[run submodules] cmd: git submodule init [home bash-prefs] when: host.has('bash') files: .bash_profile .bashrc [home vim] when: host.has('vim') files: .vim/ftplugin .vim/pack .vimrc [run vim-plugins] when: host.has('vim') cmd: vim +PluginInstall +qall [home cargo] when: host.has('cargo') files: cargo-config.toml > .cargo/config.toml [home htop] when: host.has('htop') files: .config/htop/htoprc [home lazydocker] when: host.has('lazydocker') files: .config/lazydocker/config.yml [home screenrc] when: host.has('screen') files: .screenrc [home tmux] when: host.has('tmux') files: .tmux.conf [home posix-nvim] when: host.has('nvim') and not host.is_windows files: nvim/init.vim > .config/nvim/init.vim [home wsl] when: host.is_wsl files: scripts/winmode > bin/winmode [link-files neovim:windows] when: host.is_windows and host.has('nvim') target_root: ~/AppData/Local files: nvim/lua .vim/ftplugin > nvim/ftplugin .vimrc > nvim/init.vim Vundle.vim > nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim packer.nvim > nvim-data/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim [link-files vscode:windows] when: host.is_windows and host.has('code') target_root: ~/AppData/Roaming files: code-settings.json > Code/User/settings.json [cargo-install] crates: just cargo-watch cargo-edit cargo-get