"============================================================================= " File: zencoding.vim " Author: Yasuhiro Matsumoto " Last Change: 25-Jan-2011. " Version: 0.53 " WebPage: http://github.com/mattn/zencoding-vim " Description: vim plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding. " SeeAlso: http://code.google.com/p/zen-coding/ " Usage: " " This is vim script support expanding abbreviation like zen-coding. " ref: http://code.google.com/p/zen-coding/ " " Type abbreviation " +------------------------------------- " | html:5_ " +------------------------------------- " "_" is a cursor position. and type "," (Ctrl+y and Comma) " NOTE: Don't worry about key map. you can change it easily. " +------------------------------------- " | " | " | " | " | " | " | " | _ " | " | " +------------------------------------- " Type following " +------------------------------------- " | div#foo$*2>div.bar " +------------------------------------- " And type "," " +------------------------------------- " |
" |
" |
" |
" |
" |
" +------------------------------------- " " Tips: " " You can customize behavior of expanding with overriding config. " This configuration will be marged at loading plugin. " " let g:user_zen_settings = { " \ 'indentation' : ' ', " \ 'perl' : { " \ 'aliases' : { " \ 'req' : 'require ' " \ }, " \ 'snippets' : { " \ 'use' : "use strict\nuse warnings\n\n", " \ 'warn' : "warn \"|\";", " \ } " \ } " \} " " You can set language attribute in html using 'zen_settings.lang'. " " GetLatestVimScripts: 2981 1 :AutoInstall: zencoding.vim " script type: plugin if &cp || (exists('g:loaded_zencoding_vim') && g:loaded_zencoding_vim) finish endif let g:loaded_zencoding_vim = 1 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim if !exists('g:zencoding_debug') let g:zencoding_debug = 0 endif if exists('g:use_zen_complete_tag') && g:use_zen_complete_tag setlocal omnifunc=zencoding#CompleteTag endif if !exists('g:user_zen_leader_key') let g:user_zen_leader_key = '' endif function! s:install_plugin() for item in [ \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_expandabbr_key', 'key': ',', 'plug': 'ZenCodingExpandAbbr', 'func': 'u:call zencoding#expandAbbr(0)a'}, \ {'mode': 'v', 'var': 'user_zen_expandabbr_key', 'key': ',', 'plug': 'ZenCodingExpandVisual', 'func': ':call zencoding#expandAbbr(2)'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_expandabbr_key', 'key': ',', 'plug': 'ZenCodingExpandNormal', 'func': ':call zencoding#expandAbbr(3)'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_expandword_key', 'key': ';', 'plug': 'ZenCodingExpandWord', 'func': 'u:call zencoding#expandAbbr(1)a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_expandword_key', 'key': ',', 'plug': 'ZenCodingExpandWord', 'func': ':call zencoding#expandAbbr(1)'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_balancetaginward_key', 'key': 'd', 'plug': 'ZenCodingBalanceTagInwardInsert', 'func': ':call zencoding#balanceTag(1)a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_balancetaginward_key', 'key': 'd', 'plug': 'ZenCodingBalanceTagInwardNormal', 'func': ':call zencoding#balanceTag(1)'}, \ {'mode': 'v', 'var': 'user_zen_balancetaginward_key', 'key': 'd', 'plug': 'ZenCodingBalanceTagInwardVisual', 'func': ':call zencoding#balanceTag(2)'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_balancetagoutward_key', 'key': 'D', 'plug': 'ZenCodingBalanceTagOutwardInsert', 'func': ':call zencoding#balanceTag(-1)a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_balancetagoutward_key', 'key': 'D', 'plug': 'ZenCodingBalanceTagOutwardNormal', 'func': ':call zencoding#balanceTag(-1)'}, \ {'mode': 'v', 'var': 'user_zen_balancetagoutward_key', 'key': 'D', 'plug': 'ZenCodingBalanceTagOutwardVisual', 'func': ':call zencoding#balanceTag(-2)'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_next_key', 'key': 'n', 'plug': 'ZenCodingNext', 'func': ':call zencoding#moveNextPrev(0)'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_next_key', 'key': 'n', 'plug': 'ZenCodingNext', 'func': ':call zencoding#moveNextPrev(0)'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_prev_key', 'key': 'N', 'plug': 'ZenCodingPrev', 'func': ':call zencoding#moveNextPrev(1)'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_prev_key', 'key': 'N', 'plug': 'ZenCodingPrev', 'func': ':call zencoding#moveNextPrev(1)'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_imagesize_key', 'key': 'i', 'plug': 'ZenCodingImageSize', 'func': ':call zencoding#imageSize()a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_imagesize_key', 'key': 'i', 'plug': 'ZenCodingImageSize', 'func': ':call zencoding#imageSize()'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_togglecomment_key', 'key': '/', 'plug': 'ZenCodingToggleComment', 'func': ':call zencoding#toggleComment()a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_togglecomment_key', 'key': '/', 'plug': 'ZenCodingToggleComment', 'func': ':call zencoding#toggleComment()'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_splitjointag_key', 'key': 'j', 'plug': 'ZenCodingSplitJoinTagInsert', 'func': ':call zencoding#splitJoinTag()a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_splitjointag_key', 'key': 'j', 'plug': 'ZenCodingSplitJoinTagNormal', 'func': ':call zencoding#splitJoinTag()'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_removetag_key', 'key': 'k', 'plug': 'ZenCodingRemoveTag', 'func': ':call zencoding#removeTag()a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_removetag_key', 'key': 'k', 'plug': 'ZenCodingRemoveTag', 'func': ':call zencoding#removeTag()'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_anchorizeurl_key', 'key': 'a', 'plug': 'ZenCodingAnchorizeURL', 'func': ':call zencoding#anchorizeURL(0)a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_anchorizeurl_key', 'key': 'a', 'plug': 'ZenCodingAnchorizeURL', 'func': ':call zencoding#anchorizeURL(0)'}, \ {'mode': 'i', 'var': 'user_zen_anchorizesummary_key', 'key': 'A', 'plug': 'ZenCodingAnchorizeSummary', 'func': ':call zencoding#anchorizeURL(1)a'}, \ {'mode': 'n', 'var': 'user_zen_anchorizesummary_key', 'key': 'A', 'plug': 'ZenCodingAnchorizeSummary', 'func': ':call zencoding#anchorizeURL(1)'}, \] if !hasmapto(''.item.plug, item.mode) exe item.mode . 'noremap ' . item.plug . ' ' . item.func endif if !exists('g:' . item.var) exe 'let g:' . item.var . " = '" . g:user_zen_leader_key . item.key . "'" endif if len(maparg(eval('g:' . item.var), item.mode)) == 0 exe item.mode . 'map ' . eval('g:' . item.var) . ' ' . item.plug endif endfor endfunction call s:install_plugin() delfunction s:install_plugin let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim:set et: