@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ It's also important to use the `KEYMAP` function we defined earlier - this is wh
#### Compiling your firmware
After you've written out your entire keymap, you're ready to get the firmware compiled and onto your Teensy. Before compiling, you'll need to get your [development environment set-up](./BUILD_GUIDE.md) - you can skip the dfu-programmer instructions, but you'll need to download and install the [Teensy Loader](https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader.html) to get the firmware on your Teensy.
After you've written out your entire keymap, you're ready to get the firmware compiled and onto your Teensy. Before compiling, you'll need to get your [development environment set-up](/doc/BUILD_GUIDE.md) - you can skip the dfu-programmer instructions, but you'll need to download and install the [Teensy Loader](https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader.html) to get the firmware on your Teensy.
Once everything is installed, running `make` in the terminal should get you some output, and eventually a `<project_name>.hex` file in that folder. If you're having trouble with this step, see the end of the guide for the trouble-shooting section.