673)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_var_byte_func_t send_func)` {#group__midi__device_1ga59f5a46bdd4452f186cc73d9e96d4673}
Set the callback function that will be used for sending output data bytes. This is only used if you're creating a custom device. You'll most likely want the callback function to disable interrupts so that you can call the various midi send functions without worrying about locking.
#### Parameters
* `device` the midi device to associate this callback with
* `send_func` the callback function that will do the sending
#### `public void `[`midi_device_set_pre_input_process_func`](#group__midi__device_1ga4de0841b87c04fc23cb56b6451f33b69)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,midi_no_byte_func_t pre_process_func)` {#group__midi__device_1ga4de0841b87c04fc23cb56b6451f33b69}
Set a callback which is called at the beginning of the midi_device_process call. This can be used to poll for input data and send the data through the midi_device_input function. You'll probably only use this if you're creating a custom device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the midi device to associate this callback with
* `midi_no_byte_func_t` the actual callback function
# struct `_midi_device` {#struct__midi__device}
This structure represents the input and output functions and processing data for a midi device.
A device can represent an actual physical device [serial port, usb port] or something virtual. You should not need to modify this structure directly.
## Summary
Members | Descriptions
`public midi_var_byte_func_t `[`send_func`](docs/ |
`public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_cc_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_noteon_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_noteoff_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_aftertouch_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_pitchbend_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_songposition_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_two_byte_func_t `[`input_progchange_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_two_byte_func_t `[`input_chanpressure_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_two_byte_func_t `[`input_songselect_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_two_byte_func_t `[`input_tc_quarterframe_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_one_byte_func_t `[`input_realtime_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_one_byte_func_t `[`input_tunerequest_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_sysex_func_t `[`input_sysex_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_var_byte_func_t `[`input_fallthrough_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_var_byte_func_t `[`input_catchall_callback`](docs/ |
`public midi_no_byte_func_t `[`pre_input_process_callback`](docs/ |
`public uint8_t `[`input_buffer`](docs/ |
`public input_state_t `[`input_state`](docs/ |
`public uint16_t `[`input_count`](docs/ |
`public uint8_t `[`input_queue_data`](docs/ |
`public `[`byteQueue_t`](#structbyte_queue__t)` `[`input_queue`](#struct__midi__device_1a49c8538a8a02193c58e28a56eb695d8f) |
## Members
#### `public midi_var_byte_func_t `[`send_func`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a25d4c94b4bbccd5b98f1032b469f3ff9}
#### `public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_cc_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a6da5236c1bc73877728df92d213a78d1}
#### `public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_noteon_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1aa10b15cf1a7fb825a5df0d2abbe34a1c}
#### `public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_noteoff_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1aaf290043078534d3a5a0ea4c840eba84}
#### `public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_aftertouch_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1acb0b4901c545cec4b28b126f2d8c315f}
#### `public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_pitchbend_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a305fea672caeb996f2233bf8cd2bef18}
#### `public midi_three_byte_func_t `[`input_songposition_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a5f3f13638b3fef3fc561ed1bf301d586}
#### `public midi_two_byte_func_t `[`input_progchange_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1adaf1da617c9a10a9dcad00ab1959d3da}
#### `public midi_two_byte_func_t `[`input_chanpressure_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1ab7ca2925c539915d43974eff604d85f7}
#### `public midi_two_byte_func_t `[`input_songselect_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a89bed8a5a55376120cfc0a62b42f057f}
#### `public midi_two_byte_func_t `[`input_tc_quarterframe_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1ad9813e75d22e284f9f65a907d20600f0}
#### `public midi_one_byte_func_t `[`input_realtime_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a9448eba4afb7e43650434748db3777be}
#### `public midi_one_byte_func_t `[`input_tunerequest_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a0cb8fd53e00cf1d4202d4fa04d038e8d}
#### `public midi_sysex_func_t `[`input_sysex_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1afff9a0ce641762aaef24c1e6953ec9a2}
#### `public midi_var_byte_func_t `[`input_fallthrough_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1abb974ec6d734001b4a0e370f292be503}
#### `public midi_var_byte_func_t `[`input_catchall_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1aae0d535129d4fd650edc98eb3f7584f8}
#### `public midi_no_byte_func_t `[`pre_input_process_callback`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1aeb0bb8923d66c23d874e177dc4265754}
#### `public uint8_t `[`input_buffer`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a7c5684857d6af4ebc4dc12da27bd6b2a}
#### `public input_state_t `[`input_state`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a69a687d2d1c449ec15a11c07a5722e39}
#### `public uint16_t `[`input_count`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1a68dea8e7b6151e89c85c95caa612ee5d}
#### `public uint8_t `[`input_queue_data`](docs/ {#struct__midi__device_1ada41de021135dc423abedcbb30f366ff}
#### `public `[`byteQueue_t`](#structbyte_queue__t)` `[`input_queue`](#struct__midi__device_1a49c8538a8a02193c58e28a56eb695d8f) {#struct__midi__device_1a49c8538a8a02193c58e28a56eb695d8f}

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# group `midi_device_setup_process` {#group__midi__device__setup__process}
These are method that you must use to initialize and run a device.
## Summary
Members | Descriptions
`public void `[`midi_device_init`](#group__midi__device__setup__process_1gaf29deddc94ea98a59daa0bde1aefd9d9)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Initialize a device.
`public void `[`midi_device_process`](#group__midi__device__setup__process_1gaa3d5993d0e998a1b59bbf5ab9c7b492b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Process input data.
## Members
#### `public void `[`midi_device_init`](#group__midi__device__setup__process_1gaf29deddc94ea98a59daa0bde1aefd9d9)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__midi__device__setup__process_1gaf29deddc94ea98a59daa0bde1aefd9d9}
Initialize a device.
You must call this before using the device in question.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to initialize
#### `public void `[`midi_device_process`](#group__midi__device__setup__process_1gaa3d5993d0e998a1b59bbf5ab9c7b492b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__midi__device__setup__process_1gaa3d5993d0e998a1b59bbf5ab9c7b492b}
Process input data.
This method drives the input processing, you must call this method frequently if you expect to have your input callbacks called.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to process

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# group `midi_util` {#group__midi__util}
## Summary
Members | Descriptions
`enum `[`midi_packet_length_t`](#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e) | An enumeration of the possible packet length values.
`public bool `[`midi_is_statusbyte`](#group__midi__util_1ga12e3b42ff9cbb4b4f2bc455fc8743ee5)`(uint8_t theByte)` | Test to see if the byte given is a status byte.
`public bool `[`midi_is_realtime`](#group__midi__util_1gad2f52c363e34a8000d80c983c324e2d7)`(uint8_t theByte)` | Test to see if the byte given is a realtime message.
`public `[`midi_packet_length_t`](#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e)` `[`midi_packet_length`](#group__midi__util_1gaa168b43af6ae9de0debce1625e4b8175)`(uint8_t status)` | Find the length of the packet associated with the status byte given.
## Members
#### `enum `[`midi_packet_length_t`](#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e) {#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e}
Values | Descriptions
An enumeration of the possible packet length values.
#### `public bool `[`midi_is_statusbyte`](#group__midi__util_1ga12e3b42ff9cbb4b4f2bc455fc8743ee5)`(uint8_t theByte)` {#group__midi__util_1ga12e3b42ff9cbb4b4f2bc455fc8743ee5}
Test to see if the byte given is a status byte.
#### Parameters
* `theByte` the byte to test
#### Returns
true if the byte given is a midi status byte
#### `public bool `[`midi_is_realtime`](#group__midi__util_1gad2f52c363e34a8000d80c983c324e2d7)`(uint8_t theByte)` {#group__midi__util_1gad2f52c363e34a8000d80c983c324e2d7}
Test to see if the byte given is a realtime message.
#### Parameters
* `theByte` the byte to test
#### Returns
true if it is a realtime message, false otherwise
#### `public `[`midi_packet_length_t`](#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e)` `[`midi_packet_length`](#group__midi__util_1gaa168b43af6ae9de0debce1625e4b8175)`(uint8_t status)` {#group__midi__util_1gaa168b43af6ae9de0debce1625e4b8175}
Find the length of the packet associated with the status byte given.
#### Parameters
* `status` the status byte
#### Returns
the length of the packet, will return UNDEFINED if the byte is not a status byte or if it is a sysex status byte

@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
# group `send_functions` {#group__send__functions}
These are the functions you use to send midi data through a device.
## Summary
Members | Descriptions
`public void `[`midi_send_cc`](#group__send__functions_1gaaf884811c92df405ca8fe1a00082f960)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t val)` | Send a control change message (cc) via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_noteon`](#group__send__functions_1ga467bcf46dbf03ec269ce565b46bc2775)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t vel)` | Send a note on message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_noteoff`](#group__send__functions_1gaedb7d8805425eef5d47d57ddcb4c7a49)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t vel)` | Send a note off message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_aftertouch`](#group__send__functions_1ga0014847571317a0e34b2ef46a6bc584f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t note_num,uint8_t amt)` | Send an after touch message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_pitchbend`](#group__send__functions_1gae5a4a1e71611e7534be80af9ce3d3491)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,int16_t amt)` | Send a pitch bend message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_programchange`](#group__send__functions_1ga7b15588ef25e5e1ff09c2afc3151ce86)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num)` | Send a program change message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_channelpressure`](#group__send__functions_1gaf23e69fdf812e89c0036f51f88ab2e1b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t amt)` | Send a channel pressure message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_clock`](#group__send__functions_1ga4e1b11a7cdb0875f6e03ce7c79c581aa)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a clock message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_tick`](#group__send__functions_1ga2b43c7d433d940c5b907595aac947972)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a tick message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_start`](#group__send__functions_1ga1569749a8d58ccc56789289d7c7245cc)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a start message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_continue`](#group__send__functions_1gaed5dc29d754a27372e89ab8bc20ee120)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a continue message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_stop`](#group__send__functions_1ga026e1a620276cb653ac501aa0d12a988)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a stop message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_activesense`](#group__send__functions_1ga9b6e4c6ce4719d2604187b325620db37)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send an active sense message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_reset`](#group__send__functions_1ga3671e39a6d93ca9568fc493001af1b1b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a reset message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_tcquarterframe`](#group__send__functions_1ga5b85639910eec280bb744c934d0fd45a)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t time)` | Send a tc quarter frame message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_songposition`](#group__send__functions_1gab1c9eeef3b57a8cd2e6128d18e85eb7f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t pos)` | Send a song position message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_songselect`](#group__send__functions_1ga42de7838ba70d949af9a50f9facc3c50)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t song)` | Send a song select message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_tunerequest`](#group__send__functions_1ga8db6c7e04d48e4d2266dd59118ca0656)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a tune request message via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_byte`](#group__send__functions_1ga857e85eb90b288385642d4d991e09881)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t b)` | Send a byte via the given device.
`public void `[`midi_send_data`](#group__send__functions_1ga36e2f2e45369d911b76969361679054b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t count,uint8_t byte0,uint8_t byte1,uint8_t byte2)` | Send up to 3 bytes of data.
`public void `[`midi_send_array`](#group__send__functions_1ga245243cb1da18d2cea18d4b18d846ead)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t count,uint8_t * array)` | Send an array of formatted midi data.
## Members
#### `public void `[`midi_send_cc`](#group__send__functions_1gaaf884811c92df405ca8fe1a00082f960)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t val)` {#group__send__functions_1gaaf884811c92df405ca8fe1a00082f960}
Send a control change message (cc) via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15
* `num` the cc num
* `val` the value of that cc num
#### `public void `[`midi_send_noteon`](#group__send__functions_1ga467bcf46dbf03ec269ce565b46bc2775)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t vel)` {#group__send__functions_1ga467bcf46dbf03ec269ce565b46bc2775}
Send a note on message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15
* `num` the note number
* `vel` the note velocity
#### `public void `[`midi_send_noteoff`](#group__send__functions_1gaedb7d8805425eef5d47d57ddcb4c7a49)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t vel)` {#group__send__functions_1gaedb7d8805425eef5d47d57ddcb4c7a49}
Send a note off message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15
* `num` the note number
* `vel` the note velocity
#### `public void `[`midi_send_aftertouch`](#group__send__functions_1ga0014847571317a0e34b2ef46a6bc584f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t note_num,uint8_t amt)` {#group__send__functions_1ga0014847571317a0e34b2ef46a6bc584f}
Send an after touch message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15
* `note_num` the note number
* `amt` the after touch amount
#### `public void `[`midi_send_pitchbend`](#group__send__functions_1gae5a4a1e71611e7534be80af9ce3d3491)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,int16_t amt)` {#group__send__functions_1gae5a4a1e71611e7534be80af9ce3d3491}
Send a pitch bend message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15
* `amt` the bend amount range: -8192..8191, 0 means no bend
#### `public void `[`midi_send_programchange`](#group__send__functions_1ga7b15588ef25e5e1ff09c2afc3151ce86)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num)` {#group__send__functions_1ga7b15588ef25e5e1ff09c2afc3151ce86}
Send a program change message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15
* `num` the program to change to
#### `public void `[`midi_send_channelpressure`](#group__send__functions_1gaf23e69fdf812e89c0036f51f88ab2e1b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t amt)` {#group__send__functions_1gaf23e69fdf812e89c0036f51f88ab2e1b}
Send a channel pressure message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15
* `amt` the amount of channel pressure
#### `public void `[`midi_send_clock`](#group__send__functions_1ga4e1b11a7cdb0875f6e03ce7c79c581aa)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__send__functions_1ga4e1b11a7cdb0875f6e03ce7c79c581aa}
Send a clock message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
#### `public void `[`midi_send_tick`](#group__send__functions_1ga2b43c7d433d940c5b907595aac947972)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__send__functions_1ga2b43c7d433d940c5b907595aac947972}
Send a tick message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
#### `public void `[`midi_send_start`](#group__send__functions_1ga1569749a8d58ccc56789289d7c7245cc)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__send__functions_1ga1569749a8d58ccc56789289d7c7245cc}
Send a start message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
#### `public void `[`midi_send_continue`](#group__send__functions_1gaed5dc29d754a27372e89ab8bc20ee120)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__send__functions_1gaed5dc29d754a27372e89ab8bc20ee120}
Send a continue message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
#### `public void `[`midi_send_stop`](#group__send__functions_1ga026e1a620276cb653ac501aa0d12a988)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__send__functions_1ga026e1a620276cb653ac501aa0d12a988}
Send a stop message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
#### `public void `[`midi_send_activesense`](#group__send__functions_1ga9b6e4c6ce4719d2604187b325620db37)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__send__functions_1ga9b6e4c6ce4719d2604187b325620db37}
Send an active sense message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
#### `public void `[`midi_send_reset`](#group__send__functions_1ga3671e39a6d93ca9568fc493001af1b1b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__send__functions_1ga3671e39a6d93ca9568fc493001af1b1b}
Send a reset message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
#### `public void `[`midi_send_tcquarterframe`](#group__send__functions_1ga5b85639910eec280bb744c934d0fd45a)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t time)` {#group__send__functions_1ga5b85639910eec280bb744c934d0fd45a}
Send a tc quarter frame message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `time` the time of this quarter frame, range 0..16383
#### `public void `[`midi_send_songposition`](#group__send__functions_1gab1c9eeef3b57a8cd2e6128d18e85eb7f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t pos)` {#group__send__functions_1gab1c9eeef3b57a8cd2e6128d18e85eb7f}
Send a song position message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `pos` the song position
#### `public void `[`midi_send_songselect`](#group__send__functions_1ga42de7838ba70d949af9a50f9facc3c50)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t song)` {#group__send__functions_1ga42de7838ba70d949af9a50f9facc3c50}
Send a song select message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `song` the song to select
#### `public void `[`midi_send_tunerequest`](#group__send__functions_1ga8db6c7e04d48e4d2266dd59118ca0656)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` {#group__send__functions_1ga8db6c7e04d48e4d2266dd59118ca0656}
Send a tune request message via the given device.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
#### `public void `[`midi_send_byte`](#group__send__functions_1ga857e85eb90b288385642d4d991e09881)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t b)` {#group__send__functions_1ga857e85eb90b288385642d4d991e09881}
Send a byte via the given device.
This is a generic method for sending data via the given midi device. This would be useful for sending sysex data or messages that are not implemented in this API, if there are any. Please contact the author if you find some so we can add them.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `b` the byte to send
#### `public void `[`midi_send_data`](#group__send__functions_1ga36e2f2e45369d911b76969361679054b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t count,uint8_t byte0,uint8_t byte1,uint8_t byte2)` {#group__send__functions_1ga36e2f2e45369d911b76969361679054b}
Send up to 3 bytes of data.
% 4 is applied to count so that you can use this to pass sysex through
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `count` the count of bytes to send, %4 is applied
* `byte0` the first byte
* `byte1` the second byte, ignored if cnt % 4 != 2
* `byte2` the third byte, ignored if cnt % 4 != 3
#### `public void `[`midi_send_array`](#group__send__functions_1ga245243cb1da18d2cea18d4b18d846ead)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t count,uint8_t * array)` {#group__send__functions_1ga245243cb1da18d2cea18d4b18d846ead}
Send an array of formatted midi data.
Can be used for sysex.
#### Parameters
* `device` the device to use for sending
* `count` the count of bytes to send
* `array` the array of bytes

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# group `sysex_tools` {#group__sysex__tools}
## Summary
Members | Descriptions
`public uint16_t `[`sysex_encoded_length`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga061e5607030412d6e62e2390d8013f0a)`(uint16_t decoded_length)` | Compute the length of a message after it is encoded.
`public uint16_t `[`sysex_decoded_length`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga121fc227d3acc1c0ea08c9a5c26fa3b0)`(uint16_t encoded_length)` | Compute the length of a message after it is decoded.
`public uint16_t `[`sysex_encode`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga54d77f8d32f92a6f329daefa2b314742)`(uint8_t * encoded,const uint8_t * source,uint16_t length)` | Encode data so that it can be transmitted safely in a sysex message.
`public uint16_t `[`sysex_decode`](#group__sysex__tools_1gaaad1d9ba2d5eca709a0ab4ba40662229)`(uint8_t * decoded,const uint8_t * source,uint16_t length)` | Decode encoded data.
## Members
#### `public uint16_t `[`sysex_encoded_length`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga061e5607030412d6e62e2390d8013f0a)`(uint16_t decoded_length)` {#group__sysex__tools_1ga061e5607030412d6e62e2390d8013f0a}
Compute the length of a message after it is encoded.
#### Parameters
* `decoded_length` The length, in bytes, of the message to encode.
#### Returns
The length, in bytes, of the message after encodeing.
#### `public uint16_t `[`sysex_decoded_length`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga121fc227d3acc1c0ea08c9a5c26fa3b0)`(uint16_t encoded_length)` {#group__sysex__tools_1ga121fc227d3acc1c0ea08c9a5c26fa3b0}
Compute the length of a message after it is decoded.
#### Parameters
* `encoded_length` The length, in bytes, of the encoded message.
#### Returns
The length, in bytes, of the message after it is decoded.
#### `public uint16_t `[`sysex_encode`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga54d77f8d32f92a6f329daefa2b314742)`(uint8_t * encoded,const uint8_t * source,uint16_t length)` {#group__sysex__tools_1ga54d77f8d32f92a6f329daefa2b314742}
Encode data so that it can be transmitted safely in a sysex message.
#### Parameters
* `encoded` The output data buffer, must be at least sysex_encoded_length(length) bytes long.
* `source` The input buffer of data to be encoded.
* `length` The number of bytes from the input buffer to encode.
#### Returns
number of bytes encoded.
#### `public uint16_t `[`sysex_decode`](#group__sysex__tools_1gaaad1d9ba2d5eca709a0ab4ba40662229)`(uint8_t * decoded,const uint8_t * source,uint16_t length)` {#group__sysex__tools_1gaaad1d9ba2d5eca709a0ab4ba40662229}
Decode encoded data.
#### Parameters
* `decoded` The output data buffer, must be at least sysex_decoded_length(length) bytes long.
* `source` The input buffer of data to be decoded.
* `length` The number of bytes from the input buffer to decode.
#### Returns
number of bytes decoded.

@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ If you're having trouble flashing/erasing your board, and running into cryptic e
atmel.c:1434: Error flashing the block: err -2.
Memory write error, use debug for more info.
commands.c:360: Error writing memory data. (err -4)
commands.c:360: Error writing memory data. (err -4)
You're likely going to need to ISP flash your board/device to get it working again. Luckily, this process is pretty straight-forward, provided you have any extra programmable keyboard, Arduino, or Teensy 2.0/Teensy 2.0++. There are also dedicated ISP flashers available for this, but most cost >$15, and it's assumed that if you are googling this error, this is the first you've heard about ISP flashing, and don't have one readily available (whereas you might have some other AVR board). __We'll be using a Teensy 2.0 with Windows 10 in this guide__ - if you are comfortable doing this on another system, please consider editing this guide and contributing those instructions!
## Software Needed
## Software needed
* [The Arduino IDE](
* [Teensyduino]( (if you're using a Teensy)
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ This is pretty straight-forward - we'll be connecting like-things to like-things
Flasher B3 <-> Keyboard B3 (MISO)
Flasher VCC <-> Keyboard VCC
Flasher GND <-> Keyboard GND
## The ISP Firmware
## The ISP firmware
Make sure your keyboard is unplugged from any device, and plug in your Teensy.
@ -51,31 +51,31 @@ Then scroll down until you see something that looks like this block of code:
// Configure which pins to use:
// The standard pin configuration.
#define RESET 0 // Use 0 (B0) instead of 10
#define LED_HB 11 // Use 11 (LED on the Teensy 2.0)
#define LED_ERR 8 // This won't be used unless you have an LED hooked-up to 8 (D3)
#define LED_PMODE 7 // This won't be used unless you have an LED hooked-up to 7 (D2)
And make the changes in the last four lines. If you're using something besides the Teenys 2.0, you'll want to choose something else that makes sense for `LED_HB`. We define `RESET` as `0`/`B0` because that's what's close - if you want to use another pin for some reason, [you can use the pinouts to choose something else](
And make the changes in the last four lines. If you're using something besides the Teensy 2.0, you'll want to choose something else that makes sense for `LED_HB`. We define `RESET` as `0`/`B0` because that's what's close - if you want to use another pin for some reason, [you can use the pinouts to choose something else](
Once you've made your changes, you can click the Upload button (right arrow), which will open up the Teensy flasher app - you'll need to press the reset button on the Teensy the first time, but after that, it's automatic (you shouldn't be flashing this more than once, though). Once flashed, the orange LED on the Teensy will flash on and off, indicating it's ready for some action.
Once you've made your changes, you can click the Upload button (right arrow), which will open up the Teensy flasher app - you'll need to press the reset button on the Teensy the first time, but after that, it's automatic (you shouldn't be flashing this more than once, though). Once flashed, the orange LED on the Teensy will flash on and off, indicating it's ready for some action.
## The `.hex` File
## The .hex file
Before flashing your firmware, you're going to need to and do a little preparation. We'll be appending [this bootloader (also a .hex file)]( to the end of our firmware by opening the original .hex file in a text editor, and removing the last line, which should be `:00000001FF` (this is an EOF message). After that's been removed, copy the entire bootloader's contents and paste it at the end of the original file, and save it.
Before flashing your firmware, you're going to need to and do a little preparation. We'll be appending [this bootloader (also a .hex file)]( to the end of our firmware by opening the original .hex file in a text editor, and removing the last line, which should be `:00000001FF` (this is an EOF message). After that's been removed, copy the entire bootloader's contents and paste it at the end of the original file, and save it.
It's possible to use other bootloaders here in the same way, but __you need a bootloader__, otherwise you'll have to ISP to write new firmware to your keyboard.
## Flashing Your Firmware
## Flashing your firmware
Make sure your keyboard is unplugged from any device, and plug in your Teensy.
Open `cmd` and navigate to your where your modified .hex file is. We'll pretend this file is called `main.hex`, and that your Teensy 2.0 is on the `COM3` port - if you're unsure, you can open your Device Manager, and look for `Ports > USB Serial Device`. Use that COM port here. You can confirm it's the right port with:
avrdude -c avrisp -P COM3 -p atmega32u4
and you should get something like the following output:
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ and you should get something like the following output:
Since our keyboard uses an `atmega32u4` (common), that is the chip we'll specify. This is the full command:
avrdude -c avrisp -P COM3 -p atmega32u4 -U flash:w:main.hex:i
avrdude -c avrisp -P COM3 -p atmega32u4 -U flash:w:main.hex:i
You should see a couple of progress bars, then you should see:
avrdude: verifying ...
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ You should see a couple of progress bars, then you should see:
avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK
avrdude done. Thank you.
Which means everything should be ok! Your board may restart automatically, otherwise, unplug your Teensy and plug in your keyboard - you can leave your Teensy wired to your keyboard while testing things, but it's recommended that you desolder it/remove the wiring once you're sure everything works.
If you have any questions/problems, feel free to [open an issue](!

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
## Key Lock: Holding down keys for you
Sometimes, you need to hold down a specific key for a long period of time. Whether this is while typing in ALL CAPS, or playing a video game that hasn't implemented auto-run, Key Lock is here to help. Key Lock adds a new keycode, `KC_LOCK`, that will hold down the next key you hit for you. The key is released when you hit it again. Here's an example: let's say you need to type in all caps for a few sentences. You hit KC_LOCK, and then shift. Now, shift will be considered held until you hit it again. You can think of key lock as caps lock, but supercharged.
Here's how to use it:
1. Pick a key on your keyboard. This will be the key lock key. Assign it the keycode `KC_LOCK`. This will be a single-action key: you won't be able to use it for anything else.
2. Enable key lock by including `KEY_LOCK_ENABLE = yes` in your Makefile.
3. That's it!
Important: switching layers does not cancel the key lock. Additionally, key lock is only able to hold standard action keys and One Shot modifier keys (for example, if you have your shift defined as `OSM(KC_LSFT)`; see [One Shot Keys]( This does not include any of the QMK special functions (except One Shot modifiers), or shifted versions of keys such as KC_LPRN. If it's in the [basic_keycodes]( list, it can be held. If it's not, then it can't be.

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ KC_RSHIFT KC_RSFT E5 Keyboard RightShift
KC_RALT E6 Keyboard RightAlt
KC_RGUI E7 Keyboard Right GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)
* Virtual keycodes
/* System Control */

@ -1,405 +1,315 @@
# Keycodes Overview
When defining a [keymap]( each key needs a valid key definition. This page documents the symbols that correspond to keycodes that are available to you in QMK.
This is a reference only. Each group of keys links to the page documenting their functionality in more detail.
## [Basic Keycodes](
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_1` | |`1` and `!` |
|`KC_2` | |`2` and `@` |
|`KC_3` | |`3` and `#` |
|`KC_4` | |`4` and `$` |
|`KC_5` | |`5` and `%` |
|`KC_6` | |`6` and `^` |
|`KC_7` | |`7` and `&` |
|`KC_8` | |`8` and `*` |
|`KC_9` | |`9` and `(` |
|`KC_0` | |`0` and `)` |
|`KC_F1` | | |
|`KC_F2` | | |
|`KC_F3` | | |
|`KC_F4` | | |
|`KC_F5` | | |
|`KC_F6` | | |
|`KC_F7` | | |
|`KC_F8` | | |
|`KC_F9` | | |
|`KC_F10` | | |
|`KC_F11` | | |
|`KC_F12` | | |
|`KC_F13` | | |
|`KC_F14` | | |
|`KC_F15` | | |
|`KC_F16` | | |
|`KC_F17` | | |
|`KC_F18` | | |
|`KC_F19` | | |
|`KC_F20` | | |
|`KC_F21` | | |
|`KC_F22` | | |
|`KC_F23` | | |
|`KC_F24` | | |
|`KC_A` | |`a` and `A` |
|`KC_B` | |`b` and `B` |
|`KC_C` | |`c` and `C` |
|`KC_D` | |`d` and `D` |
|`KC_E` | |`e` and `E` |
|`KC_F` | |`f` and `F` |
|`KC_G` | |`g` and `G` |
|`KC_H` | |`h` and `H` |
|`KC_I` | |`i` and `I` |
|`KC_J` | |`j` and `J` |
|`KC_K` | |`k` and `K` |
|`KC_L` | |`l` and `L` |
|`KC_M` | |`m` and `M` |
|`KC_N` | |`n` and `N` |
|`KC_O` | |`o` and `O` |
|`KC_P` | |`p` and `P` |
|`KC_Q` | |`q` and `Q` |
|`KC_R` | |`r` and `R` |
|`KC_S` | |`s` and `S` |
|`KC_T` | |`t` and `T` |
|`KC_U` | |`u` and `U` |
|`KC_V` | |`v` and `V` |
|`KC_W` | |`w` and `W` |
|`KC_X` | |`x` and `X` |
|`KC_Y` | |`y` and `Y` |
|`KC_Z` | |`z` and `Z` |
|`KC_ENTER` |`KC_ENT` |Return (Enter) |
|`KC_ESCAPE` |`KC_ESC` |Escape |
|`KC_BSPACE` |`KC_BSPC` |Delete (Backspace) |
|`KC_TAB` | |Tab |
|`KC_SPACE` |`KC_SPC` |Spacebar |
|`KC_MINUS` |`KC_MINS` |`-` and `_` |
|`KC_EQUAL` |`KC_EQL` |`=` and `+` |
|`KC_LBRACKET` |`KC_LBRC` |`[` and `{` |
|`KC_RBRACKET` |`KC_RBRC` |`]` and `}` |
|`KC_BSLASH` |`KC_BSLS` |`\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC_NONUS_HASH` |`KC_NUHS` |Non-US `#` and `~` |
|`KC_NONUS_BSLASH` |`KC_NUBS` |Non-US `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC_INT1` |`KC_RO` |JIS `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC_INT2` |`KC_KANA` |JIS Katakana/Hiragana |
|`KC_INT3` |`KC_JYEN` |JIS `¥` |
|`KC_SCOLON` |`KC_SCLN` |`;` and `:` |
|`KC_QUOTE` |`KC_QUOT` |`'` and `"` |
|`KC_GRAVE` |`KC_GRV` |<code>&#96;</code> and `~` |
|`KC_COMMA` |`KC_COMM` |`,` and `<` |
|`KC_DOT` | |`.` and `>` |
|`KC_SLASH` |`KC_SLSH` |`/` and `?` |
|`KC_CAPSLOCK` |`KC_CAPS` |Caps Lock |
|`KC_LCTRL` |`KC_LCTL` |Left Control |
|`KC_LSHIFT` |`KC_LSFT` |Left Shift |
|`KC_LALT` | |Left Alt |
|`KC_LGUI` |`KC_LCMD`, `KC_LWIN`|Left GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) |
|`KC_RCTRL` |`KC_RCTL` |Right Control |
|`KC_RSHIFT` |`KC_RSFT` |Right Shift |
|`KC_RALT` | |Right Alt |
|`KC_RGUI` |`KC_RCMD`, `KC_RWIN`|Right GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) |
|`KC_LOCKING_CAPS` |`KC_LCAP` |Locking Caps Lock |
|`KC_LOCKING_NUM` |`KC_LNUM` |Locking Num Lock |
|`KC_LOCKING_SCROLL` |`KC_LSCR` |Locking Scroll Lock |
|`KC_INT4` |`KC_HENK` |JIS Henkan |
|`KC_INT5` |`KC_MHEN` |JIS Muhenkan |
|`KC_PSCREEN` |`KC_PSCR` |Print Screen |
|`KC_SCROLLLOCK` |`KC_SLCK` |Scroll Lock |
|`KC_PAUSE` |`KC_PAUS` |Pause |
|`KC_INSERT` |`KC_INS` |Insert |
|`KC_HOME` | |Home |
|`KC_PGUP` | |Page Up |
|`KC_DELETE` |`KC_DEL` |Forward Delete |
|`KC_END` | |End |
|`KC_PGDOWN` |`KC_PGDN` |Page Down |
|`KC_RIGHT` |`KC_RGHT` |Right Arrow |
|`KC_LEFT` | |Left Arrow |
|`KC_DOWN` | |Down Arrow |
|`KC_UP` | |Up Arrow |
|`KC_APPLICATION` |`KC_APP` |Application (Windows Menu Key) |
|`KC_POWER` | |Deprecated by MS in favor of `KC_SYSTEM_POWER`.|
|`KC_EXECUTE` | |Execute |
|`KC_HELP` | |Help |
|`KC_MENU` | |Menu |
|`KC_SELECT` | |Select |
|`KC_AGAIN` | |Again |
|`KC_UNDO` | |Undo |
|`KC_CUT` | |Cut |
|`KC_COPY` | |Copy |
|`KC_PASTE` | |Paste |
|`KC_FIND` | |Find |
|`KC_ALT_ERASE` | |Alternate Erase |
|`KC_SYSREQ` | |SysReq/Attention |
|`KC_CANCEL` | |Cancel |
|`KC_CLEAR` | |Clear |
|`KC_PRIOR` | |Prior |
|`KC_RETURN` | |Return |
|`KC_SEPARATOR` | |Separator |
|`KC_OUT` | |Out |
|`KC_OPER` | |Oper |
|`KC_CLEAR_AGAIN` | |Clear/Again |
|`KC_CRSEL` | |CrSel/Props |
|`KC_EXSEL` | |ExSel |
|`KC_SYSTEM_POWER` |`KC_PWR` |System Power Down. Recommended over `KC_POWER`.|
|`KC_SYSTEM_SLEEP` |`KC_SLEP` |System Sleep |
|`KC_SYSTEM_WAKE` |`KC_WAKE` |System Wake |
|`KC_MAIL` |`KC_MAIL` | |
|`KC_STOP` | |Stop |
|`KC__MUTE` | |Mute (macOS) |
|`KC__VOLUP` | |Volume Up (macOS) |
|`KC__VOLDOWN` | |Volume Down (macOS) |
|`KC_AUDIO_MUTE` |`KC_MUTE` |Mute (Windows/macOS/Linux) |
|`KC_AUDIO_VOL_UP` |`KC_VOLU` |Volume Up (Windows/macOS/Linux) |
|`KC_AUDIO_VOL_DOWN` |`KC_VOLD` |Volume Down (Windows/macOS/Linux) |
|`KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK` |`KC_MNXT` |Next Track (Windows) |
|`KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK` |`KC_MPRV` |Previous Track (Windows) |
|`KC_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD`|`KC_MFFD` |Next Track (macOS) |
|`KC_MEDIA_REWIND` |`KC_MRWD` |Previous Track (macOS) |
|`KC_MEDIA_STOP` |`KC_MSTP` |Stop Track |
|`KC_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE` |`KC_MPLY` |Play/Pause Track |
|`KC_NUMLOCK` |`KC_NLCK` |Keypad Num Lock and Clear |
|`KC_KP_SLASH` |`KC_PSLS` |Keypad `/` |
|`KC_KP_ASTERISK` |`KC_PAST` |Keypad `*` |
|`KC_KP_MINUS` |`KC_PMNS` |Keypad `-` |
|`KC_KP_PLUS` |`KC_PPLS` |Keypad `+` |
|`KC_KP_ENTER` |`KC_PENT` |Keypad Enter |
|`KC_KP_1` |`KC_P1` |Keypad `1` and End |
|`KC_KP_2` |`KC_P2` |Keypad `2` and Down Arrow |
|`KC_KP_3` |`KC_P3` |Keypad `3` and Page Down |
|`KC_KP_4` |`KC_P4` |Keypad `4` and Left Arrow |
|`KC_KP_5` |`KC_P5` |Keypad `5` |
|`KC_KP_6` |`KC_P6` |Keypad `6` and Right Arrow |
|`KC_KP_7` |`KC_P7` |Keypad `7` and Home |
|`KC_KP_8` |`KC_P8` |Keypad `8` and Up Arrow |
|`KC_KP_9` |`KC_P9` |Keypad `9` and Page Up |
|`KC_KP_0` |`KC_P0` |Keypad `0` and Insert |
|`KC_KP_DOT` |`KC_PDOT` |Keypad `.` and Delete |
|`KC_KP_EQUAL` |`KC_PEQL` |Keypad `=` |
|`KC_KP_COMMA` |`KC_PCMM` |Keypad `,` |
|`KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400` | |Keypad `=` on AS/400 keyboards |
|`KC_NO` | |Ignore this key (NOOP) |
|`KC_TRANSPARENT` |`KC_TRNS` |Use the next lowest non-transparent key |
## [Mouse Keys](
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_MS_UP` |`KC_MS_U`|Mouse Cursor Up |
|`KC_MS_DOWN` |`KC_MS_D`|Mouse Cursor Down |
|`KC_MS_LEFT` |`KC_MS_L`|Mouse Cursor Left |
|`KC_MS_RIGHT` |`KC_MS_R`|Mouse Cursor Right |
|`KC_MS_BTN1` |`KC_BTN1`|Mouse Button 1 |
|`KC_MS_BTN2` |`KC_BTN2`|Mouse Button 2 |
|`KC_MS_BTN3` |`KC_BTN3`|Mouse Button 3 |
|`KC_MS_BTN4` |`KC_BTN4`|Mouse Button 4 |
|`KC_MS_BTN5` |`KC_BTN5`|Mouse Button 5 |
|`KC_MS_WH_UP` |`KC_WH_U`|Mouse Wheel Up |
|`KC_MS_WH_DOWN` |`KC_WH_D`|Mouse Wheel Down |
|`KC_MS_WH_LEFT` |`KC_WH_L`|Mouse Wheel Left |
|`KC_MS_WH_RIGHT`|`KC_WH_R`|Mouse Wheel Right |
|`KC_MS_ACCEL0` |`KC_ACL0`|Set mouse acceleration to 0|
|`KC_MS_ACCEL1` |`KC_ACL1`|Set mouse acceleration to 1|
|`KC_MS_ACCEL2` |`KC_ACL2`|Set mouse acceleration to 2|
## [Quantum Keycodes](
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`RESET` | |Put the keyboard into DFU mode for flashing |
|`DEBUG` | |Toggle debug mode |
|`KC_GESC` |`GRAVE_ESC`|Escape when tapped, <code>&#96;</code> when pressed with Shift or GUI|
|`KC_LSPO` | |Left Shift when held, `(` when tapped |
|`KC_RSPC` | |Right Shift when held, `)` when tapped |
|`KC_LEAD` | |The [Leader key]( |
|`KC_LOCK` | |The [Lock key]( |
|`FUNC(n)` |`F(n)` |Call `fn_action(n)` (deprecated) |
|`M(n)` | |Call macro `n` |
|`MACROTAP(n)`| |Macro-tap `n` idk FIXME |
## [Bootmagic](
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK` | |Swap Caps Lock and Left Control |
|`MAGIC_CAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` | |Treat Caps Lock as Control |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_LALT_LGUI` | |Swap Left Alt and GUI |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_RALT_RGUI` | |Swap Right Alt and GUI |
|`MAGIC_NO_GUI` | |Disable the GUI key |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC` | |Swap <code>&#96;</code> and Escape |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE` | |Swap `\` and Backspace |
|`MAGIC_HOST_NKRO` | |Force NKRO on |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_ALT_GUI` |`AG_SWAP`|Swap Alt and GUI on both sides |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK` | |Unswap Caps Lock and Left Control |
|`MAGIC_UNCAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` | |Stop treating Caps Lock as Control |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_LALT_LGUI` | |Unswap Left Alt and GUI |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_RALT_RGUI` | |Unswap Right Alt and GUI |
|`MAGIC_UNNO_GUI` | |Enable the GUI key |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_GRAVE_ESC` | |Unswap <code>&#96;</code> and Escape|
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE`| |Unswap `\` and Backspace |
|`MAGIC_UNHOST_NKRO` | |Force NKRO off |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_ALT_GUI` |`AG_NORM`|Unswap Alt and GUI on both sides |
|`MAGIC_TOGGLE_NKRO` | |Turn NKRO on or off |
## [Backlighting](
|Key |Description |
|`BL_TOGG`|Turn the backlight on or off |
|`BL_STEP`|Cycle through backlight levels |
|`BL_ON` |Set the backlight to max brightness |
|`BL_OFF` |Turn the backlight off |
|`BL_INC` |Increase the backlight level |
|`BL_DEC` |Decrease the backlight level |
|`BL_BRTG`|Toggle backlight breathing |
## [RGB Lighting](
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`RGB_TOG` | |Toggle RGB lighting on or off |
|`RGB_MODE_FORWARD` |`RGB_MOD` |Cycle through modes, reverse direction when Shift is held |
|`RGB_MODE_REVERSE` |`RGB_RMOD`|Cycle through modes in reverse, forward direction when Shift is held|
|`RGB_HUI` | |Increase hue |
|`RGB_HUD` | |Decrease hue |
|`RGB_SAI` | |Increase saturation |
|`RGB_SAD` | |Decrease saturation |
|`RGB_VAI` | |Increase value (brightness) |
|`RGB_VAD` | |Decrease value (brightness) |
|`RGB_MODE_PLAIN` |`RGB_M_P `|Static (no animation) mode |
|`RGB_MODE_BREATHE` |`RGB_M_B` |Breathing animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_RAINBOW` |`RGB_M_R` |Rainbow animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_SWIRL` |`RGB_M_SW`|Swirl animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_SNAKE` |`RGB_M_SN`|Snake animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_KNIGHT` |`RGB_M_K` |"Knight Rider" animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_XMAS` |`RGB_M_X` |Christmas animation mode |
|`RGB_MODE_GRADIENT`|`RGB_M_G` |Static gradient animation mode |
## [Thermal Printer](
|Key |Description |
|`PRINT_ON` |Start printing everything the user types|
|`PRINT_OFF`|Stop printing everything the user types |
## [Bluetooth](
|Key |Description |
|`OUT_AUTO`|Automatically switch between USB and Bluetooth|
|`OUT_USB` |USB only |
|`OUT_BT` |Bluetooth only |
## [Modifiers](
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|----------|---------- |----------------------------------------------------|
|`KC_HYPR` | |Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI |
|`KC_MEH` | |Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt |
|`LCTL(kc)`| |Hold Left Control and press `kc` |
|`LSFT(kc)`|`S(kc)` |Hold Left Shift and press `kc` |
|`LALT(kc)`| |Hold Left Alt and press `kc` |
|`LGUI(kc)`|`LCMD(kc)`, `LWIN(kc)`|Hold Left GUI and press `kc` |
|`RCTL(kc)`| |Hold Right Control and press `kc` |
|`RSFT(kc)`| |Hold Right Shift and press `kc` |
|`RALT(kc)`| |Hold Right Alt and press `kc` |
|`RGUI(kc)`|`RCMD(kc)`, `LWIN(kc)`|Hold Right GUI and press `kc` |
|`HYPR(kc)`| |Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI and press `kc`|
|`MEH(kc)` | |Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt and press `kc` |
|`LCAG(kc)`| |Hold Left Control, Alt and GUI and press `kc` |
|`ALTG(kc)`| |Hold Right Control and Alt and press `kc` |
|`SGUI(kc)`|`SCMD(kc)`, `SWIN(kc)`|Hold Left Shift and GUI and press `kc` |
|`LCA(kc)` | |Hold Left Control and Alt and press `kc` |
## [Mod-Tap Keys](
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`LCTL_T(kc)`|`CTL_T(kc)` |Left Control when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`RCTL_T(kc)`| |Right Control when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`LSFT_T(kc)`|`SFT_T(kc)` |Left Shift when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`RSFT_T(kc)`| |Right Shift when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`LALT_T(kc)`|`ALT_T(kc)` |Left Alt when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`RALT_T(kc)`|`ALGR_T(kc)` |Right Alt when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`LGUI_T(kc)`|`LCMD_T(kc)`, `RWIN_T(kc)`, `GUI_T(kc)`|Left GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`RGUI_T(kc)`|`RCMD_T(kc)`, `RWIN_T(kc)` |Right GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`C_S_T(kc)` | |Left Control and Shift when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`MEH_T(kc)` | |Left Control, Shift and Alt when held, `kc` when tapped|
|`LCAG_T(kc)`| |Left Control, Alt and GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`RCAG_T(kc)`| |Right Control, Alt and GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`ALL_T(kc)` | |Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI when held, `kc` when tapped - more info [here](|
|`SCMD_T(kc)`|`SWIN_T(kc)` |Left Shift and GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`LCA_T(kc)` | |Left Control and Alt when held, `kc` when tapped |
## [US ANSI Shifted Keys](
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_TILDE` |`KC_TILD` |`~` |
|`KC_EXCLAIM` |`KC_EXLM` |`!` |
|`KC_AT` | |`@` |
|`KC_HASH` | |`#` |
|`KC_DOLLAR` |`KC_DLR` |`$` |
|`KC_PERCENT` |`KC_PERC` |`%` |
|`KC_ASTERISK` |`KC_ASTR` |`*` |
|`KC_LEFT_PAREN` |`KC_LPRN` |`(` |
|`KC_PLUS` | |`+` |
|`KC_PIPE` | |<code>&#124;</code>|
|`KC_COLON` |`KC_COLN` |`:` |
|`KC_QUESTION` |`KC_QUES` |`?` |
## [Switching and Toggling Layers](
|Key |Description |
|`LT(layer, kc)` |Turn on `layer` when held, `kc` when tapped |
|`TO(layer)` |Turn on `layer` when pressed |
|`MO(layer)` |Momentarily turn on `layer` when pressed (requires `KC_TRNS` on destination layer)|
|`DF(layer)` |Set the base (default) layer |
|`TG(layer)` |Toggle `layer` on or off |
|`TT(layer)` |Normally acts like MO unless it's tapped multiple times, which toggles `layer` on |
|`LM(layer, mod)`|Momentarily turn on `layer` (like MO) with `mod` active as well. |
## [One Shot Keys](
|Key |Description |
|`OSM(mod)` |Hold `mod` for one keypress |
|`OSL(layer)`|Switch to `layer` for one keypress|
## [Unicode Support](
|Key |Aliases| |
|`UNICODE(n)`|`UC(n)`|Send Unicode character `n` |
|`X(n)` | |Send Unicode character `n` via a different method|
## [Swap Hands](
|Key |Description |
|`SH_T(key)`|Sends `key` with a tap; momentary swap when held. |
|`SW_ON` |Turns on swapping and leaves it on. |
|`SW_OFF` |Turn off swapping and leaves it off. Good for returning to a known state.|
|`SH_MON` |Swaps hands when pressed, returns to normal when released (momentary). |
|`SH_MOFF` |Momentarily turns off swap. |
|`SH_TG` |Toggles swap on and off with every key press. |
|`SH_TT` |Toggles with a tap; momentary when held. |
# Overview
When defining a [keymap]( each key needs a valid key definition. This page documents the symbols that correspond to keycodes that are available to you in QMK. This is a reference only. Where possible keys link to the page documenting their functionality.
## Keycode Index
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|`KC_ENTER`|`KC_ENT`|`Return (ENTER)`|
|`KC_BSPACE`|`KC_BSPC`|`DELETE (Backspace)`|
|`KC_MINUS`|`KC_MINS`|`-` and `_`|
|`KC_EQUAL`|`KC_EQL`|`=` and `+`|
|`KC_LBRACKET`|`KC_LBRC`|`[` and `{`|
|`KC_RBRACKET`|`KC_RBRC`|`]` and `}`|
|`KC_BSLASH`|`KC_BSLS`|`\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC_NONUS_HASH`|`KC_NUHS`|Non-US `#` and `~`|
|`KC_NONUS_BSLASH`|`KC_NUBS`|Non-US `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC_INT1`|`KC_RO`|JIS `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC_INT3`|`KC_JYEN`|Yen Symbol (`¥`)|
|`KC_SCOLON`|`KC_SCLN`|`;` and `:`|
|`KC_QUOTE`|`KC_QUOT`|`` and `“`|
|`KC_GRAVE`|`KC_GRV`|Grave Accent and Tilde|
|`KC_COMMA`|`KC_COMM`|`,` and `<`|
|`KC_DOT`||`.` and `>`|
|`KC_SLASH`|`KC_SLSH`|`/` and `?`|
|`KC_LGUI`||Left GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)|
|`KC_RGUI`||Right GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)|
|`KC_LOCKING_CAPS`|`KC_LCAP`|Locking Caps Lock|
|`KC_LOCKING_NUM`|`KC_LNUM`|Locking Num Lock|
|`KC_LOCKING_SCROLL`|`KC_LSCR`|Locking Scroll Lock|
|`KC_INT4`|`KC_HENK`|JIS Henken|
|`KC_INT5`|`KC_MHEN`|JIS Muhenken|
|`KC_DELETE`|`KC_DEL`|Delete Forward|
|`KC_ALT_ERASE`||Alternate Erase|
|`KC_SYSTEM_POWER`|`KC_PWR`|System Power Down|
|`KC_SYSTEM_SLEEP`|`KC_SLEP`|System Sleep|
|`KC_SYSTEM_WAKE`|`KC_WAKE`|System Wake|
|`KC__MUTE`||Mute (macOS)|
|`KC__VOLUP`||Volume Up (macOS)|
|`KC__VOLDOWN`||Volume Down (macOS)|
|`KC_AUDIO_MUTE`|`KC_MUTE`|Mute (Windows/macOS/Linux)|
|`KC_AUDIO_VOL_UP`|`KC_VOLU`|Volume Up (Windows/macOS/Linux)|
|`KC_AUDIO_VOL_DOWN`|`KC_VOLD`|Volume Down (Windows/macOS/Linux)|
|`KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK`|`KC_MNXT`|Next Track (Windows)|
|`KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK`|`KC_MPRV`|Previous Track (Windows)|
|`KC_MEDIA_REWIND`|`KC_MRWD`|Previous Track (macOS)|
|`KC_NUMLOCK`|`KC_NLCK`|Keypad Num Lock and Clear|
|`KC_KP_SLASH`|`KC_PSLS`|Keypad /|
|`KC_KP_MINUS`|`KC_PMNS`|Keypad -|
|`KC_KP_PLUS`|`KC_PPLS`|Keypad +|
|`KC_KP_1`|`KC_P1`|Keypad 1 and End|
|`KC_KP_2`|`KC_P2`|Keypad 2 and Down Arrow|
|`KC_KP_3`|`KC_P3`|Keypad 3 and PageDn|
|`KC_KP_4`|`KC_P4`|Keypad 4 and Left Arrow|
|`KC_KP_5`|`KC_P5`|Keypad 5|
|`KC_KP_6`|`KC_P6`|Keypad 6 and Right Arrow|
|`KC_KP_7`|`KC_P7`|Keypad 7 and Home|
|`KC_KP_8`|`KC_P8`|Keypad 8 and Up Arrow|
|`KC_KP_9`|`KC_P9`|Keypad 9 and PageUp|
|`KC_KP_0`|`KC_P0`|Keypad 0 and Insert|
|`KC_KP_DOT`|`KC_PDOT`|Keypad . and Delete|
|`KC_KP_EQUAL`|`KC_PEQL`|Keypad =|
|`KC_KP_COMMA`|`KC_PCMM`|Keypad Comma|
|`KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400`||Keypad Equal Sign|
|`KC_NO`||Ignore this key. (NOOP) |
|`KC_TRNS`||Make this key transparent to find the key on a lower layer.|
|[`KC_MS_UP`](|`KC_MS_U`|Mouse Cursor Up|
|[`KC_MS_DOWN`](|`KC_MS_D`|Mouse Cursor Down|
|[`KC_MS_LEFT`](|`KC_MS_L`|Mouse Cursor Left|
|[`KC_MS_RIGHT`](|`KC_MS_R`|Mouse Cursor Right|
|[`KC_MS_BTN1`](|`KC_BTN1`|Mouse Button 1|
|[`KC_MS_BTN2`](|`KC_BTN2`|Mouse Button 2|
|[`KC_MS_BTN3`](|`KC_BTN3`|Mouse Button 3|
|[`KC_MS_BTN4`](|`KC_BTN4`|Mouse Button 4|
|[`KC_MS_BTN5`](|`KC_BTN5`|Mouse Button 5|
|[`KC_MS_WH_UP`](|`KC_WH_U`|Mouse Wheel Up|
|[`KC_MS_WH_DOWN`](|`KC_WH_D`|Mouse Wheel Down|
|[`KC_MS_WH_LEFT`](|`KC_WH_L`|Mouse Wheel Left|
|[`KC_MS_WH_RIGHT`](|`KC_WH_R`|Mouse Wheel Right|
|[`KC_MS_ACCEL0`](|`KC_ACL0`|Mouse Acceleration 0|
|[`KC_MS_ACCEL1`](|`KC_ACL1`|Mouse Acceleration 1|
|[`KC_MS_ACCEL2`](|`KC_ACL2`|Mouse Acceleration 2|
|[`RESET`](||Put the keyboard into DFU mode for flashing|
|[`DEBUG`](||Toggles debug mode|
|[`KC_GESC`](|`GRAVE_ESC`|Acts as escape when pressed normally but when pressed with Shift or GUI will send a `~`|
|[`KC_LSPO`](||Left shift when held, open paranthesis when tapped|
|[`KC_RSPC`](||Right shift when held, close paranthesis when tapped|
|[`KC_LEAD`](||The leader key|
|[`FUNC(n)`](|`F(n)`|Call `fn_action(n)`|
|[`M(n)`](||to call macro n|
|[`MACROTAP(n)`](||to macro-tap n idk FIXME`|
|[`MAGIC_SWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK`](||Swap Capslock and Left Control|
|[`MAGIC_CAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL`](||Treat Capslock like a Control Key|
|[`MAGIC_SWAP_LALT_LGUI`](||Swap the left Alt and GUI keys|
|[`MAGIC_SWAP_RALT_RGUI`](||Swap the right Alt and GUI keys|
|[`MAGIC_NO_GUI`](||Disable the GUI key|
|[`MAGIC_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC`](||Swap the Grave and Esc key.|
|[`MAGIC_SWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE`](||Swap backslack and backspace|
|[`MAGIC_HOST_NKRO`](||Force NKRO on|
|[`MAGIC_SWAP_ALT_GUI`/`AG_SWAP`](||Swap Alt and Gui on both sides|
|[`MAGIC_UNSWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK`](||Disable the Control/Capslock swap|
|[`MAGIC_UNCAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL`](||Disable treating Capslock like Control |
|[`MAGIC_UNSWAP_LALT_LGUI`](||Disable Left Alt and GUI switching|
|[`MAGIC_UNSWAP_RALT_RGUI`](||Disable Right Alt and GUI switching|
|[`MAGIC_UNNO_GUI`](||Enable the GUI key |
|[`MAGIC_UNSWAP_GRAVE_ESC`](||Disable the Grave/Esc swap |
|[`MAGIC_UNSWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE`](||Disable the backslash/backspace swap|
|[`MAGIC_UNHOST_NKRO`](||Force NKRO off|
|[`MAGIC_UNSWAP_ALT_GUI`/`AG_NORM`](||Disable the Alt/GUI switching|
|[`MAGIC_TOGGLE_NKRO`](||Turn NKRO on or off|
|[`BL_x`](||Set a specific backlight level between 0-9|
|[`BL_ON`](||An alias for `BL_9`|
|[`BL_OFF`](||An alias for `BL_0`|
|[`BL_DEC`](||Turn the backlight level down by 1|
|[`BL_INC`](||Turn the backlight level up by 1|
|[`BL_TOGG`](||Toggle the backlight on or off|
|[`BL_STEP`](||Step through backlight levels, wrapping around to 0 when you reach the top.|
|[`RGB_TOG`](||toggle on/off|
|[`RGB_MOD`](||cycle through modes|
|[`RGB_HUI`](||hue increase|
|[`RGB_HUD`](||hue decrease|
|[`RGB_SAI`](||saturation increase|
|[`RGB_SAD`](||saturation decrease|
|[`RGB_VAI`](||value increase|
|[`RGB_VAD`](||value decrease|
|[`PRINT_ON`](||Start printing everything the user types|
|[`PRINT_OFF`](||Stop printing everything the user types|
|[`OUT_AUTO`](||auto mode|
|[`OUT_USB`](||usb only|
|[`OUT_BT`](||bluetooth (when `BLUETOOTH_ENABLE`)|
|[`KC_HYPR`](||Hold down LCTL + LSFT + LALT + LGUI`|
|[`KC_MEH`](||Hold down LCTL + LSFT + LALT`|
|[`LCTL(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `kc`|
|[`LSFT(kc)`](|[`S(kc)`](|`LSFT` + `kc`|
|[`LALT(kc)`](||`LALT` + `kc`|
|[`LGUI(kc)`](||`LGUI` + `kc`|
|[`RCTL(kc)`](||`RCTL` + `kc`|
|[`RSFT(kc)`](||`RSFT` + `kc`|
|[`RALT(kc)`](||`RALT` + `kc`|
|[`RGUI(kc)`](||`RGUI` + `kc`|
|[`HYPR(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LSFT` + `LALT` + `LGUI` + `kc`|
|[`MEH(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LSFT` + `LALT` + `kc`|
|[`LCAG(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LALT` + `LGUI` + `kc`|
|[`ALTG(kc)`](||`RCTL` + `RALT` + `kc`|
|[`SCMD(kc)`](|[`SWIN(kc)`](|`LGUI` + `LSFT` + `kc`|
|[`LCA(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LALT` + `kc`|
|[`CTL_T(kc)`](|[`LCTL_T(kc)`](|`LCTL` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`RCTL_T(kc)`](||[`RCTL` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`SFT_T(kc)`](|[`LSFT_T(kc)`](|`LSFT` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`RSFT_T(kc)`](||[`RSFT` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`ALT_T(kc)`](|[`LALT_T(kc)`](|`LALT` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`RALT_T(kc)`](|[`ALGR_T(kc)`](|`RALT` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`GUI_T(kc)`](|[`LGUI_T(kc)`](|`LGUI` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`RGUI_T(kc)`](||`RGUI` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`C_S_T(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LSFT` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`MEH_T(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LSFT` + `LALT` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`LCAG_T(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LALT` + `LGUI` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`RCAG_T(kc)`](||`RCTL` + `RALT` + `RGUI` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`ALL_T(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LSFT` + `LALT` + `LGUI` when held, `kc` when tapped [more info](|
|[`SCMD_T(kc)`](|[`SWIN_T(kc)`](|`LGUI` + `LSFT` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`LCA_T(kc)`](||`LCTL` + `LALT` when held, `kc` when tapped|
|[`KC_TILD`](|`KC_TILDE`|tilde `~`|
|[`KC_EXLM`](|`KC_EXCLAIM`|exclamation mark `!`|
|[`KC_AT`](||at sign `@`|
|[`KC_HASH`](||hash sign `#`|
|[`KC_DLR`](|`KC_DOLLAR`|dollar sign `$`|
|[`KC_PERC`](|`KC_PERCENT`|percent sign `%`|
|[`KC_CIRC`](|`KC_CIRCUMFLEX`|circumflex `^`|
|[`KC_AMPR`](|`KC_AMPERSAND`|ampersand `&`|
|[`KC_ASTR`](|`KC_ASTERISK`|asterisk `*`|
|[`KC_LPRN`](|`KC_LEFT_PAREN`|left parenthesis `(`|
|[`KC_RPRN`](|`KC_RIGHT_PAREN`|right parenthesis `)`|
|[`KC_UNDS`](|`KC_UNDERSCORE`|underscore `_`|
|[`KC_PLUS`](||plus sign `+`|
|[`KC_LCBR`](|`KC_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE`|left curly brace `{`|
|[`KC_RCBR`](|`KC_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE`|right curly brace `}`|
|[`KC_LT`/`KC_LABK`](|`KC_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET`|left angle bracket `<`|
|[`KC_GT`/`KC_RABK`](|`KC_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET`|right angle bracket `>`|
|[`KC_COLN`](|`KC_COLON`|colon `:`|
|[`KC_PIPE`](||pipe `\|`|
|[`KC_QUES`](|`KC_QUESTION`|question mark `?`|
|[`KC_DQT`/`KC_DQUO`](|`KC_DOUBLE_QUOTE`|double quote `"`|
|[`LT(layer, kc)`](||turn on layer (0-15) when held, kc ([basic keycodes]( when tapped|
|[`TO(layer)`](||turn on layer when depressed|
|[`MO(layer)`](||momentarily turn on layer when depressed (requires `KC_TRNS` on destination layer)|
|[`DF(layer)`](||sets the base (default) layer|
|[`TG(layer)`](||toggle layer on/off|
|[`TT(layer)`](||tap toggle? idk FIXME`|
|[`OSM(mod)`](||hold mod for one keypress|
|[`OSL(layer)`](||switch to layer for one keypress|
|[`UNICODE(n)`](|[`UC(n)`](|if `UNICODE_ENABLE`, this will send characters up to `0x7FFF`|
|[`X(n)`](||if `UNICODEMAP_ENABLE`, also sends unicode via a different method|

@ -1,230 +1,192 @@
# Basic Keycodes
# Basic keycodes
The basic set of keycodes are based on the [HID Keyboard/Keypad Usage Page (0x07)]( with the exception of `KC_NO`, `KC_TRNS` and keycodes in the `0xA5-DF` range. See below for more details.
Basic keycodes are based on [HID Usage Keyboard/Keypad Page(0x07)]( with following exceptions:
* `KC_NO` = 0 for no action
* `KC_TRNS` = 1 for layer transparency
* internal special keycodes in the `0xA5-DF` range (tmk heritage).
## Letters and Numbers
|Key |Description|
|`KC_A`|`a` and `A`|
|`KC_B`|`b` and `B`|
|`KC_C`|`c` and `C`|
|`KC_D`|`d` and `D`|
|`KC_E`|`e` and `E`|
|`KC_F`|`f` and `F`|
|`KC_G`|`g` and `G`|
|`KC_H`|`h` and `H`|
|`KC_I`|`i` and `I`|
|`KC_J`|`j` and `J`|
|`KC_K`|`k` and `K`|
|`KC_L`|`l` and `L`|
|`KC_M`|`m` and `M`|
|`KC_N`|`n` and `N`|
|`KC_O`|`o` and `O`|
|`KC_P`|`p` and `P`|
|`KC_Q`|`q` and `Q`|
|`KC_R`|`r` and `R`|
|`KC_S`|`s` and `S`|
|`KC_T`|`t` and `T`|
|`KC_U`|`u` and `U`|
|`KC_V`|`v` and `V`|
|`KC_W`|`w` and `W`|
|`KC_X`|`x` and `X`|
|`KC_Y`|`y` and `Y`|
|`KC_Z`|`z` and `Z`|
|`KC_1`|`1` and `!`|
|`KC_2`|`2` and `@`|
|`KC_3`|`3` and `#`|
|`KC_4`|`4` and `$`|
|`KC_5`|`5` and `%`|
|`KC_6`|`6` and `^`|
|`KC_7`|`7` and `&`|
|`KC_8`|`8` and `*`|
|`KC_9`|`9` and `(`|
|`KC_0`|`0` and `)`|
## F Keys
|Key |Description|
|`KC_F1` | |
|`KC_F2` | |
|`KC_F3` | |
|`KC_F4` | |
|`KC_F5` | |
|`KC_F6` | |
|`KC_F7` | |
|`KC_F8` | |
|`KC_F9` | |
|`KC_F10`| |
|`KC_F11`| |
|`KC_F12`| |
|`KC_F13`| |
|`KC_F14`| |
|`KC_F15`| |
|`KC_F16`| |
|`KC_F17`| |
|`KC_F18`| |
|`KC_F19`| |
|`KC_F20`| |
|`KC_F21`| |
|`KC_F22`| |
|`KC_F23`| |
|`KC_F24`| |
## Punctuation
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_ENTER` |`KC_ENT` |Return (Enter) |
|`KC_ESCAPE` |`KC_ESC` |Escape |
|`KC_BSPACE` |`KC_BSPC`|Delete (Backspace) |
|`KC_TAB` | |Tab |
|`KC_SPACE` |`KC_SPC` |Spacebar |
|`KC_MINUS` |`KC_MINS`|`-` and `_` |
|`KC_EQUAL` |`KC_EQL` |`=` and `+` |
|`KC_LBRACKET` |`KC_LBRC`|`[` and `{` |
|`KC_RBRACKET` |`KC_RBRC`|`]` and `}` |
|`KC_BSLASH` |`KC_BSLS`|`\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC_NONUS_HASH` |`KC_NUHS`|Non-US `#` and `~` |
|`KC_NONUS_BSLASH`|`KC_NUBS`|Non-US `\` and <code>&#124;</code>|
|`KC_INT1` |`KC_RO` |JIS `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC_INT2` |`KC_KANA`|JIS Katakana/Hiragana |
|`KC_INT3` |`KC_JYEN`|JIS `¥` |
|`KC_SCOLON` |`KC_SCLN`|`;` and `:` |
|`KC_QUOTE` |`KC_QUOT`|`'` and `"` |
|`KC_GRAVE` |`KC_GRV` |<code>&#96;</code> and `~` |
|`KC_COMMA` |`KC_COMM`|`,` and `<` |
|`KC_DOT` | |`.` and `>` |
|`KC_SLASH` |`KC_SLSH`|`/` and `?` |
|`KC_CAPSLOCK` |`KC_CAPS`|Caps Lock |
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC_MINUS|KC_MINS|`-` and `_`|
|KC_EQUAL|KC_EQL|`=` and `+`|
|KC_LBRACKET|KC_LBRC|`[` and `{`|
|KC_RBRACKET|KC_RBRC|`]` and `}`|
|KC_BSLASH|KC_BSLS|`\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|KC_NONUS_HASH|KC_NUHS|Non-US `#` and `~`|
|KC_NONUS_BSLASH|KC_NUBS|Non-US `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|KC_INT1|KC_RO|JIS `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|KC_INT3|KC_JYEN|Yen Symbol (`¥`)|
|KC_SCOLON|KC_SCLN|`;` and `:`|
|KC_QUOTE|KC_QUOT|`` and `“`|
|KC_GRAVE|KC_GRV|Grave Accent and Tilde|
|KC_COMMA|KC_COMM|`,` and `<`|
|KC_DOT||`.` and `>`|
|KC_SLASH|KC_SLSH|`/` and `?`|
## Modifiers
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_LCTRL` |`KC_LCTL` |Left Control |
|`KC_LSHIFT` |`KC_LSFT` |Left Shift |
|`KC_LALT` | |Left Alt |
|`KC_LGUI` |`KC_LCMD`, `KC_LWIN`|Left GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) |
|`KC_RCTRL` |`KC_RCTL` |Right Control |
|`KC_RSHIFT` |`KC_RSFT` |Right Shift |
|`KC_RALT` | |Right Alt |
|`KC_RGUI` |`KC_RCMD`, `KC_RWIN`|Right GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key)|
|`KC_LOCKING_CAPS` |`KC_LCAP` |Locking Caps Lock |
|`KC_LOCKING_NUM` |`KC_LNUM` |Locking Num Lock |
|`KC_LOCKING_SCROLL`|`KC_LSCR` |Locking Scroll Lock |
|`KC_INT4` |`KC_HENK` |JIS Henkan |
|`KC_INT5` |`KC_MHEN` |JIS Muhenkan |
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC_LGUI||Left GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)|
|KC_RGUI||Right GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)|
|KC_INT5|KC_MHEN|JIS Muhenken|
## Commands
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_PSCREEN` |`KC_PSCR`|Print Screen |
|`KC_SCROLLLOCK` |`KC_SLCK`|Scroll Lock |
|`KC_PAUSE` |`KC_PAUS`|Pause |
|`KC_INSERT` |`KC_INS` |Insert |
|`KC_HOME` | |Home |
|`KC_PGUP` | |Page Up |
|`KC_DELETE` |`KC_DEL` |Forward Delete |
|`KC_END` | |End |
|`KC_PGDOWN` |`KC_PGDN`|Page Down |
|`KC_RIGHT` |`KC_RGHT`|Right Arrow |
|`KC_LEFT` | |Left Arrow |
|`KC_DOWN` | |Down Arrow |
|`KC_UP` | |Up Arrow |
|`KC_APPLICATION` |`KC_APP` |Application (Windows Menu Key)|
|`KC_POWER` | |Power |
|`KC_EXECUTE` | |Execute |
|`KC_HELP` | |Help |
|`KC_MENU` | |Menu |
|`KC_SELECT` | |Select |
|`KC_AGAIN` | |Again |
|`KC_UNDO` | |Undo |
|`KC_CUT` | |Cut |
|`KC_COPY` | |Copy |
|`KC_PASTE` | |Paste |
|`KC_FIND` | |Find |
|`KC_ALT_ERASE` | |Alternate Erase |
|`KC_SYSREQ` | |SysReq/Attention |
|`KC_CANCEL` | |Cancel |
|`KC_CLEAR` | |Clear |
|`KC_PRIOR` | |Prior |
|`KC_RETURN` | |Return |
|`KC_SEPARATOR` | |Separator |
|`KC_OUT` | |Out |
|`KC_OPER` | |Oper |
|`KC_CLEAR_AGAIN` | |Clear/Again |
|`KC_CRSEL` | |CrSel/Props |
|`KC_EXSEL` | |ExSel |
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC_DELETE|KC_DEL|Delete Forward|
|KC_ALT_ERASE||Alternate Erase|
|KC_SYSTEM_POWER|KC_PWR|System Power Down|
## Media Keys
These keycodes are not part of the Keyboard/Keypad usage page. The `SYSTEM_` keycodes are found in the Generic Desktop page, and the rest are located in the Consumer page.
Windows and macOS use different keycodes for "next track" and "previous track". Make sure you choose the keycode that corresponds to your OS.
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_SYSTEM_POWER` |`KC_PWR` |System Power Down |
|`KC_SYSTEM_SLEEP` |`KC_SLEP`|System Sleep |
|`KC_SYSTEM_WAKE` |`KC_WAKE`|System Wake |
|`KC_MAIL` |`KC_MAIL`| |
|`KC_STOP` | |Stop |
|`KC__MUTE` | |Mute (macOS) |
|`KC__VOLUP` | |Volume Up (macOS) |
|`KC__VOLDOWN` | |Volume Down (macOS) |
|`KC_AUDIO_MUTE` |`KC_MUTE`|Mute (Windows/macOS/Linux) |
|`KC_AUDIO_VOL_UP` |`KC_VOLU`|Volume Up (Windows/macOS/Linux) |
|`KC_AUDIO_VOL_DOWN` |`KC_VOLD`|Volume Down (Windows/macOS/Linux)|
|`KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK` |`KC_MNXT`|Next Track (Windows) |
|`KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK` |`KC_MPRV`|Previous Track (Windows) |
|`KC_MEDIA_REWIND` |`KC_MRWD`|Previous Track (macOS) |
|`KC_MEDIA_STOP` |`KC_MSTP`|Stop Track |
|`KC_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE` |`KC_MPLY`|Play/Pause Track |
## Number Pad
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_NUMLOCK` |`KC_NLCK`|Keypad Num Lock and Clear |
|`KC_KP_SLASH` |`KC_PSLS`|Keypad `/` |
|`KC_KP_ASTERISK` |`KC_PAST`|Keypad `*` |
|`KC_KP_MINUS` |`KC_PMNS`|Keypad `-` |
|`KC_KP_PLUS` |`KC_PPLS`|Keypad `+` |
|`KC_KP_ENTER` |`KC_PENT`|Keypad Enter |
|`KC_KP_1` |`KC_P1` |Keypad `1` and End |
|`KC_KP_2` |`KC_P2` |Keypad `2` and Down Arrow |
|`KC_KP_3` |`KC_P3` |Keypad `3` and Page Down |
|`KC_KP_4` |`KC_P4` |Keypad `4` and Left Arrow |
|`KC_KP_5` |`KC_P5` |Keypad `5` |
|`KC_KP_6` |`KC_P6` |Keypad `6` and Right Arrow |
|`KC_KP_7` |`KC_P7` |Keypad `7` and Home |
|`KC_KP_8` |`KC_P8` |Keypad `8` and Up Arrow |
|`KC_KP_9` |`KC_P9` |Keypad `9` and Page Up |
|`KC_KP_0` |`KC_P0` |Keypad `0` and Insert |
|`KC_KP_DOT` |`KC_PDOT`|Keypad `.` and Delete |
|`KC_KP_EQUAL` |`KC_PEQL`|Keypad `=` |
|`KC_KP_COMMA` |`KC_PCMM`|Keypad `,` |
|`KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400`| |Keypad `=` on AS/400 keyboards|
Windows and Mac use different key codes for next track and previous track. Make sure you choose the keycode that corresponds to your OS.
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC__MUTE||Mute (macOS)|
|KC__VOLUP||Volume Up (macOS)|
|KC__VOLDOWN||Volume Down (macOS)|
|KC_AUDIO_MUTE|KC_MUTE|Mute (Windows/macOS/Linux)|
|KC_AUDIO_VOL_UP|KC_VOLU|Volume Up (Windows/macOS/Linux)|
|KC_AUDIO_VOL_DOWN|KC_VOLD|Volume Down (Windows/macOS/Linux)|
|KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK|KC_MNXT|Next Track (Windows)|
|KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK|KC_MPRV|Previous Track (Windows)|
|KC_MEDIA_REWIND|KC_MRWD|Previous Track (macOS)|
## Numpad
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC_NUMLOCK|KC_NLCK|Keypad Num Lock and Clear|
|KC_KP_1|KC_P1|Keypad 1 and End|
|KC_KP_2|KC_P2|Keypad 2 and Down Arrow|
|KC_KP_3|KC_P3|Keypad 3 and PageDn|
|KC_KP_4|KC_P4|Keypad 4 and Left Arrow|
|KC_KP_5|KC_P5|Keypad 5|
|KC_KP_6|KC_P6|Keypad 6 and Right Arrow|
|KC_KP_7|KC_P7|Keypad 7 and Home|
|KC_KP_8|KC_P8|Keypad 8 and Up Arrow|
|KC_KP_9|KC_P9|Keypad 9 and PageUp|
|KC_KP_0|KC_P0|Keypad 0 and Insert|
|KC_KP_DOT|KC_PDOT|Keypad . and Delete|
|KC_KP_COMMA|KC_PCMM|Keypad Comma|
|KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400||Keypad Equal Sign|
## Special Keys
In addition to these, keycodes in the range of `0xA5-DF` are reserved for internal use by TMK.
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_NO` | |Ignore this key (NOOP) |
|`KC_TRANSPARENT`|`KC_TRNS`|Use the next lowest non-transparent key|
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC_NO||Ignore this key. (NOOP) |
## Mousekey
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC_MS_UP|KC_MS_U|Mouse Cursor Up|
|KC_MS_DOWN|KC_MS_D|Mouse Cursor Down|
|KC_MS_LEFT|KC_MS_L|Mouse Cursor Left|
|KC_MS_RIGHT|KC_MS_R|Mouse Cursor Right|
|KC_MS_BTN1|KC_BTN1|Mouse Button 1|
|KC_MS_BTN2|KC_BTN2|Mouse Button 2|
|KC_MS_BTN3|KC_BTN3|Mouse Button 3|
|KC_MS_BTN4|KC_BTN4|Mouse Button 4|
|KC_MS_BTN5|KC_BTN5|Mouse Button 5|
|KC_MS_WH_UP|KC_WH_U|Mouse Wheel Up|
|KC_MS_WH_DOWN|KC_WH_D|Mouse Wheel Down|
|KC_MS_WH_LEFT|KC_WH_L|Mouse Wheel Left|
|KC_MS_WH_RIGHT|KC_WH_R|Mouse Wheel Right|
|KC_MS_ACCEL0|KC_ACL0|Mouse Acceleration 0|
|KC_MS_ACCEL1|KC_ACL1|Mouse Acceleration 1|
|KC_MS_ACCEL2|KC_ACL2|Mouse Acceleration 2|

@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
# US ANSI Shifted Symbols
# US ANSI Shifted symbols
These keycodes correspond to characters that are "shifted" on a standard US ANSI keyboards. They do not have dedicated keycodes but are instead typed by holding down shift and then sending a keycode.
These keycodes correspond to characters that are "shifted" on a standard US ANSI keyboards. They do not have dedicated keycodes but are instead typed by holding down shift and then sending a keycode.
It's important to remember that all of these keycodes send a left shift - this may cause unintended actions if unaccounted for. The short code is preferred in most situations.
## US ANSI Shifted Keycodes
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC_TILDE` |`KC_TILD` |`~` |
|`KC_EXCLAIM` |`KC_EXLM` |`!` |
|`KC_AT` | |`@` |
|`KC_HASH` | |`#` |
|`KC_DOLLAR` |`KC_DLR` |`$` |
|`KC_PERCENT` |`KC_PERC` |`%` |
|`KC_ASTERISK` |`KC_ASTR` |`*` |
|`KC_LEFT_PAREN` |`KC_LPRN` |`(` |
|`KC_PLUS` | |`+` |
|`KC_PIPE` | |<code>&#124;</code>|
|`KC_COLON` |`KC_COLN` |`:` |
|`KC_QUESTION` |`KC_QUES` |`?` |
|Short Name|Long Name|Description|
|`KC_TILD`|`KC_TILDE`|tilde `~`|
|`KC_EXLM`|`KC_EXCLAIM`|exclamation mark `!`|
|`KC_AT`||at sign `@`|
|`KC_HASH`||hash sign `#`|
|`KC_DLR`|`KC_DOLLAR`|dollar sign `$`|
|`KC_PERC`|`KC_PERCENT`|percent sign `%`|
|`KC_CIRC`|`KC_CIRCUMFLEX`|circumflex `^`|
|`KC_AMPR`|`KC_AMPERSAND`|ampersand `&`|
|`KC_ASTR`|`KC_ASTERISK`|asterisk `*`|
|`KC_LPRN`|`KC_LEFT_PAREN`|left parenthesis `(`|
|`KC_RPRN`|`KC_RIGHT_PAREN`|right parenthesis `)`|
|`KC_UNDS`|`KC_UNDERSCORE`|underscore `_`|
|`KC_PLUS`||plus sign `+`|
|`KC_LCBR`|`KC_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE`|left curly brace `{`|
|`KC_RCBR`|`KC_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE`|right curly brace `}`|
|`KC_LT`/`KC_LABK`|`KC_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET`|left angle bracket `<`|
|`KC_GT`/`KC_RABK`|`KC_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET`|right angle bracket `>`|
|`KC_COLN`|`KC_COLON`|colon `:`|
|`KC_PIPE`||pipe `\|`|
|`KC_QUES`|`KC_QUESTION`|question mark `?`|
|`KC_DQT`/`KC_DQUO`|`KC_DOUBLE_QUOTE`|double quote `"`|

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
QMK keymaps are defined inside a C source file. The data structure is an array of arrays. The outer array is a list of layer arrays while the inner layer array is a list of keys. Most keyboards define a `KEYMAP()` macro to help you create this array of arrays.
## Keymap and Layers
## Keymap and layers
In QMK, **`const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS]`** holds multiple **layers** of keymap information in **16 bit** data holding the **action code**. You can define **32 layers** at most.
For trivial key definitions, the higher 8 bits of the **action code** are all 0 and the lower 8 bits holds the USB HID usage code generated by the key as **keycode**.
@ -27,16 +27,18 @@ Respective layers can be validated simultaneously. Layers are indexed with 0 to
Sometimes, the action code stored in keymap may be referred as keycode in some documents due to the TMK history.
### Keymap Layer Status
The state of the Keymap layer is determined by two 32 bit parameters:
### Keymap layer status
Keymap layer has its state in two 32 bit parameters:
* **`default_layer_state`** indicates a base keymap layer (0-31) which is always valid and to be referred (the default layer).
* **`layer_state`** has current on/off status of each layer in its bits.
* **`default_layer_state`** indicates a base keymap layer(0-31) which is always valid and to be referred.
* **`layer_state`** () has current on/off status of the layer on its each bit.
Keymap layer '0' is usually the `default_layer`, with other layers initially off after booting up the firmware, although this can configured differently in `config.h`. It is useful to change `default_layer` when you completely switch a key layout, for example, if you want to switch to Colemak instead of Qwerty.
Keymap has its state in two parameter **`default_layer`** indicates a base keymap layer(0-31) which is always valid and to be referred, **`keymap_stat`** is 16bit variable which has current on/off status of layers on its each bit.
Keymap layer '0' is usually `default_layer` and which is the only valid layer and other layers is initially off after boot up firmware, though, you can configured them in `config.h`.
To change `default_layer` will be useful when you switch key layout completely, say you want Colmak instead of Qwerty.
Initial state of Keymap Change base layout
----------------------- ------------------
Initial state of Keymap Change base layout
----------------------- ------------------
31 31
30 30
@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ Keymap layer '0' is usually the `default_layer`, with other layers initially off
`--- default_layer = 0 `--- default_layer = 1
layer_state = 0x00000001 layer_state = 0x00000002
On the other hand, you can change `layer_state` to overlay the base layer with other layers for features such as navigation keys, function keys (F1-F12), media keys, and/or special actions.
On the other hand, you shall change `layer_state` to overlay base layer with some layers for feature such as navigation keys, function key(F1-F12), media keys or special actions.
Overlay feature layer
--------------------- bit|status
@ -75,9 +77,9 @@ Note that ***higher layer has higher priority on stack of layers***, namely firm
You can place `KC_TRANS` on overlay layer changes just part of layout to fall back on lower or base layer.
Key with `KC_TRANS` (`KC_TRNS` and `_______` are the alias) doesn't has its own keycode and refers to lower valid layers for keycode, instead.
## Anatomy of a `keymap.c`
## Anatomy Of A `keymap.c`
For this example we will walk through an [older version of the default Clueboard 66% keymap]( You'll find it helpful to open that file in another browser window so you can look at everything in context.
For this example we will walk through the [default Clueboard 66% keymap]( You'll find it helpful to open that file in another browser window so you can look at everything in context.
There are 3 main sections of a `keymap.c` file you'll want to concern yourself with:
@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ At the top of the file you'll find this:
// Each layer gets a name for readability.
// The underscores don't mean anything - you can
// have a layer called STUFF or any other name.
// Layer names don't all need to be of the same
// Layer names don't all need to be of the same
// length, and you can also skip them entirely
// and just use numbers.
#define _BL 0
@ -113,9 +115,9 @@ The main part of this file is the `keymaps[]` definition. This is where you list
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
After this you'll find a list of KEYMAP() macros. A KEYMAP() is simply a list of keys to define a single layer. Typically you'll have one or more "base layers" (such as QWERTY, Dvorak, or Colemak) and then you'll layer on top of that one or more "function" layers. Due to the way layers are processed you can't overlay a "lower" layer on top of a "higher" layer.
After this you'll find a list of KEYMAP() macros. A KEYMAP() is simply a list of keys to define a single layer. Typically you'll have one or more "base layers" (such as QWERTY, Dvorak, or Colemak) and then you'll layer on top of that one or more "function" layers. Due to the way layers are processed you can't overlay a "lower" layer on top of a "higher" layer.
`keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS]` in QMK holds the 16 bit action code (sometimes referred as the quantum keycode) in it. For the keycode representing typical keys, its high byte is 0 and its low byte is the USB HID usage ID for keyboard.
`keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS]` in QMK holds the 16 bit action code (sometimes referred as the quantum keycode) in it. For the keycode representing typical keys, its high byte is 0 and its low byte is the USB HID usage ID for keyboard.
> TMK from which QMK was forked uses `const uint8_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS]` instead and holds the 8 bit keycode. Some keycode values are reserved to induce execution of certain action codes via the `fn_actions[]` array.
@ -153,11 +155,11 @@ Our function layer is, from a code point of view, no different from the base lay
Some interesting things to note:
* We have used our `_______` definition to turn `KC_TRNS` into `_______`. This makes it easier to spot the keys that have changed on this layer.
* While in this layer if you press one of the `_______` keys it will activate the key in the next lowest active layer.
* While in this layer if you press one of the `_______` keys it will activate the key in the next lowest active layer.
### Custom Functions
At the bottom of the file we've defined a single custom function. This function defines a key that sends `KC_ESC` when pressed without modifiers and `KC_GRAVE` when modifiers are held. There are a couple pieces that need to be in place for this to work, and we will go over both of them.
At the bottom of the file we've defined a single custom function. This function defines a key that sends `KC_ESC` when pressed without modifiers and `KC_GRAVE` when modifiers are held. There are a couple pieces that need to be in place for this to work, and we will go over both of them.
#### `fn_actions[]`
@ -171,8 +173,6 @@ In this case we've instructed QMK to call the `ACTION_FUNCTION` callback, which
> This `fn_actions[]` interface is mostly for backward compatibility. In QMK, you don't need to use `fn_actions[]`. You can directly use `ACTION_FUNCTION(N)` or any other action code value itself normally generated by the macro in `keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS]`. N in `F(N)` can only be 0 to 31. Use of the action code directly in `keymaps` unlocks this limitation.
You can get a full list of Action Functions in [action_code.h](
#### `action_function()`
To actually handle the keypress event we define an `action_function()`. This function will be called when the key is pressed, and then again when the key is released. We have to handle both situations within our code, as well as determining whether to send/release `KC_ESC` or `KC_GRAVE`.

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
# Macros
Macros allow you to send multiple keystrokes when pressing just one key. QMK has a number of ways to define and use macros. These can do anything you want: type common phrases for you, copypasta, repetitive game movements, or even help you code.
{% hint style='danger' %}
**Security Note**: While it is possible to use macros to send passwords, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information it is a supremely bad idea to do so. Anyone who gets ahold of your keyboard will be able to access that information by opening a text editor.
{% endhint %}
## The new way: `SEND_STRING()` & `process_record_user`
Sometimes you just want a key to type out words or phrases. For the most common situations we've provided `SEND_STRING()`, which will type out your string for you. All ascii that is easily translated to a keycode is supported (eg `\n\t`).
For example:
enum custom_keycodes {
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
if (record->event.pressed) {
switch(keycode) {
SEND_STRING("QMK is the best thing ever!");
return false; break;
return true;
### Tap/down/up
You can send arbitary keycodes by wrapping them in:
* `SS_TAP()`
* `SS_DOWN()`
* `SS_UP()`
For example:
Would tap `KC_HOME` - note how the prefix is now `X_`, and not `KC_`. You can also combine this with other strings, like this:
Which would send "VE" followed by a `KC_HOME` tap, and "LO" (spelling "LOVE" if on a newline).
There's also a couple of mod shortcuts you can use:
* `SS_LCTRL(string)`
* `SS_LGUI(string)`
* `SS_LALT(string)`
That can be used like this:
Which would send LCTRL+a (LTRL down, a, LTRL up) - notice that they take strings (eg `"k"`), and not the `X_K` keycodes.
### Alternative keymaps
By default, it assumes a US keymap with a QWERTY layout; if you want to change that (e.g. if your OS uses software Colemak), include this somewhere in your keymap:
#include <sendstring_colemak.h>
### Strings in memory
If for some reason you're manipulating strings and need to print out something you just generated (instead of being a literal, constant string), you can use `send_string()`, like this:
char my_str[4] = "ok.";
The shortcuts defined above won't work with `send_string()`, but you can separate things out to different lines if needed:
char my_str[4] = "ok.";
SEND_STRING("I said: ");
## The old way: `MACRO()` & `action_get_macro`
{% hint style='info' %}
This is inherited from TMK, and hasn't been updated - it's recommend that you use `SEND_STRING` and `process_record_user` instead.
{% endhint %}
By default QMK assumes you don't have any macros. To define your macros you create an `action_get_macro()` function. For example:
const macro_t *action_get_macro(keyrecord_t *record, uint8_t id, uint8_t opt) {
if (record->event.pressed) {
switch(id) {
case 0:
return MACRO(D(LSFT), T(H), U(LSFT), T(I), D(LSFT), T(1), U(LSFT), END);
case 1:
return MACRO(D(LSFT), T(B), U(LSFT), T(Y), T(E), D(LSFT), T(1), U(LSFT), END);
return MACRO_NONE;
This defines two macros which will be run when the key they are assigned to is pressed. If instead you'd like them to run when the key is released you can change the if statement:
if (!record->event.pressed) {
### Macro Commands
A macro can include the following commands:
* I() change interval of stroke in milliseconds.
* D() press key.
* U() release key.
* T() type key(press and release).
* W() wait (milliseconds).
* END end mark.
### Mapping a Macro to a key
Use the `M()` function within your `KEYMAP()` to call a macro. For example, here is the keymap for a 2-key keyboard:
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = KEYMAP(
M(0), M(1)
const macro_t *action_get_macro(keyrecord_t *record, uint8_t id, uint8_t opt) {
if (record->event.pressed) {
switch(id) {
case 0:
return MACRO(D(LSFT), T(H), U(LSFT), T(I), D(LSFT), T(1), U(LSFT), END);
case 1:
return MACRO(D(LSFT), T(B), U(LSFT), T(Y), T(E), D(LSFT), T(1), U(LSFT), END);
return MACRO_NONE;
When you press the key on the left it will type "Hi!" and when you press the key on the right it will type "Bye!".
### Naming your macros
If you have a bunch of macros you want to refer to from your keymap while keeping the keymap easily readable you can name them using `#define` at the top of your file.
#define M_HI M(0)
#define M_BYE M(1)
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
[0] = KEYMAP(
## Advanced macro functions
There are some functions you may find useful in macro-writing. Keep in mind that while you can write some fairly advanced code within a macro if your functionality gets too complex you may want to define a custom keycode instead. Macros are meant to be simple.
### `record->event.pressed`
This is a boolean value that can be tested to see if the switch is being pressed or released. An example of this is
if (record->event.pressed) {
// on keydown
} else {
// on keyup
### `register_code(<kc>);`
This sends the `<kc>` keydown event to the computer. Some examples would be `KC_ESC`, `KC_C`, `KC_4`, and even modifiers such as `KC_LSFT` and `KC_LGUI`.
### `unregister_code(<kc>);`
Parallel to `register_code` function, this sends the `<kc>` keyup event to the computer. If you don't use this, the key will be held down until it's sent.
### `clear_keyboard();`
This will clear all mods and keys currently pressed.
### `clear_mods();`
This will clear all mods currently pressed.
### `clear_keyboard_but_mods();`
This will clear all keys besides the mods currently pressed.
## Advanced Example: Single-key copy/paste
This example defines a macro which sends `Ctrl-C` when pressed down, and `Ctrl-V` when released.
const macro_t *action_get_macro(keyrecord_t *record, uint8_t id, uint8_t opt) {
switch(id) {
case 0: {
if (record->event.pressed) {
return MACRO( D(LCTL), T(C), U(LCTL), END );
} else {
return MACRO( D(LCTL), T(V), U(LCTL), END );
return MACRO_NONE;

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# Mousekeys
Mousekeys is a feature that allows you to emulate a mouse using your keyboard. You can move the pointer around, click up to 5 buttons, and even scroll in all 4 directions. QMK uses the same algorithm as the X Window System MouseKeysAccel feature. You can read more about it [on Wikipedia](
## Adding Mousekeys To a Keymap
There are two steps to adding Mousekeys support to your keyboard. You must enable support in the Makefile and you must map mouse actions to keys on your keyboard.
### Adding Mousekeys support in the `Makefile`
To add support for Mousekeys you simply need to add a single line to your keymap's `Makefile`:
You can see an example here:
### Mapping Mouse Actions To Keyboard Keys
You can use these keycodes within your keymap to map button presses to mouse actions:
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC_MS_UP|KC_MS_U|Mouse Cursor Up|
|KC_MS_DOWN|KC_MS_D|Mouse Cursor Down|
|KC_MS_LEFT|KC_MS_L|Mouse Cursor Left|
|KC_MS_RIGHT|KC_MS_R|Mouse Cursor Right|
|KC_MS_BTN1|KC_BTN1|Mouse Button 1|
|KC_MS_BTN2|KC_BTN2|Mouse Button 2|
|KC_MS_BTN3|KC_BTN3|Mouse Button 3|
|KC_MS_BTN4|KC_BTN4|Mouse Button 4|
|KC_MS_BTN5|KC_BTN5|Mouse Button 5|
|KC_MS_WH_UP|KC_WH_U|Mouse Wheel Up|
|KC_MS_WH_DOWN|KC_WH_D|Mouse Wheel Down|
|KC_MS_WH_LEFT|KC_WH_L|Mouse Wheel Left|
|KC_MS_WH_RIGHT|KC_WH_R|Mouse Wheel Right|
|KC_MS_ACCEL0|KC_ACL0|Set Mouse Acceleration Speed to 0|
|KC_MS_ACCEL1|KC_ACL1|Set Mouse Acceleration Speed to 1|
|KC_MS_ACCEL2|KC_ACL2|Set Mouse Acceleration Speed to 2|
You can see an example in the `_ML` here:
## Configuring the behavior of Mousekeys
The default speed for controlling the mouse with the keyboard is intentionaly slow. You can adjust these parameters by adding these settings to your keymap's `config.h` file. All times are specified in miliseconds (ms).
#define MOUSEKEY_DELAY 300
When one of the mouse movement buttons is pressed this setting is used to define the delay between that button press and the mouse cursor moving. Some people find that small movements are impossible if this setting is too low, while settings that are too high feel sluggish.
When a movement key is held down this specifies how long to wait between each movement report. Lower settings will translate into an effectively higher mouse speed.
As a movement key is held down the speed of the mouse cursor will increase until it reaches `MOUSEKEY_MAX_SPEED`.
How long you want to hold down a movement key for until `MOUSEKEY_MAX_SPEED` is reached. This controls how quickly your cursor will accelerate.
The top speed for scrolling movements.
How long you want to hold down a scroll key for until `MOUSEKEY_WHEEL_MAX_SPEED` is reached. This controls how quickling your scrolling will accelerate.

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# The Compelete Newbs Guide To QMK
QMK is a powerful Open Source firmware for your mechanical keyboard. You can use QMK to customize your keyboard in ways both simple and powerful. People of all skill levels, from complete newbie to master programmer, have successfully used QMK to customize their keyboard. This guide will help you do the same, no matter your skill level.
Not sure if your keyboard can run QMK? If it's a mechanical keyboard you built yourself chances are good it can. We support a [large number of hobbyist boards](, so even if your current keyboard can't run QMK you shouldn't have trouble finding one to suit your needs.
## Overview
There are 4 main sections to this guide:
* [Getting Started](
* [Building Your First Firmware](
* [Flashing Firmware](
* [Testing and Debugging](
This guide is focused on helping someone who has never compiled software before. It makes choices and recommendations based on that viewpoint. There are alternative methods for many of these procedures, and we support most of those alternatives. If you have any doubt about how to accomplish a task you can [ask us for guidance](

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# Building Your First Firmware
Now that you have setup your build environment you are ready to start building custom firmware. For this section of the guide we will bounce between 3 programs- your file manager, your text editor, and your terminal window. Keep all 3 open until you are done and happy with your keyboard firmware.
If you have closed and reopened your terminal window since following the first part of the guide, don't forget to `cd qmk_firmware` so that your terminal is in the correct directory.
## Navigate To Your Keymaps Folder
Start by navigating to the `keymaps` folder for your keyboard.
{% hint style='info' %}
If you are on macOS or Windows there are commands you can use to easily open the keymaps folder.
open keyboards/<keyboard_folder>/keymaps
start keyboards/<keyboard_folder>/keymaps
{% endhint %}
## Create a Copy Of The `default` Keymap
Once you have the `keymaps` folder open you will want to create a copy of the `default` folder. We highly recommend you name your folder the same as your GitHub username, but you can use any name you want as long as it contains only lower case letters, numbers, and the underscore character.
## Open `keymap.c` In Your Favorite Text Editor
Open up your `keymap.c`. Inside this file you'll find the structure that controls how your keyboard behaves. At the top of `keymap.c` there may be some defines and enums that make the keymap easier to read. Farther down you'll find a line that looks like this:
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
This line indicates the start of the list of Layers. Below that you'll find lines containing either `LAYOUT` or `KEYMAP`, and these lines indicate the start of a layer. Below that line is the list of keys that comprise a that particular layer.
{% hint style='danger' %}
When editing your keymap file be careful not to add or remove any commas. If you do you will prevent your firmware from compiling and it may not be easy to figure out where the extra, or missing, comma is.
{% endhint %}
## Customize The Layout To Your Liking
How to complete this step is entirely up to you. Make the one change that's been bugging you, or completely rework everything. You can remove layers if you don't need all of them, or add layers up to a total of 32. Check the following documentation to find out what you can define here:
* [Keycodes](
* [Features](
* [FAQ](
{% hint style='info' %}
While you get a feel for how keymaps work, keep each change small. Bigger changes make it harder to debug any problems that arise.
{% endhint %}
## Build Your Firmware
When your changes to the keymap are complete you will need to build the firmware. To do so go back to your terminal window and run the build command:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>
For example, if your keymap is named "xyverz" and you're building a keymap for a rev5 planck, you'll use this command:
make planck/rev5:xyverz
While this compiles you will have a lot of output going to the screen informing you of what files are being compiled. It should end with output that looks similar to this:
Linking: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
Copying planck_rev5_xyverz.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 18392/28672
## Flash Your Firmware
Move on to [Flashing Firmware]( to learn how to write your new firmware to your keyboard.

@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
# Flashing Your Keyboard
Now that you've built a custom firmware file you'll want to flash your keyboard.
## Flashing Your Keyboard with QMK Toolbox
The simplest way to flash your keyboard will be with the [QMK Toolbox](
However, the QMK Toolbox is only available for Windows and macOS currently. If you're using Linux (or just wish to flash the firmware from the command line), you'll have to use the [method outlined below](
### Load The File Into QMK Toolbox
Begin by opening the QMK Toolbox application. You'll want to locate the firmware file in Finder or Explorer. Your keyboard firmware may be in one of two formats- `.hex` or `.bin`. QMK tries to copy the appropriate one for your keyboard into the root `qmk_firmware` directory.
{% hint style='info' %}
If you are on Windows or macOS there are commands you can use to easily open the current firmware folder in Explorer or Finder.
start .
open .
{% endhint %}
The firmware file always follows this naming format:
For example, the `plank/rev5` with a `default` keymap will have this filename:
Once you have located your firmware file drag it into the "Local file" box in QMK Toolbox, or click "Open" and navigate to where your firmware file is stored.
### Put Your Keyboard Into DFU (Bootloader) Mode
In order to flash your custom firmware you have to put your keyboard into a special flashing mode. While it is in this mode you will not be able to type or otherwise use your keyboard. It is very important that you do not unplug your keyboard or otherwise interrupt the flashing process while the firmware is being written.
Different keyboards have different ways to enter this special mode. If your PCB currently runs QMK or TMK and you have not been given specific instructions try the following, in order:
* Hold down both shift keys and press `Pause`
* Hold down both shift keys and press `B`
* Unplug your keyboard, hold down the Spacebar and `B` at the same time, plug in your keyboard and wait a second before releasing the keys
* Press the physical `RESET` button on the bottom of the PCB
* Locate header pins on the PCB labeled `BOOT0` or `RESET`, short those together while plugging your PCB in
When you are successful you will see a message similar to this in QMK Toolbox:
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap disconnected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
*** DFU device connected
### Flash Your Keyboard
Click the `Flash` button in QMK Toolbox. You will see output similar to the following:
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap disconnected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
*** DFU device connected
*** Attempting to flash, please don't remove device
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force
Erasing flash... Success
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x6FFF... Empty.
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash /Users/skully/qmk_firmware/clueboard_66_hotswap_gen1_skully.hex
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x55FF... Empty.
0% 100% Programming 0x5600 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
0% 100% Reading 0x7000 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
Validating... Success
0x5600 bytes written into 0x7000 bytes memory (76.79%).
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
*** DFU device disconnected
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap connected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
## Flash your Keyboard from the Command Line
First thing you'll need to know is which bootloader that your keyboard uses. There are four main bootloaders that are used, usually. Pro-Micro and clones use CATERINA, and Teensy's use Halfkay, OLKB boards use QMK-DFU, and other atmega32u4 chips use DFU.
You can find more information about the bootloaders in the [Flashing Instructions and Bootloader Information]( page.
If you know what bootloader that you're using, then when compiling the firmware, you can actually add some extra text to the `make` command to automate the flashing process.
### DFU
For the DFU bootloader, when you're ready to compile and flash your firmware, open up your terminal window and run the built command:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:dfu
For example, if your keymap is named "xyverz" and you're building a keymap for a rev5 planck, you'll use this command:
make planck/rev5:xyverz:dfu
Once it finishes compiling, it should output the following:
Linking: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
Copying planck_rev5_xyverz.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of planck_rev5_xyverz.hex
* File size is fine - 18574/28672
After it gets to this point, the build script will look for the DFU bootloader every 5 seconds. It will repeat the following until the device is found or you cancel it.
dfu-programmer: no device present.
Error: Bootloader not found. Trying again in 5s.
Once it does this, you'll want to reset the controller. It should then show output similiar to this:
*** Attempting to flash, please don't remove device
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force
Erasing flash... Success
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x6FFF... Empty.
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash /Users/skully/qmk_firmware/clueboard_66_hotswap_gen1_skully.hex
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x55FF... Empty.
0% 100% Programming 0x5600 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
0% 100% Reading 0x7000 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
Validating... Success
0x5600 bytes written into 0x7000 bytes memory (76.79%).
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
If you have any issues with this, you may need to this:
sudo make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:dfu
### Caterina
For Arduino boards and their close (such as the SparkFun ProMicro), when you're ready to compile and flash your firmware, open up your terminal window and run the built command:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:avrdude
For example, if your keymap is named "xyverz" and you're building a keymap for a rev2 Lets Split, you'll use this command:
make lets_split/rev2:xyverz:avrdude
Once the firmware finishes compiling, it will output something like this:
Linking: .build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex [OK]
Checking file size of lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 27938/28672
Detecting USB port, reset your controller now..............
At this point, reset the board and then the script will detect the bootloader and then flash the board. The output should look something like this:
Detected controller on USB port at /dev/ttyS15
Connecting to programmer: .
Found programmer: Id = "CATERIN"; type = S
Software Version = 1.0; No Hardware Version given.
Programmer supports auto addr increment.
Programmer supports buffered memory access with buffersize=128 bytes.
Programmer supports the following devices:
Device code: 0x44
avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s
avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9587 (probably m32u4)
avrdude.exe: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude.exe: erasing chip
avrdude.exe: reading input file "./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex"
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude.exe: writing flash (27938 bytes):
Writing | ################################################## | 100% 2.40s
avrdude.exe: 27938 bytes of flash written
avrdude.exe: verifying flash memory against ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex:
avrdude.exe: load data flash data from input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex:
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex contains 27938 bytes
avrdude.exe: reading on-chip flash data:
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.43s
avrdude.exe: verifying ...
avrdude.exe: 27938 bytes of flash verified
avrdude.exe: safemode: Fuses OK (E:CB, H:D8, L:FF)
avrdude.exe done. Thank you.
If you have any issues with this, you may need to this:
sudo make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:avrdude
## HalfKay
For the PJRC devices (Teensy's), when you're ready to compile and flash your firmware, open up your terminal window and run the built command:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:teensy
For example, if your keymap is named "xyverz" and you're building a keymap for an Ergodox or Ergodox EZ, you'll use this command:
make erdogox_ez:xyverz:teensy
Once the firmware finishes compiling, it will output something like this:
Linking: .build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex [OK]
Checking file size of ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 25584/32256
Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.1
Read "./.build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex": 25584 bytes, 79.3% usage
Waiting for Teensy device...
(hint: press the reset button)
At this point, reset your board. Once you've done that, you'll see output like this:
Found HalfKay Bootloader
Read "./.build/ergodox_ez_drashna.hex": 28532 bytes, 88.5% usage
## Test It Out!
Congrats! Your custom firmware has been programmed to your keyboard!
Give it a try and make sure everything works the way you want it to. We've written [Testing and Debugging]( to round out this Newbie Guide, so head over there to learn about how to troubleshoot your custom functionality.

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
# Introduction
Your computer keyboard has a processor inside of it, not unlike the one inside your computer. This processor runs software that is responsible for detecting button presses and sending reports about the state of the keyboard when they are pressed or released. QMK fills the role of that software, detecting button presses and passing that information on to the host computer. When you build your custom layout you are creating the equivalent of an .exe for your keyboard.
QMK tries to put a lot of power into your hands by making easy things easy, and hard things possible. You don't have to know how to program to create powerful layouts, you only have to follow a few simple syntax rules.
# Getting Started
Before you can build keymaps you need to install some software and setup your build environment. This only has to be done one time no matter how many keyboards you want to compile firmware for.
## Download Software
### Text Editor
You'll need a program that can edit and save **plain text** files. If you are on Windows you can make due with Notepad, and on Linux you can use Gedit, both of which are simple but functional text editors. On macOS you can not use, it will not save plain text files. You will need to install another program such as Sublime Text.
{% hint style='info' %}
Not sure which text editor to use? Laurence Bradford wrote [a great introduction]( to the subject.
{% endhint %}
### QMK Toolbox
QMK Toolbox is a Windows and macOS program that allows you to both program and debug your custom keyboard. You will want to install it so that you can easily flash your keyboard and receive the debugging messages that your keyboard will print.
* [Newest Release](
* [Source Code](
## Environment Setup
We've tried to make QMK as easy to setup as possible. You only have to prepare your Linux or Unix environment and let QMK install the rest.
{% hint style="info" %}
If you haven't worked with the Linux/Unix command line before there are a few basic concepts and commands you should learn. These resources will teach you enough to work with QMK:
* [Must Know Linux Commands](
* [Some Basic Unix Commands](
{% endhint %}
### Windows
You will need to install msys2 and git.
* Follow the installation instructions on the msys2 homepage:
* Close any open msys2 terminals, and open a new terminal
* Install git by running this command: `pacman -S git`
### macOS
You will need to install homebrew. Follow the instructions on the homebrew homepage:
### Linux
You will need to install git. It's extremely likely you already have it, but if not one of the following commands should install it:
* Debian/Ubuntu/Devuan: `apt-get install git`
* Fedora/Redhat/Centos: `yum install git`
* Arch: `pacman -S git`
## Download QMK
Once you have setup your Linux/Unix environment you are ready to download QMK. We will do this by using git to "clone" the QMK repository. Open a Terminal or MSYS2 Console window and leave it open for the remainder of this guide. Inside that window run these two commands:
git clone
cd qmk_firmware
{% hint style='info' %}
If you already know [how to use GitHub]( we recommend you create and clone your own fork instead. If you don't know what that means you can safely ignore this message.
{% endhint %}
## Setup QMK
QMK comes with a script to help you setup the rest of what you'll need. You should run it now by typing in this command:
## Test Your Build Environment
Now that your QMK build environment is setup you can build a firmware for your keyboard. Start by trying to build the default layout for your keyboard. You should be able to do that with a command in this format:
make <keyboard>:default
For example, to build a firmware for a Clueboard 66% use:
make clueboard/66/rev3:default
When it is done you should have a lot of output that ends similar to this:
Linking: .build/clueboard_66_rev2_default.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/clueboard_66_rev2_default.hex [OK]
Copying clueboard_66_rev2_default.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of clueboard_66_rev2_default.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 25174/28672
## Creating Your Layout
Now you are ready to create your own personal layout. Move on to [Building Your First Firmware]( for that.

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# Testing and Debugging
Once you've flashed your keyboard with a custom firmware you're ready to test it out. With a little bit of luck everything will work perfectly, but if not this document will help you figure out what's wrong.
## Testing
Testing your keyboard is usually pretty straightforward. Press every single key and make sure it sends the keys you expect. There are even programs that will help you make sure that no key is missed.
Note: These programs are not provided by or endorsed by QMK.
* [Switch Hitter]( (Windows Only)
* [Keyboard Viewer]( (Mac Only)
* [Keyboard Tester]( (Web Based)
* [Keyboard Checker]( (Web Based)
## Debugging With QMK Toolbox
[QMK Toolbox]( will show messages from your keyboard if you have `CONSOLE_ENABLE = yes` in your ``. By default the output is very limited, but you can turn on debug mode to increase the amount of debug output. Use the `DEBUG` keycode in your keymap, or use the [Command]( feature to enable debug mode.
<!-- FIXME: Describe the debugging messages here. -->
## Sending Your Own Debug Messages
Sometimes it's useful to print debug messages from within your [custom code]( Doing so is pretty simple. Start by including `print.h` at the top of your file:
#include <print.h>
After that you can use a few different print functions:
* `print("string")`: Print a simple string.
* `sprintf("%s string", var)`: Print a formatted string
* `dprint("string")` Print a simple string, but only when debug mode is enabled
* `dprintf("%s string", var)`: Print a formatted string, but only when debug mode is enabled

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Porting your keyboard to QMK
This page describes the technical details of porting an existing keyboard to QMK. If you're looking to add your keyboard to QMK, please [look through these guidelines](!
If your keyboard is running an Atmega chip (atmega32u4 and others), it's pretty easy to get things setup for compiling your own firmware to flash onto your board. There is a `/util/ <keyboard>` script to help get you started - you can simply pass your keyboard's name into the script, and all of the necessary files will be created. The components of each are described below.
## `/keyboards/<keyboard>/config.h`
The `USB Device descriptor parameter` block contains parameters are used to uniquely identify your keyboard, but they don't really matter to the machine.
Your `MATRIX_ROWS` and `MATRIX_COLS` are the numbers of rows and cols in your keyboard matrix - this may be different than the number of actual rows and columns on your keyboard. There are some tricks you can pull to increase the number of keys in a given matrix, but most keyboards are pretty straight-forward.
The `MATRIX_ROW_PINS` and `MATRIX_COL_PINS` are the pins your MCU uses on each row/column. Your schematic (if you have one) will have this information on it, and the values will vary depending on your setup. This is one of the most important things to double-check in getting your keyboard setup correctly.
For the `DIODE_DIRECTION`, most hand-wiring guides will instruct you to wire the diodes in the `COL2ROW` position, but it's possible that they are in the other - people coming from EasyAVR often use `ROW2COL`. Nothing will function if this is incorrect.
`BACKLIGHT_PIN` is the pin that your PWM-controlled backlight (if one exists) is hooked-up to. Currently only B5, B6, and B7 are supported.
`BACKLIGHT_BREATHING` is a fancier backlight feature that adds breathing/pulsing/fading effects to the backlight. It uses the same timer as the normal backlight. These breathing effects must be called by code in your keymap.
`BACKLIGHT_LEVELS` is how many levels exist for your backlight - max is 15, and they are computed automatically from this number.
## `/keyboards/<keyboard>/`
The values at the top likely won't need to be changed, since most boards use the `atmega32u4` chip. The `BOOTLOADER_SIZE` will need to be adjusted based on your MCU type. It's defaulted to the Teensy, since that's the most common controller. Below is quoted from the `Makefile`.
# Boot Section Size in *bytes*
# Teensy halfKay 512
# Teensy++ halfKay 1024
# Atmel DFU loader 4096
# LUFA bootloader 4096
# USBaspLoader 2048
At the bottom of the file, you'll find lots of features to turn on and off - all of these options should be set with `?=` to allow for the keymap overrides. `?=` only assigns if the variable was previously undefined. For the full documenation of these features, see the [Makefile options](
## `/keyboards/<keyboard>/`
This is where you'll describe your keyboard - please write as much as you can about it! Talking about default functionality/features is useful here. Feel free to link to external pages/sites if necessary. Images can be included here as well, as long as they're hosted elsewhere (imgur).
## `/keyboards/<keyboard>/<keyboard>.c`
This is where all of the custom logic for your keyboard goes - you may not need to put anything in this file, since a lot of things are configured automatically. All of the `*_kb()` functions are defined here. If you modify them, remember to keep the calls to `*_user()`, or things in the keymaps might not work. You can read more about the functions [here](
## `/keyboards/<keyboard>/<keyboard>.h`
Here is where you can (optionally) define your `KEYMAP` function to remap your matrix into a more readable format. With ortholinear boards, this isn't always necessary, but it can help to accomodate the dead spots on your matrix, where there are keys that take up more than one space (2u, staggering, 6.25u, etc). The example shows the difference between the physical keys, and the matrix design:
#define KEYMAP( \
k00, k01, k02, \
k10, k11 \
) \
{ \
{ k00, k01, k02 }, \
{ k10, KC_NO, k11 }, \
Each of the `kxx` variables needs to be unique, and usually follows the format `k<row><col>`. You can place `KC_NO` where your dead keys are in your matrix.

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The values at the top likely won't need to be changed, since most boards use the
At the bottom of the file, you'll find lots of features to turn on and off - all of these options should be set with `?=` to allow for the keymap overrides. `?=` only assigns if the variable was previously undefined. For the full documentation of these features, see the [Makefile options](#makefile-options).
At the bottom of the file, you'll find lots of features to turn on and off - all of these options should be set with `?=` to allow for the keymap overrides. `?=` only assigns if the variable was previously undefined. For the full documenation of these features, see the [Makefile options](#makefile-options).
## `/keyboards/<keyboard>/`
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ This is where all of the custom logic for your keyboard goes - you may not need
## `/keyboards/<keyboard>/<keyboard>.h`
Here is where you can (optionally) define your `KEYMAP` function to remap your matrix into a more readable format. With ortholinear boards, this isn't always necessary, but it can help to accommodate the dead spots on your matrix, where there are keys that take up more than one space (2u, staggering, 6.25u, etc). The example shows the difference between the physical keys, and the matrix design:
Here is where you can (optionally) define your `KEYMAP` function to remap your matrix into a more readable format. With ortholinear boards, this isn't always necessary, but it can help to accomodate the dead spots on your matrix, where there are keys that take up more than one space (2u, staggering, 6.25u, etc). The example shows the difference between the physical keys, and the matrix design:
#define KEYMAP( \

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ MCUSR MCU Status Register
SMCR Sleep Mode Control Register
SE Sleep Enable
#define set_sleep_mode(mode) \
#define SLEEP_MODE_IDLE (0)

@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
Quantum keycodes allow for easier customisation of your keymap than the basic ones provide, without having to define custom actions.
All keycodes within quantum are numbers between `0x0000` and `0xFFFF`. Within your `keymap.c` it may look like you have functions and other special cases, but ultimately the C preprocessor will translate those into a single 4 byte integer. QMK has reserved `0x0000` through `0x00FF` for standard keycodes. These are keycodes such as `KC_A`, `KC_1`, and `KC_LCTL`, which are basic keys defined in the USB HID specification.
All keycodes within quantum are numbers between `0x0000` and `0xFFFF`. Within your `keymap.c` it may look like you have functions and other special cases, but ultimately the C preprocessor will translate those into a single 4 byte integer. QMK has reserved `0x0000` through `0x00FF` for standard keycodes. These are keycodes such as `KC_A`, `KC_1`, and `KC_LCTL`, which are basic keys defined in the USB HID specification.
On this page we have documented keycodes between `0x00FF` and `0xFFFF` which are used to implement advanced quantum features. If you define your own custom keycodes they will be put into this range as well.
## QMK Keycodes
## QMK keycodes
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`RESET` | |Put the keyboard into DFU mode for flashing |
|`DEBUG` | |Toggle debug mode |
|`KC_GESC` |`GRAVE_ESC`|Escape when tapped, <code>&#96;</code> when pressed with Shift or GUI|
|`KC_LSPO` | |Left Shift when held, `(` when tapped |
|`KC_RSPC` | |Right Shift when held, `)` when tapped |
|`KC_LEAD` | |The [Leader key]( |
|`KC_LOCK` | |The [Lock key]( |
|`FUNC(n)` |`F(n)` |Call `fn_action(n)` (deprecated) |
|`M(n)` | |Call macro `n` |
|`MACROTAP(n)`| |Macro-tap `n` idk FIXME |
|`RESET`|Put the keyboard into DFU mode for flashing|
|`DEBUG`|Toggles debug mode|
|`KC_GESC`/`GRAVE_ESC`|Acts as escape when pressed normally but when pressed with Shift or GUI will send a ```|
|`KC_LSPO`|Left shift when held, open paranthesis when tapped|
|`KC_RSPC`|Right shift when held, close paranthesis when tapped|
|`KC_LEAD`|The [leader key](|
|`KC_LOCK`|The [lock key](|
|`FUNC(n)`/`F(n)`|Call `fn_action(n)` (deprecated)|
|`M(n)`|to call macro n|
|`MACROTAP(n)`|to macro-tap n idk FIXME|

@ -1,48 +1,12 @@
"redirects": [
"from": "adding_a_keyboard_to_qmk.html",
"to": "hardware_keyboard_guidelines.html"
"from": "build_environment_setup.html",
"to": "getting_started_build_tools.html"
"from": "dynamic_macros.html",
"to": "feature_dynamic_macros.html"
"from": "feature_common_shortcuts.html",
"to": "feature_advanced_keycodes.html"
"from": "glossary.html",
"to": "reference_glossary.html"
"from": "key_lock.html",
"to": "feature_key_lock.html"
"from": "make_instructions.html",
"to": "getting_started_make_guide.html"
"from": "porting_your_keyboard_to_qmk.html",
"to": "hardware_avr.html"
"from": "space_cadet_shift.html",
"to": "feature_space_cadet.html"
"from": "tap_dance.html",
"to": "feature_tap_dance.html"
"from": "unicode.html",
"to": "feature_unicode.html"

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
# Glossary of QMK Terms
## ARM
A line of 32-bit MCU's produced by a number of companies, such as Atmel, Cypress, Kinetis, NXP, ST, and TI.
## AVR
A line of 8-bit MCU's produced by [Atmel]( AVR was the original platform that TMK supported.
The standard Français (French) keyboard layout. Named for the first 6 keys on the keyboard.
## Backlight
A generic term for lighting on a keyboard. The backlight is typically, but not always, an array of LED's that shine through keycaps and/or switches.
## Bluetooth
A short range peer to peer wireless protocol. Most common wireless protocol for a keyboard.
## Bootloader
A special program that is written to a protected area of your MCU that allows the MCU to upgrade its own firmware, typically over USB.
## Bootmagic
A feature that allows for various keyboard behavior changes to happen on the fly, such as swapping or disabling common keys.
## C
A low-level programming language suitable for system code. Most QMK code is written in C.
## Colemak
An alternative keyboard layout that is gaining in popularity.
## Compile
The process of turning human readable code into machine code your MCU can run.
## Dvorak
An alternative keyboard layout developed by Dr. August Dvorak in the 1930's. A shortened form of the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard.
## Dynamic Macro
A macro which has been recorded on the keyboard and which will be lost when the keyboard is unplugged or the computer rebooted.
* [Dynamic Macro Documentation](
## Eclipse
An IDE that is popular with many C developers.
* [Eclipse Setup Instructions](
## Firmware
The software that controls your MCU.
Software provided by Atmel for flashing AVR devices. We generally recommend [QMK Flasher]( instead, but for some advanced use cases FLIP is required.
## git
Versioning software used at the command line
## GitHub
The website that hosts most of the QMK project. It provides integration with git, issue tracking, and other features that help us run QMK.
## ISP
In-system programming, a method of programming an AVR chip using external hardware and the JTAG pins.
## hid_listen
An interface for receiving debugging messages from your keyboard. You can view these messages using [QMK Flasher]( or [PJRC's hid_listen](
## Keycode
A 2-byte number that represents a particular key. `0x00`-`0xFF` are used for [Basic Keycodes]( while `0x100`-`0xFFFF` are used for [Quantum Keycodes](
## Key Down
An event that happens when a key is pressed down, but is completed before a key is released.
## Key Up
An event that happens when a key is released.
## Keymap
An array of keycodes mapped to a physical keyboard layout, which are processed on key presses and releases
## Layer
An abstraction used to allow a key to serve multiple purposes. The highest active layer takes precedence.
## Leader Key
A feature that allows you to tap the leader key followed by a sequence of 1, 2, or 3 keys to activate key presses or other quantum features.
* [Leader Key Documentation](
## LED
Light Emitting Diode, the most common device used for indicators on a keyboard.
## Make
Software package that is used to compile all the source files. You run `make` with various options to compile your keyboard firmware.
## Matrix
A wiring pattern of columns and rows that enables the MCU to detect keypresses with a fewer number of pins. The matrix often incorporates diodes to allow for NKRO.
## Macro
A feature that lets you send multiple keypress events (hid reports) after having pressed only a single key.
* [Macro Documentation](
## MCU
Microcontrol Unit, the processor that powers your keyboard.
## Modifier
A key that is held down while typing another key to modify the action of that key. Examples include Ctrl, Alt, and Shift.
## Mousekeys
A feature that lets you control your mouse cursor and click from your keyboard.
* [Mousekeys Documentation](
## N-Key Rollover (NKRO)
A term that applies to keyboards that are capable of reporting any number of key-presses at once.
## Oneshot Modifier
A modifier that acts as if it is held down until another key is released, so you can press the mod and then press the key, rather than holding the mod while pressing the key. Also known as a Sticky key or a Dead key.
## ProMicro
A low cost AVR development board. Clones of this device are often found on ebay very inexpensively (under $5) but people often struggle with flashing their pro micros.
## Pull Request
A request to submit code to QMK. We encourage all users to submit Pull Requests for their personal keymaps.
The standard English keyboard layout, and often a shortcut for other language's standard layouts. Named for the first 6 letters on the keyboard.
The standard Deutsche (German) keyboard layout. Named for the first 6 letters on the keyboard.
## Rollover
The term for pressing a key while a key is already held down. Variants include 2KRO, 6KRO, and NKRO.
## Scancode
A 1 byte number that is sent as part of a HID report over USB that represents a single key. These numbers are documented in the [HID Usage Tables]( published by the [USB-IF](
## Space Cadet Shift
A special set of shift keys which allow you to type various types of braces by tapping the left or right shift one or more times.
* [Space Cadet Shift Documentation](
## Tap
Pressing and releasing a key. In some situations you will need to distinguish between a key down and a key up event, and Tap always refers to both at once.
## Tap Dance
A feature that lets you assign multiple keycodes to the same key based on how many times you press it.
* [Tap Dance Documentation](
## Teensy
A low-cost AVR development board that is commonly used for hand-wired builds. A teensy is often chosen despite costing a few dollars more due to its halfkay bootloader, which makes flashing very simple.
## Underlight
A generic term for LEDs that light the underside of the board. These LED's typically shine away from the bottom of the PCB and towards the surface the keyboard rests on.
## Unicode
In the larger computer world Unicode is a set of encoding schemes for representing characters in any language. As it relates to QMK it means using various OS schemes to send unicode codepoints instead of scancodes.
* [Unicode Documentation](
## Unit Testing
A framework for running automated tests against QMK. Unit testing helps us be confident that our changes do not break anything.
* [Unit Testing Documentation](
## USB
Universal Serial Bus, the most common wired interface for a keyboard.
## USB Host (or simply Host)
The USB Host is your computer, or whatever device your keyboard is plugged into.
# Couldn't Find the Term You're Looking For?
[Open an issue]( with your question and the term in question could be added here. Better still, open a pull request with the definition. :)

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
## Space Cadet Shift: The future, built in
Steve Losh [described]( the Space Cadet Shift quite well. Essentially, you hit the left Shift on its own, and you get an opening parenthesis; hit the right Shift on its own, and you get the closing one. When hit with other keys, the Shift key keeps working as it always does. Yes, it's as cool as it sounds.
To use it, use `KC_LSPO` (Left Shift, Parens Open) for your left Shift on your keymap, and `KC_RSPC` (Right Shift, Parens Close) for your right Shift.
It's defaulted to work on US keyboards, but if your layout uses different keys for parenthesis, you can define those in your `config.h` like this:
#define LSPO_KEY KC_9
#define RSPC_KEY KC_0
You can also choose between different rollover behaviors of the shift keys by defining:
in your `config.h`. Disabling rollover allows you to use the opposite shift key to cancel the space cadet state in the event of an erroneous press instead of emitting a pair of parentheses when the keys are released.
The only other thing you're going to want to do is create a `Makefile` in your keymap directory and set the following:
COMMAND_ENABLE = no # Commands for debug and configuration
This is just to keep the keyboard from going into command mode when you hold both Shift keys at the same time.

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# Stenography in QMK
[Stenography]( is a method of writing most often used by court reports, closed-captioning, and real-time transcription for the deaf. In stenography words are chorded syllable by syllable with a mixture of spelling, phonetic, and shortcut (briefs) strokes. Professional stenographers can reach 200-300 WPM without any of the strain usually found in standard typing and with far fewer errors (>99.9% accuracy).
The [Open Steno Project]( has built an open-source program called Plover that provides real-time translation of steno strokes into words and commands. It has an established dictionary and supports
## Plover with QWERTY Keyboard
Plover can work with any standard QWERTY keyboard, although it is more efficient if the keyboard supports NKRO (n-key rollover) to allow Plover to see all the pressed keys at once. An example keymap for Plover can be found in `planck/keymaps/default`. Switching to the `PLOVER` layer adjusts the position of the keyboard to support the number bar.
To use Plover with QMK just enable NKRO and optionally adjust your layout if you have anything other than a standard layout. You may also want to purchase some steno-friendly keycaps to make it easier to hit multiple keys.
## Plover with Steno Protocol
Plover also understands the language of several steno machines. QMK can speak a couple of these languages, TX Bolt and GeminiPR. An example layout can be found in `planck/keymaps/steno`.
When QMK speaks to Plover over a steno protocol Plover will not use the keyboard as input. This means that you can switch back and forth between a standard keyboard and your steno keyboard, or even switch layers from Plover to standard and back without needing to activate/deactive Plover.
In this mode Plover expects to speak with a steno machine over a serial port so QMK will present itself to the operating system as a virtual serial port in addition to a keyboard. By default QMK will speak the TX Bolt protocol but can be switched to GeminiPR; the last protocol used is stored in non-volatile memory so QMK will use the same protocol on restart.
> Note: Due to hardware limitations you may not be able to run both a virtual serial port and mouse emulation at the same time.
### TX Bolt
TX Bolt communicates the status of 24 keys over a very simple protocol in variable-sized (1-5 byte) packets.
### GeminiPR
GeminiPR encodes 42 keys into a 6-byte packet. While TX Bolt contains everything that is necessary for standard stenography, GeminiPR opens up many more options, including supporting non-English theories.
## Configuring QMK for Steno
Firstly, enable steno in your keymap's Makefile. You may also need disable mousekeys, extra keys, or another USB endpoint to prevent conflicts. The builtin USB stack for some processors only supports a certain number of USB endpoints and the virtual serial port needed for steno fills 3 of them.
In your keymap create a new layer for Plover. You will need to include `keymap_steno.h`. See `planck/keymaps/steno/keymap.c` for an example. Remember to create a key to switch to the layer as well as a key for exiting the layer. If you would like to switch modes on the fly you can use the keycodes `QK_STENO_BOLT` and `QK_STENO_GEMINI`. If you only want to use one of the protocols you may set it up in your initialization function:
void matrix_init_user() {
steno_set_mode(STENO_MODE_GEMINI); // or STENO_MODE_BOLT
Once you have your keyboard flashed launch Plover. Click the 'Configure...' button. In the 'Machine' tab select the Stenotype Machine that corresponds to your desired protocol. Click the 'Configure...' button on this tab and enter the serial port or click 'Scan'. Baud rate is fine at 9600 (although you should be able to set as high as 115200 with no issues). Use the default settings for everything else (Data Bits: 8, Stop Bits: 1, Parity: N, no flow control).
On the display tab click 'Open stroke display'. With Plover disabled you should be able to hit keys on your keyboard and see them show up in the stroke display window. Use this to make sure you have set up your keymap correctly. You are now ready to steno!
## Learning Stenography
* [Learn Plover!](
* [QWERTY Steno](
* [Steno Jig](
* More resources at the Plover [Learning Stenography]( wiki
## Keycode Reference
As defined in `keymap_steno.h`.
> Note: TX Bolt does not support the full set of keys. The TX Bolt implementation in QMK will map the GeminiPR keys to the nearest TX Bolt key so that one key map will work for both.
|GeminiPR|TX Bolt|Steno Key|
|`STN_N1`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #1|
|`STN_N2`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #2|
|`STN_N3`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #3|
|`STN_N4`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #4|
|`STN_N5`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #5|
|`STN_N6`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #6|
|`STN_N7`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #7|
|`STN_N8`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #8|
|`STN_N9`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #9|
|`STN_NA`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #A|
|`STN_NB`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #B|
|`STN_NC`|`STN_NUM`|Number bar #C|
|`STN_S1`|`STN_SL`| `S-` upper|
|`STN_S2`|`STN_SL`| `S-` lower|
|`STN_TL`|`STN_TL`| `T-`|
|`STN_KL`|`STN_KL`| `K-`|
|`STN_PL`|`STN_PL`| `P-`|
|`STN_WL`|`STN_WL`| `W-`|
|`STN_HL`|`STN_HL`| `H-`|
|`STN_RL`|`STN_RL`| `R-`|
|`STN_A`|`STN_A`| `A` vowel|
|`STN_O`|`STN_O`| `O` vowel|
|`STN_ST1`|`STN_STR`| `*` upper-left |
|`STN_ST2`|`STN_STR`| `*` lower-left|
|`STN_ST3`|`STN_STR`| `*` upper-right|
|`STN_ST4`|`STN_STR`| `*` lower-right|
|`STN_E`|`STN_E`| `E` vowel|
|`STN_U`|`STN_U`| `U` vowel|
|`STN_FR`|`STN_FR`| `-F`|
|`STN_PR`|`STN_PR`| `-P`|
|`STN_RR`|`STN_RR`| `-R`|
|`STN_BR`|`STN_BR`| `-B`|
|`STN_LR`|`STN_LR`| `-L`|
|`STN_GR`|`STN_GR`| `-G`|
|`STN_TR`|`STN_TR`| `-T`|
|`STN_SR`|`STN_SR`| `-S`|
|`STN_DR`|`STN_DR`| `-D`|
|`STN_ZR`|`STN_ZR`| `-Z`|
|`STN_FN`|| (GeminiPR only)|
|`STN_RES1`||(GeminiPR only)|
|`STN_RES2`||(GeminiPR only)|
|`STN_PWR`||(GeminiPR only)|

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
# Tap Dance: A single key can do 3, 5, or 100 different things
<!-- FIXME: Break this up into multiple sections -->
Hit the semicolon key once, send a semicolon. Hit it twice, rapidly -- send a colon. Hit it three times, and your keyboard's LEDs do a wild dance. That's just one example of what Tap Dance can do. It's one of the nicest community-contributed features in the firmware, conceived and created by [algernon]( in [#451]( Here's how algernon describes the feature:
With this feature one can specify keys that behave differently, based on the amount of times they have been tapped, and when interrupted, they get handled before the interrupter.
To make it clear how this is different from `ACTION_FUNCTION_TAP`, lets explore a certain setup! We want one key to send `Space` on single tap, but `Enter` on double-tap.
With `ACTION_FUNCTION_TAP`, it is quite a rain-dance to set this up, and has the problem that when the sequence is interrupted, the interrupting key will be send first. Thus, `SPC a` will result in `a SPC` being sent, if they are typed within `TAPPING_TERM`. With the tap dance feature, that'll come out as `SPC a`, correctly.
The implementation hooks into two parts of the system, to achieve this: into `process_record_quantum()`, and the matrix scan. We need the latter to be able to time out a tap sequence even when a key is not being pressed, so `SPC` alone will time out and register after `TAPPING_TERM` time.
But lets start with how to use it, first!
First, you will need `TAP_DANCE_ENABLE=yes` in your ``, because the feature is disabled by default. This adds a little less than 1k to the firmware size. Next, you will want to define some tap-dance keys, which is easiest to do with the `TD()` macro, that - similar to `F()`, takes a number, which will later be used as an index into the `tap_dance_actions` array.
This array specifies what actions shall be taken when a tap-dance key is in action. Currently, there are three possible options:
* `ACTION_TAP_DANCE_DOUBLE(kc1, kc2)`: Sends the `kc1` keycode when tapped once, `kc2` otherwise. When the key is held, the appropriate keycode is registered: `kc1` when pressed and held, `kc2` when tapped once, then pressed and held.
* `ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN(fn)`: Calls the specified function - defined in the user keymap - with the final tap count of the tap dance action.
* `ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN_ADVANCED(on_each_tap_fn, on_dance_finished_fn, on_dance_reset_fn)`: Calls the first specified function - defined in the user keymap - on every tap, the second function on when the dance action finishes (like the previous option), and the last function when the tap dance action resets.
The first option is enough for a lot of cases, that just want dual roles. For example, `ACTION_TAP_DANCE(KC_SPC, KC_ENT)` will result in `Space` being sent on single-tap, `Enter` otherwise.
And that's the bulk of it!
And now, on to the explanation of how it works!
The main entry point is `process_tap_dance()`, called from `process_record_quantum()`, which is run for every keypress, and our handler gets to run early. This function checks whether the key pressed is a tap-dance key. If it is not, and a tap-dance was in action, we handle that first, and enqueue the newly pressed key. If it is a tap-dance key, then we check if it is the same as the already active one (if there's one active, that is). If it is not, we fire off the old one first, then register the new one. If it was the same, we increment the counter and the timer.
This means that you have `TAPPING_TERM` time to tap the key again, you do not have to input all the taps within that timeframe. This allows for longer tap counts, with minimal impact on responsiveness.
Our next stop is `matrix_scan_tap_dance()`. This handles the timeout of tap-dance keys.
For the sake of flexibility, tap-dance actions can be either a pair of keycodes, or a user function. The latter allows one to handle higher tap counts, or do extra things, like blink the LEDs, fiddle with the backlighting, and so on. This is accomplished by using an union, and some clever macros.
# Examples
## Simple Example
Here's a simple example for a single definition:
1. In your ``, add `TAP_DANCE_ENABLE = yes`
2. In your `config.h` (which you can copy from `qmk_firmware/keyboards/planck/config.h` to your keymap directory), add `#define TAPPING_TERM 200`
3. In your `keymap.c` file, define the variables and definitions, then add to your keymap:
//Tap Dance Declarations
enum {
//Tap Dance Definitions
qk_tap_dance_action_t tap_dance_actions[] = {
//Tap once for Esc, twice for Caps Lock
// Other declarations would go here, separated by commas, if you have them
//In Layer declaration, add tap dance item in place of a key code
## Complex Example
Here's a more complex example involving custom actions:
enum {
CT_SE = 0,
/* Have the above three on the keymap, TD(CT_SE), etc... */
void dance_cln_finished (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
if (state->count == 1) {
register_code (KC_RSFT);
register_code (KC_SCLN);
} else {
register_code (KC_SCLN);
void dance_cln_reset (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
if (state->count == 1) {
unregister_code (KC_RSFT);
unregister_code (KC_SCLN);
} else {
unregister_code (KC_SCLN);
void dance_egg (qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
if (state->count >= 100) {
SEND_STRING ("Safety dance!");
reset_tap_dance (state);
// on each tap, light up one led, from right to left
// on the forth tap, turn them off from right to left
void dance_flsh_each(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
switch (state->count) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
// on the fourth tap, set the keyboard on flash state
void dance_flsh_finished(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
if (state->count >= 4) {
// if the flash state didnt happen, then turn off leds, left to right
void dance_flsh_reset(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data) {
qk_tap_dance_action_t tap_dance_actions[] = {
,[CT_CLN] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN_ADVANCED (NULL, dance_cln_finished, dance_cln_reset)
,[CT_EGG] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN (dance_egg)
,[CT_FLSH] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN_ADVANCED (dance_flsh_each, dance_flsh_finished, dance_flsh_reset)

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