slope climbing tweaks

Jordan Orelli 5 years ago
parent a3fc4638f7
commit 5a2314ea8c

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public class MoveController : MonoBehaviour
public int horizontalRayCount = 4;
public int verticalRayCount = 4;
public CollisionInfo collisions;
public float maxClimbAngle = 80f;
public float maxClimbAngle = 60f;
new private BoxCollider collider;
private RaycastOrigins raycastOrigins;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public class MoveController : MonoBehaviour
RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(rayOrigin, Vector3.right * directionX, rayLength, collisionMask);
if (hits.Length == 0) {
Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin + velocity, Vector3.right * directionX * rayLength, Color.magenta);
Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin + velocity, Vector3.right * directionX * rayLength,;
@ -57,20 +57,32 @@ public class MoveController : MonoBehaviour
float slopeAngle = Vector3.Angle(hit.normal, Vector3.up);
if (i == 0) {
Debug.LogFormat("Slope angle: {0}", slopeAngle);
if (i == 0 && slopeAngle <= maxClimbAngle) {
float distanceToSlopeStart = 0f;
if (slopeAngle!= collisions.slopeAngleOld) {
distanceToSlopeStart = hit.distance - skinWidth;
velocity.x -= distanceToSlopeStart * directionX;
ClimbSlope(ref velocity, slopeAngle);
velocity.x += distanceToSlopeStart * directionX;
Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin + velocity, Vector3.right * directionX * rayLength, Color.magenta);
velocity.x = (hit.distance - skinWidth) * directionX;
// Debug.LogFormat("with RayLength {0} MinHitDist {1} setting velocity.y to {2}", rayLength, hit.distance, velocity.y);
rayLength = hit.distance;
Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin + velocity, Vector3.right * directionX * rayLength,;
if (!collisions.climbingSlope || slopeAngle > maxClimbAngle) {
velocity.x = (hit.distance - skinWidth) * directionX;
rayLength = hit.distance;
if (directionX == -1) {
collisions.left = true;
} else {
collisions.right = true;
if (collisions.climbingSlope) {
velocity.y = Mathf.Tan(collisions.slopeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * Mathf.Abs(velocity.x);
Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin + velocity, Vector3.right * directionX * rayLength,;
if (directionX == -1) {
collisions.left = true;
} else {
collisions.right = true;
@ -97,6 +109,10 @@ public class MoveController : MonoBehaviour
velocity.y = (hit.distance - skinWidth) * directionY;
// Debug.LogFormat("with RayLength {0} MinHitDist {1} setting velocity.y to {2}", rayLength, hit.distance, velocity.y);
rayLength = hit.distance;
if (collisions.climbingSlope) {
velocity.x = velocity.y / Mathf.Tan(collisions.slopeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * Mathf.Sign(velocity.x);
Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin + velocity, Vector3.up * directionY * rayLength,;
if (directionY == -1) {
@ -109,8 +125,14 @@ public class MoveController : MonoBehaviour
private void ClimbSlope(ref Vector3 velocity, float slopeAngle) {
float dist = Mathf.Abs(velocity.x);
velocity.y = Mathf.Sin(slopeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * dist;
velocity.x = Mathf.Cos(slopeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * dist * Mathf.Sign(velocity.x);
float climbY = Mathf.Sin(slopeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * dist;
if (velocity.y <= climbY) {
velocity.y = climbY;
velocity.x = Mathf.Cos(slopeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * dist * Mathf.Sign(velocity.x);
collisions.below = true;
collisions.climbingSlope = true;
collisions.slopeAngle = slopeAngle;
void UpdateRaycastOrigins() {
@ -149,7 +171,18 @@ public class MoveController : MonoBehaviour
public bool below;
public bool left;
public bool right;
public void Reset() { above = below = left = right = false; }
public bool climbingSlope;
public float slopeAngle;
public float slopeAngleOld;
public void Reset() {
above = false;
below = false;
left = false;
right = false;
climbingSlope = false;
slopeAngleOld = slopeAngle;
slopeAngle = 0f;
