You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

package dota;
import "netmessages.proto";
import "networkbasetypes.proto";
option cc_generic_services = false;
enum P2P_Messages {
p2p_TextMessage = 256;
p2p_Voice = 257;
p2p_Ping = 258;
p2p_VRAvatarPosition = 259;
p2p_WatchSynchronization = 260;
message CP2P_TextMessage {
optional bytes text = 1;
message CSteam_Voice_Encoding {
optional bytes voice_data = 1;
message CP2P_Voice {
enum Handler_Flags {
Played_Audio = 1;
optional CMsgVoiceAudio audio = 1;
optional uint32 broadcast_group = 2;
message CP2P_Ping {
required uint64 send_time = 1;
required bool is_reply = 2;
message CP2P_VRAvatarPosition {
message COrientation {
optional CMsgVector pos = 1;
optional CMsgQAngle ang = 2;
repeated CP2P_VRAvatarPosition.COrientation body_parts = 1;
optional int32 hat_id = 2;
optional int32 scene_id = 3;
optional int32 world_scale = 4;
message CP2P_WatchSynchronization {
optional int32 demo_tick = 1;
optional bool paused = 2;
optional int32 tv_listen_voice_indices = 3;
optional int32 dota_spectator_mode = 4;
optional int32 dota_spectator_watching_broadcaster = 5;
optional int32 dota_spectator_hero_index = 6;
optional int32 dota_spectator_autospeed = 7;
optional int32 dota_replay_speed = 8;