baseURL: languageCode: en-us title: Hugo Themes theme: mini googleAnalytics: your-google-analytics-id hasCJKLanguage: true permalinks: posts: /posts/:title/ disqusShortname: your-disqus-shorname # Hugo Configure Markup # see: markup: highlight: guessSyntax: true style: emacs # Social links in footer, support github,twitter,stackoverflow,facebook social: # e.g. github: 'your-github-link' twitter: 'your-github-link' stackoverflow: 'your-github-link' # facebook: 'your-facebook-link' # Site parameters params: # Site Author author: Author # Author biography bio: Software Engineer # Site Description, used in HTML meat description: My Blog enableRSS: true # Optional home: '' # Default: Home about: '' # Default: About archive: '' # Default: Archive subscribe: '' # Default: Subscribe olderPosts: '' # Default: Older Posts newerPosts: '' # Default: Newer Posts copyright: '' title404: '' # Default: 404 - Page Not Found subtitle404: '' # Default: The content you're looking for doesn't seem to exist. readMore: '' # Default: Read More # Extra links in navigation links: # e.g. # - name: Project # path: /project