sample client-server pair using gRPC and Qt in Go. The server simply stores an integer. The client, when started, automatically connects to the server and, once a second, requests the next value in an incrementing counter. I made this for testing the install environment when working with gRPC and Qt together in Go, since both have a non-trivial install process. see here to install gRPC: and here to install Qt: ### Files: lib - contains the gRPC protobuf definition of our service. Our service defines one unary endpoint with an input message type and an output message type. lib/count.proto - the gRPC definitions, written by a human lib/count - the Go package containing our gRPC client and server definitions lib/count/count.pb.go - generated from lib/count.proto using the following protoc invokation: `protoc -I count count.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:count` cmd - contains our executable programs cmd/count-client - a gRPC client with a Qt ui cmd/count-server - a gRPC server, no graphical ui