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51 lines
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" Vim syntax file
" Language: Zir
" Maintainer: Andrew Kelley
" Latest Revision: 00 April 2020
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax = "zir"
syn region zirCommentLine start=";" end="$" contains=zirTodo,@Spell
syn region zirBlock start="{" end="}" transparent fold
syn keyword zirKeyword primitive fntype int str as ptrtoint fieldptr deref asm unreachable export ref fn
syn keyword zirTodo contained TODO
syn region zirString start=+c\?"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=zirEscape,zirEscapeUnicode,zirEscapeError,@Spell
syn match zirEscapeError display contained /\\./
syn match zirEscape display contained /\\\([nrt\\'"]\|x\x\{2}\)/
syn match zirEscapeUnicode display contained /\\\(u\x\{4}\|U\x\{6}\)/
syn match zirDecNumber display "\<[0-9]\+\%(.[0-9]\+\)\=\%([eE][+-]\?[0-9]\+\)\="
syn match zirHexNumber display "\<0x[a-fA-F0-9]\+\%([a-fA-F0-9]\+\%([pP][+-]\?[0-9]\+\)\?\)\="
syn match zirOctNumber display "\<0o[0-7]\+"
syn match zirBinNumber display "\<0b[01]\+\%(.[01]\+\%([eE][+-]\?[0-9]\+\)\?\)\="
syn match zirGlobal display "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]\?\zs@[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+"
syn match zirLocal display "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]\?\zs%[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+"
hi def link zirCommentLine Comment
hi def link zirTodo Todo
hi def link zirKeyword Keyword
hi def link zirString Constant
hi def link zirEscape Special
hi def link zirEscapeUnicode zirEscape
hi def link zirEscapeError Error
hi def link zirDecNumber Constant
hi def link zirHexNumber Constant
hi def link zirOctNumber Constant
hi def link zirBinNumber Constant
hi def link zirGlobal Identifier
hi def link zirLocal Identifier