""" host module represents our host: the machine on which the installer script is running. On WSL, that means we're on Linux """ import ctypes import os import platform import sys import pathlib import shutil from functools import cached_property class Host: """ hacking the python module system a little to make the module look like a singleton object so that it can have properties """ @cached_property def is_wsl(self): """ true if we're running Linux on WSL """ return "WSL2" in platform.platform() @cached_property def is_linux(self): """ true if we're on linux (including WSL), false otherwise """ return platform.system() == "Linux" @cached_property def is_windows(self): """ true if we're on Windows (and running Python from Windows) """ return platform.system() == "Windows" @cached_property def is_darwin(self): """ true if we're on MacOS """ return platform.system() == "Darwin" @cached_property def is_admin(self): """ tells us whether the running user has admin powers or not """ try: return os.getuid() == 0 except AttributeError: return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 @property def dotfiles_root(self): """ directory containing our preferences repo """ here = pathlib.Path(os.path.realpath(__file__)) return here.parent.parent @property def home(self): """ the home directory """ return pathlib.Path.home() def has(self, cmd: str): """ whether or not the machine has the specified command """ if self.is_darwin and cmd.endswith(".app"): app_dir = pathlib.Path("/Applications") app_path = app_dir / cmd if app_path.exists(): return True return shutil.which(cmd) is not None sys.modules[__name__] = Host()