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![mitosis:datagrok layout image](
[Keyboard layout editor source](
# a layout for the Mitosis
- Emphasis on momentary modifiers, all usable from either hand, arranged
symmetrically, but distinguishable left/right by the OS. Shift, Red
("Lower"), Blue ("Raise"), Super ("Windows"), Meta ("Alt"), Hyper.
- Red and Blue are used to momentary-enable (like a shift key) one of three layers:
- Red: Symbols layer
- Blue: Numbers layer
- "Purple" (both Red and Blue): Functions layer
- The base layer is QWERTY. A slight variant of [Workman][] may be toggled-on.
- Emphasis on minimizing hand travel, so as not to lose orientation with
- Paired programming symbols (braces, brackets, parentheses) are arranged
symmetrically in the symbols layer.
- `?` and `!` are moved to take the place of `<` and `>`. Rationale: unmodded
and shifted keys should be for prose, while symbols useful for programming
should be colocated on their own layer.
- No OS keymap modification required.
## Design notes
- **I use an 8Mhz Pro Micro.** If you want to use this keymap with the standard
16Mhz Pro Micro specified in the Mitosis design:
- Remove the lines in `` mentioning `F_CPU` and `F_USB`.
- Remove the lines in `config.h` mentioning `SERIAL_UART_BAUD`.
- Workman layout
- I'm learning a new physical key placement, so I might as well go all out
and use an optimal non-QWERTY layout.
- I like the way Workman feels and some of its advantages over Colemak.
Unfortunately, it was designed using a weighting system based on a
standard column-staggered keyboard so is probably not as optimal as one
could achieve on an ergonomic board like the Mitosis. Maybe run an
optimizer routine after I determine good values for key difficulty on the
- Arrows in the home position (on a layer). Mod+Arrows = PgUp/PgDn/Home/End,
which is intuitive for me
- I use tab all the time for autocompletion. To allow it to live on the base
layer it is now Mod-Tapped with left shift.
### Abandoned ideas
- ~~"Since QWERTY and Workman keep angle brackets together, place other
enclosing symbols on the same keys. This informs the numbers placement,
which informs the function-key placement."~~
- I tried this and it was bad. I don't like having to pick the right
modifier to get the right flavor of bracket. Instead, now, one modifier
activates a symbols layer where all brackets are easily accessible.
- Space/Enter to the left of layer select for Enter doesn't work well; I always
trigger space first when mashing the keys simultaneously. This might not
continue to be true if I change the angle at which I strike the keys e.g.
with a neoprene base or a wrist support.
- I used to have Blue on ring finger, but that was too hard to use in
conjunction with shift.
## To do
- Figure out where to place non-numpad numbers so we don't need num lock turned
on to type them?
- Improve LED indications (may require modding bluetooth firmware):
- Is any board nonresponsive (which one?)
- Does either board have a low battery?
- Add Insert, PrintScr, Pause/Break
- ~~Make QWERTY base layer for people who customize layout in software?~~ I
default to QWERTY now.
- Store default base layer in eeprom?
- See if the henkan/muhenkan placement is at all useful for Japanese speakers,
or abuse different keysyms for Left/Right Hyper. (Original space cadet used
scancodes 145/175. 145 is LANG2, 175 is "reserved" in USB HID spec.)
- Mod a buzzer onto my receiver and enable tones
- Implement "layer lock" key
- Improve tri-layer behavior