You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

282 lines
6.3 KiB

package app
import (
type gameView struct {
inFocus bool
keyHandler func(*tcell.EventKey) change
statusLine string
func (v *gameView) handleEvent(e tcell.Event) change {
if v.keyHandler == nil {
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
switch t := e.(type) {
case *tcell.EventKey:
return v.keyHandler(t)
// ui.Debug("screen saw unhandled event of type %T", e)
return nil
func (v *gameView) walkHandler(e *tcell.EventKey) change {
if e.Key() == tcell.KeyRune {
switch e.Rune() {
case 'w':
return move(math.Up)
case 'a':
return move(math.Left)
case 's':
return move(math.Down)
case 'd':
return move(math.Right)
case 'i':
return openInventory{}
case 'l':
v.keyHandler = v.lookHandler
v.statusLine = "(look)"
case 'p':
v.keyHandler = v.pickupHandler
v.statusLine = "(pickup)"
case 'P':
v.keyHandler = v.putdownHandler
v.statusLine = "(put down)"
return nil
func (v *gameView) lookHandler(e *tcell.EventKey) change {
if e.Key() == tcell.KeyESC {
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return nil
if e.Key() == tcell.KeyRune {
switch e.Rune() {
case 'w':
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return &lookAt{x: 0, y: -1}
case 'a':
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return &lookAt{x: -1, y: 0}
case 's':
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return &lookAt{x: 0, y: 1}
case 'd':
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return &lookAt{x: 1, y: 0}
return nil
func (v *gameView) pickupHandler(e *tcell.EventKey) change {
if e.Key() == tcell.KeyESC {
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return nil
if e.Key() == tcell.KeyRune {
switch e.Rune() {
case 'w':
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return &pickup{x: 0, y: -1}
case 'a':
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return &pickup{x: -1, y: 0}
case 's':
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return &pickup{x: 0, y: 1}
case 'd':
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return &pickup{x: 1, y: 0}
return nil
func (v *gameView) putdownHandler(e *tcell.EventKey) change {
v.keyHandler = v.walkHandler
v.statusLine = "(walk)"
return nil
func (v *gameView) draw(img canvas, st *state) {
fill(img, tcell.StyleDefault.Background(tcell.NewRGBColor(0, 0, 12)))
v.drawHeader(img, st)
// fill in background dots first
dim := tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(tcell.NewRGBColor(76, 72, 83))
for x := 0; x <; x++ {
for y := 0; y <; y++ {
img.setTile(x+1, y+2, tile{r: '·', style: dim})
img.setTile(0, 1, tile{r: '┌'})
img.setTile(, 1, tile{r: '┐'})
img.setTile(0,, tile{r: '└'})
img.setTile(,, tile{r: '┘'})
for x := 0; x <; x++ {
img.setTile(x+1, 1, tile{r: '─'})
img.setTile(x+1,, tile{r: '─'})
for y := 0; y <; y++ {
img.setTile(0, y+2, tile{r: '│'})
img.setTile(, y+2, tile{r: '│'})
for _, e := range {
pos := e.Position
img.setTile(pos.X+1, pos.Y+2, tile{r: e.Glyph, style: tcell.StyleDefault})
writeString(img, v.statusLine, math.Vec{0, img.bounds().Height - 1}, tcell.StyleDefault)
func (v *gameView) drawHeader(img canvas, st *state) {
// the first row is the name of the room that we're currently in
var style tcell.Style
style = style.Background(tcell.NewRGBColor(64, 64, 128))
style = style.Foreground(tcell.NewRGBColor(0, 0, 0))
runes := []rune(
bounds := img.bounds()
for i := 0; i < bounds.Width; i++ {
if i < len(runes) {
img.setTile(i, 0, tile{r: runes[i], style: style})
} else {
img.setTile(i, 0, tile{r: ' ', style: style})
func (v *gameView) setFocus(yes bool) { v.inFocus = yes }
type move math.Vec
func (m move) exec(ui *UI) {
go ui.client.Send(sim.Move(m))
type lookAt struct {
x int
y int
results *sim.Look
func (l *lookAt) exec(ui *UI) {
go func() {
res, err := ui.client.Send(sim.LookAt{l.x, l.y})
if err != nil {
ui.Error("look error: %v", err)
look, ok := res.Body.(*sim.Look)
if !ok {
ui.Error("look response is not look: %v", res.Body)
l.results = look
ui.misc <- func(ui *UI) {
ui.Info("setting detail view to %T", l)
ui.state.detail = l
func (l *lookAt) handleEvent(e tcell.Event) change {
return nil
func (l *lookAt) draw(img canvas, st *state) {
if len(l.results.Here) == 0 {
writeString(img, "there's nothing here...", math.Vec{0, 0}, tcell.StyleDefault)
for i, item := range l.results.Here {
writeString(img, item.Name, math.Vec{0, i}, tcell.StyleDefault)
type pickup struct {
x, y int
func (p pickup) exec(ui *UI) {
go func() {
res, err := ui.client.Send(sim.Pickup{p.x, p.y})
if err != nil {
ui.state.detail = textView(err.Error())
switch v := res.Body.(type) {
case *sim.Pickedup:
ui.misc <- func(ui *UI) {
ui.state.detail = textView(fmt.Sprintf("you picked up: %s", v.Name))
ui.state.inventory.items = append(ui.state.inventory.items, item{ID: v.ID, name: v.Name})
case wire.Error:
ui.misc <- func(ui *UI) {
ui.state.detail = textView(v.Error())
ui.misc <- func(ui *UI) {
ui.state.detail = textView(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected pickup response type: %T", res.Body))
type putdown sim.Putdown
func (p putdown) exec(ui *UI) {
go func() {
res, err := ui.client.Send(sim.Putdown(p))
if err != nil {
ui.state.detail = textView(err.Error())
switch v := res.Body.(type) {
case *wire.OK:
case wire.Error:
ui.misc <- func(ui *UI) {
ui.state.detail = textView(v.Error())
ui.misc <- func(ui *UI) {
ui.state.detail = textView(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected putdown response type: %T", res.Body))