13475 => int monomeIn; 16426 => int monomeOut; "/manager" => string monomePrefix; "" => string monomeHost; OscRecv recv; monomeIn => recv.port; recv.listen(); fun float[][] toneGrid(int width, int height, int columnStep, int rowStep, float baseFreq, float octaveSteps) { float tones[width][height]; Math.pow(2, 1.0/ octaveSteps $ float) => float toneStep; for(0 => int row; row < height; row++) { baseFreq * Math.pow(toneStep, row * rowStep) => float rowBase; for(0 => int col; col < width; col++) { rowBase * Math.pow(toneStep, col * columnStep) => tones[col][row]; } } return tones; } class Monome { string prefix; string hostname; OscRecv recv; OscSend snd; // PROTECTED FINAL // // Initialization: sets up the monome and listens for incoming messages. fun void init(string _prefix, string _hostname, int in, int out) { preInit(); _prefix => prefix; _hostname => hostname; OscSend m; m.setHost(hostname, out); m @=> snd; in => recv.port; recv.listen(); spork ~ keyListener(); spork ~ tiltListener(); all(0); postInit(); } // PUBLIC // // preInit is called before the init cycle finishes. // fun void preInit() {} // PUBLIC // // postInit is called after the init cycle finishes. // fun void postInit() {} // PUBLIC // // key is called once for every time a key is pressed on the Monome. // Override this method in a child class to define how to handle key // presses from the monome. fun void key(int x, int y, int z) { <<< prefix, "key", x, y, z >>>; } // PUBLIC // // position change on tilt sensor n, integer (8-bit) values (x, y, z). // This method is called once for each OSC message received from the monome // with regards to its tilt. fun void tilt(int n, int x, int y, int z) { <<< prefix, "tilt", n, x, y, z >>>; } // PRIVATE // // key press handler. This is invoked automatically by the Monome // constructor, and should not be called. This method starts an infinite // loop and listens for incoming osc messages from the monome. When // messages are received, the monome object's "key" method is called. // fun void keyListener() { recv.event(prefix+"/grid/key", "iii") @=> OscEvent e; while(true) { e => now; while(e.nextMsg() != 0) { e.getInt() => int x; e.getInt() => int y; e.getInt() => int z; key(x, y, z); } } } // PRIVATE // // tilt sensor handler. This is invoked automatically by the Monome // constructor, and should not be called. This method starts an infinite // loop and listens for incoming osc messages from the monome. When // messages are received, the monome object's "tilt" method is called. // fun void tiltListener() { recv.event(prefix+"/tilt", "iiii") @=> OscEvent e; while(true) { e => now; while(e.nextMsg() != 0) { e.getInt() => int n; e.getInt() => int x; e.getInt() => int y; e.getInt() => int z; tilt(n, x, y, z); } } } // PROTECTED FINAL // // set led at (x,y) to state s (0 or 1). // fun void set(int x, int y, int s) { snd.startMsg(prefix+"/grid/led/set", "iii"); snd.addInt(x); snd.addInt(y); snd.addInt(s); me.yield(); } // PROTECTED FINAL // // set all leds to state s (0 or 1). // fun void all(int i) { snd.startMsg(prefix+"/grid/led/all", "i"); snd.addInt(i); me.yield(); } } class Life extends Monome { float tones[8][8]; int lifeState[8][8]; int nextLifeState[8][8]; 100::ms => dur genStep; false => int running; fun void preInit() { toneGrid(8, 8, 1, 6, 220, 12) @=> tones; } fun void postInit() { all(0); spork ~ live(); } fun void live() { true => running; while(running) { step(); genStep => now; } } fun void pause() { <<< "pause!" >>>; if(running) { false => running; } else { spork ~ live(); } } fun void step() { for(0 => int i; i < 8; i++) { for(0 => int j; j < 8; j++) { step(i, j); } } for(0 => int i; i < 8; i++) { for(0 => int j; j < 8; j++) { if(nextLifeState[i][j] != lifeState[i][j]) { set(i, j, nextLifeState[i][j]); spork ~ play(i, j); } nextLifeState[i][j] => lifeState[i][j]; } } } fun void play(int x, int y) { SinOsc s => ADSR env => dac; tones[x][y] => s.freq; env.set(20::ms, 100::ms, 0.7, 20::ms); env.keyOn(); 40::ms => now; env.keyOff(); 40::ms => now; } fun void step(int x, int y) { countNeighbors(x, y) => int neighborcount; if(lifeState[x][y] == 1) { if(neighborcount == 2 || neighborcount == 3) { 1 => nextLifeState[x][y]; } else { 0 => nextLifeState[x][y]; } } else { if(neighborcount == 3) { 1 => nextLifeState[x][y]; } else { 0 => nextLifeState[x][y]; } } } fun int wrap(int x) { if(x > 7) return 0; if(x < 0) return 7; return x; } fun int countNeighbors(int x, int y) { 0 => int count; wrap(x - 1) => int left_x; wrap(x + 1) => int right_x; wrap(y - 1) => int up_y; wrap(y + 1) => int down_y; lifeState[left_x][up_y] +=> count; lifeState[x][up_y] +=> count; lifeState[right_x][up_y] +=> count; lifeState[left_x][y] +=> count; lifeState[right_x][y] +=> count; lifeState[left_x][down_y] +=> count; lifeState[x][down_y] +=> count; lifeState[right_x][down_y] +=> count; return count; } fun void key(int x, int y, int z) { if(z == 0) { return; } toggle(x, y); } fun void toggle(int x, int y) { if(lifeState[x][y] == 0) { 1 => lifeState[x][y]; } else { 0 => lifeState[x][y]; } set(x, y, lifeState[x][y]); } } new Life @=> Life m; m.init(monomePrefix, monomeHost, monomeIn, monomeOut); fun void keyboardHandler() { Hid hi; HidMsg msg; if(!hi.openKeyboard(0)) { <<< "can't open keyboard" >>>; return; } while(true) { hi => now; while(hi.recv(msg)) { if(msg.isButtonDown()) { if(msg.which == 44) { m.pause(); } } } } } spork ~ keyboardHandler(); while(true) { 1::second => now; }