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conway's game of life for the monome

Updated 1 year ago

a pub/sub metronome

Updated 1 year ago

a configuration language for Go projects

Updated 1 year ago

observe OSX application launch events in Go via a cgo->Objective-C bridge

Updated 1 year ago

an http proxy

Updated 1 year ago

keyboard controller firmware for Atmel AVR and ARM USB families

Updated 1 year ago

random data generator

Updated 1 year ago

drop-in replacement for `redis-cli --pipe` with flow control

Updated 1 year ago

simple http server

Updated 1 year ago

a lisp interpreter written in Go

Updated 1 year ago

archive of various Processing sketches

Updated 1 year ago

a steam api client that I quickly got bored of and abandoned

Updated 1 year ago

an integration testing library

Updated 1 year ago

example proxy for turning OSC messages over UDP into a TCP stream

Updated 1 year ago

toy app for sending and receiving encrypted messages

Updated 1 year ago

phones-as-controllers multiplayer game where players throw cheeseburgers at zombies

Updated 1 year ago