You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

391 lines
8.9 KiB

package ent
import (
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// bool
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var bool_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "bool",
newFn: func() value {
return new(bool_v)
type bool_v bool
func (v bool_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return bool_t }
func (v *bool_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = bool_v(bit.ReadBool(r))
return r.Err()
func (v bool_v) String() string {
if v {
return "true"
return "false"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// uint8
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var uint8_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "uint8",
newFn: func() value {
return new(uint8_v)
type uint8_v uint8
func (v uint8_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return uint8_t }
func (v *uint8_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = uint8_v(bit.ReadVarInt32(r))
return r.Err()
func (v uint8_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// uint16
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var uint16_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "uint16",
newFn: func() value {
return new(uint16_v)
type uint16_v uint16
func (v uint16_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return uint16_t }
func (v *uint16_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = uint16_v(bit.ReadVarInt32(r))
return r.Err()
func (v uint16_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// uint32
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var uint32_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "uint32",
newFn: func() value {
return new(uint32_v)
type uint32_v uint32
func (v uint32_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return uint32_t }
func (v *uint32_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = uint32_v(bit.ReadVarInt32(r))
return r.Err()
func (v uint32_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// uint64
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var uint64_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "uint64",
newFn: func() value {
return new(uint64_v)
type uint64_v uint64
func (v uint64_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return uint64_t }
func (v *uint64_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = uint64_v(bit.ReadVarInt32(r))
return r.Err()
func (v uint64_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// uint64fixed
// (a uint64 value that is always represented on the wire with 64 bits)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var uint64fixed_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "uint64fixed",
newFn: func() value {
return new(uint64fixed_v)
type uint64fixed_v uint64
func (v uint64fixed_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return uint64fixed_t }
func (v *uint64fixed_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = uint64fixed_v(r.ReadBits(64))
return r.Err()
func (v uint64fixed_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// int8
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var int8_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "int8",
newFn: func() value {
return new(int8_v)
type int8_v int8
func (v int8_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return int8_t }
func (v *int8_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
// TODO: bounds check here?
*v = int8_v(bit.ReadZigZag32(r))
return r.Err()
func (v int8_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// int16
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var int16_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "int16",
newFn: func() value {
return new(int16_v)
type int16_v int16
func (v int16_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return int16_t }
func (v *int16_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
// TODO: bounds check here?
*v = int16_v(bit.ReadZigZag32(r))
return r.Err()
func (v int16_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// int32
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var int32_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "int32",
newFn: func() value {
return new(int32_v)
type int32_v int32
func (v int32_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return int32_t }
func (v *int32_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = int32_v(bit.ReadZigZag32(r))
return r.Err()
func (v int32_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// int64
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var int64_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "int64",
newFn: func() value {
return new(int64_v)
type int64_v int64
func (v int64_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return int64_t }
func (v *int64_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = int64_v(bit.ReadZigZag(r))
return r.Err()
func (v int64_v) String() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUtlStringToken
// weirdly, this type isn't a string; it's actually a number. The number
// presumably indicates some value on a symbol table.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var stringToken_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "CUtlStringToken",
newFn: func() value {
return new(stringToken_v)
type stringToken_v uint64
func (v stringToken_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return stringToken_t }
func (v *stringToken_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = stringToken_v(bit.ReadVarInt(r))
return r.Err()
func (v stringToken_v) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("token:%d", v)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Color
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var color_t = &typeLiteral{
name: "Color",
newFn: func() value {
return new(color)
type color struct{ r, g, b, a uint8 }
func (c color) tÿpe() tÿpe { return color_t }
func (c *color) read(r bit.Reader) error {
u := bit.ReadVarInt(r)
c.r = uint8(u >> 6 & 0xff)
c.g = uint8(u >> 4 & 0xff)
c.b = uint8(u >> 2 & 0xff)
c.a = uint8(u >> 0 & 0xff)
return r.Err()
func (c color) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("#%x%x%x%x", c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUtlSymbolLarge
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var cutl_string_t = typeLiteral{
name: "CUtlSymbolLarge",
newFn: func() value {
return new(cutl_string_v)
type cutl_string_v string
func (v cutl_string_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return cutl_string_t }
func (v cutl_string_v) String() string { return string(v) }
func (v *cutl_string_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = cutl_string_v(bit.ReadString(r))
return r.Err()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// char
// this seems absolutely wrong, but it's how it's done in clarity. a char is a
// cstring? wtf?
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var char_t = typeLiteral{
name: "char",
newFn: func() value {
return new(char_v)
type char_v byte
func (v char_v) tÿpe() tÿpe { return char_t }
func (v char_v) String() string { return string(v) }
func (v *char_v) read(r bit.Reader) error {
*v = char_v(r.ReadByte())
return r.Err()
var atom_types = []tÿpe{
func atomType(spec *typeSpec, env *Env) tÿpe {
for _, t := range atom_types {
if t.typeName() == spec.typeName {
Debug.Printf(" atom type: %s", t.typeName())
if spec.bits != 0 {
return typeError("spec can't be atom type: has bit specification: %v", spec)
if spec.encoder != "" {
return typeError("spec can't be atom type: has encoder specification: %v", spec)
if spec.flags != 0 {
return typeError("spec can't be atom type: has flags: %v", spec)
if spec.high != 0 {
return typeError("spec can't be atom type: has high value constraint: %v", spec)
if spec.low != 0 {
return typeError("spec can't be atom type: has low value constraint: %v", spec)
if spec.serializer != "" {
return typeError("spec can't be atom type: has serializer: %v", spec)
return t
if spec.typeName == "uint64" {
if spec.encoder == "fixed64" {
return uint64fixed_t
return uint64_t
return nil