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package ent
import (
// Namespace registers the names of known classess, associating their ids to
// their network types.
type Namespace struct {
idBits int
// maps ClassInfo ids to class names
classIds map[int]string
// maps classes to their {name, version} id pairs
classes map[classId]*Class
// maps a class name to every version of the class
classesByName map[string]map[int]*Class
// Merges in the ClassInfo data found in the replay protobufs
func (n *Namespace) mergeClassInfo(ci *dota.CDemoClassInfo) {
if n.classIds == nil {
n.classIds = make(map[int]string, len(ci.GetClasses()))
for _, class := range ci.GetClasses() {
n.classIds[int(class.GetClassId())] = class.GetNetworkName()
n.idBits = int(math.Floor(math.Log2(float64(len(n.classIds))))) + 1
func (n *Namespace) hasClassinfo() bool {
return n.classIds != nil && len(n.classIds) > 0
// merges the send table data found in the replay protobufs. The send table
// data contains a specification for an entity type system.
func (n *Namespace) mergeSendTables(st *dota.CDemoSendTables) error {
// sendtables only has one field, a binary data field.
Debug.Printf("merge send tables")
data := st.GetData()
br := bit.NewBytesReader(data)
// body is length-prefixed
size := int(bit.ReadVarInt(br))
buf := make([]byte, size)
flat := dota.CSVCMsg_FlattenedSerializer{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &flat); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to merge send tables: %v", err)
n.SymbolTable = SymbolTable(flat.GetSymbols())
// the full set of fields that may appear on the classes is read first.
// each class will have a list of fields.
fields := make([]Field, len(flat.GetFields()))
for i, f := range flat.GetFields() {
fields[i].fromProto(f, &n.SymbolTable)
n.classes = make(map[classId]*Class, len(flat.GetSerializers()))
n.classesByName = make(map[string]map[int]*Class, len(flat.GetSerializers()))
// each serializer in the source data generates a class.
for _, c := range flat.GetSerializers() {
name := n.Symbol(int(c.GetSerializerNameSym()))
version := int(c.GetSerializerVersion())
Debug.Printf("new class: %s %v", name, version)
class := Class{Name: name, Version: version}
class.fromProto(c, fields)
id := classId{name: name, version: version}
n.classes[id] = &class
if n.classesByName[name.String()] == nil {
n.classesByName[name.String()] = map[int]*Class{version: &class}
} else {
n.classesByName[name.String()][version] = &class
// some fields explicitly reference their origin class (P). that is is, if
// a given field F is included in some class C, the field F having an
// origin class P indicates that the class C has the class P as an
// ancestor. since these references are circular, we unpacked the fields
// first, then the classes, and now we re-visit the fields to set their
// origin class pointers, now that the classes exist.
for i := range fields {
f := &fields[i]
if f.serializer != nil {
if f.serializerVersion != nil {
f.class = n.classesByName[f.serializer.String()][int(*f.serializerVersion)]
} else {
f.class = n.NewestClass(f.serializer.String())
// for some fields, we want to initialize a zero value on the baseline
// instance. specifically, we do this for arrays so that we can't try
// to index into nil.
f.typeSpec = parseTypeName(n, f._type.String())
if f.isContainer() {
mf := f.memberField()
fn := newFieldDecoder(n, mf)
if f.typeSpec.kind == t_array {
f.initializer = func() interface{} {
return &array{
slots: make([]interface{}, f.typeSpec.size),
_slotType: mf._type.String(),
decoder: fn,
} else if f.typeSpec.kind == t_template && f.typeSpec.template == "CUtlVector" {
f.initializer = func() interface{} {
return &cutlVector{
slots: make([]interface{}, f.typeSpec.size),
_slotType: mf._type.String(),
decoder: fn,
// we also wait until after we've discovered all of the classes to
// build the field decoder functions, because some fields are
// themselves entities.
f.decoder = newFieldDecoder(n, f)
return br.Err()
func (n *Namespace) readClassId(r bit.Reader) int {
return int(r.ReadBits(uint(n.idBits)))
func (n *Namespace) Class(name string, version int) *Class {
return n.classesByName[name][version]
// retrieves the newest version of a class, as referenced by name.
func (n *Namespace) NewestClass(name string) *Class {
versions, newest := n.classesByName[name], -1
for v, _ := range versions {
if v > newest {
newest = v
if newest == -1 {
Info.Fatalf("class %s has no known versions in its version map", name)
return versions[newest]
func (n *Namespace) ClassByNetId(id int) *Class {
name, ok := n.classIds[id]
if !ok {
Info.Fatalf("can't find class name for net id %d", id)
return n.NewestClass(name)
func (n *Namespace) HasClass(name string) bool {
_, ok := n.classesByName[name]
return ok