You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

92 lines
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10 years ago
9000 => int port; // port to listen for osc subscribe messages
if (me.args()) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => port;
10 years ago
120 => int bpm; // beats per minute
0 => int count; // count (1 through 4) of the beat.
OscRecv recv;
port => recv.port;
recv.event("/subscribe, si") @=> OscEvent subscribeEvent;
OscSend @ listeners[64];
string addies[64];
10 years ago
fun void subscribe() {
while (true) {
subscribeEvent => now;
while (subscribeEvent.nextMsg() != 0) {
subscribeEvent.getString() => string host;
subscribeEvent.getInt() => int port;
addListener(host, port);
<<< "subscribe", host, port >>>;
spork ~ subscribe();
fun string formatAddress(string host, int port) {
return host + "_" + Std.itoa(port);
fun int hasAddress(string host, int port) {
formatAddress(host, port) => string addy;
for (0 => int i; i < addies.size(); i++) {
if (addies[i] == null || addies[i] == "") {
<<< "address ", addy, " is UNKNOWN 1" >>>;
return false;
if (addies[i] == addy) {
<<< "address ", addy, " is KNOWN" >>>;
return true;
} else {
<<< addies[i], " != ", addy >>>;
<<< "address ", addy, " is UNKNOWN 2" >>>;
return false; // I don't think we can even get here.
fun void addAddress(string host, int port) {
for (0 => int i; i < addies.size(); i++) {
if (addies[i] == null || addies[i] == "") {
formatAddress(host, port) => addies[i];
<<< "add address ", formatAddress(host, port), " at index ", i >>>;
10 years ago
fun void addListener(string host, int port) {
if (hasAddress(host, port)) {
<<< "already subscribed: ", host, port >>>;
10 years ago
for (0 => int i; i < listeners.size(); i++) {
if (listeners[i] == null) {
OscSend listener;
listener.setHost(host, port);
listener @=> listeners[i];
addAddress(host, port);
10 years ago
fun void sendBeat(int count) {
for (0 => int i; i < listeners.size(); i++) {
if (listeners[i] != null) {
listeners[i].startMsg("/down, i");
while (true) {
1 +=> count;
if (count % 4 == 0) {
0 => count;
1::minute / bpm => now;