using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour { public Transform player; public float maxAcceleration = 1f; public float maxVelocity = 10f; public Light light; private Frame frame; // the camera's ideal position, which we will continually move towards but // not necessarily snap to (to avoid jerky camera motion) private Vector3 targetPosition; private Vector3 velocity =; public float smoothTime = 0.0025f; // private Vector3 acceleration =; // the values of position, velocity, and acceleration last frame // private Vector3 lastPosition =; // private Vector3 lastVelocity =; // private Vector3 lastAcceleration =; private Camera cam; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { cam = gameObject.GetComponent(); } void Update() { } // LateUpdate is called once per frame, after Update void LateUpdate() { if (!player) { return; } setupFrame(); targetPosition = transform.position; BoxCollider2D collider = player.GetComponent(); if (collider.bounds.max.x > frame.topRight.x) { targetPosition.x += collider.bounds.max.x - frame.topRight.x; } else if (collider.bounds.min.x < frame.topLeft.x) { targetPosition.x += collider.bounds.min.x - frame.topLeft.x; } if (collider.bounds.max.y > frame.topLeft.y) { targetPosition.y += collider.bounds.max.y - frame.topLeft.y; } else if (collider.bounds.min.y < frame.bottomLeft.y) { targetPosition.y += collider.bounds.min.y - frame.bottomLeft.y; } transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, targetPosition, ref velocity, smoothTime); light.transform.LookAt(player.transform, Vector3.up); // lastPosition = transform.position; // lastVelocity = velocity; // lastAcceleration = acceleration; } void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { // setupFrame(); Gizmos.color = Color.white; Gizmos.DrawLine(frame.topLeft, frame.topRight); Gizmos.DrawLine(frame.topRight, frame.bottomRight); Gizmos.DrawLine(frame.bottomRight, frame.bottomLeft); Gizmos.DrawLine(frame.bottomLeft, frame.topLeft); if (player) { BoxCollider2D collider = player.GetComponent(); Gizmos.color =; if (collider.bounds.max.x > frame.topRight.x) { Gizmos.DrawLine(frame.topRight, frame.bottomRight); } if (collider.bounds.min.x < frame.topLeft.x) { Gizmos.DrawLine(frame.bottomLeft, frame.topLeft); } if (collider.bounds.max.y > frame.topLeft.y) { Gizmos.DrawLine(frame.topLeft, frame.topRight); } if (collider.bounds.min.y < frame.bottomLeft.y) { Gizmos.DrawLine(frame.bottomRight, frame.bottomLeft); } } } void setupFrame() { int height = Screen.height; int width = Screen.width; frame.topLeft = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(width / 2 - width / 9, height / 2 + height / 5, 1)); frame.topRight = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(width / 2 + width / 9, height / 2 + height / 5, 1)); frame.bottomLeft = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(width / 2 - width / 9, height / 2 - height / 5, 1)); frame.bottomRight = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(width / 2 + width / 9, height / 2 - height / 5, 1)); } struct Frame { public Vector3 topLeft; public Vector3 topRight; public Vector3 bottomLeft; public Vector3 bottomRight; } }