You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
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package stbl
import (
type Table struct {
name string
entries []Entry
byteSize int
// this is in the protobuf message but I don't know what it does.
bitSize int
func (t *Table) Entries() []Entry { return t.entries }
// creates n entries from the bit stream br
func (t *Table) createEntries(br *bit.BufReader, n int) error {
Debug.Printf("table %s create %d entries",, n)
t.entries = make([]Entry, n)
var (
base uint64
entry *Entry
for i := range t.entries {
entry = &t.entries[i]
if i > 32 {
// sequential index flag should always be true in create
if !bit.ReadBool(br) {
return fmt.Errorf("stbl: unexpected nonsequential index")
// key flag: indicates that a key is present
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
// backreading flag: indicates that the key references an earlier
// key or a portion of an earlier key as a prefix
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
entry.Key = t.entries[base+br.ReadBits(5)].Key[:br.ReadBits(5)] + bit.ReadString(br)
} else {
entry.Key = bit.ReadString(br)
// value flag: indicates that a value is present
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
if t.byteSize != 0 {
entry.Value = make([]byte, t.byteSize)
} else {
size := br.ReadBits(14)
br.ReadBits(3) // ???
entry.Value = make([]byte, size)
8 years ago
return nil
func (t *Table) updateEntries(br *bit.BufReader, n int) error {
Debug.Printf("table %s update %d entries",, n)
var (
idx = -1
entry *Entry
h := newIntRing(32)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// sequential index flag should rarely be true in update
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
} else {
idx = int(bit.ReadVarInt(br)) + 1
// there's probably a faster way to grow the table here.
for idx > len(t.entries)-1 {
t.entries = append(t.entries, Entry{})
entry = &t.entries[idx]
// key flag
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
// backreading flag
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
prev, pLen :=, int(br.ReadBits(5))
if prev < len(t.entries) {
prevEntry := &t.entries[prev]
entry.Key = prevEntry.Key[:pLen] + bit.ReadString(br)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("backread error")
} else {
entry.Key = bit.ReadString(br)
// value flag
if bit.ReadBool(br) {
if t.byteSize != 0 {
if entry.Value == nil {
entry.Value = make([]byte, t.byteSize)
} else {
size, _ := int(br.ReadBits(14)), br.ReadBits(3)
if len(entry.Value) < size {
entry.Value = make([]byte, size)
} else {
entry.Value = entry.Value[:size]
Debug.Printf("%s:%s = %x",, entry.Key, entry.Value)
return nil