You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
1.2 KiB

package main
import (
var (
p_decode_bufs = &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 1<<18) }}
// packet represents the top-level envelope in the dota replay format. All
// data in the replay file is packed into packets of at most 65kb.
type packet struct {
cmd packetType
tick int64
compressed bool
size int
body []byte
func (p packet) String() string {
if len(p.body) > 30 {
return fmt.Sprintf("{packet cmd: %v tick: %v size: %d body: %x...}", p.cmd, p.tick, p.size, p.body[:27])
return fmt.Sprintf("{packet cmd: %v tick: %v size: %d body: %x}", p.cmd, p.tick, p.size, p.body)
func (p *packet) Open(m *messageFactory, pbuf *proto.Buffer) (proto.Message, error) {
msg, err := m.BuildPacket(p.cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if p.compressed {
buf := p_decode_bufs.Get().([]byte)
defer p_decode_bufs.Put(buf)
buf, err := snappy.Decode(buf, p.body[:p.size])
if err != nil {
return nil, wrap(err, "packet open failed snappy decode")
} else {
if err := pbuf.Unmarshal(msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return msg, nil