package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "time" ) type Bomb struct { profile *Connection origin *System target *System start time.Time done bool fti int64 // frames to impact } func NewBomb(conn *Connection, from, to *System) *Bomb { dist := from.DistanceTo(to) fti := int64(dist / (options.lightSpeed * options.bombSpeed)) eta := time.Duration(fti) * time.Second / time.Duration(options.frameRate) log_info("bomb from: %v to: %v ETA: %v", from, to, eta) return &Bomb{ profile: conn, origin: from, target: to, fti: fti, start: time.Now(), } } func (b *Bomb) Dead() bool { return b.done } func (b *Bomb) Tick(game *Game) { b.fti -= 1 if b.fti <= 0 {, game) b.done = true log_info("bomb went off on %v", } } func (b *Bomb) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("[bomb from: %v to: %v lived: %s]", b.origin,, time.Since(b.start)) } type MakeBombState struct { CommandSuite *System start int64 } func MakeBomb(s *System) ConnectionState { m := &MakeBombState{System: s} m.CommandSuite = CommandSet{ balCommand, BroadcastCommand(s), NearbyCommand(s), playersCommand, } return m } func (m *MakeBombState) Enter(c *Connection) { c.Printf("Making a bomb...\n") -= options.bombCost } func (m *MakeBombState) Tick(c *Connection, frame int64) ConnectionState { if m.start == 0 { m.start = frame } if framesToDur(frame-m.start) >= options.makeBombTime { return Idle(m.System) } return m } func (MakeBombState) String() string { return "Making a Bomb" } func (m *MakeBombState) Exit(c *Connection) { c.bombs += 1 c.Printf("Done! You now have %v bombs.\n", c.bombs) } func (m *MakeBombState) FillStatus(c *Connection, s *status) { elapsedFrames := - m.start elapsedDur := framesToDur(elapsedFrames) desc := fmt.Sprintf(` Currently making a bomb! Build time elapsed: %v Build time remaining: %v `, elapsedDur, options.makeBombTime-elapsedDur) s.Description = strings.TrimSpace(desc) s.Location = m.System.String() }