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8 years ago
package main
8 years ago
// go:generate ./mkprotos
//go:generate go run ./gen/main.go ./dota
8 years ago
import (
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
const (
replayHeader = "PBDEMS2\000"
8 years ago
func ensureNewline(t string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(t, "\n") {
return t
return t + "\n"
func bail(status int, t string, args ...interface{}) {
var out io.Writer
if status == 0 {
out = os.Stdout
} else {
out = os.Stderr
fmt.Fprintf(out, ensureNewline(t), args...)
8 years ago
func wrap(err error, t string, args ...interface{}) error {
if err == io.EOF {
return io.EOF
return fmt.Errorf(t+": %v", append(args, err)...)
8 years ago
type options struct {
b bool // bzip compression flag
v bool // verbose flag
f string // input file
memprofile string
cpuprofile string
8 years ago
func (o options) input() (io.Reader, error) {
var r io.Reader
if o.f == "--" {
r = os.Stdin
} else {
fi, err := os.Open(o.f)
if err != nil {
8 years ago
return nil, wrap(err, "unable to open file %s", o.f)
8 years ago
r = fi
8 years ago
8 years ago
if o.b {
r = bzip2.NewReader(r)
8 years ago
8 years ago
return r, nil
8 years ago
func memprofile(dest string) {
fmt.Println("writing mem profile to", dest)
w, err := os.Create(dest)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unable to open memprofile output %s: %v\n", dest, err)
} else {
defer w.Close()
err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(w)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unable to write heap profile: %v\n", err)
func cpuprofile(dest string) func() {
fmt.Println("writing cpu profile to", dest)
w, err := os.Create(dest)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unable to open cpuprofile output %s: %v\n", dest, err)
return func() {}
} else {
return func() {
8 years ago
func check(msg proto.Message) {}
func printTypes(m proto.Message) {
8 years ago
func prettySlice(v reflect.Value) string {
if v.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
l := v.Len()
if l > 16 {
l = 16
b := make([]byte, l)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
b[i] = byte(v.Index(i).Uint())
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", b)
width := 0
parts := make([]string, 0, v.Len())
for i := 0; i < v.Len() && width <= 32; i++ {
parts = append(parts, pretty(v.Index(i)))
width += len(parts[i]) // obligatory byte count is not rune count rabble
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(parts, ", "))
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
func prettyStruct(v reflect.Value) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "{%s ", v.Type())
for fn := 0; fn < v.NumField(); fn++ {
field := v.Type().Field(fn)
if field.Name == "XXX_unrecognized" {
fv := v.Field(fn)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s: %s ", field.Name, pretty(fv))
8 years ago
fmt.Fprint(&buf, "}")
return buf.String()
8 years ago
func pretty(v reflect.Value) string {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
if v.IsNil() {
return "nil"
return pretty(v.Elem())
8 years ago
case reflect.Struct:
return prettyStruct(v)
case reflect.Slice:
return prettySlice(v)
8 years ago
case reflect.String:
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", v.String())
8 years ago
case reflect.Int32:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", v.Int())
8 years ago
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint32:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", v.Uint())
8 years ago
case reflect.Bool:
return fmt.Sprintf("%t", v.Bool())
return v.Type().Name()
8 years ago
func prettyPrint(m proto.Message) {
8 years ago
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
8 years ago
8 years ago
func main() {
8 years ago
var opts options
flag.BoolVar(&opts.b, "b", false, "input is expected to be bzip-compressed")
flag.BoolVar(&opts.v, "v", false, "verbose mode")
flag.StringVar(&opts.f, "f", "--", "input file to be used. -- means stdin")
flag.StringVar(&opts.memprofile, "memprofile", "", "memory profile destination")
flag.StringVar(&opts.cpuprofile, "cpuprofile", "", "cpu profile destination")
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
var handle func(proto.Message)
switch flag.Arg(0) {
case "":
handle = check
case "types":
handle = printTypes
case "pretty":
handle = prettyPrint
case "string-tables":
st := newStringTables()
handle = st.handle
8 years ago
bail(1, "no such action: %s", flag.Arg(0))
if opts.memprofile != "" {
defer memprofile(opts.memprofile)
if opts.cpuprofile != "" {
defer cpuprofile(opts.cpuprofile)()
r, err := opts.input()
8 years ago
if err != nil {
8 years ago
bail(1, "input error: %v", err)
8 years ago
8 years ago
c := make(chan maybe, 32)
p := newParser(r)
delete(p.ewl, EBaseGameEvents_GE_SosStartSoundEvent)
delete(p.ewl, EDotaUserMessages_DOTA_UM_SpectatorPlayerUnitOrders)
delete(p.ewl, EDotaUserMessages_DOTA_UM_SpectatorPlayerClick)
8 years ago
delete(p.ewl, EDotaUserMessages_DOTA_UM_TE_UnitAnimation)
delete(p.ewl, EDotaUserMessages_DOTA_UM_TE_UnitAnimationEnd)
8 years ago
8 years ago
for m := range c {
if m.error != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, m.error)
8 years ago
} else {
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
if p.err != nil {
fmt.Printf("parser error: %v\n", p.err)
8 years ago
8 years ago