const std = @import("std"); const net =; const stdout =; pub const io_mode = .evented; pub fn main() !void { const addr = try net.Address.parseIp("", 7000); try stdout.print("about to send message\n", .{}); var sendFrame = async send_message(addr); // you can do some other stuff while waiting for send_message to resolve try stdout.print("message sent, can do other stuff now\n", .{}); try stdout.print("alright let's wait\n", .{}); // now we await the result from that prior async operation try await sendFrame; try stdout.print("we finished with sendFrame\n", .{}); } fn send_message(addr: net.Address) !void { var socket = try net.tcpConnectToAddress(addr); defer socket.close(); _ = try socket.write("Hello World!\n"); }