package main
// dMP dMP dMP dMP dMP dMMMP
// dMP.aMP dMP.aMP dMP.aMP dMP
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// dMP.dMP dMP dMP dMP dMP dMP"AMF dMP dMP dMP dMP dMP.aMP
// This code was generated by a code-generation program. It was NOT written by
// hand. Do not edit this file by hand! Your edits will be destroyed!
// This file can be regenerated by running "go generate"
// The generator program is defined in "gen/main.go"
import (
type protoFactory map[int]func() proto.Message
func (p protoFactory) BuildMessage(id int) proto.Message {
fn, ok := p[id]
if !ok {
return nil
return fn()
var cmdFactory = protoFactory{
0: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoStop) },
1: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoFileHeader) },
2: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoFileInfo) },
3: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoSyncTick) },
4: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoSendTables) },
5: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoClassInfo) },
6: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoStringTables) },
7: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoPacket) },
8: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoPacket) },
9: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoConsoleCmd) },
10: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoCustomData) },
11: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoCustomDataCallbacks) },
12: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoUserCmd) },
13: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoFullPacket) },
14: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoSaveGame) },
15: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDemoSpawnGroups) },
var entFactory = protoFactory{
0: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_NOP) },
1: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_Disconnect) },
3: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_SplitScreenUser) },
4: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_Tick) },
5: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_StringCmd) },
6: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_SetConVar) },
7: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_SignonState) },
8: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_SpawnGroup_Load) },
9: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_SpawnGroup_ManifestUpdate) },
11: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_SpawnGroup_SetCreationTick) },
12: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_SpawnGroup_Unload) },
13: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CNETMsg_SpawnGroup_LoadCompleted) },
40: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_ServerInfo) },
41: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_FlattenedSerializer) },
42: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_ClassInfo) },
43: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_SetPause) },
44: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_CreateStringTable) },
45: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_UpdateStringTable) },
46: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_VoiceInit) },
47: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_VoiceData) },
48: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_Print) },
49: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_Sounds) },
50: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_SetView) },
51: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_ClearAllStringTables) },
52: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_CmdKeyValues) },
53: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_BSPDecal) },
54: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_SplitScreen) },
55: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_PacketEntities) },
56: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_Prefetch) },
57: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_Menu) },
58: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_GetCvarValue) },
59: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_StopSound) },
60: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_PeerList) },
61: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_PacketReliable) },
62: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_HLTVStatus) },
63: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_ServerSteamID) },
70: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CSVCMsg_FullFrameSplit) },
101: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageAchievementEvent) },
102: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageCloseCaption) },
103: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageCloseCaptionDirect) },
104: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageCurrentTimescale) },
105: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageDesiredTimescale) },
106: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageFade) },
107: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageGameTitle) },
109: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageHintText) },
110: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageHudMsg) },
111: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageHudText) },
112: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageKeyHintText) },
113: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageColoredText) },
114: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageRequestState) },
115: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageResetHUD) },
116: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageRumble) },
117: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageSayText) },
118: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageSayText2) },
119: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageSayTextChannel) },
120: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageShake) },
121: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageShakeDir) },
124: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageTextMsg) },
125: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageScreenTilt) },
126: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageTrain) },
127: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageVGUIMenu) },
128: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageVoiceMask) },
129: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageVoiceSubtitle) },
130: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageSendAudio) },
131: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageItemPickup) },
132: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageAmmoDenied) },
133: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageCrosshairAngle) },
134: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageShowMenu) },
135: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageCreditsMsg) },
136: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CEntityMessagePlayJingle) },
137: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CEntityMessageScreenOverlay) },
138: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CEntityMessageRemoveAllDecals) },
139: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CEntityMessagePropagateForce) },
140: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CEntityMessageDoSpark) },
141: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CEntityMessageFixAngle) },
142: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageCloseCaptionPlaceholder) },
143: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageCameraTransition) },
144: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CUserMessageAudioParameter) },
201: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgPlaceDecalEvent) },
202: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgClearWorldDecalsEvent) },
203: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgClearEntityDecalsEvent) },
204: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgClearDecalsForSkeletonInstanceEvent) },
205: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgSource1LegacyGameEventList) },
206: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgSource1LegacyListenEvents) },
207: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgSource1LegacyGameEvent) },
208: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgSosStartSoundEvent) },
209: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgSosStopSoundEvent) },
210: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgSosSetSoundEventParams) },
211: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgSosSetLibraryStackFields) },
212: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgSosStopSoundEventHash) },
400: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgTEEffectDispatch) },
465: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_AIDebugLine) },
466: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ChatEvent) },
467: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CombatHeroPositions) },
470: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CombatLogShowDeath) },
471: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CreateLinearProjectile) },
472: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_DestroyLinearProjectile) },
473: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_DodgeTrackingProjectiles) },
474: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_GlobalLightColor) },
475: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_GlobalLightDirection) },
476: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_InvalidCommand) },
477: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_LocationPing) },
478: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_MapLine) },
479: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_MiniKillCamInfo) },
480: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_MinimapDebugPoint) },
481: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_MinimapEvent) },
482: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_NevermoreRequiem) },
483: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_OverheadEvent) },
484: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SetNextAutobuyItem) },
485: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SharedCooldown) },
486: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SpectatorPlayerClick) },
487: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TutorialTipInfo) },
488: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_UnitEvent) },
489: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ParticleManager) },
490: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_BotChat) },
491: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_HudError) },
492: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ItemPurchased) },
493: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_Ping) },
494: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ItemFound) },
496: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SwapVerify) },
497: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_WorldLine) },
498: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgGCToClientTournamentItemDrop) },
499: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ItemAlert) },
500: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_HalloweenDrops) },
501: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ChatWheel) },
502: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ReceivedXmasGift) },
503: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_UpdateSharedContent) },
504: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TutorialRequestExp) },
505: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TutorialPingMinimap) },
506: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_GamerulesStateChanged) },
507: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ShowSurvey) },
508: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TutorialFade) },
509: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_AddQuestLogEntry) },
510: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SendStatPopup) },
511: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TutorialFinish) },
512: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SendRoshanPopup) },
513: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SendGenericToolTip) },
514: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SendFinalGold) },
515: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CustomMsg) },
516: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CoachHUDPing) },
517: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ClientLoadGridNav) },
518: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TE_Projectile) },
519: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TE_ProjectileLoc) },
520: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TE_DotaBloodImpact) },
521: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TE_UnitAnimation) },
522: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TE_UnitAnimationEnd) },
523: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_AbilityPing) },
524: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ShowGenericPopup) },
525: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_VoteStart) },
526: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_VoteUpdate) },
527: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_VoteEnd) },
528: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_BoosterState) },
529: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_WillPurchaseAlert) },
530: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_TutorialMinimapPosition) },
531: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_PlayerMMR) },
532: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_AbilitySteal) },
533: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CourierKilledAlert) },
534: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_EnemyItemAlert) },
535: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_StatsMatchDetails) },
536: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_MiniTaunt) },
537: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_BuyBackStateAlert) },
538: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SpeechBubble) },
539: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CustomHeaderMessage) },
540: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_QuickBuyAlert) },
541: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_StatsHeroMinuteDetails) },
542: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_PredictionResult) },
543: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ModifierAlert) },
544: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_HPManaAlert) },
545: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_GlyphAlert) },
546: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_BeastChat) },
547: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_SpectatorPlayerUnitOrders) },
548: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CustomHudElement_Create) },
549: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CustomHudElement_Modify) },
550: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CustomHudElement_Destroy) },
551: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_CompendiumState) },
552: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ProjectionAbility) },
553: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_ProjectionEvent) },
554: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CMsgDOTACombatLogEntry) },
555: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_XPAlert) },
556: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_UpdateQuestProgress) },
557: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAClientMsg_MatchMetadata) },
559: func() proto.Message { return new(dota.CDOTAUserMsg_QuestStatus) },