package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "math/rand" "net" "os" "time" ) var options struct { bombCost int bombSpeed float64 debug bool economic int frameLength time.Duration colonyCost int frameRate int lightSpeed float64 makeBombTime time.Duration makeColonyTime time.Duration moneyMean float64 moneySigma float64 playerSpeed float64 respawnFrames int64 respawnTime time.Duration speckPath string } var ( info_log *log.Logger error_log *log.Logger currentGame *Game ) func log_error(template string, args ...interface{}) { error_log.Printf(template, args...) } func log_info(template string, args ...interface{}) { info_log.Printf(template, args...) } func bail(status int, template string, args ...interface{}) { if status == 0 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, template, args...) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, template, args...) } os.Exit(status) } func handleConnection(conn *Connection) { defer conn.Close() conn.Login() c := make(chan []string) go conn.ReadLines(c) for parts := range c { conn.RunCommand(parts[0], parts[1:]...) } } // converts a duration in human time to a number of in-game frames func durToFrames(dur time.Duration) int64 { return int64(dur / options.frameLength) } func framesToDur(frames int64) time.Duration { return options.frameLength * time.Duration(frames) } func main() { flag.Parse() dbconnect() options.frameLength = time.Second / time.Duration(options.frameRate) options.respawnFrames = durToFrames(options.respawnTime) rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) info_log = log.New(os.Stdout, "[INFO] ", 0) error_log = log.New(os.Stderr, "[ERROR] ", 0) setupDb() listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":9220") if err != nil { bail(E_No_Port, "unable to start server: %v", err) } go func() { for { log_info("starting new game") currentGame = NewGame() currentGame.Run() } }() for { conn, err := listener.Accept() if err != nil { log_error("error accepting connection: %v", err) continue } go handleConnection(NewConnection(conn)) } } func init() { flag.Float64Var(&options.lightSpeed, "light-speed", 0.01, "speed of light in parsecs per frame") flag.IntVar(&options.frameRate, "frame-rate", 100, "frame rate, in frames per second") flag.Float64Var(&options.playerSpeed, "player-speed", 0.8, "player travel speed, relative to C, the speed of light") flag.Float64Var(&options.bombSpeed, "bomb-speed", 0.9, "bomb travel speed, relattive to C, the speed of light") flag.IntVar(&options.economic, "economic", 25000, "amount of money needed to win economic victory") flag.Float64Var(&options.moneyMean, "money-mean", 10000, "mean amount of money on a system") flag.Float64Var(&options.moneySigma, "money-sigma", 1500, "standard deviation in money per system") flag.BoolVar(&options.debug, "debug", false, "puts the game in debug mode") flag.StringVar(&options.speckPath, "speck-path", "/projects/exo/expl.speck", "path to exoplanet speck file") flag.DurationVar(&options.respawnTime, "respawn-time", 60*time.Second, "time for player respawn") flag.DurationVar(&options.makeBombTime, "bomb-time", 5*time.Second, "time it takes to make a bomb") flag.IntVar(&options.bombCost, "bomb-cost", 500, "price of a bomb") flag.IntVar(&options.colonyCost, "colony-cost", 2000, "price of a colony") flag.DurationVar(&options.makeColonyTime, "colony-time", 15*time.Second, "time it takes to make a colony") }