You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

245 lines
6.4 KiB

package moon
import (
const ()
var nodes = map[tokenType]func(p *parser) node{
t_string: func(p *parser) node { return new(stringNode) },
t_real_number: func(p *parser) node { return new(numberNode) },
t_imaginary_number: func(p *parser) node { return new(numberNode) },
t_list_start: func(p *parser) node {; return &listNode{} },
t_object_start: func(p *parser) node {; return &objectNode{} },
t_variable: func(p *parser) node { return new(variableNode) },
t_bool: func(p *parser) node { return new(boolNode) },
t_duration: func(p *parser) node { return new(durationNode) },
// Static path for configuration file. By default, a call to Parse wil look for
// a file at the path specified by Path.
var Path = ""
func bail(status int, t string, args ...interface{}) {
if status == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, t+"\n", args...)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, t+"\n", args...)
// Parse reads in all command line arguments in addition to parsing the Moon
// configuration file found at moon.Path. If moon.Path is not set, Parse does
// not automatically look for a configuration file.
// The command-line options as well as the values found in the Moon document
// will be used to fill the destination object pointed to by the dest argument.
// Clients may use struct tags to dictate how values will be filled in the
// destination struct. Within the struct tag, the client may provide a moon
// document describing how the value is to be parsed.
// The following tags are currently recognized:
// - name: the value's name inside of the moon document
// - help: help text to be printed when running your program as "program help"
// - required: whether or not the specified field is required.
// - default: default value for the given field
// - short: single character to be used as a command-line flag
// - long: a string of characters to be used as a command-line option
// Here's an example of a struct definition that is annotated to inform the
// Moon parser how to fill the struct with values from a Moon document.
// var config struct {
// Host string `
// name: host
// help: target host with whom we will connect
// required: true
// short: h
// long: host
// `
// Port int `
// name: port
// help: port to dial on the target host
// default: 12345
// short: p
// long: port
// `
// }
// .. and here's how we would parse our command-line arguments and config file
// at path "./config.moon" to fill the struct at config:
// moon.Path = "./config"
// moon.Parse(&config)
// Any value provied as a command-line argument will override the value
// supplied by the config file at "./config"
func Parse(dest interface{}) *Doc {
cliArgs, err := parseArgs(os.Args, dest)
if err != nil {
bail(1, "unable to parse cli args: %s", err)
var doc *Doc
if Path != "" {
f, err := os.Open(Path)
if err == nil {
defer f.Close()
d, err := Read(f)
if err != nil {
bail(1, "unable to parse moon config file at path %s: %s", Path, err)
doc = d
if doc == nil {
doc = &Doc{items: make(map[string]interface{})}
for k, v := range cliArgs {
doc.items[k] = v
if err := doc.Fill(dest); err != nil {
bail(1, "unable to fill moon config values: %s", err)
return doc
// Reads a moon document from a given io.Reader. The io.Reader is advanced to
// EOF. The reader is not closed after reading, since it's an io.Reader and not
// an io.ReadCloser. In the event of error, the state that the source reader
// will be left in is undefined.
func Read(r io.Reader) (*Doc, error) {
tree, err := parse(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx := newContext()
if _, err := tree.eval(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("eval error: %s\n", err)
return &Doc{items: ctx.public}, nil
// Reads a moon document from a string. This is purely a convenience method;
// all it does is create a buffer and call the moon.Read function.
func ReadString(source string) (*Doc, error) {
return Read(strings.NewReader(source))
// Reads a moon document from a slice of bytes. This is purely a concenience
// method; like ReadString, it simply creates a buffer and calls moon.Read
func ReadBytes(b []byte) (*Doc, error) {
return Read(bytes.NewBuffer(b))
func ReadFile(path string) (*Doc, error) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
return Read(f)
func parse(r io.Reader) (node, error) {
p := &parser{
root: newRootNode(),
input: lex(r),
backup: make([]token, 0, 8),
if err := p.parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p.root, nil
// parser (little p) is an actual parser. It actually does the parsing of a
// moon document.
type parser struct {
root node
input chan token
backup []token
func (p *parser) parse() error {
if p.root == nil {
p.root = newRootNode()
return p.root.parse(p)
// returns the next token and advances the input stream
func (p *parser) next() token {
if len(p.backup) > 0 {
t := p.backup[len(p.backup)-1]
p.backup = p.backup[:len(p.backup)-1]
return t
t, ok := <-p.input
if !ok {
return token{t_eof, "eof"}
if t.t == t_comment {
return t
func (p *parser) peek() token {
t :=
return t
func (p *parser) unread(t token) {
if p.backup == nil {
p.backup = make([]token, 0, 8)
p.backup = append(p.backup, t)
func (p *parser) ensureNext(tt tokenType, context string) error {
if p.peek().t != tt {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected %v in %s: expected %v", p.peek().t, context, tt)
return nil
// parse the next value. This is to be executed in a context where we know we
// want something that is a value to come next, such as after an equals sign.
func (p *parser) parseValue() (node, error) {
for {
t := p.peek()
switch t.t {
case t_error:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parse error: saw lex error when looking for value: %v", t.s)
case t_eof:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parse error: unexpected eof when looking for value")
fn, ok := nodes[t.t]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parse error: unexpected %v token while looking for value", t.t)
n := fn(p)
if err := n.parse(p); err != nil {
return nil, err
return n, nil