You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package ent
import (
type node interface {
weight() int
rank() int
// intermediate node
type iNode struct {
left node
right node
_rank int
func (n iNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{%d %d *}", n.left.weight()+n.right.weight(), n.rank())
func (n iNode) weight() int { return n.left.weight() + n.right.weight() }
func (n iNode) rank() int { return n._rank }
// leaf node
type lNode struct {
name string
_rank int
freq int
fn selectionOp
func (n lNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{%d %d %s}", n.freq, n._rank,
func (n lNode) weight() int { return n.freq }
func (n lNode) rank() int { return n._rank }
// three-way comparison for nodes, used in sorting
func n_compare(n1, n2 node) int {
switch {
case n1.weight() < n2.weight():
return -1
case n1.weight() > n2.weight():
return 1
case n1.rank() < n2.rank():
return 1
case n1.rank() > n2.rank():
return -1
return 0
// joins two nodes, creating and returning their parent node
func n_join(n1, n2 node, rank int) node {
switch n_compare(n1, n2) {
case -1:
return iNode{n1, n2, rank}
case 0, 1:
return iNode{n2, n1, rank}
panic("not reached")
// a list of huffman nodes, for assembling a huffman tree
type nodeList []node
func (l nodeList) Len() int { return len(l) }
func (l nodeList) Less(i, j int) bool { return n_compare(l[i], l[j]) == -1 }
func (l nodeList) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
func makeTree(l nodeList) node {
// at each step:
// sort the list of nodes in the tree.
// remove the last two nodes, joining them to create their parent node.
// append this parent node to the list of nodes.
// repeat until only one node remains, which is the root node.
for rank := len(l); len(l) > 1; rank++ {
l = append(l[:len(l)-2], n_join(l[len(l)-2], l[len(l)-1], rank))
return l[0]
// walks the huffman tree rooted at the node n, returning the selection op
// encoded by the tree.
func walk(n node, br bit.Reader) selectionOp {
switch v := n.(type) {
case lNode:
// Debug.Printf("fieldpath fn: %s",
return v.fn
case iNode:
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
return walk(v.right, br)
} else {
return walk(v.left, br)
panic("not reached")
func dump(n node, prefix string, w io.Writer) {
switch v := n.(type) {
case lNode:
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%v\n", prefix, v)
case iNode:
dump(v.left, prefix+"0", w)
dump(v.right, prefix+"1", w)
var hlist = nodeList{
lNode{"PlusOne", 0, 36271, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"FieldPathEncodeFinish", 39, 25474, nil},
lNode{"PushOneLeftDeltaNRightNonZeroPack6Bits", 11, 10530, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushOneLeftDeltaNRightNonZeroPack6Bits")
lNode{"PlusTwo", 1, 10334, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PlusN", 4, 4128, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
r.add(int(bit.ReadUBitVarFP(br)) + 5)
lNode{"PushOneLeftDeltaOneRightNonZero", 8, 2942, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PopAllButOnePlusOne", 29, 1837, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PlusThree", 2, 1375, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PlusFour", 3, 646, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PlusFour")
lNode{"PopAllButOnePlusNPack6Bits", 32, 634, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
r.add(int(br.ReadBits(6)) + 1)
lNode{"PushOneLeftDeltaNRightZero", 9, 560, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PushOneLeftDeltaOneRightZero", 7, 521, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PushOneLeftDeltaNRightNonZero", 10, 471, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushOneLeftDeltaNRightNonZero")
lNode{"PushNAndNonTopological", 26, 310, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushNAndNonTopological")
lNode{"PopAllButOnePlusNPack3Bits", 31, 300, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PopAllButOnePlusNPack3Bits")
lNode{"NonTopoPenultimatePlusOne", 37, 271, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: NonTopoPenultimatePlusOne")
lNode{"PushOneLeftDeltaNRightNonZeroPack8Bits", 12, 251, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushOneLeftDeltaNRightNonZeroPack8Bits")
lNode{"PopAllButOnePlusN", 30, 149, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
r.add(int(bit.ReadUBitVarFP(br)) + 1)
lNode{"NonTopoComplexPack4Bits", 38, 99, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
r.måp(func(i int) int {
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
return i + int(br.ReadBits(4)) - 7 // ?!
return i
lNode{"NonTopoComplex", 36, 76, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
r.måp(func(i int) int {
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
return i + int(bit.ReadZigZag32(br))
return i
lNode{"PushOneLeftDeltaZeroRightZero", 5, 35, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PushOneLeftDeltaZeroRightNonZero", 6, 3, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PopOnePlusOne", 27, 2, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PopNAndNonTopographical", 35, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
r.count -= int(bit.ReadUBitVarFP(br))
r.måp(func(i int) int {
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
return i + int(bit.ReadZigZag32(br))
return i
// all the other operations have weights of 0 in clarity, which makes no
// sense.
lNode{"PopNPlusN", 34, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PopNPlusN")
lNode{"PopNPlusOne", 33, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PopNPlusOne")
lNode{"PopOnePlusN", 28, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PopOnePlusN")
lNode{"PushN", 25, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushN")
lNode{"PushThreePack5LeftDeltaN", 24, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushThreePack5LeftDeltaN")
lNode{"PushThreeLeftDeltaN", 23, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushThreeLeftDeltaN")
lNode{"PushTwoPack5LeftDeltaN", 22, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushTwoPack5LeftDeltaN")
lNode{"PushTwoLeftDeltaN", 21, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushTwoLeftDeltaN")
lNode{"PushThreePack5LeftDeltaOne", 20, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushThreePack5LeftDeltaOne")
lNode{"PushThreeLeftDeltaOne", 19, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushThreeLeftDeltaOne")
lNode{"PushTwoPack5LeftDeltaOne", 18, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushTwoPack5LeftDeltaOne")
lNode{"PushTwoLeftDeltaOne", 17, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushTwoLeftDeltaOne")
lNode{"PushThreePack5LeftDeltaZero", 16, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushThreePack5LeftDeltaZero")
lNode{"PushThreeLeftDeltaZero", 15, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushThreeLeftDeltaZero")
lNode{"PushTwoPack5LeftDeltaZero", 14, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
lNode{"PushTwoLeftDeltaZero", 13, 1, func(r *selectionReader, br bit.Reader) {
panic("not implemented: PushTwoLeftDeltaZero")
var huffRoot = makeTree(hlist)