# Site settings baseurl = "http://nodejh.com/" # HTML Language Code Reference, such as en, zh-cn languageCode = "en" title = "Blog Title" theme = "hugo-theme-cactus-plus" # Enter your tracking code to enable Google Analytics googleAnalytics = "your_google_analytics_code" hasCJKLanguage = true [params] name = "Hugo" description = "Blog Description" bio = "Blog biology" # Enter optionally your twitter account twitter = "your_twotter" enableRSS = false # Disqus comment disqusShortname = "your_disqus_short_name" # Disable disqus comments by set `enableDisqus = "false"` enableDisqus = false # Duoshuo comment duoshuoShortname = "your_duoshuo_short_name" # Disable duoshuo comments by set `enableDuoshuo = "false"` enableDuoshuo = false enableGithubIssuesTips = false # Enable googleAnalytics enableGoogleAnalytics = false # Enable baiduAnalytics enableBaiduAnalytics = false # Baidu Tongji Code baiduAnalytics = 'your_baidu_tongji_code' # Add custom assets with their paths relative to the static folder customCSS = [] customJS = [] # The variables below are optionally too and can be used to # translate or customize each string of the theme. # Navigation links home = "" about = "" archive = "" subscribe = "" # Pagination links olderPosts = "" newerPosts = "" readMore = "" copyright = "" # Sharing options and author information in posts aboutAuthor = "I am so interesting." tweet = "" share = "" # 404 page title404 = "" subtitle404 = "" # Choose a font for the social icons in the footer. Either "mono-social" or "font-awesome" iconFont = "font-awesome" # The social icons can be styled differently if you use mono as font - circle, rounded, or empty socialIconStyle = "" # Add additional social link entries underneath [social] facebook-square = "your_facebook_link" twitter-square = "your_twitter_link" github-square = "your_github_link"