package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "net" "strings" "time" ) type Connection struct { net.Conn *bufio.Reader player *Player location *System dest *System travelRemaining int64 lastScan time.Time lastBomb time.Time kills int dead bool money int colonies []*System bombs int state PlayerState // this is wrong... } type PlayerState int const ( idle PlayerState = iota dead inTransit mining ) func NewConnection(conn net.Conn) *Connection { c := &Connection{ Conn: conn, Reader: bufio.NewReader(conn), bombs: 1, } currentGame.Join(c) return c } func (c *Connection) Login() { for { c.Printf("what is your name, adventurer?\n") name, err := c.ReadString('\n') if err == nil { name = strings.TrimSpace(name) } else { log_error("player failed to connect: %v", err) return } if !ValidName(name) { c.Printf("that name is illegal.\n") continue } log_info("player connected: %v", name) player, err := loadPlayer(name) if err != nil { log_error("could not read player: %v", err) player = &Player{name: name} if err := player.Create(); err != nil { log_error("unable to create player record: %v", err) } c.Printf("you look new around these parts, %s.\n", c.Printf(`if you'd like a description of how to play, type the "help" command\n`) c.player = player } else { c.player = player c.Printf("welcome back, %s.\n", } break } currentGame.Register(c) } func (c *Connection) Dead() bool { return false } func (c *Connection) Tick(frame int64) { // fuck switch c.state { case idle: case dead: case inTransit: c.travelRemaining -= 1 if c.travelRemaining == 0 { } case mining: sys := c.System() if sys == nil { log_error("a player is in the mining state with no system. what?") break } if <= 0 { c.Printf("system %s is all out of space duckets.\n", sys.Label()) c.StopMining() } else { c.Deposit(1) -= 1 } default: log_error("connection %v has invalid state wtf", c) } } func (c *Connection) TravelTo(dest *System) { dist := c.System().DistanceTo(dest) c.travelRemaining = int64(dist / (options.lightSpeed * options.playerSpeed)) t := time.Duration(c.travelRemaining) * (time.Second / time.Duration(options.frameRate)) c.Printf("traveling to: %s. ETA: %v\n", dest.Label(), t) c.location.Leave(c) c.location = nil c.dest = dest c.state = inTransit // fuck everything about this } func (c *Connection) SendBomb(target *System) { if c.bombs <= 0 { fmt.Fprintln(c, "cannot send bomb: no bombs left") return } if time.Since(c.lastBomb) < 5*time.Second { fmt.Fprintln(c, "cannod send bomb: bombs are reloading") return } c.bombs -= 1 c.lastBomb = time.Now() bomb := NewBomb(c, target) currentGame.Register(bomb) c.Printf("sending bomb to system %v\n", target.Label()) } func (c *Connection) ReadLines(out chan []string) { defer close(out) for { line, err := c.ReadString('\n') switch err { case io.EOF: return case nil: break default: log_error("unable to read line on connection: %v", err) return } line = strings.TrimSpace(line) if line == "" { continue } out <- strings.Split(line, " ") } } func (c *Connection) Printf(template string, args ...interface{}) (int, error) { return fmt.Fprintf(c, template, args...) } func (c *Connection) land() { c.Printf("you have arrived at %v\n", c.dest.Label()) c.location = c.dest c.location.Arrive(c) c.dest = nil c.state = idle } func (c *Connection) SetSystem(s *System) { c.location = s } func (c *Connection) System() *System { return c.location } func (c *Connection) Close() error { log_info("player disconnecting: %s", c.PlayerName()) currentGame.Quit(c) if c.Conn != nil { return c.Conn.Close() } return nil } func (c *Connection) PlayerName() string { if c.player == nil { return "" } return } func (c *Connection) InTransit() bool { return c.location == nil } func (c *Connection) RecordScan() { fmt.Fprintln(c, "scanning known systems for signs of life") c.lastScan = time.Now() time.AfterFunc(1*time.Minute, func() { fmt.Fprintln(c, "scanner ready") }) } func (c *Connection) RecordBomb() { c.lastBomb = time.Now() time.AfterFunc(15*time.Second, func() { fmt.Fprintln(c, "bomb arsenal reloaded") }) } func (c *Connection) CanScan() bool { return time.Since(c.lastScan) > 1*time.Minute } func (c *Connection) NextScan() time.Duration { return -time.Since(c.lastScan.Add(time.Minute)) } func (c *Connection) NextBomb() time.Duration { return -time.Since(c.lastBomb.Add(15 * time.Second)) } func (c *Connection) MadeKill(victim *Connection) { if c == victim { log_info("player %s commited suicide.", c.PlayerName()) return } c.kills += 1 if c.kills == 3 { c.Win("military") } } func (c *Connection) Mine() { switch c.state { case idle: c.Printf("now mining %s. %v space duckets remaining.\n", c.System().name, c.System().money) fmt.Fprintln(c, "(press enter to stop mining)") c.state = mining default: c.Printf("no\n") } } func (c *Connection) StopMining() { c.Printf("done mining\n") c.state = idle } func (c *Connection) IsMining() bool { return c.state == mining } func (c *Connection) Withdraw(n int) { -= n } func (c *Connection) Deposit(n int) { += n if >= options.economic { c.Win("economic") } } func (c *Connection) Win(method string) { currentGame.Win(c, method) } func (c *Connection) Die() { c.Printf("you were bombed. You will respawn in 1 minutes.\n") c.dead = true c.System().Leave(c) time.AfterFunc(30*time.Second, func() { c.Printf("respawn in 30 seconds.\n") }) time.AfterFunc(time.Minute, c.Respawn) } func (c *Connection) Respawn() { c.dead = false WUT: s, err := randomSystem() if err != nil { log_error("error in respawn: %v", err) goto WUT } s.Arrive(c) }